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Undergraduate Clinician: Emily Edwards Supervisor: Stefanie Renovales

Language Enrichment Plan - Week/Date: 10/30/2023

Short-term Goals Method Rationale Materials Support Scaffolding

Goal 1 Undergraduate clinician will: This task supports typical language Materials: ● identifying More challenging:
1 year old class will engage in group reading of ● read book development including: - children’s book ○ “This is a ___” ● Model longer utterances
a story ● imitate actions, and then - syntax Words: ● Recast Less Challenging:
- identifying ● expand children’s utterances to 2 - - Descriptors: color words, shape ○ cat Move down a level:

- descriptors word phrases during reading. words, animals ○ Yes, black cat.
2 word combinations ex: ● Expansion
o word

- Brown dog ○ Small black cat

- Black cat ○ A: Yes, it’s a small black cat.
- Red circle ● Use of core vocabulary board
for students with limited language
○ Activity Example: book reading
○ Core Board present: point to
words specific to the activity and also pair
words on the board with nouns or items with the

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