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IOLANTHE: OK THE PEER AND THE PERI WRITTEN BY W. S. GILBERT COMPOSED BY Arlt kh SUL) ivan AUTHORIZED COPYRIGHT EDITIONS. LONDON. Masns JM, Sroppant & Co, have purchased from us the exclusive authority to pube lish our Operas, “Tolanthe; or, The Peer and the Peri,” " Patience; or, Bunthorne’e Bride,” ani“ The Pirates of Penzance; or, The Slave of Duty,? in the Unived States of Ameri. We hereby expres the earnest wish that they ‘may sufer no invasion of their rights as the sole publishers of our work, through any svtempt to put upon the market unauthorized editions. ‘We make this request for the following reasons: Fintly, because we are satisied there ‘exist a general desire on the part of the people of bath continents to come to an agreement ‘upon the questo of an interastional copyright, affording compensation to authors in their literary and artistic productions; Secondly, because we are by this arrangement enabled to ‘secare the publication of our work under our own personal supervision; and Thindly, be- cause by the present contract oar publications will be wholly manufactured in the United Bistes, and will be sold at as low a price, withthe certainty of at wide a circulation, ae if they were ianued by a number of rival ahd unauthorized person. W. 8. GILBERT, ARTHUR 8, SULLIVAN, STODDART Produced simpltaneously at the Savoy Theatre, London and the Standard Theatre, New York, under the management of Mr, R, D’Oyly Carte, Saturday, Nov. 25, 1882. IOLANTHE; or, THE PEER AND THE PERI Bramatis Persone. ‘Tak Jor CHANCELLORS Ean. oF Mountaranar Eart Towser a. Privare Wit1is ¢of the Grenadier Guards)... SrrerHon (an Arcadian Shepherd)... QUEEN oF THE FAIRIES cae ToLawru (2 Fairy, Strephon’s Mother) See Cetin) Lata } Fairies ene ae Fura Prvisis (an Arcadian Shepherdess and Ward in Chancery) one ove one Cuonvs oF Dukes, Manguists, Eants, ViscounTs, BARONS, AND FAIRIES, ACT I—An Arcadian Landscape. ACT II.—Palace Yard, Westminster. Date, between 1700 and 1882. CONTENTS. MOVRRTORD cote teeeeee ee ree eceeeates eer veecee eee eetee terete actiee eee aa Act E. “). Opewixe Cuonus oF FamiEs, Sout (Celia and Leila) a. Invocation (Queen, lolanthe, Celia, Leila, and Chorus aire) ¥ SoLo (Sirephon and Chorus of Fatries) 4% Sovo (Queen and Chorus of Fairies) 4a. Sous (Phylis and Sirephon) ow §. Duer (Phyllis and Strephon) 8 Cnonus oF Pexss (Tenors and Basses) J. Soxe (Lord Chancilor and Chrat of Beers) 8. Trio axb Cuonus or Peens (Phylis, Lord Tolloler, 9. RECITATIVE (Piyllis) we 10. Conus oF PrERS AND SONG (Lord! Tole 11. Phyllis, Lord Tolloler, Lord Mountararat, Strephon, Lord Chancellor, and Chorus of Peers 12, Sox (Lord Chancellor) a 13. Fras, Acr I. (Phylis, Jolanthe, Queen, Leila, Celi, Shephon, Lord “Tote, Lord Montara ‘Lord Chancellor, and Chorus of Fairies an? Peers) a wo 68 and Lord Act HW. 1. Sona (Sentry) eis 2. Cronus oF Fairies ax PEERS 3 Son (Lord Mowntararat and Chor 3 Duer (Leila, Celia, with Chorus of Fairies, Lord Mow 5. Sone (Queem, with Chorus of Fairies). 8. Quanrecre (Phys, Lord Tolloller, Lord 1, Rucirarivg axp Sone (Lord Chancellor) 8 Trio (Lord Tolloller, Lord Mountararat, 1g. Recirarive an SoNc (Sérephon) to. Deer (Phyllis and Strephon) ax Recrrarive an BALLAD (Jolanthe)... aa, Rectrarive (Jolenthe, Queen, Lord Chancellor, and Faitues) a 83. Finatn (Phyllis, lolanthe, Queen, Leila, Celia, Lord Tolloller, Zord. Mowntararat Siepion ‘ind Chancellor, and Chorus of Fairies and Peers) fee AST IOLANTHE; THE PEER AND THE PERI. OVERTURE. == ote te | pe tt reese — =: a 3 54S S Fae = = i peat onenenennee sce teen IOLANTHE oR THE PEER AND THE PERI No. 1. OPENING CHORMS OF FAIRIES—SOLI—(Celia & Leila.) Allegretto ~ tou Sis gctee Sets eee. CHUA & tat Sor, Sh Sees = 3 Cuokus. Trip - ping Lira & and SoR dy knows why of whi + ther, + dy knows why 2 whi = ther, ed oS Fest | 7 SPSCSsssssssss jee SESCE SIs SI Sss SP sesss, = OH We must dance and we must sng, Ronnd a - bout our i = y+ We must dance and we must sing... Round a = bout our fal oy 5S ws eS SSS ring. Tripping i ther, rip-ping Qi -Mher, No - bo - dy kaues why oF x = es B SES SSH ving. Tripping i ther, ip-ping.thi- ther, No - bo «dy knows why ot get te eee atatetatatererer. 335555: SESS SSeS eS SSS eae wane Sono. CELIA. =a bes me ae 2 ae dain yt = tle 3 SSS Fre 7 16 4 \sga pre ess D CHorus, No, we have-'t Sas we have-n't a - = Ue alle sen tile give; We can fide ano = vers" sighs, Warm our - selves oF: Dah nO ne nO nO NOE” Da Pe eh aE Ne lo- ven? eyes, athe ourselves in lo + versteary, Clothe our - selves with lo - vers fear, os SSS 2 888 688 "s 63-8: a Ss ‘Aum our «selves with lo vers’ dart, Hide our = selves into - vers hearty, © When you know ws -: = 2 oe SSS SS + os ver Teipping Ni ther, wip- ping thi-ther, No~bo - dy knowewhy or whither, We uit ie SSS ES —— — eee a fos ver Bi sther Wip-ping thi ther, No bo ~ dy knows why or whi-ther, We must eS View == dance tnd me cust ing Round a + bow ox @ 2 9 SS Se SSS SS dance and we must sing Rowd a = bout ou ” ag. ae £ 2 —— ff = | SBSTITS SS: gees eee We ae dhin-tp tle fais dan = cing ff we aim sty Ute etal aul! al us ue al eel ‘ual “ ou “Teiping hither, tipping p “Tripping hither, ripplag iahes, Novba-dy keowswhy or whither. 'No-bo-dy knowswhy or whither. ee eens intended that abe shonin go and five at the tottom of that CA tl ea ee eee tren Te makes mre perfctiy wretched 10 hiak of the (ie Gruin Ah, it’s al very wll, but since our queen banished gun fort she must have undergone Iolanth fairy revels have not been what they were Tirta, ‘To think of the damp! And her chest was always Teng. was the ie and sul of Biya Was, delat sheinrate all our singe and atringed all our dances!” We sig “Qurex. And the frogs! ugh! T never shall enjoy auy peace ber tongs ad ne trp ber maura, bat we don't enjoy oul of id aut know why Tolanthe went to live among the froge, tg "To tink hat sant-wenty gre have sapod Pus, “Then why ne sumo her and mk her since she wan Innisned! What gould sie have dove to have (unr. Why? Because i 1 se eyes on her should fox Soe w fern ponshmar erat once Tearza. Something awtuls she marred a morta: Geuia, ‘Thea why not forgive her? Twentyfive yore! ite Furtac, Oht Ist injudicius to maery'« mortal? leg theese aut “mere ExttaIrjudicious? tt strikes at the soot of the whole" Ertia"“Dhink how we loved her? fairy system. By our laws the fairy who marries a mortal dies. Qurex. Loved her? What was your love to mine? Why, ‘guts, But Tolanthe didn't dic she was invaluable to me! Who taught me to cue] myself inside f buttercup? —Folanthe!