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Giardia duodenalis in humans and animals – Transmission and disease

Brent R. Dixon

Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Food Directorate, Health Canada, 251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9, Canada


Keywords: Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite infecting the upper intestinal tract of humans, as well as domestic and
Giardia wild animals worldwide. Transmission of giardiasis occurs through the faecal-oral route, and may be either
Transmission direct (i.e., person-to-person, animal-to-animal or zoonotic) or indirect (i.e., waterborne or foodborne). While
Symptoms asymptomatic infections are common in both humans and animals, a wide range of enteric symptoms have been
reported, along with extra-intestinal and post-infectious complications. A definitive diagnosis of giardiasis is
generally made by detection of cysts in stool specimens through microscopical examination of wet mounts, or
through the use of permanent or fluorescent antibody stains. More recently, molecular methods have become
popular for diagnosis and for testing environmental samples. Symptomatic giardiasis is often treated to reduce
the duration of symptoms, to prevent complications, and to minimize transmission of the parasite to other hosts.
Direct faecal-oral transmission of giardiasis can be largely controlled thorough improved hygiene and sanitation.
In the case of waterborne transmission, a multiple barrier approach, including limiting access of people and
animals to watersheds and reservoirs, and treatment using flocculation, filtration and disinfection, is necessary
to minimize the risk. Since foodborne transmission is often associated with the consumption of fresh produce, a
number of control measures can be taken during pre- and post-harvest, as well as at the food handler/consumer
level to minimize the risk of contamination, or for removing or inactivating parasites. Good husbandry and farm
management practices are important in controlling the spread of giardiasis in livestock and companion animals.

1. Introduction humans throughout the world, with an estimated 200 million people
infected (Certad et al., 2017). Prevalence rates for giardiasis generally
Giardia duodenalis (syn. G. lamblia, G. intestinalis) is a flagellate range from 2 to 7% in developed countries, and from 20 to 30% in most
protozoan parasite infecting the upper intestinal tract of humans and a studies done in developing countries (Dixon et al., 2011). Along with
wide range of other mammals worldwide. It has a direct life cycle Cryptosporidium, Giardia was included in the WHO Neglected Diseases
consisting of an environmentally resistant transmission stage known as Initiative in 2004 (Savioli et al., 2006). High risk groups include infants
a cyst, which is oval in shape, 8–12 μm in length, and contains four and young children, the elderly, institutionalized individuals, travelers,
nuclei. Cysts are shed in large numbers with the faeces of the host, and and immunocompromised individuals (Cacciò et al., 2018; Leung et al.,
may remain infectious for months in water or in cool, damp areas (Feng 2019).
and Xiao, 2011). The infective dose is thought to be as low as 10 cysts Giardia duodenalis is also very commonly reported in domestic an-
(Rendtorff, 1954), facilitating transmission from host-to-host. Giardia imals and wildlife, and numerous prevalence studies have been re-
duodenalis is transmitted to new hosts through the faecal-oral route, ported worldwide, particularly on livestock (Feng and Xiao, 2011).
including direct contact with human or animal faeces containing cysts, There are marked variations in reported infection rates in cattle, pigs,
or consumption of cyst-contaminated food or water. After ingestion, sheep and goats, likely due to the age of the animals, their management
cysts excyst in the small intestine, releasing two motile, binucleated practices, and the detection methods used (Feng and Xiao, 2011; Santin,
trophozoites, each with four pairs of flagellae and an adhesive disc for 2020). In most such studies, young animals demonstrate higher pre-
attachment to intestinal epithelial cells. Trophozoites reproduce valence rates than adults (Santin, 2020). The infection rate is also high
asexually by longitudinal binary fission before encysting in response to and variable in companion animals, especially dogs and cats (Ballweber
the presence of bile salts and slightly alkaline pH (Ankarklev et al., et al., 2010; Bouzid et al., 2015). In addition, numerous reports have
2010; Feng and Xiao, 2011; Leung et al., 2019; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013). documented the presence of G. duodenalis in captive and wild animals,
Giardia duodenalis is one of the most common intestinal parasites in including beavers, ungulates, canids, felids, non-human primates,

Corresponding author.
