Landscape Patterns Influencing Bird Assemblages in A

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Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126

Landscape patterns influencing bird assemblages in a

fragmented neotropical cloud forest
Miguel Angel Martınez-Morales *

Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK

Received 8 June 2003; received in revised form 18 March 2004; accepted 3 April 2004


The cloud forest is one of the rarest and most threatened ecosystems in Mexico, although it contributes highly to the country’s
biological diversity and provides important ecological services. It is a naturally fragmented ecosystem, but anthropogenic defor-
estation and fragmentation has been severe. Consequently, it is essential to identify landscape patterns critical for the conservation
of cloud forest. In order to understand how landscape patterns affect diversity in this ecosystem, this study explores the conse-
quences of cloud forest fragmentation on bird diversity in eastern Mexico. I analysed the response of bird species richness and
abundance as a function of forest fragment size, shape, topographical complexity, altitudinal range, connectivity, and proportion of
landscape forested area in a system of 13 cloud forest fragments. Fragment shape was the main characteristic positively related to
species richness in the bird community, but a differential response to landscape patterns was also detected. Fragment size was the
main characteristic influencing the segment of the bird community depending mostly on forest, that is to say, forest interior and
generalist species. In contrast, the extent of forest edge, expressed as fragment shape, produced a positive response of forest border
species. Both, forest dependent and border dependent species positively responded to the extent of their suitable habitat. The
immediate and most effective ecologically oriented conservation strategy for the region is the conservation of the largest cloud forest
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Landscape patterns; Forest fragmentation; Tropical montane cloud forest; Bird communities; Mexico

1. Introduction Cloud forest is one of Mexico’s rarest and most threa-

tened ecosystems, but at the same time, contributes
The tropical montane cloud forest in Middle America highly to the country’s biological diversity (Flores-Vill-
is a naturally fragmented ecosystem owing to the geo- ela and Gerez, 1994; G omez-Pompa et al., 1995). Based
logical history of the region. As a result of this historical on analysis of patterns of distribution, diversity and
fragmentation, cloud forests hold disproportionate high endemism of bird faunas, Hernandez-Ba~ nos et al. (1995)
levels of endemicity and offer the possibility of studying defined biogeographic regions of cloud forest in Middle
the important biogeographic and ecological processes America. This allowed them to identify regions of cloud
which underpin its spatial and temporal dynamics (e.g., forest that require conservation action. In Mexico, such
Hern andez-Ba~ nos et al., 1995). Fragmentation of the regions included eastern Mexico north of the Isthmus of
cloud forest in the region has increased considerably due Tehuantepec, Southern Sierra Madre, and interior
to human activities and settlements, threatening its ex- Oaxaca, all of which remain practically unprotected.
istence (Escalona et al., 1995; V azquez-Garcıa, 1995). Once priority regions for conservation of cloud forest
have been identified, it is paramount to define areas for
conservation at a finer scale. The definition of such areas
Present address: Centro de Investigaciones Biol
ogicas, Universidad has to be guided, among other aspects, by studies at
onoma del Estado de Hidalgo Apartado Postal 69, Plaza Juarez,
Pachuca, Hidalgo, C.P. 42001 Mexico. landscape level. Birds are an important ecological tool
E-mail address: (M. Angel Martınez- for such studies because their taxonomy and distribution
Morales). are well known, and because inventory methods are well

0006-3207/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
118 M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126

developed. Furthermore, a remarkable coincidence in

patterns of diversity and endemicity has been found
among different taxonomic groups in Middle America
(Ramammoorthy et al., 1998); thus, optimal conserva-
tion strategies should generally coincide. Analyses of
patterns of avian diversity can be a good indicative of
the effects of cloud forest fragmentation on biodiversity.
The characteristics of forest fragments that have been
consistently reported to have an important relationship
with diversity include fragment size, the extent and na-
ture of fragment edge, fragment connectivity, and the
extent of forest outside the fragment (Ambuel and
Temple, 1983; Howe, 1984; Lovejoy et al., 1986; Blake
and Karr, 1987; Bierregaard et al., 1992; Laurance,
1994; Willson et al., 1994; Murcia, 1995; Robinson
et al., 1995; Bellamy et al., 1996; Kattan and Alvarez-
Lopez, 1996; Arango-Velez and Katan, 1997; Laurance
and Bierregaard, 1997; Price et al., 1999; Stratford and
Stouffer, 1999; Cornelius et al., 2000). The aim of this
study was to identify fragment or landscape patterns
having a relationship with the structure and composition
of the bird community of a fragmented cloud forest.