—Who taught me to swing upon a eob- Enbr Quran oF sie Farres, eb? Toluuthe!—Who taught ime to dive into a dewdrop, t QuEEN. No, because your queen, who loved her w..n a sur-nestle ia a nutshell, tp gambol upor gossamer? Tolanthe! passing love, commuted her sentence to penal servitude for life, Lairta. She certainly did surprising things bn contlition that she let her husband without a vord of explae Piura. Oh give her back to us, grvat queen ination and never communicated with him again, if ot for ours. (AU knee in suppieation.» Latta. And that sentence of penal servitude she is now QUEEN (Jrrewivle). Oh, I should be strony, but I am weak ; fr your sake, working out at the bottom of that stream? Tshould be marble, but Lam clay. Her punishment hs been QueEN. Yes. But when I banished her I gave her all theheavier than I interned. T did not mean that she should live pleasant places of the earth to' dwell in, I'm sure I neveramong the frogs. Anl— Well! well! it shall be is you wish, No.2, INVOCATION~(Queen, Iolanthe, Celia, Leila, & Chorus of Fairies.) Andante : ss a Lxoxus oF FAIRIES. CELIA & 1st SOPRAM f call, s . Leo + le fet ‘met ae Teo. lan ee heb e : £ a set Sa ee pes eS i ————— = ain. ‘fiz Sone Soe oor eee ee) Fi a a Bot res, | = = [etree eee et i Saeaaaeae P SI SSS { one towel ae Toawrne, rises from the water, She is clad in tattered and some ‘bre garments. She approaches the Queen with head bent and pot ——P* lite - Tong ban « iekoment, But mer-cyholdsher sway... withs in ow SMS ee ssSse EE ttt perecee oe 2 Hr rage fall from her, and the appears clothed as a fairy. The pee ple diamond corona on he heal al embes her The others also embrace her. Tonawrur Animate. = dota ‘CHtonus. Cexia & rst Sor. Ped. * Wel - come to our hearts 8 gaiy T= 0 - lan «the! We have shard. thy F Letts, Queen, & and Sor. se Wal - come to our hearts > guia, 1 : rer mate ‘We have shard thy = - er oe Foe ee thet Teo = ln Pacer aesais QuEEX. And now tell me: with all the world to choose ALL (disappointed). Oh! rot, why on earth did you decide to live at the bottom of that QuEEN. —[ eee no objection to stoutnese in moderation. stream ? feta, And what is he ? Lo. To be near my son, Strephon. To. He's an Arcadian shepherd, and he lovas Phyllis, a ward Quer. “Your son! Bless my heart! T dido't know you\in Chancery sad a son. \ Genta, A mere shepherd, and he half a fairy : To, He was born soon after f left my hushaad by your royal Io. | He's fairy down to the waist, but his legs are mortal. ‘command, but be doesn’t even know of his father’s existence, Ctta. Dear me! : Fizta, How oid isbe? Ques. Ihave no reson to euppote that 1am more curious Jo. ‘Twenty-four. than other people, but I confess 1 should like to see a person nuns, “Twenty-four! No one to lok at you would think ho is hry down to the wat but whose leg are mortal you hada son of twenty-four? But of course that’s one of To, Nothing easier, for here he comes. prelpantags of being immertal—wo never grow old. Is Wy Enter Semeur, singing and dancing, end playing on alge To. ues extremely pretty, bat he's inclined to be stut ‘He doca not tee the Fairies, who retire up slage as he enters. 26 No. 3, Entrance of Strephon. SOLO—(Strephon,, & {Chorus of ce =| = SSS ea = BE Gaod.narrBe god mo = ee gat Mir w 08 Ea lo, Then the Lord Chancellor has at last given fis conseos What's the ase of being half a fairy? My budy an ercep vo your mariage wit hs autiul ward Phyllist through a keyhole, but what's the good of that when my lege mera, "Not he, indeed! To all my teagfl prayers he an- ae let kicking tail? "Lean make myvll invisible down to awers me, “ A shepherd lad is no fit helpmate fora ward of Chan- the waist, but that’s of no use when my legs remain exposed to ery." I stood in court, and there I sang him songs of Arcadee, view. My brain is a fairy brain, but trom the waist downward ‘with flagenlet accompaniment, in vain, At first he seemed I'm a gibbering idiot. My upper half is immortal, but my lower Aun, did the’ Bar, but, quickly wearing of my gong and halt grows older every dxy, and some day or other mat die of Pipe, ie bade me get out.” A gervile usher then, in crumpled bands old age. What's to beeome of my upper half when I've buried nd rasty borobazine, led ine, still singing, into Chancery Lane! my lower half ' really don’t know. Til go no more; I'll marry her to-day, and brave the upshot, be QUEEN. } see your difficulty, but with a fairy brusn you should what it may !—(Seea Fairies.) But who are these ? sock an intellectual sphere of action. Let mesee: 'vea borough To. Oh, Strephon, rejoice with me; my queen has pardoned or two at my disposi! would you like to g mo! To. A fairy member! That. would be SrnerH, Pardoned you, nother? Thisis good news, indeed! StrerH. I'm afraid I, should do no To, And these ladies are mny beloved sisters down to the waist 'm a Tory of the miost determined deserip- Sraepa. Your sisters? ‘Chen they are my aunts (kneels). tion, but my legs are a couple of confounded Radicals, and on QvBEX. A pleasant piece of news for your bride on her wed- division they'd be sure to take me into the wrong lobby. You ingeday! see, they're two to one, which is a song working majority. ‘Senzry. Hush! My bride knows nothing of my fuiryhood. Que. Don't let that distress you; you shall be returned aa I dare nt tell her, lest frighten her. ‘She thinks me mortal, a Liberal-Gonservatve, and your leg shall be our pealiar care. and prefers me so. Senzrn. (bowing). | see Your Majesty does not do things by ‘LEILA. Your fairyhood doesn't sem to"have done you much halves. Qurex. No; we are fairies down wo the feet, SQ urn, Much good? Its. the eime of my existence! No, 4, Exit of Fairies. SOLO—(Queen, & Chorus of Fairies.) Queen. Cuonus oF Farntes. Quees. well, A Nn tte thither, No-bo-dyknows why or whither, We must now be tak omg wing To SSeS 4: aes s oe 7 eoses = lox} Sst tt ts 3 =— so ether Gi ry ving Tripping hi-ther tripping thither, We must sow be ta ~ ing epedats bse teh lessees est £38 $555 pease Fairies and Que trip of Iovate whe ter un afetonite reece Hite cnc gotg fa” me —= 5 (ESS ae 2 No, 4a. Entrance of Phyllis. SOLI—(Phyllis and Strephon.) PHYLLIS. = Pri-thee dis~ 0. ver, Steal, purchase, or bor-row, ae m= SSF a = ae a. eS ee ee Pormeleonceing The oe youre el -ingnd jin in a mewoure Bs wete to be mar-Hed to - Senzra, My Phllat And wo day weve wo hemade bappy yar? Why, you might ll in lve wth the Lad Chancto forever” imself by thai time. ‘Purvi. Well, we're to be married. zi Siren. i orm ing Pave, Yes, he's a clever old gentleman, Prrvt. Well, I suppose ite But ob, Strphon, I tremble Srmeri. As itis, half the House of Lords are sighin at the stop we're taking. I believe its penal servitude for life your foc an one to nary & ward of cot without the Lord Chanelle comsen : : Chall be of age in two year Don't you think you could war, Plv!