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Received 26 June 2020; Received in revised form 25 September 2020; Accepted 29 September 2020
0034-5288/ Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Brent R. Dixon, Research in Veterinary Science,
B.R. Dixon Research in Veterinary Science xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

marsupials, marine mammals, and even fish (Feng and Xiao, 2011; 2. Transmission and epidemiology
Ryan and Cacciò, 2013). In addition to G. duodenalis, seven other spe-
cies of Giardia are currently accepted as valid (Ryan and Zahedi, 2019), Transmission of giardiasis occurs through the faecal-oral route, and
but are not thought to be infectious to humans. These include: G. agilis may be either direct (i.e., person-to-person, animal-to-animal or zoo-
in amphibians, G. ardeae and G. psittaci in birds, G. muris and G. microti notic) or indirect (i.e., waterborne or foodborne). Person-to-person
in rodents, G. peramelis in bandicoots, and G. cricetidarum in hamsters. transmission is a major source of infection and has been widely docu-
Despite their morphological similarity, isolates of G. duodenalis mented, particularly in day care centers, nursing homes, and other in-
show considerable genetic heterogeneity. There are currently eight re- stitutional settings, where personal hygiene may be poor (Adam et al.,
cognized genotypes within the G. duodenalis species complex, known as 2016). Sexual transmission of giardiasis has also been documented
Assemblages A to H. While Assemblages A and B have been reported in (Escobedo et al., 2014).
humans and a wide range of other mammalian hosts, other G. duode- Since a large number of different mammals also serve as hosts for G.
nalis assemblages are host-adapted, with Assemblages C and D being duodenalis, often including Assemblages A and B, there has been con-
found mainly in canines, Assemblage E in hoofed livestock and wildlife, siderable attention paid to the possibility of zoonotic transmission,
Assemblage F in cats, Assemblage G in rodents, and Assemblage H in particularly from cattle, as well as dogs and cats (Ballweber et al., 2010;
seals (Cacciò et al., 2018; Heyworth, 2016; Ryan and Zahedi, 2019; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013; Thompson and Ash, 2016). However, there
Xiao and Feng, 2017). remains relatively little direct evidence in support of zoonotic trans-
Humans are, almost exclusively, infected with G. duodenalis mission of G. duodenalis, and its significance in human infections is not
Assemblages A and B, with the latter predominating worldwide (Xiao as clear as it is with Cryptosporidium (Heyworth, 2016; Ryan and
and Feng, 2017). However, mixed infections of Assemblages A and B Zahedi, 2019; Thompson and Ash, 2016; Xiao and Feng, 2017). It is also
are also commonly reported, especially in developing countries (Ryan important to note that the presence of common genotypes in humans
and Cacciò, 2013). Assemblages C, D, E and F have only rarely been and companion animals does not conclusively support zoonotic trans-
identified in humans (Cacciò et al., 2018; Ryan et al., 2019). Some mission (Feng and Xiao, 2011). Despite the lack of direct evidence, the
authors have proposed that Assemblages A and B represent separate high prevalence of G. duodenalis infections in livestock, and the pre-
species, and have referred to them as G. duodenalis and G. enterica, sence of zoonotic assemblages, is a concern in terms of possible trans-
respectively (Thompson and Ash, 2019). In addition to humans, these mission to humans, either through direct contact (e.g., farmers, veter-
two assemblages are also infective to many domestic and wild animals, inarians and animal handlers) or indirectly through the contamination
and are considered to be potentially zoonotic (Feng and Xiao, 2011). of food and water (Budu-Amoako et al., 2011; Santin, 2020). Reverse
While Assemblage E predominates in cattle, sheep and pigs, zoonotic transmission (zooanthroponosis) has also been proposed,
Assemblage A is also frequently reported, and is likely more widespread especially between humans and wildlife, or companion animals
in cattle than previously thought (Feng and Xiao, 2011; Ryan and (Heyworth, 2016; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013; Thompson and Ash, 2016).
