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ED215R DDP Key Performance Criteria ______X_______ ______X_______ _______X______ 5-7 minute video Lesson plan Self assessment

(specific to DDP assignment)

No Evidence Minimal Evidence Sufficient Evidence

The selected clip demonstrates a clear

understanding of your chosen balanced literacy component (either read aloud or shared reading) and how to use it with literacy learners in your field placement

Extensive Evidence

You read aloud with appropriate volume, pace, and expression. You show the illustrations to the children as you read. You ask the children a question that prompts them to think about a text to self connection. You provide an opportunity for the children to make their own text to self connections. You use the read aloud to teach a comprehension strategy. Think about how you can model your own text to self connection to demonstrate the thinking for the children at the beginning of the read aloud. Think also about how you could engage more of the children in participating and practicing in the use of the strategy during the reading through pair/shares.

The self-assessment demonstrates:

a thorough understanding of your selected balanced literacy component

You demonstrate your understanding of the purpose of a read aloud in teaching comprehension strategies. You explained your book choice based on this understanding. What is the second Alverno Ability that you used to show growth in this standard?

The self-assessment demonstrates:

an accurate identification and explanation of how at least two Alverno Education Abilities were used to show growth in your choice of one Wisconsin Standard for Teacher Development and Licensure
You identify the Alverno Ability of Communication and relate it to WTS #8.

and your practice.

The self-assessment demonstrates:

an analysis of the challenges and how they were addressed

You stated that you felt that this lesson was successful and why. What do you feel is your current understanding of the read aloud component of balanced literacy?

The self-assessment demonstrates:

an insightful evaluation of your current understanding and practice of the selected component in the classroom related to what might you would do differently in future lessons You speak of the importance of using appropriate verbal tone to maintain student attention and interest.
You mention that you would use a read aloud to introduce another concept. Were you referring to another comprehension strategy>

ED 225 The self-reflection paper is

word-processed and meets Level 3 writing criteria.

ED 325

The self-reflection paper is word processed and meets Level 4 writing criteria.

Overall Performance: Little or No Evidence Minimal Evidence X Sufficient Evidence Extensive Evidence
Brittany, you show a good understanding of read aloud as you have many aspects of this instructional strategy already in place. Continue to grow in your ability to use read alouds as the vehicle through which you (as a more expert other) explicitly teach literacy concepts/skills/strategies through thinking aloud your thought processes as you read and process text. Nice Job!

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