~ ‘The House of Lads is extn es ive. Sinzrm. Two years! You can't have gen yours Here, Steen, Atttice? { shoold think they were! Why did look at that (ofering mirror), and tell me if you think its wx’ v-antveuty. Liberal, peers come down t shoot over jour sonable to expect me to walt two years? rass-plot last autumn? "Tt wouldn't have been the spariows, Puri. Nos you're quite right; is asking too much—one Why did fveand-twenty Conservative peers come dow to ish snus be reasonable. jn your pond? Don't tell me it wae the goldfish! No, uo. langerous, and if re are to mal r Srmurs. Resides, who Knows what will happen in tropa” We “aneroUs to marry, the sooner the extremely atcen- No. 5. DUET—(Phyllis & Strephon.) “Ande mon gp int. os $28n sep cs tpt = ood | seeneseraeae us from each 0 = ther, One in sincgthat_fond meet ing’ When, in fe and desthare wer alt in ion ano ther, tt thee and thou tome! AD inal one a Rew gh Mine he ove tit eae ct = cineds + Mine he es wih he "Thow the tree so = = = Te We Piece, == SS SS cad ~p-—_———___—— me oe = =A To thethoog; the dey and Gremlin Ete ate yeaa pe 2 ‘Thou _ the seulp Exeuut Srnerox and Paysis. March Enter Procession of Peers, headed by the ant ov Morwr Auanat and Eant. of Totiou.en, .€ Entrance & March of Peers——CHORUS—{Tenors & Basses.) Allegro maestose, ie tae Hu c Cuonus.” TENORS fan stn te rat Prowd - ly bang the sound - ing bras - em Prowd + ly bang he 3 ae eee ee ene = woe em mee em te be: bee = be - z =: = 2 Ft tag, oom, tng, dou, ing, oom ting, boom, tg, SSS SS Sg gs gg. ee f SS oom, ting, boom! Tan - a+ may tan = ta - ral Teing, 4 E j yess 3 337 FSF 5 3 oe 3¥ rey poe oe Bs _ Sa a ee ey SS SSS SSS luadeamen, bow, ye masses) Blow the tram-pety bang dhe bras - cs, Tan - tan- ta-ma! Tsing, boom! ‘> = 4 SEE Fe os oes See Fie ges vee oe py 5. ea pit ees Blow the trum pety r i ; i i i I ; i i f B : 3 i e SS = SS SS SY i sae S83 $32 30 HH HT ft He ee Sas ¢ 7 fae = sms Tung, boom, ting, boom Tans teem wns ta = +m Teing, boon, Geng, Snes ae SS SS a SS = tor, ye weer middle chat = at Bom, bow, Je radesmen, bow, ye mast = om Spa Se a a =e EE = eS Wor, “ye Jow-er middle clan = es] Bom, how, “aceamessbow, ye math = ch = SS S FFF FF SF FET FE mos a Se ee ee es FFF Fee Se 4 j f i MH s tit (as +H . ; Ha | nt hee He Ie EAA E Mika Mik 3 4 mi Seki § 5 PANE ah (iss % + ay : thd RSS ial itt AL fo — |W Wn ht oH HE i * Nika of tls awe a 8 Tee iM Wg il, i fat Hey Zs Blow, Blow the a et Saas e620 Be Teo -ta-ra et tanta te te, ee Bang Se ee = | e | eS Serer RN _N_R_§-3-N NR gg AR AA 8. pues a ooo oo Sole ee eee ee Tan-tasra tm tay tan-tasra, ta ta, Tag, teow pile: Gene Ss = “eke ig — A a No 6a. Entrance of Lord Chancellor. SSS SS SSE 45 No. 7. SONG—{Lord Chancellor, & Chorus of Peers.) Lorp CHAN, eae os = 0 kind of fault of fiaw, And 1 mylonls, embody the Law. A- ee ¥ = + ‘The com ati = tw-tion-al guardian TOF pretty young Wards in Chan - ce 1%, All 2 A Ss Cuonus or Puxas. rather sucepst-ble + no c= or fae ee Se Ste ee te ue soehes ts fee cas cael go tt Ate ues omens tt Chas cae Aus oe as tera ‘Bough the compliment iinplied In + ne-verthe-less can't be de-sied, That it gare, [ses re a Se: 7 : SaaS For Tio tot 0 ol and not 0 plain, And I'm quite prepared to marry again But there'd be Co, oF ‘Penns. ae ach 4 moscep-thble Chan = exl-lor!) Which sere are ol Hee swh a aun-cep- ti ble Chan + = "ry one who'd mar-ry 8 Ward Must come to me second, And ne-ver,oh ne-\st a one for me? Enter Lon, = cxonvs Px = y In No. 10. : A Sind ores tenet = = 2 SSS Ss a = ee 1— — = = _ lon Tolan rs SSS 5 a eet pum wot ean ly Drm WHR tre al» fea = of} ‘Mor een wih vr-touscen Tie wel! cons ats ol == = = —=+ SS SS 5 SSS SS Set igh rank involves no shame, We boast an e-qual claim With him of hum-bie mame To be res-pect = ed! a a | Blue __Ulond, =e! When ir-evas love is sought, ‘Thy pow it. aught, ‘Though —— Cronus. TeNORS a =_ 2. = = = = 5 = ———————— 6 a I* at = ing from the Flood, Blue blood, . - hy blue blood!“ When vir - tuous love i sought, ‘Thy {Basses as iz == ——* — Sa c= ze a Iv powr + mah ‘Though dat - ing fiom the Flood, Blue loo,» shy S J == a pow es naught, Though dat = ing fromthe Floods rs Ss = 25 * a Re = a Se es ———==— eae Del grave Square Asin the low ly alt Of a (SS eae OF what a vail art how CHORUS, TENORS. = Basses. © or wht 8 ees Of wht a+ val at thou To Recir. Paytus, * = == > " aE fee ae Sere Pa a No. JI, Phyllis, Lord Tol., Earl of Mount A., Strephon, Lord Chancellor, & CHORUS OF PEERS. | ge 5 == = = Fo fF oo a Foe ae (Enter Srneos; Puss rubato hia orma) Recre. SraxPHON, > a Ne ieee tere ow high de. pvr, i ai » Soret ie] = -trth'dare we, ‘And mean to be e- powil to-d5y, x semprey. SS SSE Be-tothd are they, Beotd are we, Betrowdare we, And = + dee Bectroth’d are they, SSS ey Betrottd are they, And bea oS eee pit T og x de Bowrthd we ees, Meteo are they, And = ln ee gene es c a Joey peepee ae oe fete 2 SS See SRR He see f es = wre Conus of Faxas 2. i To cath beat Proud are we innate - I, Late de - part Late de> part Basses. =pp==s: = Tn each heart Prod are we in-nate - ly, Lets de + part Dig ni-fied andstate - ly! Let's de + part 448 == | SSS = = = =a ta eS Seis e =aaqsmna emis = Seared = SS, — eae et SF = ‘Dig: ni-fied andstate-ly, Dig abet and state -ly,, Dig - ni-fied and stately, He: b ptt 2 ta e Ss s = as a Beara abe bad — ly 7 ther wait ~ oF + ing, Hay ba, EEseunt all the Peer, marching round aage with FE much dignity. Lonp CHANCELLOR eeparates Puviuis from