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Emmanuel Rombaoa Jr.

BSIT – 1 - B

Suppose that we have a 6-sided die. We assume that the di is unbiased (upon rolling die, each
outcome is equally likely). An experiment is conducted in which the die rolled 240 times The
outcomes are in the table below at a significance level of a 0.05 is there enough evidence to
support the hypothesis that the die is unbiased

E O O-E (o-e) ^2 (o-e) ^2

1 240/6=40 34 -6 36 0.9

2 240/6=40 44 4 16 0.4

3 240/6=40 30 -10 100 3.33

4 240/6=40 46 6 36 0.9

5 240/6=40 51 11 121 3.02

6 240/6=40 35 -5 25 0.62

= 9.17

A. the null hypothesis Ho: The die is unbiased.

B. the alternative hypothesis Ha: The die is biased.

C. The level of significance: α = 0.05

D. The degrees of freedom: K = 6 – 1 = 5

E. The Test Statistic: χ 2 =0.9+0.4+3.33+0.9+3.02+0.62

F. The critical value: From: a = 0.05 and K = 6 – 1 = 5, the critical value the critical value is 11.070

G. Decision:

Since the calculated value of X^2 = 9.17 < 11.070 at the 0.05 significance level, we fail to reject the null
hypothesis. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to support the claim that the die is biased. The data
does not provide significant grounds to conclude that the die is not unbiased based on the observed

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