2. Methods

2.1. Study area

This study was carried out in 13 fragments of tropical

montane cloud forest in northeastern Hidalgo, eastern
Mexico (Fig. 1). This area practically represents the
northernmost distribution of the cloud forest of the Si-
erra Madre Oriental. It is located on the windward slope
of the Sierra Madre and is usually found at altitudes
between 750 and 2400 m (Luna et al., 2000). Within this
altitudinal band, pine-oak forest and oak forest occur in
areas where humidity is not high enough for the devel-
opment of cloud forest. Below this altitudinal band, it is
replaced by tropical rain forest, and above this band,
pine forest and pine-oak forest become the main vege-
tation types. The forest fragments surveyed were within
an altitudinal band ranging from 1000 to 2000 m. The
aggregate area of all fragments surveyed was approxi-
mately 26,600 ha. Most of this forest was located in
northeastern Hidalgo, except for about 7700 ha, which
extended to the neighbouring state of Veracruz, east of
Hidalgo. The cloud forest in this region is included
within the ‘‘Southern Sierra Madre Oriental’’ Endemic
Bird Area, which has a critical priority ranking for Fig. 1. Location of the 13 cloud forest fragments surveyed in north-
conservation action (Stattersfield et al., 1998). eastern Hidalgo, Mexico. (1) Tlahuelompa, (2) Coatempa, (3)
Tlanchinol, (4) Lontla, (5) Mojonera, (6) Malila, (7) Tenango, (8)
2.2. Analyses of the geographic information Ahuacatlan, (9) Xochicoatlan, (10) Soyatla-1, (11) Soyatla-2, (12)
Molocotlan-1, (13) Molocotlan-2.

The characteristics of the forest fragments surveyed in which the fragment was embedded, as well as the
such as size, shape, topographical complexity, altitudi- characteristics of the vegetation matrix surrounding the
nal range, connectivity, and proportion of forested area cloud forest fragments were analysed from a Landsat
M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126 119

