Phys P1

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Data acceleration of free fall speed of light in free space elementary charge unified atomic mass unit test mass of proton test mass of electron ‘Avogadro constant molar gas constant Boltzmann constant gravitational constant permittivity of free space Planck constant ‘Stefan—Boltzmann constant Formulae uniformly accelerated motion hydrostatic pressure upthrust Doppler effect for sound waves electric current resistors in series resistors in parallel g=9.81ms? = 3.00 x 10°ms* e= 1.60% 10°C 4u = 1.66 x 10 kg m, = 1.67 x 1077 kg me = 8.11 107g Na = 6.02 x 10”mol* R=8.31JK"' mol k= 1.38 x 10K" G = 6.67 x 10°" Nm?kg? & = 8.85 x 10°F mt = 8.99 10°mF“) h= 6.63» 10% Js o = 5.67 x 10°Wm? K+ s=utt Jat v? = u2+2as Ap = pgah F = pov fy viv, I= Anvq R=Ri+R+.. Ae41,4 RR, R, 4 What must be included in a record of a physical quantity? . ‘A. an integer value for the quantity S Mogutude & one Ban SLunit ©) a numerical value for the quantity at ; . ; wi _ Fd Kans A D_ aunit expressed in base units Ppacwd . Ta zt eS : stork Ae Vy Chage erent X tier 5 3+ 2 What is the ohm expressed‘in SI base units? rpms oA (A) kontsa B kg'm?*s*a? Cc JCTAT D wa? 3 Adesk has a true width of 50.0cm. Two students, X and Y, measure the width of the desk. hecwele Student X uses a tape measure and records a width of (49.5 +0.5)cm. Student Y uses a mete rule and records a width of 51.4 0.1)om. ing tee ‘Which statement about the measurement of stucent X is correct? A It's ess accurate and less precise than the measurement of student Y. B itis less accurate but more precise than the measurement of student Y. CC Its more accurate and more precise than the measurement of student Y. @) It is more accurate but less precise than the measurement of student Y. 4 The diagram shows two vectors, X and Y, drawn to scale. IfX = ¥—Z, which diagram represents the vector 2? A B ©) D & Which equation, representing uniformly accelerated motion in a straight line, can be determined using only the definition of acceleration? A. sut+ tat? ae Vom B s=su+vyt L Qyevrn D v?=u?+2as 98 6 An object moves from rest with uniform velocity horizontally and uniform acceleration vertically. men graph shoving ne vraton with tne of nef cpaceren ot he obec tom ts ta position is correct? A B horizontal vertical displacement displacement ur0 0: - 0. 0 time 0 time Vs Ras ast ©) D horizontal vertical $2 displacement displacement vt Wares 2170S 0. 0 V7 yt 0 time 0 time RSte = ets y yi aod v seVAEX 1 ¥eL S*42 Aen? 2 WSOC Ww” \n Aw e yet eo 000% xeo™ > RIOT AKT A cevice for spraying paint consists of a box with its faces horizontal and vertical. One of its vertical faces contains small holes. Paint is fed into the box under pressure via a vertical tube and exits through the holes as fine streams moving horizontally. GF “4 FBV € paint in — Ke [410 ee? Gove ?: 6x98) x 1-Gx10 & Vz 2S mot p= senses 3s FL pxthe n Vv y=? Jv h 4 . = Xo paint out through holes Fe (* oh 3 (only a few holes are shown} The paint is ejected at a speed of 25ms~ through|400 holes, eat The density of the paint is 900 kgm What is the horizontal force required td hold the devich stationary ast ejects the paint? (@)oan B O90N Cc 23N D B00N a 8 Each diagram illustrates a pair of forces of equal magnitude. EAE vr described by Newton’s third law of Which diagram gives an exemple of a pair of forces that. motion? gravitational force D ‘support force ‘ft Da y weight 9 Two balls of identical shape and size falling through the same liquid. ——_ The sum of the drag force and upthrust acting on each ball is equal to its weight. lich statement about the two balls is correct? The heavier ball has a larger acceleration than the lighter ball. B_ The heavier ball has a smaller deceleration than the lighter ball C The heavier ball is falling at the same speed as the lighter ball. I N D, The peavier ball is falling at a larger speed than the lighter ball. i“ ( Vey ane ko & pomety 4 conte 4 10 A perfectly elastic colligion occurs between two objects X and Y. The mass of X is m and the mass of Y is 4m. Object X travels at speed v before the collision and speed x in the opposite direction after the collision. Object Y is stationary before the collision. 3y + a — m 4m { m 4m before aftor What is the kinetic energy of Y aiter the collision? By? 34 ay? 18 ny? sm? A apm Bom 50 '™ Dogm 11. Apositively-charged parti 2 of negligible mass, moving at constant velocity v in a vacuum, enters auniform mn two parallel plates, as shown. dL ostve plate +t negative plate Ashort time later, the particle is at the position shown. _positive plate ° negative plate . . svauhor , Popeliin ond: es Which di its the forc forces actit the 3? ich diagram represents the force or acting on the particle’ wert D NTN] 12 é uniform rectangular board is supported by a frictionless pivot at its centre point P. , om 2. 