FILE - CASE - TourismBC - Xerox Print On Demand

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Tourism British Columbia

1:1 Lab Case Study

Tourism British Columbia

Says “Hello” to Xerox 1:1
Colour Marketing Lab.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with a Xerox

Sales Representative, call 1-800-ASK-XEROX, or visit our website, today.

©2009 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and the sphere of connectivity design and iGen3®
are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. 05/09

Tourism British Columbia Client Benefits Close-up

Tourism British Columbia, a Crown Corporation, works closely with the The Results relevant consumer data it collected during the
project that can be used to better target its
province’s tourism industry to market BC to consumers and the travel industry For Tkach, one of the immediate returns was
reducing postage costs – the test group’s
communications efforts in the future.

around the world. Its mandate is to ensure continued long-term growth and mailing costs were 145% less than those of The new customized 24-page 1:1 Guide
the control group since the cost of mailing the delivered efficiency and intelligence in a true
prosperity of BC’s $9.5 billion tourism industry through a variety of joint marketing 1:1 Guide was substantially less than sending customer relationship management program.
and promotional campaigns to increase revenues and employment while raising the two standard guides. For each brochure It brought increased relevancy and accuracy
to the consumer at a lower cost to Tourism BC.
shipped within Canada, the cost of mailing the
economic benefits for all British Columbians. traditional package was $2.45 vs. $1 for the 1:1 The organization had found a better way to
piece. The cost differential of packages sent to manage print without compromising results.
the U.S. was even more dramatic, with the 1:1 “As a direct marketer, for a long time we’ve
Guide costing $1.70 per piece versus $5.80 for talked about putting a blank piece of paper
the traditional package. at one end of the machine and out comes
Paper costs were also greatly reduced, given something that is customized to a particular
that the 1:1 Guide had 88 less pages than the individual’s needs based on the information
two standard guides. Additional cost savings we have about them,” says Davidson. “The The Xerox 1:1 Lab
extend to less warehousing and reduction in Xerox 1:1 Lab was exciting opportunity – from
a direct marketing point of view – to see the As a global leader in digital and
fulfillment costs.
The Challenge Each respondent is sent two guides: a Cities
results of the customized approach.” variable colour printing technology,
Guide for Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler plus The sum of the reduced costs saw the 1:1 we are helping our customers leverage
Fundamental to Tourism BC’s business success In November 2005, Tourism BC and Xerox
a Regions Guide which delivers information Guide generating an increased return on the benefits of customized marketing
is enticing visitors to choose British Columbia Canada were both awarded gold trophies for
from the rest of the province. Combined, the investment of 25 percent. through the Xerox 1:1 Lab.
as their vacation destination. To capitalize on the BC Escapes program at the annual
two guides total 112 pages. The guides are
a rising trend among consumers to augment Outside of dollar costs, of significance
expensive to produce and distribute: postage Canadian Marketing Awards gala.
traditional vacations with short getaways, to Tourism BC was the quantity of highly
alone averages $4.13 per unit. Typically pre-
Tourism BC launched its BC Escapes marketing
printed on an offset press, five versions of
campaign which included direct response
the guide are available, corresponding to the
TV, direct mail, e-mail, print advertising and
possible combinations of responses to the three
promotion. The campaign’s common thread Printing Price Comparison:
was to offer potential visitors free BC Escapes Xerox 1:1 vs. Traditional Offset
guides to help them plan a trip to British A key challenge for Tourism BC is for its
Columbia. publications to provide depth and breadth, Tourism British Columbia Price Per Tourism British Columbia Price Per • Return on investment increased by 25%
yet remain specific to each consumer’s needs; Control Pieces Package 1:1 Lab Guides Package through reduced postage and paper costs
Tourism BC has two call-to-action outlets for
ideally balanced to sway them to choose British Package of 2 full colour guides $2.03 Record processing by TVG $0.42 • Postage costs were 145% less for the 1:1
consumers considering British Columbia in totaling 112 pages and regional
Columbia for their holiday. 1 guide, 24 customized $2.40 test group than the control group
their travel plans; a 1-800 Hello BC® telephone information
colour pages, trim, folded and
number and a web site,® Gusset envelope 9" X 12" (4/0) $0.25 saddle stitched • Page count reduction from 112 to 24 pages
In response to any consumer inquiry, either Traditional Tourism BC Escapes guide Fulfillment, insertion and $0.22 Window envelope 6" X 9" (4/0) $0.12 resulted in greatly reduced paper costs
lettershop costs Insertion $0.12
by telephone or online, Tourism BC asks three • Significant savings in warehousing costs and
questions: where are you coming from; how Sub total $2.50 Sub total $3.06 in fulfillment costs
long are you planning to stay in BC; and is CDN Postage $2.50 CDN Postage $1.00
• Collection of highly relevant consumer data
your primary vacation interest sightseeing or US Postage $5.80 US Postage $1.70 for use in future campaigns
outdoor activity?
Total Per Package $4.95 $8.30 Total Per Package $4.06 $4.76
56% of packages sent to USA
44% of packages sent within Canada.

