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Biological classification is the sorting out of living things into groups; according to their common
characteristics. /Is sorting /grouping / arranging of living things in groups; according to their common /
similar characteristics /features /shared qualities.

TAXONOMY: Is the branch of biology; concerned with the principles of classification based on
structural/generic/cellular organization.


* Natural Classification : takes care of a maximum number of important characteristics. It is based on

true ancestral relationships of living things rather than superficial similarities. Thus,closely related
organisms are collected into groups. The system is based on homologous features. These are organisms
that have similar anatomical structures.

* Artificial Classification takes a few characteristics into consideration. This system is based on analogous
features. These are structures performing the same function but have evolved independently

E. g. Wings of birds and insects; eyes of vertebrates, insects and octopuses.


- Aristotle (384-322 B.C), a Greek, was the first biologist to classify living things.

- His method of classification was used for nearly 2000 years.

- With animals he used movement, habitat and some body parts as his basis for classification.

- He used appearance to classify plants. He grouped plants into herbs, shrubs and trees.

* John Ray (1627-1705), classified organisms using structural similarities.

* He Was The first biologist to throw light on to the concept of species;

* The system of naming organisms used by biologists today was devised by Carolus Linneaus /Carl
Linneaus /Carl von Lininne`(1707-1778);

* His method of classification was a natural one.

* Linneaus developed the Binomial system of classification.

* Binomial nomenclature : Is the system of naming an organism; using a two part name; the first part is
generic while the second part is species.

- The first name defines the genus to which the organism belongs.

- The second name is the specific name.

- A species may be defined as a group of very closely related organisms, which interbreed and produce
fertile offspring.

- When writing the genus name, starts with a capital letter and it is written first.

-The species name follows, starting with a small letter.

- In printing, both names are written in italics.

Classification of ranks in order of hierarchy :

Kingdom; Phylum /Division; Class; Order; Family; Genus; Species.

- The largest taxon of the group is Kingdom; and the least taxon Species.

Taxon Human Honey Bee Corn

Kingdom Animalia Animalia Plantae

Phylum /Division Chordata Arthropoda Angiospermophyta

Class Mammalia Insecta Monocotyledoneae

Order Primates Hymenoptera Commelinales

Family Hominidae Apidae Poaceae

Genus Homo Apis Zea

Species sapiens mellifera mays


* To put every living organisms into a systematic order /specific group /systematic naming of living things;

* for easy identification of similar living things /it makes identification and the study of organisms very easy
/for easy identification /for ease of study;

* to indicate /show the relationships between different categories of living organisms /to indicate the natural
relationships between different categories of organisms;

* to show evolutionary trends in different groups of living organisms;

* for easy reference;

* to trace geographical distribution of living organisms;

* for easy research /study;

* to sort out organisms into specific groups;

* for easy communication among scientist.


* Kingdom Prokaryotae /Monera

* Kingdom Protoctista/Protista

* Kingdom Fungi

* Kingdom Plantae

* Kingdom Animalia.

Kingdom Prokaryotae /Monera

- do not have nuclear membrane, surrounded by mucilage;

- no definite nucleus;

- unicellular organisms;

- cells made up of wall with a membrane surrounding the cytoplasm;

E. g. Blue-green bacteria; bacteria


- Absence of tissues /organs;

- unicellular /single celled;

- presence of nucleus;

- possess nuclear membrane;

- membrane bound organelles;

- They are eukaryotes /presence of nuclear membrane;

- aquatic / damp.

E. g. Amoeba, Paramecium, Algae, Protozoa, Lime mould.


- have a definite nucleus;

- no roots, stems or leaves;

- absence of chlorophyll;

- cell wall made of chitin;

- vegetative body made up of hyphae;

- eukaryotic;

- Multicellular;

- multinucleated hyphae;

- some saprophytic; other parasitic.

E. g. Rhizopus (mould), Agaricus campestris (Mushrooms), Ring worm, Mildew, Mucor,Penicillium.


- Multicellular organisms;

- Terrestrial;

- Eukaryotic /have definite nucleus;

- Presence of chlorophyll;

- Cell wall made of cellulose.

E. g. Mosses, Ferns, Flowering plants.


- Multicellular;

- No chlorophyll;

- Nervous system for coordination;

- No cellulose cell wall;

- Feed on other animals or plants or both;

- Eukaryotic;

E. g. Fish, Amphibians, Reptile etc.

Question :

1) (a) (i) What is taxonomy?

ii) Define Binomial nomenclature

b. i) State 5 importance of classifying living organisms

ii) Give 3 reasons why virus cannot be classified as living things

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