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# man vmd

# man vmctl
# rcctl enable vmd
# rcctl start vmd
# vmctl create -s 10G virtual_1.qcow2 ( 1G/swap 9G/ )

Launch the installation

# vmctl start -m 512M -L -i 1 -r install74.iso -d virtual_1.qcow2 virtual_1

Show de ID
# vmctl show

Serial connection virtual_1

# vmctl console virtual_1

Once installation terminated,reboot, exit the console

Reset to replace the command to start the vm

# vmctl reset

# vmctl start -m 512M -L -i 1 -d virtual_1.qcow2 virtual_1

connect to the virtual new IP

Stop virtual_1
# vmctl stop virtual_1

Start virtual_1
# vmctl start virtual_1

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