2 7
The Data Driven1:1 Marketing Plan The Xerox 1:1 Lab: Demonstrating the
in Action Power of Data-Driven Marketing
To gather more information about The level of customization built into the 1:1 The complexity requirements of the 1:1 Guide Seeking a more cost-effective approach to When approached by Total Graphics to
potential visitors to the province, consumers Guide was extremely complex, with each were enormous, depending on the answers providing BC travel information to potential deploy this more customized direct marketing
who requested their BC Escapes guide online brochure element, including all text and supplied by the consumer, 2,400 primary tourists, without sacrificing its current approach, Rob Davidson, managing director
were asked some additional questions, graphics, driven by a matrix of potential combinations of answers and myriad versions bookings, and to learn more about its of Tourism BC’s marketing agency, Blitz Direct
with answers to be selected from a answers from the questions posed to of the 1:1 Guide could be produced. respondents’ BC travel interests, Tourism BC Vancouver, a division of Cossette West, says
drop-down menu: consumers. The program’s objective was became one of the first participants in Xerox Tourism BC was intrigued.
The Tourism BC project ran from April to
to ensure the 1:1 Guide delivered all of the Canada’s unique 1:1 Lab.
• Nature of travel party (e.g., 35 and under, August of 2005 with more than 5,000 “We’re all aware, as marketers, that we need to
relevant material the consumer required,
35 to 54, traveling with kids, etc.); 1:1 Guides delivered to consumers across Xerox’s 1:1 Lab, a veritable testing ground for make sure the information we put in front of
without all of the excess material the
North America. On a weekly basis, Hello BC Xerox customers, demonstrates the power consumers is relevant,” says Davidson. “Tourism
• Destination (e.g., Vancouver, Victoria, traditional guide provided.
respondents were randomly placed into either and accessibility of data-driven one-to-one BC has a huge selection of guides that are
Whistler, Thompson-Okanagan, etc.);
For example, if a respondent indicated that the test group or the control group. An equal marketing and has accelerated its adoption by lengthy and detailed. We wanted to test drive
• Primary activity (e.g., golf, shopping, they were planning on visiting Vancouver in number of traditional Tourism BC guides were the marketing community. the customized marketing approach.”
spas, etc.); the summer to golf and were interested in sent as a control group.
The 1:1 Lab provides a learning environment “We thought we were doing OK,” adds Joel
• Accommodation price range (e.g., less than accommodations in the $170+ price range,
The control group received the standard to test and compare the results of data-driven Tkach, Marketing Manager, Consumer
$100, $100-$170, more than $170); then their guide would feature summer
fulfillment package of the two guides. The test one-to-one direct mail marketing campaigns Programs, North America, Tourism BC. “But
imagery of Vancouver, accommodation listings
• Intended time of travel (season) group received the 24-page 1:1 Guide. with traditional direct mail methods. we knew there was an opportunity to be more “We were intrigued and excited to be part
in the $170+ price range in Vancouver and
precise with the information we were delivering of the Xerox 1:1 Lab. It allowed us for