Cacciò, 2013; Ryan and Zahedi, 2019; Santin, 2020). Assemblage B is The waterborne route is probably the most widely recognized means
less commonly reported in farm animals. While the distribution of of transmission of giardiasis, with numerous outbreaks being associated
Giardia assemblages in cattle has been reported to be age-specific, with with cyst-contaminated drinking water (Ryan et al., 2019). Illness
Assemblage A predominating in pre-weaned calves and Assemblage E in outbreaks associated with recreational water have also been increas-
older animals (see Ryan and Cacciò, 2013), this was not supported by ingly reported (Adam et al., 2016; Xiao and Feng, 2017). In a review of
another study reporting Assemblage A only in post-weaned calves and worldwide waterborne protozoan parasitic illness outbreaks from 2011
heifers (Santín et al., 2009). Most studies doing molecular character- to 2016, Efstratiou et al. (2017a) determined that, of the 381 outbreaks
ization of Giardia isolates from dogs and cats have reported the pre- documented, Giardia spp. was the cause of 37% (142) of them, with the
sence of Assemblages C and D, although Assemblage A and, to a lesser majority (63%, 239) being associated with Cryptosporidium spp. These
extent, Assemblage B have also been reported in dogs (Feng and Xiao, 142 waterborne outbreaks amounted to a total of 1110 cases of giar-
2011; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013). In cats, Giardia Assemblage F pre- diasis, and occurred almost exclusively in the U.S. and New Zealand,
dominates, but Assemblage A has also been reported worldwide with only one each being reported from the Republic of Korea and
(Ramírez-Ocampo et al., 2017; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013). Interestingly, Belgium. Untreated water, contaminated drinking water and recrea-
most other assemblages have also been reported in cats (Feng and Xiao, tional water were all implicated in these outbreaks. The 381 water-
2011; Ramírez-Ocampo et al., 2017). Along with some host-adapted borne outbreaks reported from 2011 to 2016 represented a large in-
assemblages, the Assemblages A and B are commonly reported in cap- crease from the 199 outbreaks reported previously for a similar period
tive and wild animals, including ruminants, rodents, marsupials and of time (2004 to 2010) (Baldursson and Karanis, 2011), which is likely
primates (Feng and Xiao, 2011; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013). Assemblages A attributable to the significant advances in data reporting and surveil-
and B have also been reported in wild canids, along with Assemblages C lance systems (Efstratiou et al., 2017a). It is important to note that the
and D (Feng and Xiao, 2011). reporting and documentation of waterborne infections and outbreaks is
There are three recognized sub-assemblages within Assemblage A very limited in developing countries where the risk is highest, so the
(AI, AII, AIII), and there appears to be some host-adaptation at this level true burden of illness is largely unknown (Efstratiou et al., 2017a).
as well. For example, sub-assemblage AI has been most commonly Waterborne parasitic infections are also under-diagnosed and under-
found in animals (e.g., cattle, water buffalo, cats, pigs, sheep), although reported in many developed countries. Surface water may become
it has also been reported in humans. Sub-assemblage AII has been re- contaminated with Giardia cysts through a number of means, including
ported mainly in humans, and AIII mainly in wild ruminants (Feng and agricultural run-off, sewage discharge, storm water discharge, and di-
Xiao, 2011; Ryan and Cacciò, 2013; Xiao and Feng, 2017). While these rect access to water sources by domestic and wild animals.
findings suggest there is a potential for zoonotic and zooanthroponotic While considerably less common than other routes, foodborne
transmission of sub-assemblages AI and AII respectively, further mole- transmission of giardiasis has become more widely recognized in recent
cular epidemiological studies will be necessary to clarify this. The sub- years. Giardia duodenalis was 11th overall in a global ranking of food-
assemblages BIII and BIV, originally identified by allozyme electro- borne parasites by importance (FAO/WHO, 2014). The foodborne route
phoretic studies, have not been supported by more recent DNA se- has been associated with increasing globalization of the food trade,
quence analyses, although numerous Assemblage B subtypes have been international travel, and changes in consumer habits (Dixon, 2016). An
identified (Feng and Xiao, 2011; Xiao and Feng, 2017). estimated 7–15% of domestically acquired cases of giardiasis in the U.S.