Srrernox, and orders her off Manent Lorv Cuancentor and SrREPHON, At Tp. Cnan. Now, sir whet excu have yout ofr for having met it before. But my diffcly that ar prowent ther’ m4 disobeyed an order of the court of Chancery’? evidence before the court thet chorused Nature has interested: Sraxra. My lord, I know no court of Chancery ;I go by herself in the matter. Nature's acts of Parliament. ‘The bees, the brew, the seas, Srreru. No evidence? You have my word for it, 1 tel the rocks, the brooks, the gales, the vals, the fountains, and the you that she bade me take my love. mountains, ery, “You love this maiden; take her, we command” Lp. Caax. Ab! but, my good sir, you mustn't tell us what abe you!" "Tis writin heaven by the bright-barbed dart that leaps told you; it’s not evidence. “Now, ant affidavit from a thunder- forth into lurid light from each grim thunder-cloud. ‘The very storm or a few words on oath from ® heavy shower would meet rain pours forth her sad and sodden sympathy. When chorused with all the attention they deserve. ‘Noture bids me take may love, shall Lreply, * Nay. but aceriain SraerH. And have you the heart to apply the prosaic rule Grancellor forbids it"? Sit, you are England's Lord High of evidence to a eace which bubbles over with poetical emotion? Chancellor, but are you Chancellor of birds and trees, king of Lp. Cua. Distinctly. I have always kept my duty strictly the winds and pringe of thunder-clouds? before my eyes and it is to that fact that I owe my advance TL. CHAX, "No, It's @ nice point; I don’t know that I ever ment to my present distinguished position, No. 12. SONG—{Lord Chancellor.) Allegro comodo, Lorp Cuan. ie g aah S88 ve ry young man, (Stid I to my-sell—said 1) Fi? work on a new and in to cout Twill read) mybrieftarough(Sad 1 “to mycself—aud 1) And “ne = vee take work Tm aa VE See = assume mat pro = fer sioa TM 2 7S SSS = = = = 1 my- sl ad Th Tote mys set ald 1D ES == = * + vet throw dest ina J other “pio” es sions in y rman eyes, en > BtPey ink jadge who Mrn he INEM, ee = 3 “ - sume that the Tes = shen = ab * ‘ ~ = SS SS SS SS SSS acer = ge Pris, as = Quer Bene Connon ae ‘Sansa "ot" pro's most war Aad’ 1 En /ey' “the rae'might ap ~ ply to. che “Ban” } (Sd es : aS To Srnernox, who is in tears, enters lOLANTHE. Srners. Yes, but from the waist downward he can commit Sruzrn. Oh, Phyllis! Phyllis! To be taken from ee oe ee Y if my legs are working out seven years’ penal servitude ax 1 was on the polnt of making you my own! Ob, if3'too To) ‘fiye.” But take heart: our quan haa promised you her To. | My son in tary and on his wedding day? special protcton Tgp ther anf lay your peculiar ae be- Srnert. My weddingday! Oh, mother, weep with me, for Ber. the law han interponed ‘bebween us, and the Lord Chancellor has ee ee ee arated ts for ever othe Lord Chancellor!—(Aside) Ob, i he did but know! Fixane—Quarrerre Senurn: (overhearing her), 1f he dia but know niet? | A® it commences the Peers appear at the back, adeancing unseen To, No matter. The Lord Chancellor has no power over you. andon tiptoe. Moun Ananar and Tottouiun lead Puviise ‘Remember, you are half a fairy; you can defy him—down to the e#toeen who listens in horror to what she hears 68 No. 13. FINALE, ACT I.—(Phyllis, lolanthe, Queen, Leila, Celia, Strephon, Lord Tol., Lord Mount., Lord Chancellor, & Chorus of Fairies & Peers.) = > oes Fee, "ava (speaking aside lo Mouwr). What was that? e @ eee a = Loxp Moumr, case the gloom a-way, Oo thee I call 1 2 Altes tyloms tbe day, And all ty dull and grey, To 4 mais ny day, To while thetime a-way, Oo her he'd ell! nae if ‘ Conus. TgNoRS fou stn Fg SS = t Yom ene e: "Gre fon a any day, To whilethetime away, Onhet hell eal! Whea arg a ea one eo ee are - E =] mag # vs on a ttin -y day, To whilethetime a-way, Onber he'd cll! Pav. (speaking aside to Torso.isen). What was that? a * J 1 drear anddark, “Tf thom shouldst need an Ark, IU give thee 1 head the mine re-mank, She'd meet him af - ter dark, In side St. James.-'s Park, And give hime G= = = + ae Pecaae® cate chars aaeee naar sere ccna acres aaa We heard chemin re-mark, Shed press $833 = | SSS SS SS === - -e - 7 es 7 ve © Purvis, =63 the eed ver mote be glad Assummer's sun! For heart so sore and sad Will Towawrie, SSS SS Sey a ees a eo ante ia a se | heart to sore and sad May ve - rysoon be glad Assummers sun! For Sere eee a ee eet heart so-sore and sad May ve - ryaoon be glad As summer's sun! For seret eee = 3 when he ayn day And tempnsreck yb houston nedan Ark Shelgietheone Ah giciee ome Ahgethee on ion’ Neus 5 faalt "to dis-sem + bley We part, and fore = ver! I wor-shipp'thimblind » Wy, He + hips ams 0 + ther! At = tend ul derisively to Touastite, laughing heartily at her. She linge for protetion to StREPHUN, Enter Loxv Citaxceuion; lovanrue wile herself Lb. Tor ing cath The i Ss SSS SS ‘Gentle «man %s seen, With ® maid of se-ven-icen, A tah-ing of his dol far te; ‘And = De +: = sther—and he's near = ly RD CHAN. eee ee + tect yourself pray, And be carefulwhatyousay-Asthe ancient Romansssidyet «fe lm - by ha, ba, hay ba, ay bat 2 at she sup-pled, ‘Chorus oF PEERs. oe — = + joie, be cause Our Strephon did = ie? (Ob _ rather let_ws pipe our Re lis SS = = ; 3 Ee ESTA a rT. ‘Cuionus oF Pres. oS eS eae Be-nuse our Sitephon did = at Thats ve- ry —- be == ea you, my Lords, 1 give my == Be SS 4 a Cuo, oF PEERS, ‘STmueuoy. PayLus, Ne 8 wo yon dd de ceive met Yo donot long—Their pleasures are false you bee Are the Son = balls Sly tong Fovthe Jove of aim satin. Kpe Gg’ oa de Se ra! Ht ad es peas ‘As sor-row-fal ana” are woot wo dol For one of you twoand T don't care fieh 1 do" not LD, ToL, Lp, Mount, & CHO. oF PEERS. ware! Ym yous for Iie it You bat choose, ‘That's your af SSS (CHORUS OF PEERS. SraxPH Citonus oF PEERS _Rectr. STREPH, Chgnus oF PeEns. SSE fos Cuonus oF Perens. Ps ‘SrReru tell her ve ty plainly that the la-dy i my mother Tae -did-dle, a= e-did-dle, tol lol lay!” She aa a Soca 23 ——— abe SSS 2S ae eae ‘ives her hand to one of theat; and leaves me bro - ken hear - ed-— SSS Fae SS Queen. $ Tas mo did dle t= ra id-dle, tol Jol lyf Ab grasses part two fidh-ful Yo wem from esch © - ther ! ida see her face bat if they fon-dledone an. o-ther, And she'sbut se-ven-teen—I dont be lieve it was his mocther! SRS RRR RRR OG eg Sy oe fe esos = et of -ten Hot a use For x thorough-bred ex-cute Of a sudden(whichin En-glish for “re - pow = te") But of 5 = a" eS ss Hie ee Sa ee 7 Se aa SS SS Be 83 Poe aera fade ep “all 1 e-verbeard This is much themostab-surd, Forshe's se ven-ieen and he is five -and - yt eee =e4 = ¥ = es ae oe a fore SSS SSS SS Me ia seventeen, and he is font ox fve-and-twen-ty! Oh fis, our Strephon iano rogue! dente $ ao e22en the aes ven teen, and he four er fve-and-twen-ty! Oh, our Stephon ie 8 rogue! SS a Now lis ten, pray to me For this pa ro-dox will be Car-ried no=bo dy at all com-tra di = com Her age, upon the date Of hin birth was mi-meuscight, It she's a | faeces ere awen.