TM multispectral satellite image (recorded 15 October (cloud forest, pine-oak forest, tropical rain forest) was
1991, spatial resolution of pixels 25  25 m), from aerial defined as connectivity – af. The rationale behind the
photographs (May 1994, scale 1:20,000 and January 100 ha criteria is based on the detection of thresholds in
1978, scale 1:35,000), and from topographical and veg- the bird community structure and composition as cloud
etation cover maps (scales 1:50,000 and 1:250,000). forest fragmentation intensifies (Martınez-Morales,
There was no detailed information regarding when the 2001). Additionally, a 500 m buffer was created around
fragments became isolated, but according to the infor- each forest fragment to analyse proportion of forested
mation gathered, all fragments became isolated before area in which each forest fragment was embedded. The
1978. The satellite image was acquired after being geo- proportion of forested area in which each cloud forest
metrically corrected and projected on to a universal was embedded was defined as the percentage of total
transverse mercator projection grid at the Instituto de forested area (any forest type) within the area encom-
Geografıa of the Universidad Nacional Aut onoma de passed by the cloud forest fragment and a band of 500 m
Mexico (UNAM). width surrounding the fragment. Characteristics of the
The satellite image was processed with GRASS 4.2 cloud forest fragments surveyed are summarized in
(Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) at the Table 1.
Direccion General de Servicios de C omputo Academico,
UNAM. The image was classified into land cover cate- 2.3. Survey of bird communities
gories using a supervised classification method. For the
classification, the generation of signatures was an iter- Fieldwork was carried out from June 1997 to August
ative process using principal components analysis on 1999 to survey the bird communities in the 13 cloud
bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the satellite image. These forest fragments. Surveys were performed monthly. In
bands were found to provide adequate discrimination 1997, fragments were surveyed from June to September,
among the land cover classes. Band 6 was eliminated. and in 1998 and 1999, from January to August.
Additionally, a digital terrain model was incorporated Point counts were used to assess species richness and
to facilitate the classification of the satellite image using abundance in each forest fragment. Every forest frag-
elevation information. Filters or smoothing techniques ment was surveyed once a month. In total, between 30
which eliminate small patches (smaller than about 2 ha) and 371 census points (depending on fragment size) were
and make more regular all other patches, were not ap- sampled in the 13 forest fragments, giving a total of 2057
plied after classification of the satellite image. This was census points sampled in the study area at the end of
because of the need to detect small forest fragments to fieldwork. On average, eight birds were detected per
carry out bird surveys. A patch was defined as pixels of point count. The bird community in this cloud forest is
the same land cover category that were horizontally or dominated (83%) by rare species (Martınez-Morales,
vertically adjacent; diagonal pixels were not considered 2001); therefore, sampling effort was concentrated in a
to be contiguous (Turner, 1990). relatively small number of forest fragments to ensure
The 13 cloud forest fragments identified and selected that most of the species using the fragments were de-
for bird surveys were isolated from the image to analyse tected. If a less intensive sampling effort had been in-
their area and perimeter. Shape was measured as the vested in a larger number of forest fragments, patterns
irregularity of the fragment compared to a circle of of the bird community using the fragments would have
the same area. To assess topographical complexity of been obscured because of the detection of common
the forest fragments (as a surrogate of habitat hetero- species only.
geneity), the slope of each pixel in the forest fragments The census period ran for 3 h after dawn, and for 3 h
was obtained with the aid of the digital terrain model. before dusk. Census points were surveyed for 10 min
The area (square meters) covered by different slope and there was a travelling distance of about 5 min (ap-
values (degrees) was calculated in each forest fragment, proximately 200 m) between points, to assure indepen-
then topographical complexity in a forest fragment was dence between neighbouring points (Ralph et al., 1995).
assessed by the coefficient of variation of the terrain At each census point, all bird species detected visually or
slope weighted by the area covered by the different slope acoustically were recorded, and whenever possible, de-
values. Thus, higher values of the coefficient of variation tection distance from the observer was measured with an
represented higher values of topographical complexity. optical rangefinder. Notes on habitat use by bird species
Two estimates of connectivity were calculated based on or any other relevant information were also recorded.
the mean distance between the focal cloud forest frag- The location of the surveyed points was determined in
ment (the fragment surveyed) and the forest fragments the field using a GPS unit and an altimeter. To reduce
larger than 100 ha surrounding it. The mean distance the variability in bird species composition and abun-
between the focal fragment and cloud forest fragments dance among forest fragments due to altitude, bird
was defined as connectivity – cf, and the mean distance censuses were restricted to an altitudinal band from
between the focal fragment and all forest fragments 1300 to 1900 m, which represents a mid altitudinal range
120 M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126

Table 1
Characteristics of the 13 cloud forest fragments surveyed in northeastern Hidalgo, Mexico
Forest fragment Area (ha) Shape index Topographical Altitudinal range Connectivity Connectivity Land-
complexity of fragment through cloud through any scape
(coefficient of (altitudinal range forest (m) forest type (m) forested
variation) surveyed) area (%)
1. Tlahuelompa 16,289.0 26.7 92.1 1000–2000 m 603 431 80.0
(1400–1850 m)
2. Coatempa 5619.7 22.0 90.3 1000–2000 m 664 531 79.1
(1600–1900 m)
3. Tlanchinol 1663.9 11.7 117.9 1000–1600 m 106 53 73.3
(1400–1600 m)
4. Lontla 1457.0 14.3 96.1 1000–1650 m 463 231 71.2
(1300–1500 m)
5. Mojonera 974.5 12.7 93.8 1550–2000 m 1102 441 75.2
(1700–1900 m)
6. Malila 266.6 4.6 82.5 1450–2000 m 219 165 77.1
(1450–1700 m)
7. Tenango 231.7 7.2 85.6 1050–1500 m 1454 1892 54.1
(1300–1500 m)
8. Ahuacatl
an 45.9 5.2 91.4 1300–1500 m 754 754 37.9
(1300–1500 m)
9. Xochicoatl
an 43.3 3.7 97.4 1700–1800 m 1496 1908 34.6
(1700–1800 m)
10. Soyatla-1 11.7 3.6 92.4 1500–1700 m 939 939 27.6
(1500–1700 m)
11. Soyatla-2 5.0 2.3 75.2 1650–1700 m 770 770 15.4
(1650–1700 m)
12. Molocotl
an-1 1.6 2.0 77.3 1700 m (1700 m) 1738 1738 13.9
13. Molocotl
an-2 0.6 1.3 86.6 1650 m (1650 m) 1457 1618 8.9

