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( September 11 - 17, 2023 )
Dear Diary,

Monday - Sept. 11, 2023

Started the week with a satisfying hot dog sandwich for
60 pesos, paired with a refreshing Coke Mismo at 20
pesos and a fruity soda for 39 pesos. Transportation
cost 20 pesos.

Total spent on Monday: 139 pesos

Tuesday - Sept. 12, 2023

A straightforward day with only transportation costs of
20 pesos.

Total spent on Tuesday: 20 pesos

Wednesday - Sept. 13, 2023

Wednesday's essentials included 20 pesos for
transportation and an additional 20 pesos for water.

Total spent on Wednesday: 40 pesos

Thursday - Sept. 14, 2023
Opted for a ChickenJoy meal for lunch, spending 20
pesos. Quenched my thirst with a 22-peso Coke Mismo.
Unexpectedly splurged 10 pesos on pillows.

Total spent on Thursday: 52 pesos

Friday - Sept. 15, 2023

Indulged in a 100-peso snack and covered
transportation costs with 20 pesos.

Total spent on Friday: 120 pesos

Saturday - Sept. 16, 2023

No expenses for the day.

Total spent on Saturday: 0 pesos

Sunday - Sept. 17, 2023

Another day with no expenses.

Total spent on Sunday: 0 pesos

Weekly Total Expenditure: 371 pesos

As I reflect on the expenses of Week 3, it's evident that maintaining
a balance between routine necessities and occasional indulgences
is key to effective budgeting. Starting the week with a tasty hot dog
sandwich and refreshing beverages added a touch of enjoyment to
my daily routine. While transportation costs were consistent, the
unexpected purchase of pillows on Thursday served as a gentle
reminder to be prepared for unforeseen expenses and adjust my
budget accordingly.

Indulging in a substantial 100-peso snack on Friday was a

conscious choice, and it felt like a well-deserved treat to cap off
the workweek. The decision to abstain from spending on Saturday
and Sunday showcased a disciplined approach when there were no
immediate needs or desires.

In total, my expenditures for the week amounted to 371 pesos. This

figure underscores the significance of mindful spending, where each
purchase is a deliberate choice. It's not just about the monetary
value but understanding the value each expense adds to my daily
life. This week's financial journey serves as a guide for future
spending, emphasizing the importance of staying adaptable, being
mindful of unplanned costs, and finding joy in both routine
essentials and occasional splurges. As I look forward to the
upcoming weeks, this reflection will guide my ongoing commitment to
financial responsibility and the occasional delight of a well-chosen

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