= ty AE she is PEERS, ow Cr say the ie his mo-ther is an otter bit of fol -Iy! Es ga eee Per = hapshis brain in ad-ded, And it's Per= bapa is bin ada Andi ii Jalt say a word that could be onstied asin = juris, Het (0 *_$ $4. £ = 77 SSS) = Se of Go 2 - way, madam, I should say, ma-dan, You dis - play, madam, Shock-ing taste, Allegro vivace, ao pee, madam (I am = ude, madam, To your SSS fear, madam, Any peer, madam, Tho my This Bone. ‘They will stare, ma-dam, When a» pert a oy these 4 = FERE Sere these mut be, im mor = tals! Should hey laanch from = ea —— -y mor + tals 1 will launch from te hy SNe == a ay, madam, They dis- play, ma-dam, Shocking taste, Te rade, madam, Tol - Inde, muda, To your fis oe ‘Youcome here, ma-damIn «ter fere, ma-dam,With a peer, madam (Iam een a = SSS SS SSS ee eee ee ew ecw reece , oes —rt —— ts fae SSS ‘dam, What you a ‘a SSS n. = —— = ‘ware, ma dam, What they've done? They wil oS dare, ma-damyWhat they've done, madam, They will sare, masdom,Whena > wate, madam, , a ‘ef a ee ee ee SS $e = = T ware; madam, What you fave, wa dass, And be ~ gone, madam, You're a == Gare, madam, So ke = pent =z pent! a1 SSS SS SS === + Gel lor un va = ry, Ws high + ly ne som - = Your tongue ws teach Re D One bar the same as two ofthe preceding movement, ” af ff plice When face to face With an in = le F a Conta ofa, “Hexcns 7 ge - as =x é = SSS aS : We ne = ver knew we were talk - ing to An Pe ae a ss rs oe ae ir =| ere == f * , Zi 33 SSS = SSF ez Lox cus, aa Pa eS TY = X page on this me gy! Tm im wake qua - Recrr, Laie. = a “They meet, who under-rate our eal-ling, Doom ap pal - tng! Sa pe SSS SS Sj +H zt wreak «t CMORUS OF PEERS. TENORS sks. a cata way Crooks and piper and ribGons s0 gay! locks and. herds that lest and lows vas tives Whig of To +p 1 dont know— Bet sat ge! a to Pareles ee era iatoek pa aad i eee he en ee 95 fia aarti SS Ss Sma ee Hell command «large mas jo-si- ty! I= to Par-liament, ie - to Par-lic+ ment, 2 22 2 one eee *. = dare majo d-ty: n= to ParsTinmest. a + to Parliament, oe Par-lin-ment, Par-lit-ment, he shall go! In-to Parliament he hall go! In- te Par-liasment, PRs «2 Par-Tinmeot, Par-Jit-ment, be shall go! In-to Parlinmeat be shall ad Se Se 3S SS = SSS pS SS SSE he shall gol Into Par-lia-ment be shall got fs , 28 peg et 2 8 J aes Ef = See aS sien, Par-lent, Farlirmen, he all go! nto Parliament Beal fot and wre oe sone ¢ rllestnde, * SS a 96 QueEN (speaks through the musics. ill and every measure ony gray hie please, ‘Though your fury {earoeses, Yous sie sey rason, He all end he cheraed gh He hal prick ha nna listen, Saeed tthe ene Tag therein nights: Meiage with doceased wi's ser Ties enote then, Trem all tem io Chiisendom, Anda Oakeexshedeacon Datta by Com ‘ili Common Ghanian + Pete Bata! a =H Ss PHYLUts & LEILA with tst SoPs SOPRANOS, [* Cauta, torawri ‘with and Sos. ae. Tee, no doubt, A fear + falprot - pect 0 pens out! And ‘TENORS & Basses. cae i ee re et es —— se pape oF Young Sire - phon is the kind of lout We do notcare. «= «ig a -bout | We pj-f—s—t—2- a cannot my What svn may Re~ okt in consae- quae! Bt lord - ly ven + getce wil purse All Le A. . a. piaietgine mite ee I" i eal = fo grief aldahame, His kind for-bearance they mast chim, If they'd “eveape, ———_ =5-E Fe. ae . vp 6 pb Pe dire revenge will fall on you With Sire - pon for yor fey mo doubt, A ee o— 5 Sgt ost ‘Sure ~ phon & the Kind of lout We ‘herd Of vulgar ples? SS Sa |" and: wematark The de roh- Dat} TE. tin wordjone Gresk remark, And out thts French! With —# a Young eee + pent oat! Aad SS tu wor Pepe a ten « tea'd hate We thas de + fyt You neal =a wait, A+ way you fy! Your thteaten'd hate We pase eee oe ee a On Sai we ee ee ee 4 $3256 4 $ ¢ a SS oe SSS SS} ‘A+ way you fly !Your threa + tened bate we 102 vron't (F fl You won't, you won't de -f1 You won't, you won't de = fy! ee 108 ACT It. Gown —Palace Yard, Westminster, Westminster Hall, I, Pra svarE Wittts discovered on Sentry, R. Nig SONG —(Sentry,) 1 When all aight fon jn “Wat Monte g Moderato. a [SS Se mee - of his brainy That in, ar rum tng that te Brain oat ade, And vote jam an their leader saaie mo = no-to ty He ce ste = beldum, tno, They've = aE £ = ‘Tho! never mur- turd in the lap Of tix-w sry, Vet Tad moasish you I Wat then the pros pest of a lot Of dull M. Plein close prow 2S Tempo ime. = ‘inking for them -selver, in what No man can face with €+ qua - Then tet rejoice with Tempo ime. am amin ~ tel + lec - tual chap, And think of thingsthat would as - ton- ish you, r ‘of - ten think i's Fa, Wt How me R Bty nese asco oe 105, wold a+ liv, Is cis ther & tit tle © Lis be-ml Or‘ eke 8 Fal tol tat Fa lal, lat Teak = ther wt > te Enter Fairies, R., tripping, ov led by Lev.a, Crtta,and Pusta, 106. No. 2. CHORUS OF FAIRIES & PEERS. Srrrir cre be ee oe eee = Ssseseesssans' 505 557 SEEN vewees sere FF Farnres, Stre-phon's a Mem- ber of = ss sits eset so st Bill he choos = es, To hin men = sures all as senty— ‘Showing that fai - vies have thelr w= en Ss eo Stre + phon makes them shake in ther shoes! Shake in their shoes! Shake in theirshoes! Benny Seay Panes. £ er ae a Swephonta Memer of Par = lament! Rnaing a-mck of all = te ae pest pas @ Fame. i . = & = ee + Sa = =5t— st I" Stre-plon's a Mem-ber of Car = ries ev - oping ia ws (= a Se SS Stephane + Memsber of Cr te aw Heres Heres & pret = ty Pet ie ier Tile Te of of Voruot.en and Mousr ARaRaR, Lara. Its our 5 sy digest dogsting! Un, Tont. Weil, but shorten the debate. think what it all means! I don't se much mind for myself, but with a House of Poors with no grand: the country must go to the dogs ims, want to say # word ayeasé brains—Lr~ ye ould hak ot Why, thie fatter worth mest lous protégé of yours ix playing tiie deuce with everything! Leta. 1 suppos night I the seentd read of is bill to throw the peerage Lp. Mount. 