for cloud forest. To reduce biases, all bird censuses were tionale behind the 100 m threshold is based on empirical
carried out by myself and only in good weather. observations and on the detected effects of edge pene-
To detect bird species occurring in the forest interior, tration into the forest on birds (Lovejoy et al., 1986;
point counts were carried out at no less than 200 m from Paton, 1994). This was also supported by studies on
the forest edge. This ensured that species detected were abiotic and biotic edge effects in fragmented forests
effectively at no less than 100 m from the forest edge. On (Williams-Linera, 1993; Murcia, 1995; Didham, 1997;
the other hand, to detect bird species in the forest bor- Kapos et al., 1997; Turton and Freiburger, 1997;
der, point counts were done at no more than 50 m from Mesquita et al., 1999).
the forest edge. Apart from exceptional circumstances,
most visual detections occurred at no more than 30–50 2.4. Bird species richness and abundance
m from the point count. In the case of acoustic detec-
tions, however, some species could be heard for dis- Before any analyses were performed to assess the
tances of 100 m or more. Therefore, corrections on the response of the bird community to cloud forest frag-
location of the bird species detected were done when mentation, the observed species richness in the forest
necessary. Forest interior species were those occurring fragments surveyed was standardized. Species-richness/
mostly at more than 100 m from the forest edge. On the sampling-effort curves for each forest fragment surveyed
other hand, border species were those occurring mainly were constructed to estimate the expected species rich-
within 100 m of the forest edge. Bird species were as- ness in each forest fragment (Table 2). Two species ac-
signed to either interior, or border categories, if the in- cumulation functions were used, the exponential and
terior abundance was twice the border abundance or Clench’s functions (Soberon and Llorente, 1993). These
vice versa. Otherwise the species was considered a forest two functions were selected because their assumptions
generalist. For this classification, only the data from fairly well described the situations in which data were
forest fragments larger than 200 ha were included, be- collected.
cause the smaller fragments (less than 50 ha) were not Bird species abundance in forest fragments was also
large enough to have an interior forest area. Those bird standardized as the mean number of individuals de-
species that were only recorded in forest fragments tected in 100 surveyed points. This abundance estimate
smaller than 50 ha were considered as species from the took account of the seasonality of the species (e.g., mi-
vegetation matrix surrounding the fragments. The ra- gratory species). Thus, the total number of point counts
M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126 121

Table 2
Summary of the results obtained from the non-linear regression functions fitted to the field data on bird species accumulation, in each forest fragment
and in the whole study area
Forest fragment Non-linear Regression results Bird species Point counts
function 2 a b c
R a b Detected Expected Surveyed Requiredd
1. Tlahuelompa Exponential 0.99 0.7291 0.0058 103 125 304 792
2. Coatempa Exponential 0.99 0.6074 0.0046 107 132 371 1002
3. Tlanchinol Exponential 0.99 0.5729 0.0047 80 122 243 982
4. Lontla Clench’s 0.98 2.8900 0.0391 60 74 87 2533
5. Mojonera Clench’s 0.99 2.6630 0.0282 79 94 149 3512
6. Malila Clench’s 0.95 2.3988 0.0345 58 69 127 2868
7. Tenango Exponential 0.98 1.3191 0.0144 87 92 215 320
8. Ahuacatlan Exponential 0.99 2.3051 0.0386 59 60 86 119
9. Xochicoatlan Exponential 0.97 2.1727 0.0291 74 75 118 158
10. Soyatla-1 Exponential 0.99 2.0622 0.0243 85 85 173 189
11. Soyatla-2 Exponential 0.98 1.6493 0.0232 66 71 110 198
12. Molocotlan-1 Exponential 0.99 3.1686 0.0483 56 66 44 95
13. Molocotlan-2 Exponential 0.99 4.9998 0.0797 59 63 30 58
Study area Exponential 0.99 0.3851 0.0021 181 184 2057 2196
a 1
Increase rate of the species list at the beginning of the collection with units of species  point counts .
Increase rate with units of point counts1 .
Predicted asymptote or predicted species richness (a=b).
Number of point counts required to register 99% of the total bird species richness.