are foodborne (Scallan et al., 2011; Torgerson et al., 2015). Giardia
cysts have been detected on a variety of foods, including fresh produce,

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dairy products, meat, shellfish and processed foods (Ryan et al., 2019). children (Allain and Buret, 2020; Certad et al., 2017). Post-infectious
In particular, numerous surveillance studies worldwide have reported complications include irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia,
the presence of Giardia on fresh produce, including leafy greens, herbs, and chronic fatigue syndrome, while extra-intestinal complications can
berries, green onions, carrots, tomatoes, etc. (Dixon, 2016; Dixon, 2015; include lower cognitive function, ocular pathologies, arthritis, allergies,
Ryan et al., 2019). hypokalaemic myopathy, cancer, and others (Allain and Buret, 2020;
Relatively few foodborne outbreaks of giardiasis have been reported Leung et al., 2019). The mechanisms linking these extra-intestinal
worldwide, almost all in the U.S., where a total of 38 outbreaks were complications with giardiasis have yet to be established, but they are
reported from 1971 to 2011 (Adam et al., 2016). It is likely that the not associated with the direct invasion by the parasite (Halliez and
number of foodborne outbreaks of giardiasis is greatly underestimated Buret, 2013).
due to inadequate surveillance and reporting in many countries (Ryan While animals are often asymptomatic, a variety of symptoms have
et al., 2019). While the type of food involved in these outbreaks is often been reported in domestic animals (Thompson and Ash, 2016). In li-
not determined, a variety of foods have, nevertheless, been linked. vestock, giardiasis can cause diarrhea, poor growth, weight loss, re-
Fresh produce has been most commonly implicated, including salads, duced productivity and even death, resulting in significant economic
raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Other foods implicated include canned losses (Cacciò et al., 2018; Santin, 2020). Even subclinical infections
salmon, raw oysters, ice, and various processed foods (e.g., noodle can reduce growth and productivity in these animals (Santin, 2020).
salad, chicken salad, dairy products, sandwiches and tripe soup) (Adam While infected dogs and cats are often asymptomatic, diarrhea is fre-
et al., 2016; Dixon, 2015; Dixon et al., 2011; Ryan et al., 2019). quently reported in infected puppies and kittens (Siwila, 2017).
Fresh produce may become contaminated with the infectious stages The fact that Giardia infections cause symptoms in some hosts, but
of parasites at any number of points from farm level to the food not in others, may be related to variability in virulence among strains,
handler/consumer level (Dixon, 2016). At the farm level, contamina- the nutritional status of the host, the gut microbiota, coinfections with
tion of fresh produce may occur during production, harvesting, other enteric pathogens, and host immune responses (Allain and Buret,
packaging, or transport. Contamination with Giardia cysts is associated 2020; Certad et al., 2017; Feng and Xiao, 2011; Thompson and Ash,
with poor personal hygiene, and may occur directly from the hands of 2019). There is no clear correlation, however, between the Giardia as-
infected farm workers (or their equipment), or those who are in close semblage causing an infection and the clinical manifestations. Studies
contact with infected individuals. Direct contamination of fresh pro- done in Spain, UK, Turkey, Egypt, Bangladesh, Australia and Peru de-
duce may also occur through the application of animal faeces or human monstrated that the majority of symptomatic cases were associated
faeces (‘night soil’) as fertilizer to crop lands. Finally, direct access to with G. duodenalis Assemblage A (especially AII), whereas other studies
crops by livestock and other animals represents another potential done in the Netherlands, UK, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia,
source of contamination. Indirect contamination of produce at the farm Malaysia and Cuba demonstrated that most symptomatic infections
level may occur through the use of faecally-contaminated water in ir- were associated with Assemblage B (Cacciò et al., 2018; Feng and Xiao,
rigation, mixing of pesticides, or washing of produce, hands or equip- 2011; Xiao and Feng, 2017). Intra-assemblage variation is thought to
ment (Dixon, 2015). The direct contamination of fresh produce by food account for some of the differences in these results (Feng and Xiao,
handlers who are themselves infected, or who have been in close con- 2011; Xiao and Feng, 2017).
tact with infected individuals, is likely a major contributor, and has
been identified as the direct cause of a number of illness outbreaks 4. Diagnosis
(Adam et al., 2016; Dixon, 2016; Dixon et al., 2011; Ryan et al., 2019).