1 4 ‘pen to competitive examination 8 great respect for brains; Coften wish I had some m i Ly. Toute And hell carry tt, too! with a House of Peers compnsed exclusively of people of inte . Moun. Carry it? Of course he will! He's a Par-leet, what's to become of the House of Commons? liameniary Pickford-—he carries everything. Lena. I never thought of that. Denia. Yes. IP you please, that’s our foul Ly, Mousr. ‘This comes of w interfering in polities. Iv. Monn. The deuce it Tt so happens thar if chere is an institution in Great Britain Canta. Yes; we influence the members, and compel them to Which is not susceptible of any improvement at all, it is the ote just as he wishes them to. House of Peers. No. SONG—(Lord Mountararat, with Chorus.) Bei tip rest = fy. ral the waver—(In good Queen Bess. 's time) The Howse of Pee mae Wal! ington onhd Do napa, At ev «ty. child can tely, The House of ees thous « walle the Mouse of Reem withholds ts tes gh lt + te Mandy And pe = Me stat ~ men ps 8 (Ge ——= Basie yee Fee = ? $e co protince, To in = tl = Uae = taal om sins ence, Or who-lar- ap, om + Dimes Yt cot te wn, DM ooviking pers dey Ae dd we eg wl Wer do tot ch) To tn tr foe wid mattom which Thy doo mens das nds Emel as oss oe ee a= Bee = = 110 ut foe SSS 3 oe ee Bios tte Geil “Se tice tn fied Ee Gene’ S fom tages YS vee Se ' SmcRUS. Fateres. a oe d= tan won het prot «at sayy In goal Queen wy Vex = in won ee Bac ie Sette Sond SEG TS oar Se aye Yen Be > tain set the wight” “Sth alae Grea “B= wavs, A "ins King Gi Tar? ight” Sil bine Gre Pits “ne “yg ee : = = 4 Ba = wo won ber Bi: tte the eight" ll aie Gree Sige = s ah ne PAF a = ae aeRO LE ect oa = a a or = ' === E T = (Beeunt Chorus of Peers. Manent Lorpa Mouwr, Ananat and, and Fairies.) Lp. Tou. Thea, pray, stop this pro song). “Claunwing pers it’s too late. Think of the mischief you're doing! bits, Distinctly. For self-contained dignity, combined Lata (eryng). But we can’t stop him no ‘with airy condescension, give me a British. representative Ceuta.) Aren't they lovely ?—(Aloud.) Oh why did you go peer! and defy us, you groat goose ? No.4, DUET—(Leila, Celia, with Chorus of Fairies, Lord Mountararat, & Lord Tolloller.) of vours cefore Latta, ist Verse Ltn wala Cea and Vense, 2 Your ir re - Is te we ie -nest shows ate you to. Se Att —— ve = 1 cro wick [0 Peers! us ae eS true we sigh But don't sup - pose A tear ful eve Fot - give- sam shows Ch not ‘break our laws, Vou are our foe! We ery, be- cause We hate yoo wo! You boom! meet a3 Were ve-ry cross in = deed, You very wickeed Peer, wick «ed Peery Fates. Lon Tot,, Lonp Mr, p & PEERS, ars pF ia G forth in dig-nant teary ba, bal If that's the case, my dean— Don't go! Wellgo! be. —_ i Eceunt Mourr Ananar and Toutouten. Fairies gaze wide Sully after them. Ener Fainy Quexs Qvees. Oh, shame! shame upon you! Is this your fdelige Sexruy. Private Willis, B Company, First Battalioe Greme ‘ty the laws you are bons »> pep? Know ye not thit 1s death adier Guards, to marty a mortal? QueEN. You're a fine fellow, si Latta. Yes; but it’s not death to wish to marry a mortal. ‘RY. Iam gevierally admired. Fiera, If it were you'd have to execute us all. EN. I can quite understand. it—(Zo Fairies.) Now, QuERE. Oh, this is weakness! Subdue it! here is a san whose physical attributes are simply godlike, Cuts,” We know its weakness, but the weakness iso strong! That man has a most extraordinary eect upon mer If L Lita, We are not all as tough as you are. yielded to a natural impulse T should fall down and worship: QveEN. Tough? Do you suppote that I am insensible to the that man. But I mortify this inclination ; [ wrestle with it,and effect of toanly beauty? Look at that man (referring to Seniry). it lies beneath my feet. ‘This is how I treat my regard for that ‘A perfect picture!—{T> Sentry.) Who are you, sir? man, No, &. SONG—(Queen, with Chorus of Fairies.) fay, Thinkyou, be - cause lows With feat ip = tense To “fil ia doves in Shaw! oft as thine, AY ald cascade’ Quench Raoogh =F 1 dare not reat love T sy wo! woo = der Sestes Fxeunt Fairies sorrowfully, headed by Farry Queey. Lp, Tot. No, I don’t know that you are, I really thisk Enter Prviis, that she would [Bat the pant pare ofthe ching fy that Ff you Pun i ne Tim not im better 7D me ofthe girl of my Hear, one of us MU perehe a eT , Gr tab a cae Tt ought Lb. Mouyr. Agi the question arse, Which shal it be? be enough to make any girl happy; but I'm miserable, Don't D9 you fel ineSined to make this oe suppose it’s because I care for Strephoa, for I hate him! No 1 Tou. Ne pe i’ bocnune T on, for T hate hin! Nop. soussn, Not even to oblige a gentleman? a met wa Ste MOU with « mother cour 1. Toute Impose! ‘The Tolollers have invariably de stroyed their successful rivals. I's a family tradition that T have avorn to respect, Enter Lop Mount Ararat. Tan Mouwn. Lie.’ Did you swear it before commisioner* Lp. Mourr. Phyllis! my own! Lp. Tout. I did, on affidavit. Purvi. Don't! How dare you? But perhaps you are ove Lp. Mouser. ‘Then I don't ee how you can help yourself. of the noblemen I'm engaged to? Lp. Tout. Its. painfal postion, for I have a strong regard Lp. Mouwr. I'm one of them. for you, George (shake hands). Para, Ohi Bat how cue you to have a peerage? Lp. Mount (much afected). My dear Thomas! Lp. Mowwr. It's a prize for being born first. Lp. Tout. You are very dear to me, George, We were Part. Oh, I see—a kind of Derby cup. boys together—at least Iwas, If T were to destroy you, my Lp. Mouwr, Notat all. I'm of a very old and distinguished existence would be hopelessly embittered family. Lp. Mouxn. ‘Then, may dear Thomas, you must not do it, I PHY. And you're proud of your race? Of course you are; say it again and again: if it will have this effect on you, you ‘you won it But why are people made peers? mist not do it. No, nol If one of us is to destroy the otker, ‘Lp. Mourn, ‘The principle is not easy to explain. let it be me. ‘Lp. Tort. No, nol ce : mete Te pol tiBoome,, A yet By oor berth Slendaip I implore {oo Tout, Phyliat my dling embrace er ‘Lp. Tout. (much moved), Well! well! be it 60. But no, not Put. “Here's the other! Well ave you settled whichis T canbotenteet to an act which would rush you with unavail ing remorse. Lx, Tou. Notaltogether; it's adificult position. It would “Lp. Mount. But it would not do so. T should be very sad be hardly delicate to toss up. On the whole,.we would rather at first—oh! who would not be?