Together Xerox, TVG, and Blitz Direct information regarding golfing in Vancouver. “The project was a challenge from a planning The 1:1 Lab is equipped with state-of-the-
if we could learn more about our consumers.” the first time to present British Columbia
undertook the redesign of the guide, reducing perspective because of all the variables in the art equipment and software including the
The 1:1 Guide would also include circle tours vacation possibilities ideally targeted
the number of pages from 112 to 24. based on the consumer’s chosen destination.
content,” says Tkach. “You can imagine we had Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press, a Meeting Business Objectives
a complex matrix due to all the variables. But 110 impression-per-minute digital colour press to individual consumer interests.”
Each 1:1 Guide was printed on a Xerox iGen3® For example, if they indicated an interest in the For Tourism BC, the objectives for the 1:1 Lab
once the planning was done, the whole thing with image quality comparable to offset.
digital press, on Xerox Elite Silk Coated 80lb. Thompson-Okanagan region, then their guide project were two-fold: – Joel Tkach, Marketing Manager,
ran like clockwork. Once a week TVG would
stock, with every page customized to reflect included a wine tour of the Okanagan Valley. Terminal Van Gogh Ltd. (TVG) provides North America, Consumer Programs,
collect the data from Hello BC and the • Determine a more cost-effective approach
the respondent’s answers to the questions strategic consulting on data-driven marketing Tourism British Columbia
The cover of the 1:1 Guide was personalized customized 1:1 brochures were out the door for getting BC travel information into the
posed when ordering their BC Escapes Guide. campaigns, builds the 1:1 Lab participants’
with the respondent’s name and displayed a few days later.” hands of campaign responders without
program, re-purposes existing creative to
The 1:1 package guide consisted of a an image of their chosen destination. A sacrificing travel to BC;
function within the data-driven environment
personalized and customized 1:1 Guide, a personalized message was included on the • Increase the amount of data capture about
and develops the metrics in the data to
personalized letter, two personalized postcards inside front cover. The 1:1 Guide was also its consumers; and act on that data to put
gauge results.
and a window envelope. The postcards were customized based on the respondent’s place the consumer into contact with the right
printed on Xerox Digital Color Elite Silk Coated of origin. For example, Americans were When Total Graphics, a leading premedia
products and move them through the
100lb cover stock. provided with exchange rate information, supplier in Burnaby, BC, was invited to include
purchase cycle faster.
Californians received fly ‘n stay package info, one of its clients into the 1:1 Lab program,
and Washingtonians received driving-related the company looked to one of its direct Further, Tourism BC wanted to learn whether
information. marketing customers. a travel brochure specific to the consumer
would affect the consumer’s decision to book
“Our client Blitz Direct Vancouver, one of the
their vacation through® or
direct marketing firms we work with, was a
natural fit, given the range of clients they work
with,” says Murray Todd, president,
Total Graphics.