A definitive diagnosis of giardiasis is made by detection of cysts or
3. Clinical signs and pathogenesis trophozoites in stool specimens through microscopical examination of
wet mounts or concentrated samples (e.g., zinc sulfate flotation or
Giardia is a non-invasive parasite which infects the small intestine formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation), or through permanent staining
and colonizes the lumen and epithelial surface (Certad et al., 2017). The with trichrome or iron hematoxylin stains following stool preservation
attachment of trophozoites to the epithelial cells lining the small in- in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 10% formalin, sodium acetate-acetic acid-
testine results in shortening of microvilli, and targets specific signalling formalin (SAF) and/or merthiolate‑iodine-formalin (MIF) (Hooshyar
networks that can activate apoptosis, leading to the loss of intercellular et al., 2019; Leung et al., 2019). Since cysts are shed sporadically, the
junctions, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and barrier dysfunction, which examination of multiple stool specimens over time is recommended
contribute to diarrhea (Allain and Buret, 2020; Certad et al., 2017; (e.g., three serial specimens collected every 2–3 days) (Hooshyar et al.,
Einarsson et al., 2016). While G. duodenalis trophozoites are generally 2019; Leung et al., 2019). While microscopy does not necessarily re-
localized in the proximal small intestine, they have also been identified quire expensive equipment or reagents and is, therefore, more acces-
in the stomach, distal small intestine, caecum, and pancreas (Halliez sible, it is labour intensive, subjective, and requires significant ex-
and Buret, 2013). pertise. The use of fluorescent antibody staining (or
While asymptomatic infections are common, a wide range of immunofluorescence assay, IFA) has increased the sensitivity and spe-
symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, epigastric pain, nausea and cificity of microscopy but is still time-consuming and requires a skilled
vomiting have been reported following a 1–2 week incubation period microscopist (Ryan et al., 2017). Furthermore, microscopical methods
(Allain and Buret, 2020; Certad et al., 2017). Young children are most do not allow for the differentiation of species and assemblages that
susceptible to symptoms (Thompson and Ash, 2016). Although Giardia molecular methods can afford.
is generally considered an important cause of diarrhea, the significance To overcome some of the limitations associated with microscopy,
of diarrhea in giardiasis has been controversial due to the high fre- rapid faecal antigen detection tests, including immunochromatographic
quency of asymptomatic infections (Leung et al., 2019; Ryan et al., and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), have been developed
2019). There is, in fact, some evidence suggesting that Giardia protects and are widely used (Hooshyar et al., 2019; Soares and Tasca, 2016).
against diarrhea caused by concurrent infections with other enteric These tests are, however, prone to false-positive and false-negative re-
pathogens (Allain and Buret, 2020). sults (Ryan et al., 2017).
An acute phase of giardiasis generally lasts for 1–3 weeks, although Molecular methods are now very commonly used in developed
symptoms may last for months. Most infections are self-limiting, but countries for the detection of Giardia in humans and animals, and have
recurrence is common. Chronic infections result in malnutrition, mi- contributed greatly to the understanding of transmission patterns
cronutrient deficiencies, malabsorption and weight loss, and are asso- (Thompson and Ash, 2016). PCR-based methods, in particular, are
ciated with impaired growth and cognitive development in young rapid and objective compared to microscopy, and allow for the

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determination of species and assemblages through DNA sequencing, example, flotation can be used instead of the costly IMS concentration
detection of multiple targets by multiplexing, and quantitation of re- of cysts and oocysts, and PCR-based methods can be used for detection,
sults (Ryan et al., 2017; Xiao and Feng, 2017). As a result, the use of allowing for the differentiation of parasite species and assemblages/
molecular approaches in testing for Giardia can provide a better un- genotypes, which is not possible using microscopy (Efstratiou et al.,
derstanding of the transmission patterns and zoonotic potential of iso- 2017b).
lates. Testing foods for the presence of Giardia cysts is particularly pro-
When PCR is used for diagnosis and/or characterization of Giardia, blematic for a number of reasons, including the identification and
stool specimens should either be left unpreserved, and stored in a re- collection of implicated foods, the small numbers of cysts likely to be
frigerator or freezer, or they should be collected and stored in a pre- present on foods, the difficulties in eluting cysts from foods, the lack of
servative that is compatible with molecular methods, and stored at enrichment steps, and the inefficiencies in the detection methods
room temperature. A number of fixatives and preservatives are com- available. While microscopy is commonly used in food surveillance
mercially available for this purpose. Alternatively, stools can be mixed studies, particularly in developing countries, PCR is increasingly being
in 2.5% potassium dichromate and stored for up to one month prior to used for this purpose. An important consideration in PCR testing is that
PCR testing (Kuk et al., 2012). only Giardia DNA is detected, and does not necessarily indicate the
Commonly targeted genes for the identification and molecular presence of intact cysts. Detection of Giardia in foods using either mi-
characterization of Giardia include the small subunit ribosomal DNA croscopical or molecular methods, can be improved through the use of
(SSU-rDNA), the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2), the ß- IMS to isolate cysts (Ryan et al., 2019). This improvement has been
giardin, the triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), and the glutamate dehy- incorporated into a standardized ISO method for the detection and
drogenase (GDH) genes (Ryan and Cacciò, 2013; Thompson and Ash, enumeration of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in fresh leafy green vege-
2016; Xiao and Feng, 2017). The SSU-rDNA gene is a highly conserved tables and berry fruits (ISO, 2016).