—but it would wear off. like leave it to you. you very much (shake hands), but not, perhaps, as much as you ‘Puv1. How can it, possibly concem me? You are both like me earls, and you are both rich, and you are both plain. Lp. Tout. George, you're a noble fellow, but that tell- Lp. Movs. So we are. At least Tamm, tale tear betrays you. “No, George, you are very fond of me, Tp. Tout. “So am L fand I eenaot conaent to give you.x week's uneasiness on my Lp. Mousr. No, nol secount. Lp. Tort. Oh, J am indoed very plain, Lp. Movwr. But, dear Thomas, it would not last a week. Lp, Mouxr. Well! well! perhaps you are. Remember, you led the House of Lords; on your demise I shall Pav. There’ really nothing to choose hetween you. If one take your place. Oh, Thomas! it would not last a day t of you would forego his title and distribute his estates among his La 'Tout. It’s very kind and thoughtfal of you to look at it Insh tenantry, why, then I should see 2 reason for accepting the in that light, but there's no disguising it, George—we're in a very the other. [Purvis retires up. awkward pection. Lp Mor, Tolloler, are you prepared to make this sae Pity. (coming down). Now, I do hope you're ot. going to tific? fight about me, becuse it really isn't worth While. Lp. Tou. No! Lo. Tous. T don’t believe itis Lp. Mourr Not even to oblige « lady? Lo. Mourn. Nor I. ‘The sacred ties of friendship are par. Tp. Tous No! amount, "No consideration shall induee me to raise my hand Lp. Mocwr. ‘Then the only question is, Which of us shall against ‘Thomas. : ive way to the otber? Perhaps, on the whole, she would be Lp. Tout. And in my eves the life of George is more sacred Copher with me? T don't know; 1 may be wrong. than love itself AT QUARTETT—(Phyllis, Lord Tolloller, Lord Mount., & Sentry.) 3 SS eet in + car yourDlame, The thing are few SS sass ships name Teese ee 118 mane! Oh ma-ny man, in Fricndthips mame, Han ye) ~ ed fr -tme, mh, and fone! Bet 2S eet z= = = f Friendships mame, Tas yl Cdr = ne, ray aod ame Bat — Reise cee Mceccn reece eee riend-ships name, Has yield ~~ ed for - tune, rank, and fame! Bat = Z z * Friendship’ name, Has yield — ed for ~ tune, rank, and fame? Bat = read > ship, 1 4 hn & hy * a , Ne : ah Bail , , t t alae | at} 2 oll < ait] 2 fh] th “utr fia aM itt ahi ain a alla | = el til = T «|| ) 2 2 2 2 is (= ae q sl qa i Ra I Hs inl + ah! ff al af | ll HH Hy nll g MWe We (Mls Gag Le a (After Quartette, exeunt Payiiss and Loxps Touuaae and Mousr Anazar. ‘Brter Lonp CuaxcHLton very miserable, 120 St No. 7 RECITATIVE & SONG—(Lord Chancellor.) Allegre, = ee SVS a oe pees BPP se ET 121 When you're ly ~ ing c Allegro ma non troppo. RIOR NN: + BS S555 a —s language you choose to in = dulge in, with out im ~ pro a es 1 eS ——— +. —. sé res == 3 Z Z SS = = eo S plun-der you: First your === = = See un - der you; Then the a =. a im =e sad toss till there's “o-thg Wait you and the lek - fag. ‘Then the ed-clothes all creep tothe [Nest your pillow resigns and po - = Se eee ae + best ia 8 steamer from Which is something between a large SSS bath ing machine and 8 re ry small second cls car -rage— Ss ‘Aad you'e giv = jog 8 teat (pen ay = Ss = ae =F ~ ——s SSS Pr-O of fiends apd re + la Goo Theyre era ven- oot hode—and they SS == SS SSS zy SS ‘Square andSouth Kensington Stations _—And bound on that jout-ney you Gnd your at ~ tor - ney (who ae oe ort fel privé when he > | SSS cals you bad sames wien you mo {his you can't stand, Kk fae — Eee oS (how ep vous Rand, and you a ae ae he rt and your socks (the black 2S SS Se SS SSS = act a scheme of de + vis ex, to get at low pricey all Spe == got = = wed a 8 booth, ‘And his lege will take root, and his Ga - gers will shoot, and they E id bud ike a fruit-teee— om the fgonegr ar see you ge gage and genres cat =H = Se Re se = + SS SSS Fa ‘pas try -cook plant, cherry bran = dy_ will grant, ap = ple SS ————— — ze a oe Sel fe Se eae ae eg oe Se eet vote Treg w= ly wreck, with @ rick in your neck, and no + wake with a shudder des + a oe peg a ——S SS E i qe oe wip SSS te — Ea a = s: [See Se dee eee + e-dles and pins ffom your soles to your shinssand_ your 3 rs SSS a = cexamp in your toe and a By on your nest, and some ong dine ta ditto my 00g — ‘od thnk good - meebo em Duving the last tines Lonvs Mouxt Anarar and Toronusn Tate entered, They guse sympathetically ypon the Lon CRax- Chiat dross At the en of Kis aong Cy come foroard. Lo, Mouwr, Lam much distresed to we your loriship ia Lp, Cay. 1 feel the fore of your remarks, byt Teannot this condition, make up my mind to apply to myself again. I'am here Lp. Citay. Ab, my lords, it is seldom that a Lord Chaneel- double eapacity. Rirsthy, 18 « Lord Chancellor entrusted with lor oe reaon t» ca the poston of another, bu sm fee othe guardianship of Wi charming ge aul secondly, a8 & confess that I would rather be two earls engaged to Phyllis than suitor for her hand. In my Jatter capacity { am overawed! by any other half-dozen noblemen upon the fue of the globe. my dignity in my former capacity; I hesitate t» approach my- Lp. Tout, (without enthusizem). Yes. In a way, it’s an et self—ft unnerves me. “able position. Lp, Tout. It's a dificult position, ‘This w what it i to have ‘Lp. Mouws. Oh yes—no doubt most enviable.» Atthe same twa oupacities. Let us be thankful that we are persons of no time, seeing fou this, we naturally say to ourselves, “This is capacity whatever. sery sad, His lordship is constitutionally as blithe as a bird— Lp. Mount, But take courage! Remember, you are a very he rill ypon the bench ikea thing of eg ud gles, His Juet and kindly old gentleman, anal you peal hive uo sia, teries of judgments in F sharp, given andante in six-eight time, tion in approaching youreelf,20 that You do go respectfully and tre among the most remarkable effects ever produced in a court with & proper show of deference. ‘of Chancery. Vie ia, perhaps the only living instance ofa judge Lv. Cuax, Do you really think so? | Well, wil nerve my- ‘whose decrees have received che honor