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How COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdown Impacted My Health

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown affected my exercise routine, challenged my

mental well-being, and helped me re-evaluate my diet. Initially, the lockdown disrupted my

well-established routine, especially in terms of physical activity. With my gym closed and

outdoor movements restricted, I faced the challenge of sitting for hours at my desk, which in

turn made me feel lethargic and also caused me to develop acute back pain. Following this, I

started to research at-home exercises like yoga and calisthenics and was able to create a new

routine that worked for me. Being able to start and end my day with these new workouts

helped my body recover better and elevate my energy levels. Next, the mental toll of looming

uncertainty about a return to normalcy and social isolation nudged me to explore mindfulness

methods like maintaining a gratitude journal, morning meditations, and reading. These coping

mechanisms became invaluable tools in navigating the emotional challenges of not being able

to physically meet with family and friends, dealing with the loss of loved ones, and the overall

disruption to my life plans. In fact, this new-found focus on mental well-being not only

enhanced my emotional resilience but also led me to appreciate the intricate connection

between mental and physical health, which I otherwise took for granted. Lastly, the pandemic

prompted a re-evaluation of my dietary habits. With restaurant and take-out options restricted, I

found myself compelled to experiment with cooking at home, and although I initially found

myself leaning towards recipes around food that I personally preferred, over the course of the

next few months I also adopted a more conscious approach to nutrition with the goal of

improving my overall immunity. Understanding the impact of diet and nutrition on the immune

system continues to motivate me to cook at home regularly. In conclusion, each challenge

during the COVID-19 pandemic presented me with an opportunity to grow; from reshaping

exercise routines to prioritizing mental well-being and redefining dietary habits, the lessons

learned during this time continue to influence me today.

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