6 3
Data-Driven 1:1 Communications
in Action


Front cover is personalized and image is unique Imagery reflects the traveling party’s make-up, Special package rates are offered relating to the Top 10 Things are unique to the recipient’s travel Map and text are relevant to recipient’s Each brochure includes accommodation
to recipient’s chosen BC destination e.g., traveling with family. The imagery also city of origin and the airline servicing that region party, e.g., with or without children. The selection chosen destination selections (either 12 or 8 hotels) within the
reflects the season of the trip relates to the time of year the trip is planned recipient’s price range. American recipients are
given pricing in $US. Seasonality is also reflected
B D G in the rates
Table of contents imagery varies depending on A moving suitcase represents the recipient’s city Personalized post card reflects imagery of
destination. Destination of choice highlighted. or region of origin. The copy speaks to the recipi- recipient’s chosen destination and time of year
Recipient’s name noted in the text ent’s activity of interest

4 5
Data-Driven 1:1 Communications
in Action


Front cover is personalized and image is unique Imagery reflects the traveling party’s make-up, Special package rates are offered relating to the Top 10 Things are unique to the recipient’s travel Map and text are relevant to recipient’s Each brochure includes accommodation
to recipient’s chosen BC destination e.g., traveling with family. The imagery also city of origin and the airline servicing that region party, e.g., with or without children. The selection chosen destination selections (either 12 or 8 hotels) within the
reflects the season of the trip relates to the time of year the trip is planned recipient’s price range. American recipients are
given pricing in $US. Seasonality is also reflected
B D G in the rates
Table of contents imagery varies depending on A moving suitcase represents the recipient’s city Personalized post card reflects imagery of
destination. Destination of choice highlighted. or region of origin. The copy speaks to the recipi- recipient’s chosen destination and time of year
Recipient’s name noted in the text ent’s activity of interest

4 5
The Data Driven1:1 Marketing Plan The Xerox 1:1 Lab: Demonstrating the
in Action Power of Data-Driven Marketing
To gather more information about The level of customization built into the 1:1 The complexity requirements of the 1:1 Guide Seeking a more cost-effective approach to When approached by Total Graphics to
potential visitors to the province, consumers Guide was extremely complex, with each were enormous, depending on the answers providing BC travel information to potential deploy this more customized direct marketing
who requested their BC Escapes guide online brochure element, including all text and supplied by the consumer, 2,400 primary tourists, without sacrificing its current approach, Rob Davidson, managing director
were asked some additional questions, graphics, driven by a matrix of potential combinations of answers and myriad versions bookings, and to learn more about its of Tourism BC’s marketing agency, Blitz Direct
with answers to be selected from a answers from the questions posed to of the 1:1 Guide could be produced. respondents’ BC travel interests, Tourism BC Vancouver, a division of Cossette West, says
drop-down menu: consumers. The program’s objective was became one of the first participants in Xerox Tourism BC was intrigued.
The Tourism BC project ran from April to
to ensure the 1:1 Guide delivered all of the Canada’s unique 1:1 Lab.
• Nature of travel party (e.g., 35 and under, August of 2005 with more than 5,000 “We’re all aware, as marketers, that we need to
relevant material the consumer required,
35 to 54, traveling with kids, etc.); 1:1 Guides delivered to consumers across Xerox’s 1:1 Lab, a veritable testing ground for make sure the information we put in front of
without all of the excess material the
North America. On a weekly basis, Hello BC Xerox customers, demonstrates the power consumers is relevant,” says Davidson. “Tourism
• Destination (e.g., Vancouver, Victoria, traditional guide provided.
respondents were randomly placed into either and accessibility of data-driven one-to-one BC has a huge selection of guides that are
Whistler, Thompson-Okanagan, etc.);
For example, if a respondent indicated that the test group or the control group. An equal marketing and has accelerated its adoption by lengthy and detailed. We wanted to test drive
