Applied Energy: Haocheng Xiong, Linbing Wang

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Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107

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Piezoelectric energy harvester for public roadway: On-site installation

and evaluation
Haocheng Xiong a,⇑, Linbing Wang b
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 105 Plantation Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 200 Patton Hall, 750 Drillfield Dr., Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 An energy harvester was developed to harvest the pavement deformation energy.

 Six fabricated energy harvesters were successfully installed in real pavement.
 Electric energy was generated from the loading applied by passing vehicles.
 The relationship between energy generated and axle loading is identified.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the development of a novel piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH) to harness the great
Received 29 December 2015 amount of energy wasted by the vehicles on public roadways was described. The PEH is designed to
Received in revised form 23 March 2016 convert the deformation energy induced by moving vehicle from pavement into electrical energy. The
Accepted 9 April 2016
prototype harvester consists of PZT piezoceramic disks sealed in a protective package is developed. Six
Available online 26 April 2016
prototype PEHs were fabricated and installed in real pavement to evaluate the feasibility of this
application. The electric productivity of the installed harvesters was evaluated by measuring the output
voltage and current generated under real traffic. Instant and average power outputs are calculated from
Energy harvesting
the measured waveforms of output voltage and current. The analysis of the testing results shows that the
Smart transportation infrastructure electrical productivity of the energy harvesters are highly relevant to the axle configuration and
Pavement magnitude of passing vehicles.
PZT Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction In the report Key World Energy Statistics 2015 conducted by

International Energy Agency, the transportation shares 63.8% of
Energy harvesting is known as a technology extracting energy the world oil consumption by 2013 [11]. As the main facility of
from ambient resources. The extracted energy is usually harnessed transportation, pavement has been integrated with different
and converted into usable electrical energy [1,2]. Many types of energy harvesting technologies in many applications [5,12]. The
energy resource have been harvested with different technologies, deformation and vibration of roadway pavement induced by mov-
as thermomechanical [3], photovoltaic [4,5], thermoelectric [6], ing vehicles is rarely recognized as an eligible resource for energy
wind [7], etc. The productivity of the existing technologies domi- harvesting. According to the simulation done by Delorme et al.
nating the market rely mostly on the natural environment and [13], there is about 11–19% of the energy gained from burning
have many limitations. A research on wind energy shows that care- gasoline lost on tires/rolling resistance when a class 8 truck travel-
less deployment of generators will bring impacts to the natural ing at a speed of 105 km/h with 10–100% of its maximum loading
environment and human community [8,9]. Solar energy harvesting [13]. When a car traveling on the pavement, part of its power sup-
technology wasn’t widely deployed due to many factors as local plied by burning gasoline will be transformed into deformation
weather condition and government policy restrictions [10]. and vibration of the pavement. A portion of this energy will be lost
in the form of heat. According to the record in the Highway Statis-
tics 2012 prepared by Federal Highway Administration, there are
253,639,386 registered vehicle in the United States. The average
⇑ Corresponding author. distance traveled by a single vehicle is 18,728 km and the average
E-mail address: (H. Xiong). fuel consumption per vehicle is about 2514 L [14]. The equivalent
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
102 H. Xiong, L. Wang / Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107