surveyed only considered the point counts for the dance data were logðeÞx þ 1 transformed previous to the
months the species occurred in the study area. Since analyses to reduce the skewness of the data, resulting in
detection probability for a certain species was the same a more interpretable analysis.
in the forest fragments surveyed, this allowed compari-
sons of the species abundance among forest fragments.
3. Results
2.5. Analyses of the relationships between landscape
patterns and birds The response of the bird species richness to all the
characteristics of the forest fragments analysed was not
The response of the standardized bird species richness statistically significant (R2adj ¼ 0:30, df ¼ 5, P ¼ 0:28), to
in cloud forest fragments as a function of forest frag- a certain extent probably due to the over-parametriza-
ment size, shape, topographical complexity, altitudinal tion of the multiple regression. The standardized partial
range, connectivity, and proportion of landscape for- regression coefficients (b) obtained, however, indicated
ested area was analysed by multiple regression analyses. the relative importance of the forest fragment charac-
The stepwise regression procedure was used to choose teristics on bird species richness (Table 3). A further
the forest fragment characteristics that have the stron- analysis was performed, but characteristics of forest
gest relationship with bird species richness in this cloud fragments were selected by the stepwise regression pro-
forest landscape. An F -to-enter probability value of 0.05 cedure. A better fit was obtained in the multiple re-
and a F -to-remove probability value of 0.10 were used in gression, where fragment shape was identified as the
all cases. Additionally, forest interior, generalist, and main fragment feature influencing the response of bird
border species were analysed separately by multiple re- species richness (Table 3).
gression analysis to assess if there was any differential In the case of bird species of the forest interior and
response to forest fragment characteristics, based on the forest generalist, the best fit of the multiple regression
species level of dependence on forest. analysis was obtained when fragment size was selected,
Detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) were used either when analysed separately or when pooled together
to generate scatter diagrams of cloud forest fragments (Table 4). Bird species of the forest border did not sig-
based on the structure of their bird community. In the nificantly respond to any forest fragment characteristic
analyses the number of axes extracted in the ordination (R2adj ¼ 0:06, df ¼ 4, P ¼ 0:57). The stepwise regression
analysis was based on the Kaiser’s rule, where the procedure did not select any variable to build a regres-
minimum eigenvalue of an axis should be the average of sion model; thus, the backward elimination procedure
all eigenvalues (Legendre and Legendre, 1983). The was used to explore the potential variables that might be
scores for axes were calculated by the Hill algorithm, relevant in the response of forest border birds. This
based on reciprocal averaging (Hill, 1973). Bird abun- procedure produced a marginally significant regression
122 M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126

Table 3
Summary of the results obtained from multiple regression analysis, where the response of bird species richness in cloud forest fragments is a function
of the characteristics of forest fragments
Characteristics of forest fragments Partial regression coefficient (b) Significance (P )
All variables included (R2adj
¼ 0:30, df ¼ 5, P ¼ 0:28)
(Constant) 0.985
Log10 size 0.175 0.956
Log10 shape 1.440 0.562
Arcsine topographical complexity 0.041 0.918
Log10 altitudinal range )0.568 0.654
1/Log10 connectivity – cf 1.100 0.616
1/Log10 connectivity – af )0.916 0.689
Arcsine proportion of landscape forested area )0.332 0.858
Stepwise regression applied (R2adj ¼ 0:60, df ¼ 11, P ¼ 0:001)
(Constant) <0.001
Log10 shape 0.794 0.001

Table 4
Summary of the results obtained from multiple regression analysis, where the response of bird species richness of forest interior, generalist, and
border birds in cloud forest fragments is a function of the characteristics of forest fragments. In the case of forest interior and generalist birds the
stepwise regression procedure was used, whereas the backward elimination procedure was applied for forest border species
Characteristics of forest fragments Partial regression coefficient (b) Significance (P )
Forest interior birds (R2adj ¼ 0:43, df ¼ 11, P ¼ 0:009)
(Constant) 0.445
Log10 size 0.694 0.009
Forest generalist birds (R2adj ¼ 0:87, df ¼ 11, P < 0:001)
(Constant) <0.001
Log10 size 0.938 <0.001
Forest interior and generalist birds (R2adj ¼ 0:66, df ¼ 11, P < 0:001)
(Constant) 0.001
Log10 size 0.827 <0.001
Forest border birds (R2adj ¼ 0:23, df ¼ 9, P ¼ 0:124)
(Constant) 0.064
Log10 size )2.637 0.062
Log10 shape 2.344 0.091