• Primary activity (e.g., golf, shopping, they were planning on visiting Vancouver in number of traditional Tourism BC guides were the marketing community. the customized marketing approach.”
spas, etc.); the summer to golf and were interested in sent as a control group.
The 1:1 Lab provides a learning environment “We thought we were doing OK,” adds Joel
• Accommodation price range (e.g., less than accommodations in the $170+ price range,
The control group received the standard to test and compare the results of data-driven Tkach, Marketing Manager, Consumer
$100, $100-$170, more than $170); then their guide would feature summer
fulfillment package of the two guides. The test one-to-one direct mail marketing campaigns Programs, North America, Tourism BC. “But
imagery of Vancouver, accommodation listings
• Intended time of travel (season) group received the 24-page 1:1 Guide. with traditional direct mail methods. we knew there was an opportunity to be more “We were intrigued and excited to be part
in the $170+ price range in Vancouver and
precise with the information we were delivering of the Xerox 1:1 Lab. It allowed us for
Together Xerox, TVG, and Blitz Direct information regarding golfing in Vancouver. “The project was a challenge from a planning The 1:1 Lab is equipped with state-of-the-
if we could learn more about our consumers.” the first time to present British Columbia
undertook the redesign of the guide, reducing perspective because of all the variables in the art equipment and software including the
The 1:1 Guide would also include circle tours vacation possibilities ideally targeted
the number of pages from 112 to 24. based on the consumer’s chosen destination.
content,” says Tkach. “You can imagine we had Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press, a Meeting Business Objectives
a complex matrix due to all the variables. But 110 impression-per-minute digital colour press to individual consumer interests.”
Each 1:1 Guide was printed on a Xerox iGen3® For example, if they indicated an interest in the For Tourism BC, the objectives for the 1:1 Lab
once the planning was done, the whole thing with image quality comparable to offset.
digital press, on Xerox Elite Silk Coated 80lb. Thompson-Okanagan region, then their guide project were two-fold: – Joel Tkach, Marketing Manager,
ran like clockwork. Once a week TVG would
stock, with every page customized to reflect included a wine tour of the Okanagan Valley. Terminal Van Gogh Ltd. (TVG) provides North America, Consumer Programs,
collect the data from Hello BC and the • Determine a more cost-effective approach
the respondent’s answers to the questions strategic consulting on data-driven marketing Tourism British Columbia
The cover of the 1:1 Guide was personalized customized 1:1 brochures were out the door for getting BC travel information into the
posed when ordering their BC Escapes Guide. campaigns, builds the 1:1 Lab participants’
with the respondent’s name and displayed a few days later.” hands of campaign responders without
program, re-purposes existing creative to
The 1:1 package guide consisted of a an image of their chosen destination. A sacrificing travel to BC;
function within the data-driven environment
personalized and customized 1:1 Guide, a personalized message was included on the • Increase the amount of data capture about
and develops the metrics in the data to
personalized letter, two personalized postcards inside front cover. The 1:1 Guide was also its consumers; and act on that data to put
gauge results.
and a window envelope. The postcards were customized based on the respondent’s place the consumer into contact with the right
printed on Xerox Digital Color Elite Silk Coated of origin. For example, Americans were When Total Graphics, a leading premedia
products and move them through the
100lb cover stock. provided with exchange rate information, supplier in Burnaby, BC, was invited to include
purchase cycle faster.
Californians received fly ‘n stay package info, one of its clients into the 1:1 Lab program,
and Washingtonians received driving-related the company looked to one of its direct Further, Tourism BC wanted to learn whether
information. marketing customers. a travel brochure specific to the consumer
would affect the consumer’s decision to book
“Our client Blitz Direct Vancouver, one of the
their vacation through® or
direct marketing firms we work with, was a
natural fit, given the range of clients they work
with,” says Murray Todd, president,
Total Graphics.