energy of one liter of regular petrol gasoline is 3.478  107 J. ramic generates electrical energy from the force applied along its
Assuming the average energy loss of a vehicle on tires is 15% direction of polarization. This method was introduced by duToit
[13], the total energy wasted annually by the motor vehicles in et al. in their study and is named as 33-mode [21]. In Twiefel
the United States on tires is about: et al.’s study, the authors find that the productivity of a 31-mode
energy harvester is maximized when the cantilever beam vibrates
3:478  107 J=L  2514 L  253; 639; 386  15%  2:218  1016 kJ with its resonant frequency. However, the output drops dramati-
cally when the vibrating frequency deviates from the resonant fre-
Developing a new energy technology to harvest this part of quency of the system [22].
energy will be greatly favorable to the current energy harvesting
ecosystem. If 1/1000 of this energy can be captured, it will be
enough to supply about 6 million houses in United States. It can 2. Design of the piezoelectric energy harvester
be achieved by widely deployment of PEHs on roadways. Piezo-
electric material is able to capture the deformation and vibration 2.1. Coupling modes
caused by these vehicles and convert them into electrical energy.
The converted electrical energy could be a power source of many As introduced in the previous section, 31-mode and 33-mode
application especially those related to transportation. are the two widely-known coupling modes of piezoelectricity.
After fabricated from fine powder, the polar domains in the PZT Under 31-mode, piezoelectric material generates electrical energy
piezoceramic are randomly oriented. To have the desire capability mostly from transverse displacement. The productivity is maxi-
of generating electric charge from mechanical stress, strong, direct mized when the carrier vibrates with its resonant frequency. Under
electric field is applied to the fabricated PZT at temperature slightly 33-mode, the energy productivity of a harvester increases linearly
under the Curie point to force those domains most nearly aligned with the stress applied along the material’s direction of polariza-
with the electric field. This process is called polarization [15]. tion. The concepts of 31-mode and 33-mode introduced by Anton
When a stress is applied to a polarized piezoelectric material along and Sodano [23] are illustrated in Fig. 1. Baker et al. have compared
its poling direction, the displacement of the inside electric dipoles the productivity of energy harvesters under 31-mode and 33-mode
will create an electric potential on the two poles of the material. and have concluded that, piezoelectric material is more efficient
When the two poles are connected to an electric loading, the elec- when it is converting lower-level loads/force/deformation into
tric potential energy stored in the material will be released. This electrical energy under 31-mode. When the material is under a
phenomenon is called direct piezoelectric effect. Applying an elec- higher-level load, like the one induced by moving vehicles, the con-
tric field on a polarized piezoelectric material will also result in version is more efficient under 33-mode [24]. When the harvester
stress/strain. This reverse phenomenon is called reverse piezoelec- collects energy under greater load, like from moving vehicles, the
tric effect. one with 33-mode configuration is more efficient and durable.
Piezoelectric materials with different properties are used in dif- From Inman’s work [25], the vibration amplitude of a cantilever-
ferent applications [16]. Piezoceramic lead zirconate titanate, or beam excited by the passenger cars can be expressed as:
known as PZT is widely used in many designs of energy harvesters
[17]. As a brittle material, PZT has low strain endurance and its yðtÞ ¼ ð0:01Þsinxb t ð1Þ
application is limited. Lee et al. have developed a Poly Vinylidene
Fluoride (PVDF) film in their work which is coated with poly(3,4- where
ethylenedioxy-thiophene)/poly(4-styrenesulfonate) [PEDOT/PSS]
electrodes [18]. With great flexibility, PVDF is capable of enduring km 1 hour 2p rad
large strains. xb ¼ v ¼ 0:2909v rad=s
hour 0:006 km 3600 s cycle
A number of energy harvesters utilizing piezoelectric technol-
ogy have been proposed with various mechanisms of energy con-
version. In the study by Roundy et al., the authors purposed a In Eq. (1), v represents the vehicle’s velocity in km/h and y rep-
PEH to harvest energy from vibration [19]. Afterward, Jeon et al. resents the excitation amplitude, which varies with excitation fre-
have designed an energy harvester with piezoceramic thin films quency, xb, and time, t. Since it’s concluded that the productivity of
mounted on a cantilever beam. 1 lW of average power has been an energy harvester under 31-mode is proportional to the excita-
generated from this 170 lm  260 lm beam-shaped energy tion amplitude, the power output of the harvester is depending
harvester [20]. The cantilever beam transfers the vertical force to on vehicle’s speed. Under random traffic, the power output will
the mounted thin films. The thin films are deformed transversely change sinusoidally. To have a more stable power output and effi-
and the electric potential is created. Such method of energy con- cient energy conversion, the PEH were developed based on 33-
version was named as 31-mode. In Another method the piezoce- mode.

Fig. 1. The illustration of 33- (left) and 31- (right) coupling mode of piezoelectric energy harvesting.
H. Xiong, L. Wang / Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107 103

2.2. Material selection electric strain constant), d, and the piezoelectric voltage constant,
g, are governing the magnitude of the energy conversion process
Most of the PEHs use crystalline materials, piezoceramic or [23,24]. They are expressed as d33 and g33 in 33-mode. According
piezoelectric polymers. As a result of its high cost effectiveness, to the testing results of Erturk’s work [26], under the same condi-
lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) has been a competitive candidate in tion, the energy conversion of a piezoelectric material is more effi-
many applications among the commercial products. cient with higher piezoelectric coefficients (d and g). The author
Material properties of the piezoelectric materials are important has also concluded that, a smaller elastic compliance contributes
factors of energy conversion in piezoelectricity. Many studies have to a greater energy productivity under the same load. In Richards
explained that the piezoelectric charge constant (effective piezo- et al.’s study, quality factor, Q, is proved as another important fac-

Fig. 2. The fabricated energy harvester without (a) and with cover (b).

Fig. 3. The location of the installation (Troutville weigh station).