multi-copy gene and generally provides greater amplification success, The viability or infectivity of Giardia cysts contaminating foods or
but does not offer the resolution of other single-copy genes needed for water samples is only very rarely addressed due to a lack of effective
subtyping (Thompson and Ash, 2016). However, discordant results in and reliable methods (Ryan et al., 2019). A number of in vitro and in
assemblage identification may be obtained using different target genes vivo methods have been used to estimate viability, including mRNA-
(Ryan and Cacciò, 2013), and more refined tools are needed. real-time PCR assays, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), vital
Ryan et al. (2017) highlighted a number of recent and emerging dyes, excystation assays, and animal infection studies, but these are
technologies for the detection of enteric parasites that address short- often limited in their usefulness by the assay time, the cost and, in the
comings in some of the existing diagnostic tests. For example, a number case of vital dyes, the inherent bias (Rousseau et al., 2018; Ryan et al.,
of commercial multiplex PCR panels are now available for the si- 2019).
multaneous detection of common enteric protozoan parasites, including
Giardia (Ryan et al., 2017). Many of these assays are based on real-time 5. Treatment
PCR, and have become popular in testing for the presence of protozoan
parasites, such as Giardia, in clinical and environmental samples as they Management of giardiasis involves maintaining optimal hydration
provide fast and high-throughput detection, and allow for the quanti- and electrolyte balance, and minimizing the severity and duration of
tation of target DNA sequences (Ryan et al., 2017). Next generation diarrhea (Leung et al., 2019). Symptomatic giardiasis should be treated
sequencing (NGS) is a rapid and high-throughput technology that can to reduce the duration of symptoms, to prevent complications, and to
be used to sequence entire genomes, or specific areas of the genome. minimize transmission of the parasite to other hosts (Leung et al.,
NGS allows for the identification of novel genotypes and mixed infec- 2019). The most commonly used drugs, the nitroimidazoles (e.g., me-
tions, and is becoming widely used, not only in diagnosis, but also in tronidazole and tinidazole), have well established efficacy in the
epidemiology and outbreak investigations (Ryan et al., 2017, 2019; treatment of giardiasis (Argüello-García et al., 2020). They are, how-
Thompson and Ash, 2019). Draft genome sequencing data is currently ever, often associated with adverse effects and require multiple doses,
available for numerous G. duodenalis isolates, including those from leading to poor patient compliance (Argüello-García et al., 2020; Leung
Assemblages A, B and E (Cacciò et al., 2018; Ortega-Pierres et al., 2018; et al., 2019; Ortega-Pierres et al., 2018; Thompson and Ash, 2016).
Tsui et al., 2018; Xiao and Feng, 2017). Recently, reference quality Several other drugs, including albendazole, paromomycin and nita-
genomes of three Giardia isolates were assembled using a hybrid ap- zoxanide have also been successfully used in treating giardiasis
proach involving a combination of both NGS and third-generation (Argüello-García et al., 2020). However, treatment failures are com-
(long-read) sequencing (Pollo et al., 2020). monly reported with most of these drugs, as is drug resistance
For testing foods, water and other environmental samples for the (Argüello-García et al., 2020; Carter et al., 2018; Lalle and Hanevik,
presence of G. duodenalis, many of the same methods used in diagnosis 2018; Ortega-Pierres et al., 2018; Ryan et al., 2019). In this case, the
are employed. For example, water samples are routinely tested using a use of alternative or novel drugs, or combinations of drugs, have been
standardized method, USEPA Method 1623 (USEPA, 2005), which in- effective (Argüello-García et al., 2020; Carter et al., 2018; Lalle and
volves filtration of large volumes of water (minimum 10 L), con- Hanevik, 2018). Recently, probiotics have been shown to kill tropho-
centration of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts using im- zoites, and to reduce parasite burden, cyst shedding and duration of
munomagnetic separation (IMS), and staining with fluorescently infection (Allain and Buret, 2020; Argüello-García et al., 2020).
