Prof Educ 7

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Subject: Prof Educ 7

Student: Elise Maraño

Course/year: BSED-English III

1. Reflect on one of your past teachers. In his/her teaching has he/she been outcome-
based or content-based? With which did he/she begin his/her lesson: “Today class, our
lesson is…” or “after this lesson class, you should be able to…” at the end of his/her
lesson, did he/she check if the intended learning outcome was realized?

 From my past teacher he has been an outcome-based. He always starts up with the
“Today class, our lesson is…” after the lesson he then will conduct an activity or a game
regarding the topic to know if we understand the lesson. He guided and helped us
understand the material in any way necessary, by letting us do group works, games
regarding the lesson, activities and reporting.

2. “Content without purpose is only trivia” –How does this relate to you as a future teacher?

 For me as a future educator, I will set my goals first before making a content because
how can I effectively teach if I can’t communicate with students who struggle to find the
relevance of the topic? Content without purpose is useless, that’s what it is. The purpose
of creating content is to inform and educate our students we should always set our goals
in making a lesson plan. Teaching is easy. If you were to be a teacher, your goal
shouldn’t be only for the salary, you should be passionate about it. You should love with
what you do so you wouldn’t face that much difficulties in teaching. Teachers play a
crucial role in society as they prepare the younger generation to face the future with
courage and knowledge. A teacher can be a best friend, a third parent, an inspiration, a
role model, a well-wisher, etc., for the students and guide them on the right path to
succeed in life. Helping our learners find greater purpose is something I think we can all
agree on and will benefit them well into the future.

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