6 3
Tourism British Columbia Client Benefits Close-up

Tourism British Columbia, a Crown Corporation, works closely with the The Results relevant consumer data it collected during the
project that can be used to better target its
province’s tourism industry to market BC to consumers and the travel industry For Tkach, one of the immediate returns was
reducing postage costs – the test group’s
communications efforts in the future.

around the world. Its mandate is to ensure continued long-term growth and mailing costs were 145% less than those of The new customized 24-page 1:1 Guide
the control group since the cost of mailing the delivered efficiency and intelligence in a true
prosperity of BC’s $9.5 billion tourism industry through a variety of joint marketing 1:1 Guide was substantially less than sending customer relationship management program.
and promotional campaigns to increase revenues and employment while raising the two standard guides. For each brochure It brought increased relevancy and accuracy
to the consumer at a lower cost to Tourism BC.
shipped within Canada, the cost of mailing the
economic benefits for all British Columbians. traditional package was $2.45 vs. $1 for the 1:1 The organization had found a better way to
piece. The cost differential of packages sent to manage print without compromising results.
the U.S. was even more dramatic, with the 1:1 “As a direct marketer, for a long time we’ve
Guide costing $1.70 per piece versus $5.80 for talked about putting a blank piece of paper
the traditional package. at one end of the machine and out comes
Paper costs were also greatly reduced, given something that is customized to a particular
that the 1:1 Guide had 88 less pages than the individual’s needs based on the information
two standard guides. Additional cost savings we have about them,” says Davidson. “The The Xerox 1:1 Lab
extend to less warehousing and reduction in Xerox 1:1 Lab was exciting opportunity – from
a direct marketing point of view – to see the As a global leader in digital and
fulfillment costs.
The Challenge Each respondent is sent two guides: a Cities
results of the customized approach.” variable colour printing technology,
Guide for Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler plus The sum of the reduced costs saw the 1:1 we are helping our customers leverage
Fundamental to Tourism BC’s business success In November 2005, Tourism BC and Xerox
a Regions Guide which delivers information Guide generating an increased return on the benefits of customized marketing
is enticing visitors to choose British Columbia Canada were both awarded gold trophies for
from the rest of the province. Combined, the investment of 25 percent. through the Xerox 1:1 Lab.
as their vacation destination. To capitalize on the BC Escapes program at the annual
two guides total 112 pages. The guides are
a rising trend among consumers to augment Outside of dollar costs, of significance
expensive to produce and distribute: postage Canadian Marketing Awards gala.
traditional vacations with short getaways, to Tourism BC was the quantity of highly
alone averages $4.13 per unit. Typically pre-
Tourism BC launched its BC Escapes marketing
printed on an offset press, five versions of
campaign which included direct response
the guide are available, corresponding to the
TV, direct mail, e-mail, print advertising and
possible combinations of responses to the three
promotion. The campaign’s common thread Printing Price Comparison:
was to offer potential visitors free BC Escapes Xerox 1:1 vs. Traditional Offset
guides to help them plan a trip to British A key challenge for Tourism BC is for its
Columbia. publications to provide depth and breadth, Tourism British Columbia Price Per Tourism British Columbia Price Per • Return on investment increased by 25%
yet remain specific to each consumer’s needs; Control Pieces Package 1:1 Lab Guides Package through reduced postage and paper costs
Tourism BC has two call-to-action outlets for
ideally balanced to sway them to choose British Package of 2 full colour guides $2.03 Record processing by TVG $0.42 • Postage costs were 145% less for the 1:1
consumers considering British Columbia in totaling 112 pages and regional
Columbia for their holiday. 1 guide, 24 customized $2.40 test group than the control group
their travel plans; a 1-800 Hello BC® telephone information
colour pages, trim, folded and
number and a web site,® Gusset envelope 9" X 12" (4/0) $0.25 saddle stitched • Page count reduction from 112 to 24 pages
In response to any consumer inquiry, either Traditional Tourism BC Escapes guide Fulfillment, insertion and $0.22 Window envelope 6" X 9" (4/0) $0.12 resulted in greatly reduced paper costs
lettershop costs Insertion $0.12
by telephone or online, Tourism BC asks three • Significant savings in warehousing costs and
questions: where are you coming from; how Sub total $2.50 Sub total $3.06 in fulfillment costs
long are you planning to stay in BC; and is CDN Postage $2.50 CDN Postage $1.00
• Collection of highly relevant consumer data
your primary vacation interest sightseeing or US Postage $5.80 US Postage $1.70 for use in future campaigns
outdoor activity?
Total Per Package $4.95 $8.30 Total Per Package $4.06 $4.76
56% of packages sent to USA
44% of packages sent within Canada.

2 7
Tourism British Columbia
1:1 Lab Case Study

Tourism British Columbia

Says “Hello” to Xerox 1:1
Colour Marketing Lab.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with a Xerox

Sales Representative, call 1-800-ASK-XEROX, or visit our website, today.

©2009 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and the sphere of connectivity design and iGen3®
are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. 05/09


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