labeled monoclonal antibodies, as well as 4′,6-diamidino-2-pheny- While there are currently no drugs licenced for Giardia in ruminants,
lindole (DAPI), followed by fluorescence microscopy. Differential in- anthelmintic drugs, such as albendazole and fenbendazole, have been
terference contrast (DIC) microscopy is also used in the method to used successfully (Santin, 2020; Siwila, 2017). Treatment of livestock is
confirm the identification of cysts and oocysts based on their mor- controversial, however, as the high prevalence of infection in these
phology. The added value of the nuclear stain, DAPI, is that it allows for animals, and the large numbers of cysts in the environment, makes it
morphological confirmation, as well as viability determination, of any likely that reinfection will occur (Santin, 2020).
cysts and oocysts observed. While the standardized Method 1623 is the While giardiasis is often mild in dogs and cats, treatment is re-
most widely used, the three main steps in analysing water samples for commended to minimize the risk of transmission to other animals or to
Giardia and Cryptosporidium, i.e., particle concentration, selective con- humans. Fenbendazole is commonly used in treating both dogs and cats
centration (separation) of target organisms, and detection, identifica- (Siwila, 2017). Metronidazole is also effective but safety concerns limit
tion and enumeration, can be also be accomplished using a variety of its use. Other drugs used to treat giardiasis in humans have also been
alternative methods and technologies (Efstratiou et al., 2017b). For shown to be efficacious in dogs, including nitazoxanide (Moron-Soto

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et al., 2017). hygiene in food handlers. The use of chemical and physical disin-
Giardia possesses a mechanism for antigenic variation which allows fectants directly on foods, or on working surfaces and equipment,
trophozoites to evade the host's immune response, but creates chal- should also be considered as potential barriers to foodborne transmis-
lenges for the development of effective vaccines. While a vaccine for sion of protozoan parasites (Dixon, 2016). While most protozoan
human giardiasis is not commercially available, vaccines have been parasites are thought to be very resistant to the chemical disinfectants
developed for dogs and cats (Serradell et al., 2016). commonly used in the food industry (Dixon et al., 2011; Ortega and
Sanchez, 2010), some disinfectant gases have been shown to be quite
6. Control measures effective (Ortega et al., 2008). In terms of physical disinfection, a
variety of technologies have been shown to be effective against para-
Thorough hand washing is essential in reducing the likelihood of sites on fresh produce or in juices, including pasteurization (Deng and
becoming infected with Giardia, or of spreading the infection, especially Cliver, 2001), irradiation (Dubey et al., 1998), and high pressure pro-
in the cases of person-to-person, zoonotic and foodborne transmission. cessing (Kniel et al., 2007; Lindsay et al., 2008; Slifko et al., 2000). Most
The people at greatest risk of infection, and of transmitting giardiasis of these studies were done on Cryptosporidium and Toxoplasma, how-
through these routes, would include, among many others, children and ever, and relatively little is known regarding the effectiveness of phy-
staff in day cares, travelers, animal handlers, veterinarians, petting zoo sical disinfection against Giardia. Commercial freezing appears to be
visitors, and food handlers. It is important that symptomatic in- effective in destroying the infectious stages of protozoan parasites on
dividuals, and recently recovered individuals, be excluded, wherever berries and other produce items as no illness outbreaks have been as-
possible, from activities such as day cares, swimming, handling and sociated with frozen products (Dixon, 2015).
preparing food, etc., as they would pose a risk of transmission to others. At the food handler/consumer level, good personal hygiene, parti-
Public health information and training/educational programs regarding cularly frequent hand washing, is of considerable importance in redu-
personal and food hygiene are important in increasing awareness and cing the risk of contaminating foods with protozoan parasites. While
minimizing the risk of transmission of giardiasis as well as other enteric there is relatively little experimental data available with regard to
pathogens. Giardia, treatments such as cooking and freezing may be used as final
Minimizing transmission among animals is probably more challen- barriers against foodborne transmission. However, as most fruits, and
ging. In the case of ruminants, where 100% cumulative prevalence is many vegetables, are consumed raw, these inactivation steps will not
frequently reported in longitudinal studies (Santin, 2020), improved always be applicable. Finally, travelers to developing countries, with
husbandry and good management practices are important in decreasing higher prevalences of giardiasis, should be instructed, through travel
the numbers of cysts in the farm environment and reducing the spread clinics and public health messaging, to be cautious in their selection of
of infection. Regular cleaning and disinfection, prompt removal of foods and beverages, and to be mindful of good personal hygiene
faeces from animal housing, use of single-cow calving areas, and access (Leung et al., 2019).