6F L ed. ‘Two forces act in the plane of the board. Force F acts at corner Q and force 2.5F acts at comer R. cular distance between the line of action of force F and point P is 20cm. ‘What is thaarag of the board? 400% A 160cm* B on (ever D 1600cm* a 43. A kite is in equilibrium at the end of a string, as shown. kite Tv . y P string. TS w F F The kite has three forces acting on it: the weight W, the tension Tin the string, and the force F from the wind. ‘Which vector diagram represents the forces acting on the kite? 44 TheWensilyh the air in the atmosphere decreases as the height h above the surface of the Earth ingreases. — Which graph best shows the variation with height h of the pressure p of the air? A B © D ren “ NK. . . 0+ % 0+ > 0- - 0+ _ 0 0 h 0 h 0 h f- path WM ol tb ) Negatively charged electrons in the wire move from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. {B_ Negatively charged nuclei terminal. the wire move from the negative terminal to the positive C Positively charged electrons in the wire move from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. 31 The diagram shows a metal block. 7.Bev4 oa & Want? 10h block has sides of length @, b and ¢ as shown, and its volume is V. Each charge carrier has a T; } Shatge a and the number density cf the charge earras in the metal isn. takes esch charge carrier an average time oft to pass through the block. L w ou zr pvt fy x Wey < 7.4 Positively charged nuclei in the wire move from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. t ‘What is an expression for the current I? ©r-a t 32. The circuit diagrams show two lamps X and Y each connected to a cell. The current in lamp X is 0.50A and its resistance is 9.6. The current in lamp Y is 3.0 and its resistance is 1.20. A I=ngabo B reat b i oC v=4bc D T=ngavg ved I, I, ye 0 SXG.6 I" l at ee PAT apc BOAy ny 960 120 2 Qu 824 powerinlamp Y wg * Ca) 020 B 075 © 13 D 45 ORV Tr 33. The intensity of light incident on a light-dependent resistor (LDR) is increaBed. The temperature of a thermistor is increased. In each case, the current in the component is maintained at 2 constant value. EES ‘What happens to the potential difference across each component? LOR thermistor 2-V A | increases | increases yy g B | increases | decreases | —-+ C | decreases | increases | of 2 ® decreases | decreases A: (1° “9 rm G §) By ®P 34 An iron wire has length 8.0m and diameter 0.50mm. The wire has resistance R. = — Iz 100Qnard Second iron wire has length 2.0m and diameter 1.0mm. —s Ae 7. tere” Ne O-f What's the resistance ofthe second wire? Rk ak R DR 16 8 2 35 A cell with constant electromotive force (e.m.f.) is connected across a fixed resistor, Over time, the internal resistance of the cell increases. r Cache ‘Which change occurs as the internal resistance of the cell increases? €) a decrease in the charge of each charge carrier B a decrease in the potential difference measured across the cell C anincrease in the energy dissipated per unit time in the fixed resistor D__anincrease in the number of charge carriers leaving the cell per unit time 36 Kirchhof's firet and second laws are consequences of the conservation of different quantities. What are those quantities? Lovge £ “yy Kirchhoff. Kirchhoffs. “a first law second law (a charge energy X<)B energy current alc current charge. D energy charge a 37 A potentiometer circuit is used to determine the electromotive force (ems) Ex of a cell. The Circuit includes a second cell of known e.m,. E> and negligible internal resistance, and a uniform resistance wire PQ of known length. eGV7=e_ Exis less than Es. E> by ‘The movable connection J can be positioned anywhere along the length of the resistance wir. Which circuit is suitable for determining Ex? @ = e —& { { —2 tL _, a L, _ & & c D Ey —)—A aa Pp 1 Q Py 2 Q L__, ___ 5 38 In an experiment on u-particle scattering, a-particles are directed at a thin gold foil. Most of the ‘o-particles pass straight through the foil or are deflected by a small angle. A small number of o-particles are deflected by a large angle. Which statement cannot be deduced from this experiment? * A Atoms are mostly empty space. = B Mbstof the mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus. © The nucleus of an atom contains protons. The nucleus of an atom is small compared to the size of an atom. 36 gM 3a Which statement about these nuclei is comect? A Anuncharged atom of element Q has 24 orbital electrons. ~< Nuclei G and M are isotopes of the same element. When E absorbs a neutron and then emits an o-parlicle, E transforms into M. D_ When M emits ap” particle, M transforms into Q. 40. Anneutron is composed of one up (u) quark and two down (d) quarks. When a neutron decays to a proton, a bela-particie Is emitted. What is the change in the quark structure of the neutron due to the emission of the beta-particie? (The symbol for a neutrino is v. and for an antineutrino is v, .) A dvutPt+ve W d = =a ut @esuepen Uda AC usd+pey Dusd+ prey &

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