model (R2adj ¼ 0:23, df ¼ 9, P ¼ 0:12) using size and altitudinally. The Tenango fragment, located in the
shape as the most important variables. A negative re- lower range of the cloud forest in Hidalgo, holds species
sponse of forest border birds to fragment size was de- occurring typically below 1500 m in altitude, such as
tected, as was a positive response to shape (Table 4). Crypturellus cinnamomeus (thicket tinamou), Columba
Through the arrangement of forest fragments based flavirostris (red-billed pigeon), Attila spadiceus (bright-
on their similarities in bird species abundance and rumped attila), Pitangus sulphuratus (great kiskadee),
composition (Figs. 2 and 3), the DCA showed that bird and Cyanocorax morio (brown jay). On the other hand,
species assemblages in forest fragments are correlated the Mojonera fragment, located in the upper range of
with the intensification of cloud forest fragmentation. the cloud forest in Hidalgo, was separated from the
Axis 1 in both figures showed a fairly clear gradient in other fragments because of the presence of Certhia
the intensification of forest fragmentation from low to americana (brown creeper), which was only recorded in
high. In addition, axis 2 in both figures seemed to rep- the upper half of the altitudinal range of the cloud for-
resent differences in bird species assemblages among est. Furthermore, since the Mojonera fragment is lo-
forest fragments caused by topographical and geo- cated on the leeward slope of the mountain chain
graphical features. On axis 2 of Fig. 2, fragment 6 (contrary to all other forest fragments), it is drier than
(Malila) was isolated from all other fragments because it other sites. Therefore, bird species such as Cynanthus
had prominent cliffs that were heavily used as roosting latirostris (broad-billed hummingbird), Psaltriparus
sites by birds such as Tachycineta thalassina (violet- minimus (bushtit), and Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar
green swallow) and Strectoprocne zonaris (white-col- waxwing), which are associated with drier climates, were
lared swift). The two extreme forest fragments on axis 2 only present in this fragment, contributing to the dis-
of Fig. 3 (Tenango [7] and Mojonera [5]) do not overlap tinctiveness of the Mojonera fragment. Fig. 3 also
M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126 123


(eigenvalue = 0.08, explained variance = 7%)


'4 '11

'2 '10
Axis 2 '5

0.5 '9

0.0 '6

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Axis 1
(eigenvalue = 0.25, explained variance = 23%)

Fig. 2. DCA ordination diagram of cloud forest fragments based on the logðeÞ transformed abundance data of bird species. The scale marks in both
axes are multiples of standard deviation. Labels of forest fragments follow Table 1.

(eigenvalue = 0.13, explained variance = 13%)


3 '4
Axis 2

'6 '9 '10 '13

'3 '12
'1 '11


0 '5

0 1 2 3 4

Axis 1
(eigenvalue = 0.19, explained variance = 19%)

Fig. 3. DCA ordination diagram of cloud forest fragments based on the presence-absence data of forest interior and generalist bird species. The scale
marks in both axes are multiples of standard deviation. Labels of forest fragments follow Table 1.

showed that forest fragments smaller than 50 ha were documented both in temperate and tropical forests at
quite homogeneous in their bird species assemblages, in several spatial scales (Ambuel and Temple, 1983; Howe,
contrast to fragments larger than 200 ha. 1984; Blake and Karr, 1987; Willson et al., 1994; Bell-
amy et al., 1996; Kattan and Alvarez-L opez, 1996;
Stratford and Stouffer, 1999; Cornelius et al., 2000). In
4. Discussion this study, however, fragment shape was identified as the
most important fragment characteristic influencing the
4.1. Response of bird species to forest fragment charac- response of species richness in the bird community.
teristics Since fragment shape represents an index of the pro-
portional extent of forest edge in a fragment, its im-
The positive response of bird species richness to forest portance may represent the influence of bird species that
fragment size has been extensively and consistently benefit from the increase in edge extent due to the ir-
124 M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126