to colostrum by neonates are all important practices in this regard
(Santin, 2020). In dogs and cats, preventative measures include bathing 7. Future studies and research needed
the animals, cleaning and disinfecting their environment and limiting
their access to untreated water and faecally-contaminated areas. Par- While both waterborne and person-to-person transmission of giar-
ticular attention should be paid to kennel or shelter environments diasis are well recognized, the true burden of illness resulting from
where infections are more common, and the risk of animal-to-animal these routes, particularly in developing countries, is unclear due to
transmission is greater (Ballweber et al., 2010). inadequate testing. In addition, there is currently little direct evidence
In the case of waterborne transmission, a multiple barrier approach, in support of zoonotic transmission, despite the very high prevalence of
including limiting access of people and animals to watersheds and re- infection in livestock and companion animals, and the common as-
servoirs, and treatment using flocculation, filtration and disinfection, is semblages reported between humans and animals. Similarly, the food-
necessary to minimize the risk (Efstratiou et al., 2017b). Water treated borne route of infection is not well recognized, with relatively few
with chlorine still poses a risk as the infectious stages of many parasites, foodborne outbreaks having been documented, and a paucity of food
including Giardia, are much more resistant to chlorine than are bac- surveillance studies from developed countries. Standardized methods
terial pathogens. However, many filtration methods routinely used in allowing for rapid, sensitive, and low-cost diagnoses, as well as for
water treatment are effective in removing Giardia cysts. While other surveillance testing of food and water samples, will be needed to ad-
technologies used in the water industry, such as ultraviolet light, ozone, dress some of these important knowledge gaps. Furthermore, the con-
and irradiation, can also be effective in inactivating parasites, these tinued development and application of tools for genotyping Giardia
technologies are expensive and are not generally available in many isolates, characterizing novel genotypes, and identifying mixed infec-
smaller communities or in developing regions. If drinking water is tions, will be necessary to clarify the transmission patterns and host
suspected of being contaminated with Giardia cysts, bottled water can specificity of this parasite, and will be invaluable in surveillance studies
be an option, and boiling tap water for at least one minute can be used and outbreak investigations. Whole genome sequencing will likely be
as an emergency measure. very useful in identifying additional variable loci, to be used alone or in
Since fresh produce is very often consumed raw, without any further multi-locus sequence typing. However, this work will first require the
processing, the development and implementation of effective control generation of reference quality genomes for isolates from all Giardia
measures for minimizing the risk of contamination, or for removing or assemblages, as well as the improvement and streamlining of bioin-
inactivating parasites, is crucial in reducing the risk of illness in con- formatics pipelines.
sumers. At the pre-harvest stage, these controls include the use of While Giardia cysts are known to be robust and resistant to en-
properly treated water, monitoring the health and hygiene of farm vironmental extremes, our knowledge of the actual viability of Giardia
workers, improved on-farm sanitation, and restricting access of live- cysts contaminating foods or water samples is limited. Viability and/or
stock and other animals to crops and to surface waters (Dixon, 2016; infectivity are of considerable importance in terms of estimating risk to
FAO/WHO, 2014). While composted animal and human faeces are consumers, but are only very rarely addressed in surveillance studies
widely used as fertilizers, the effectiveness of composting in in- and outbreak investigations, mainly due to a lack of practical methods.
activating parasites is not entirely clear (Van Herk et al., 2004). Post- The development and application of more rapid, cost-effective, and
harvest control measures include primarily the use of treated water for accurate methods for determining viability would be invaluable in
washing and processing produce, and for cleaning hands and equip- surveillance studies and outbreak investigations, as well as for evalu-
ment, as well as the monitoring and enforcement of good personal ating the effectiveness of chemical disinfectants and physical

B.R. Dixon Research in Veterinary Science xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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