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Good Morning! Mabuhay!

Bago tayo agrugi, let us welcome Monday morning with a

great enthusiasm, enormous hope and a tank full of energy.. with that said, igreet yu
man dagita kaabay yu ti “Mabuhay”!
Let’s start.. To all the Provincial Department Heads …. I can see here:

HON. JOCEL C. BAAC- Provincial Vice Governor

Board Member - ROGER P. SAGA-OC

MR. TEDDY E. GULLAY- Provincial Administrator

DR. REYNALDO A. ARANCA-OIC- Chief of Hospital
ATTY. JOHN PAUL S. BAGUIWAN- Provincial Legal Officer
MR. GEORGE A. BAN-OS- Provincial Accounting Officer
MS. MA. THERESA G. BASITAO- Provincial Treasurer
ENGR. DOMINGO A. BAKILAN- Provincial Agriculturist
ENGR. ROSENDO F. DAKIWAG - Provincial Engineering Office
DR. LEONARDO D. DAMIAN- Office of the Provincial Veterinary Services
MR. RICHARD A. DALIYONG- Provincial Budget Officer
MS. GRACE M. KIDANG FLORES- Provincial Human Resource Management Officer
MS. FLORDELIZA G. MOLDERO- Provincial Planning and Development Officer
MR. MATHEW O. MATBAGAN- Office of the Secretary to the Sanggunian
MS. ROSE MARITEZ A. OYAWON- Provincial Social Welfare & Development Officer
MS. ARLENE B. OYANDO- Provincial Cooperative & Enterprise Development Officer
ENGR. DOMINIC JUDE B. SUGGUIYAO - Provincial Government on Environment
and National Resources Officer (PGENRO)
DR. EDUARD B. TANDINGAN- Provincial Health Office
ENGR. JEFFREY L. UYAM- Provincial Assessor’s Office
to all the Provincial Government of Kalinga employees and to all who are here with us, a
pleasant and wonderful morning.

May we acknowledge the presence of our:
Provincial Vice Governor Honorable Jocel C. Baac..
Board Member….
We, the Kalinga Provincial Hospital are assigned to lead the regular Flag Raising
Ceremony on this glorious day …and as to formally start our program, may I request
everyone to please rise and be one in mind, body and spirit as we praise and thank our
Almighty Father for all his graces and blessings through an invocation to be led by
ma’am Olympia Bugtong, OIC Assistant Chief Nurse.
As Filipinos, to signify our unity as nation, let us sing loudly our Philippine National
Anthem to be led by __________ (with the KPH Choir) which will be followed by the
recitation of Panunumpa ng Watawat ng Pilipinas, and the singing of the Kalinga Hymn.
Philippine National Anthem….
Panunumpa ng Watawat ng Pilipinas….
Kalinga Hymn….

Please be seated….

To give us something to guide, motivate and reflect our actions, let us hear from Pastor
_________ who will be sharing the bible verse for today. Please remain attentive for the
Word of God.
Word of God…….
Thank you for that delightful Word of God pastor _________________________.
At this juncture, while we are enjoying our delightful snack which are being distributed…
we are going to witness an exciting special number prepared by the staffs from Kalinga
Provincial Hospital. For the information of everybody, isu da gayam jay nagchampion
jay choir competition during the Kalinga Provincial Hospital 53rd Founding Anniversary
held last month.
Once again, let’s give a round of applause to the KPH choir champions!


Thank you for that wonderful performance, indeed pangchampion da nga talaga..
This time, we will now proceed to the office announcements….
Volunteer nalang po ang gagawin natin, if there are any announcement please come
forward po..
As the lead office, may I call on Dr. Reynaldo Aranca to start the announcement. 0kp
Office announcements…
Thank you ma’am/sir______.

Did you know? That--More germs are transferred by shaking hands than by kissing?- So
kiss more! Char!
According to the study, Our hands come into contact with millions of germs and bacteria
each day.
So ti kayat na sauwen ket instead nga makishake hands, ket kiss ladtan? Ustu ba doc?

July 6 is the International Kissing Day

Are there any more announcements?.......... if none, a message will be given to us by

our energetic Provincial Vice Governor, sir Jocel C. Baac for his message.
Thank you sir. Our program has ended..Again, thank you, I am Shiela Mae, your host
for today, have blessed working week. Lumin-awa Kalinga.

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