regularity of forest fragments. Such is the case of forest is involved. In this study, an effect of the altitudinal
border species and birds from the vegetation matrix. location of forest fragments on their species composition
The relevance of fragment shape in this landscape may was suggested. In species composition, forest fragments
be the consequence of the fragmented nature of the located at the upper altitudinal range of the cloud forest
cloud forest in a topographically complex region, and differed to some extent from the fragments located at the
more recently, because of the deforestation patterns that lower altitudinal range. Therefore, connectivity of forest
have taken place. Deforestation has not followed a fragments with other vegetation types within an altitu-
regular pattern mainly because of the topographic dinal context seemed to be a relevant factor affecting
complexity of the region; therefore, most of the forest bird diversity and ecological processes, such as altitu-
fragments are highly irregular. This fact, together with dinal migration, as shown by studies on distribution and
the intensity of deforestation may have had important turn over of bird species in altitudinal gradients (Ter-
repercussions on the composition and structure of the borgh, 1971; Terborgh and Weske, 1975; Navarro, 1992;
cloud forest bird community to such an extent that Kattan et al., 1994).
area has become less relevant as a predictor of species An additional characteristic of forest fragments af-
richness. fecting the bird community was the windward or lee-
The characteristics of the cloud forest fragments that ward position of the fragment on the mountain range.
produced a differential response of bird species de- Cloud forest fragments located on the windward slope
pended on their level of dependence on forest. Among are more humid than the fragments located on the lee-
the forest fragment characteristics analysed, size was ward slope. Consequently, forest fragments showed
identified as the most important feature having a posi- differences in species composition due to the presence of
tive relationship with species richness of forest depen- birds with affinities either for more humid or drier
dent birds, that is to say, forest interior and generalist habitats.
species. In contrast, forest border species responded Particular features of forest fragments that are nee-
negatively to size of forest fragments, but responded ded to fulfil the specific requirements of certain bird
positively to fragment shape. Other works suggest that species, such as roosting and shelter sites, feeding and
such differential response of bird species to forest frag- nesting grounds, and protection from predators will
mentation seems to remain irrespective of the scale of affect the presence and abundance of bird species. In this
analysis, even in extremely fragmented landscapes study, prominent cliffs were identified as key features of
(Bellamy et al., 1996; Graham and Blake, 2001). In forest fragments affecting the relative abundance of
south-east England, Bellamy et al. (1996) found the some aerial bird species, mainly swifts and swallows.
same pattern of differential response to forest fragmen- Some other studies have also identified cliffs as impor-
tation by woodland and edge species, in wood fragments tant landscape features that represent a significant ad-
smaller than 30 ha, where most, if not all fragment area ditive influence on avian diversity (Ward and Anderson,
could be considered as border. Although a differential 1988; Matheson and Larson, 1998), and also, as im-
response of forest dependent and border dependent portant landscape features for conservation of biodi-
species is evident, both segments of the bird community versity in general (Kelly and Larson, 1997; Larson et al.,
responded positively to the extent of their suitable 1999a; Larson et al., 1999b). Cliffs lend topographical
habitat, that is to say, the extent of forest or the extent diversity, and thus, habitat diversity to forest fragments.
of forest border, respectively. Although they may only occupy a small percentage of
Connectivity of forest fragments, either by cloud the land area, they seem to contribute disproportion-
forest or by any forest type, did not seem to influence ately to habitat richness.
bird species richness at the spatial scale of hundreds of
meters between fragments. This fact has also been re- 4.2. Conservation implications
ported in other studies in temperate forest fragments
(Ambuel and Temple, 1983). Thus, the persistence of a Forest fragment size was the most important char-
given species in a fragment depends upon its regional acteristic influencing the response of bird species that
population dynamics far more than its population in depend on cloud forest; thus, this study suggests that the
that specific forest fragment. However, connectivity of immediate and most effective ecologically oriented con-
forest fragments might become important at greater servation strategy for this region has to be directed to
spatial scales. Price et al. (1999) have demonstrated that the conservation of the largest cloud forest fragments.
populations of some bird species are regulated in some This will ensure that bird species of particular conser-
manner by the extent of forest outside the patch in vation value, such as species restricted to the cloud
which they occur. They suggested that the spatial scale forest, endemic species, and restricted-range species,
of this effect is within a 50 km radius. Furthermore, among others, will be preserved in landscapes with the
connectivity of forest fragments might also become im- lowest fragmentation intensity. This strategy should
portant when connectivity along an altitudinal gradient reduce the extinction probability of forest species of
M. Angel Martınez-Morales / Biological Conservation 121 (2005) 117–126 125

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