104 H. Xiong, L. Wang / Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107

tor to the energy productivity [27]. The piezoelectric material with electric voltage constant, g33, is 24.8  103 Vm/N, and the Young’s
greater quality factor endures less damping during the energy con- modulus along 33 direction is 5.4  1010 N/m2.
version. Such damping causes the generation of heat during the
energy conversion process. As a conclusion, energy harvesters with 2.3. Fabrication of piezoelectric energy harvesters
higher quality factor are more efficient on energy conversion.
Therefore, to build an efficient energy harvesting system, piezo- To collect energy from the pavement deformation, the PEH has
electric material with higher piezoelectric coefficients, lower elas- to be installed in the pavement. To protect the piezoelectric
tic compliance and higher quality factor should be selected. materials from the impact brought by vehicles and ambient
The 850 series PZT piezoceramic disks are selected based on the environment, they will be sealed in a protective package made
criterions mentioned previously. The piezoelectric charge constant, from insulating material. Engineering plastic, which is insulating
d33, of the 850 series piezoceramic is 400  1012 C/N, the piezo- and able to resist the external impact from vehicles with a long

Fig. 4. The layout of the installation of energy harvesters.

Fig. 5. Installation of energy harvesting systems at I-81 Troutville weigh station ((a) fabricated energy harvesters; (b) square-shaped pits; (c) preparing the bottom; (d)
sealing with engineering epoxy).
H. Xiong, L. Wang / Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107 105

lifespan, is selected to build the package. The protective package Interstate 81 at Troutville. Over 4000 trailer trucks pass the weigh
has the capability to block fluid or any other chemical and contam- station every day. The average speed of the traffic is about 40 km/h,
inants from the hosting material. The piezoelectric material shall which is relatively safe for technicians conducting data measure-
not have contact to any fluid which may cause the short circuit ments and other investigations. Virginia Department of Motor
of positive and negative poles of the material. Another function Vehicle provided the axel loading information of every passing
of the protective package is transferring the stress applied by vehi- vehicle. It is used to investigate the relationship of vehicle axle
cles uniformly onto the piezoelectric material to extend the lifes- loading and energy productivity. The installed location on the
pan of the material. Since a round-shaped contacting area will map is presented in Fig. 3.
have less stress concentration on its edge than any other shape, The spacing of energy harvesters are determined from the tire
the circular piezoceramic disks are selected to build the harvester. configuration of regular trailer trucks. The harvesters are installed
All the positive and negative poles of the piezoceramic disks are along the wheel paths of the vehicles to have the highest hitting
connected by several copper electrode bars integrated in the pro- rate of vehicles on the energy harvesters. The layout of the instal-
tective package. Fig. 2 shows a fabricated energy harvester without lation is illustrated in Fig. 4.
(a) and with (b) a cover. At the weigh station, six square-shaped pits were cut on the
pavement for the PEHs (Fig. 5a and b). The bottoms of the pits
are leveled parallel to the surface of the pavement using cement
3. Installation and data acquisition
grout to have a uniform load distribution to the base of the har-
vester (Fig. 5c). As suggested by Virginia Department of Trans-
3.1. Installation of the piezoelectric energy harvesters
portation (VDOT), engineering epoxy is used to seal the gap
space of the pits and fix the energy harvesters in the pavement.
To evaluate the energy productivity under real traffic, six fabri-
The top surface of the energy harvesters are precisely aligned to
cated energy harvesters were installed at the weigh station on

Fig. 6. The power output waveforms of six energy harvesting systems installed at I-81 Troutville weigh station.
106 H. Xiong, L. Wang / Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107

the surface of the lane to avoid any impacts from passing vehicles. #1, and all voltage data are selected from the 5th peak of the wave-
Power cables were sealed in the cut-open channels with engineer- forms, which represents the 5th axle of the vehicles. Power output
ing epoxy (Fig. 5d). data with obvious deviation (the average power is 30% less than
the maximum) are excluded. The loading configuration and the
3.2. Data acquisition corresponding electrical output data are presented in Table 1.
The average power output is divided by the corresponding total
After the installation the weigh station was open to traffic, the axle loading to obtain a power/total axel ratio as shown in Table 2.
electrical outputs are measured from installed energy harvesters. The average power/axle ratio is 0.0082 mW/kN. To better under-
A National Instrument PXI-4071 digital multimeter was used to stand the relationship between the average power output and
measure and record the waveform of output voltage and current. the total axle loading, standard deviation and the coefficient of
This multimeter can measure the output voltage from the har- variance of the power/axle ratios are also calculated. The standard
vester up to ±1000 V. The multimeter was manipulated to record deviation is 0.0008 and the variance is 0.00006, which is very low.
both voltage and current waveform simultaneously when a vehicle It indicates that the average power output of an energy harvester is
was driven over a harvester. 60 sets of electrical outputs data (volt- highly related to the total axle loading of a vehicle under a constant
age and current) of each energy harvester are measured weekly. speed.
Since all the piezoceramic disks are parallelly connected, the
voltage on each disk is the same. The stress applied on each disk
4. Data analysis
by the 5th axle can be calculated as:

