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Psychology Assessment

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Psychology Assessment


Kim's leadership style is democratic or participative because of his decision-making

approach, where he involves teams. Team members are allowed by Kim to have a say in the

selection of team members and are actively them in the decision-making process. This approach

values the input of each team member and promotes collaboration. Through this, buy-in, morale,

motivation, engagement, commitment, ownership, and a sense of belonging among team


are enhanced.

Regarding task ownership, Kim promotes a sense of shared responsibility within the

team. There is encouragement for the team members to take ownership of their respective tasks

and contribute to the team's overall goals. The distribution of tasks based on expertise and

strengths is what Kim believes in, and this makes sure that every team member plays a crucial

role. However, it's essential to acknowledge that conflict management issues may arise during

the voting or selection. The role of Kim in these situations is to facilitate productive discussions

and ensure there is recognition and addressing of conflicts while guiding the team towards

resolutions. Though this approach might increase the time taken to make decisions, it improves

the quality of decisions and enhances team satisfaction.


Ethical concerns in this situation are closely tied to the moral aspects and code of conduct

governing the team's behavior. The moral dimension encompasses principles, values, and ethics

that guide both individual and collective actions within the team. Marie's lack of active

participation raises questions about fairness and shared responsibility, as it is expected that

everyone should contribute equally. This challenges the team's commitment to fairness and

ethical conduct. Trust is fundamental in team dynamics; hence, when a member fails to

contribute fully, trust erodes, leading to a breakdown in collaboration based on mutual respect.

Power dynamics, which constitute the distribution of authority within a team, also play a

critical role in ethical considerations. Karl's leadership position grants him significant influence,

but it is essential for him to be aware of its impact on power relations among teammates like

Marie, who may feel disempowered or uncertain about her role.

To address these ethical concerns effectively, it is crucial to promote an open discussion

about the team's values and code of conduct, ensuring equitable power distribution by clarifying

roles and responsibilities. This includes promoting accountability through setting clear

expectations for contributions and fostering a sense of ownership among all team members. Each

teammate must take responsibility for their actions, rebuilding trust by openly addressing Marie's

behavior and emphasizing open communication throughout the process.

Creating an environment that supports dialogue alongside responsible actions will help

resolve issues while promoting ethical behavior among teammates. This approach not only

ensures morally rooted engagement but also addresses potential inequalities that may arise from

uneven distributions in control or decision-making within the team.


The speaking hesitancy of new employees and the challenges associated with working

alone is examined if we have to analyze team dynamics. New employees may be reluctant to

speak up due to unfamiliarity with the team's dynamics. The lack of diverse perspectives can

result from this during discussions and decision-making processes, leading to reduced quality

and missed insights.


Cultural factors also contribute to speaking hesitancy, as deference towards experienced

team members is common in some cultures.

Working alone can lead to isolation and decreased productivity. Ambiguity regarding task

assignments or expectations may cause confusion and inefficiency when completing tasks.

Different ways can be used to address these concerns. They are creating a safe space, which

involves establishing an inclusive environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing

opinions without fear of judgment. The other one is encouraging participation by actively

inviting input from new employees while recognizing the value they bring.

The other one is providing training through programs that help integrate new employees

into the team smoothly over time. Another is clarifying roles by clearly defining tasks, deadlines,

and responsibilities for those working independently. The last one is maintaining communication

through fostering regular check-ins among individuals who work alone to preserve collaboration.

By addressing hesitancy through open communication while maintaining clarity in task

assignments, Karl will enhance overall effectiveness by improving inclusivity within his



Diverse teams are crucial for global success, and this diversity goes beyond cultural

differences. Each team member's unique experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives bring

valuable contributions to the overall dynamic. Varied educational, professional, and personal

backgrounds lead to a richer pool of skills and problem-solving approaches.


Individual experiences shape how challenges are perceived within the team. Past

experiences can offer fresh insights or solutions others may not have considered. Additionally, a

diverse team is more likely to generate creative ideas due to different perspectives colliding.

When facing complex problems as a team, drawing on these diverse experiences results

in more effective problem-solving. Different viewpoints produce comprehensive analyses

leading to well-rounded solutions.

While cultural diversity is an aspect of individual experience, such as non-native English-

speaking background, other factors like education level or previous work experience contribute

significantly. To fully harness the potential of unique individual experiences, team leaders should

create an environment where sharing diverse perspectives openly is encouraged. There should be

active listening, which fosters appreciation for every person's value within the team.

They should also utilize all their diverse talents by approaching problems from multiple

angles through collaborative efforts. There should be inclusion, and making everyone feel valued

regardless of their background or experience. Embracing this full spectrum will allow

organizations access to knowledge and creativity ultimately contributing greatly toward global



Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.

Soni, V. D. (2020). Art of managing business ethics with a global perspective. International

Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development ISSN, 2456-6470.

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