of x double encore. How self to another effort, and if that fails L resign myself to my fate ean we bring ourselves to do that which will deprive the court af Chanceey of one of its most attenetive features?” No. 8. TRiO—{Lord Tolloller, Lord Mountararat, & Lord Chancellor.) Tempo di Valse. _ pay - a - = 4 sf «¢ z= —— He who shies 134 > 186 No. 9. RECITATIVE & SONG—(Strephon.) itt has ow been read se-cond time: His reas dy vote no Member now fe - fut - 4; In = —— = — C= SSS IS SS SS ee joy te carey tm the wes ey teeth of Min = i try.CrowBenchand Op -po «ai + ton, Some (og =e eae 187 a ther ar geat_mensures— quite be-neath The ker é Take tip ay lout, Ga-therdfiom the gut ser Hus -tle him a-bout— Simphim to 4 Take a wretch-ed thief Throughthe ci - ty sneak ing, Pocket bind ster-chiet = Bs ve, ever Suter Pavia Serum, 1 thought you would take w dislike 16 me, But we it’s all off, you may as well know the truth—I'm only half’ tartan) Surgphen! sorta. jtarting). Phyllis) But 2 sug I should sayy “Puy. (erying). But I'd rather have half, mortal [ do love T have not yet been informed which ttie. your yan half'© donee I don't, we pleased to elect. Smepy, Oli, 1 think not Go wo your half dozen, 1 oaven't quite decided, You see, £ hace 0 mother Pury, (erying). Ive only two, and hate em! Please tore ive me, Nos Thave. Sturen, I don ttbink Fought to. Besides, all sorts of life .. "Yes & young mother. culties will atise, “You know my grandmother looks quite as PH. Nut Yery—a couple of centuries or» voung a8 my mother. So do all my aunts, 1. Oh, whe wears well, Puvi, [quite understand, Whenever { sev you kissing a She does; she's a fairy, ‘ery young lady I shall know it’s an elderly relative. Theg rour pardom—a what? Sree, You will? ‘Then, Phyllis,1 think we shall be very ‘Oh ve no lmiger any reason to eoneral the faet—tappy (embracing her). Pitre” We wow mit long Delore we marry: we might Id aceon form good wage cur minds fairy. Purvi, A fai.y! Well, but—that v any things. ‘Ten T suppose you're a fairy? Sricen, Yes—well get married first ‘Srmeest. Vm belt a fairy. Puvi. ‘And change our minds afterwards, Pores. Which oni? Stern. Yes that’s the usual cour, Sree. ‘The upper half—down to the waisteoat, Pays. Dear nel ( prodii ‘him with her fingers), ‘There ia nothing to show it But why did'nt you tet] me this before? No. 10. DUET—(Phyllis & Strephon.) ‘Alagro joa 8. EEF, prey hould not tar = ey T think we will snot urs ry Be mar: my (Ss Sea #5 Ts | a — ax ot SS Seer aE T 7 leaf Aji ‘Puri: But does you're mother kiww youre— T mean ia Sant, dearly a sho aware of our engagement? of death, not to wiece Enter loyaxran my veil! (Retires up.) Bho i hus she welemmes her daughter-in-law (kiaer Enter Lorp CHANCELLOR, 1OLANTHE retires wilh Srene HON i She ig, and thus sh her daughter a ‘aud Payiuts. Ravi. She kisses just like other people! Gut the Lord Lp. Cuax. Vietory! vietory! Success bas crowned my Hove my 1 am bound, un re him, But see, he comes 1 penal ak Chana? efforts, and I may consider myself engaged to Phyllis, At first StREPH. I had forgotten him.—Mother, nove ean resist your [ wouldn't hear of it; it was out of the question. But ¥ cook fairy eloquense. You vill go to him and plead for us? heart, [ pointed out éo myseif that I was no stranger to myself fo. (aatde). Go to him ?—(Aloud.) No, to! izapomsiblet Doin of fact, {had been personally sequainted with myself SrmerH Bue oar happiness, our very lives, depend upon our for some years. “hls had its effect. I admitted that Thad obtaining his consent ‘watched my professional advancement with considerable interest, Pavi., Ob, madam, you eaumot refuse to do thie? and Uhancsomely added that J yielded to no one in admirati Yo. You know not what you ask! ‘The Lord Chancellor i for my private and professioual virtues. This was a great point ‘wy husband! fgninel. "I then endeavored to work upon my feelings. _(Cos- Srmeea. and Payt. Your husband? eive my joy when I distinctly perceived a tear glistening in 1 Yo. My husband and your father! (Slrephon overcome.) awn eye! Eventually, after a severe struggle with myself, Puri. Then our course is plain, On. his learning that relvcizuty, most reluctantly, consented. Strephop is his son, all objetious to our aarvage will be at 0868 (Loxaxris eames down, SrusuoN and PavLtis going off) To. Nay, he must never know He believes me to have died But whom have we here? 145 ll. RECIT. & BALLAD—(Iolanthe.) Recrr, [oLaNTHe. My Lord, 4 suppliantat yourfeet_ kneel, Allegro agitate == oe for my 100, young Stre-phon,that I plead = —— bby - ove years Thine eye have e- ver shed = Tea Bit te, uns = 146 = vall- ing teare—For one un-time-ly dead We in the e-ven~ tide of life Sad thouphof_ber_e = Pa | = —= + net, Me ~ mo - tals of thy long - dead bride Li, SSS =a EF = == Se = 2S SS dal drew Her lit-te dain - oy SS al be ‘The Lon CHANCELLOR is moved by this appeal, After apaue— —“Afacon Na. 18- 147 No. 12, RECITATIVE—(Iolanthe, Queen, Lord Chancellor, & Fairies.) Lp, CHAN. a tempo, Moderato. Te may not be~ for so thefater de-- cide! Learn thou that Phyl-ls iz my pro-mir'd cara] “ray bate! Not Not lab) Ae ah iat ia jah! Wil-lndoor Wile oot SS dae Tolan the! thou liv-eat? Aye! —_— 3 —— F bane 150 Se fbb Wits tebe = Wille = too! WH la ha = ah! Ws Ia + loo! . The Deore and SrnurHox enter. ‘The QueEX raises her spear. Lon Cutaxcrutor and StRRPHON implore her merey, Lama fend Crista rush forward. af faantde mut da so atm ‘Sunray (coming Ms ‘To vave iy We ite secterary Unt Tmacry atonoe. fl Retire ct cca tceees cane abaaat mal nao (fata kc ms rejeiigat Bee Sito mal Meeitieg. te Fe et i tenn at ated aw ye tact 8, f0y So Seen et No. 13, FINALE—(Phyllis, Iolanthe, Queen, Leila, Celia, Lord Tollolier, Lord Mountararat, Strephon, Lord Chancellor, & Chorus of Fairies & Peers.) 162 158 —, Two strings go ‘Make up your minds that grief ‘twill’ bring, If you've two beaux 1 = E aS = + = ee ee : Bes fe a = a = oe EE maa esaseae a B=S z Tat eon yp pe, 4. alll Though 96 Ups in ther ToLaNTHe, + leet CHorus. TEX! coys., Lon TOL. with 13t TEN. Thoughas 4 Upon the Si dy é 1 Though as ~ oe Ease Make up your He. willbe Make a He. wit “be Make op your ie whi “be =e eet ae Hee wth 155, Caneel + tor! kets. Chancel sll ee Cha cel + ty ring.

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