This section presents the analysis performed to the measured r ¼ V=ðg 33  tÞ ð3Þ
electrical outputs data to obtain the energy productivity of the
where g33 is the voltage constant and t is the thickness of the disks.
installed energy harvesters and its relationship with the axle load-
The g33 of the 850 PZT material applied by the harvester is
ing of passing vehicles.
0.024 Vm/N and the thickness of the disks is 0.02 m. The total load-
ing actually taken from the 5th axle by all 9 disks in the harvesters
4.1. Power output can be calculated as:

A National Instrument PXI-4071 digital multimeter was used to F d ¼ r  pr 2  9 ð4Þ

measure and record the waveform of output voltage and current. where r is the radius of the disks which is 0.02 m. The back-
This multimeter can measure the output voltage from the har- calculated loading actually taken by the disks and the correspond-
vester up to ±1000 V. Fig. 6 shows one set of the waveforms of ing logged axel loading are listed in Table 3. From the results of
power output of six installed energy harvesters. The maximum analysis, average of 14.43% of the axle loading are distributed onto
instant power output from the testing results is about 0.116 W the disks. An axle/voltage ratio is calculated and the average value is
from energy Harvester #3. The greatest average power output is 0.163 kN/V. The standard deviation of the axle/voltage ration is
about 3.106 mW from Harvester #1. 0.012 and the coefficient of variation is 0.07 which indicates the

4.2. Output and axel loadings

Table 2
The calculated power/axle ratio of the 10 sets of data measured on Oct 25th 2012.
To understand the relationship of the load applied by the trucks
and the calculated power output of installed PEHs, the electrical Axle ID Total axle Power (mW) Power/axle (mW/kN)
output data measured from Harvester #1 on October 25th, 2012 1 303.4 2.313 0.0076
is analyzed with the corresponding traffic information provided 2 281.6 2.451 0.0087
by VDMV. The load actually taken by each PEH are back calculated 3 336.3 2.713 0.0081
4 260.7 2.381 0.0091
by the instant voltage output of each PEH and the piezoelectric 5 349.6 2.738 0.0078
coefficients. The axle loadings of each vehicle are compared with 6 282.5 2.154 0.0076
the back-calculated load data to find the relationship. 7 236.2 2.108 0.0089
10 sets of axle loading configurations of the vehicles that passed 8 329.6 2.921 0.0089
9 359.9 3.021 0.0084
Troutville weigh station on October 25th 2012 are selected from
10 342.5 2.232 0.0065
the traffic data acquired from DMV database. Every set of axle
loading configuration has one corresponding power output data.
For valid comparison, all power output data are from Harvester
Table 3
The correlation of the total loading on all disks back-calculated from the measured
Table 1 voltage and the actual loading applied by passing vehicles.
The selected axle loading configuration of the vehicles passed Troutville weigh station
Axle ID Axle Actual Transmission Voltage Axle/voltage
on Oct 25th 2012 (kN).
5 loading percentage (max, V) ratio (kN/V)
Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Total Voltage Power (kN) taken (kN)
ID 1 2 3 4 5 (Axle5, V) (mW) 1 45.8 7.0 15.32% 298.1 0.15
1 48.9 80.5 82.3 45.8 45.8 303.4 298.1 2.313 2 54.7 7.3 13.43% 312.1 0.18
2 47.6 80.5 56.0 42.7 54.7 281.6 312.1 2.451 3 69.8 10.7 15.31% 453.9 0.15
3 40.9 76.5 78.3 70.7 69.8 336.3 453.9 2.713 4 40.5 6.7 16.62% 285.7 0.14
4 50.7 60.5 61.8 47.2 40.5 260.7 285.7 2.381 5 75.6 10.8 14.30% 459.3 0.16
5 53.4 71.2 73.8 75.6 75.6 349.6 459.3 2.738 6 56.0 7.6 13.50% 321.2 0.17
6 47.2 68.1 66.3 44.9 56.0 282.5 321.2 2.154 7 36.9 4.8 12.95% 203.1 0.18
7 48.0 63.2 61.8 26.2 36.9 236.2 203.1 2.108 8 72.1 10.2 14.16% 433.4 0.17
8 50.3 68.9 63.6 74.7 72.1 329.6 433.4 2.921 9 77.4 11.4 14.78% 485.8 0.16
9 52.5 76.1 72.1 81.8 77.4 359.9 485.8 3.021 10 67.6 9.4 13.88% 398.4 0.17
10 48.5 77.4 79.6 69.4 67.6 342.5 398.4 2.232 Average – – 14.43% – 0.163
H. Xiong, L. Wang / Applied Energy 174 (2016) 101–107 107

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