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(Vigna radiata)

A Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Business and Management
Cauayan City, Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree


January 2024
Republic of the Philippines
Cauayan Campus
Cauayan City, Isabela


The thesis attached hereto, entitled Development and Acceptability of Pancake
Munggo (Vigna radiata), prepared and submitted by Trisha Marie B. Arce, Jomarie B.
Corpuz, Michael Angelo P. Dela Masa, Angelo D. Dumo, Reynan Jake T. Labuton,
Jelly Ann A. Matalang and Joshua C. Samson in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management is hereby endorsed.

Eric S. Dagman, MAIE-HRM


Accepted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in
Hospitality Management.


Kristin Bernadette D. Callang Mildred V. Matulin, DHM

Member Member

Ruby DG. Elumbra, MAEd-HT



Lorelei C. Tabago, Ph.D

Campus Research Director

Karla Jastine C. Maramag, DHM Jehoana M. Mones, Ph.D

Program Chair Dean

Rose Mary A. Velasco, DIT
Campus Registrar


I would like to thank several individuals for their contributions and assistance in
finishing our research. Were very grateful to the following individuals:

This work would not have been possible without the support of our Research
Adviser. Sir Eric S. Dagman, MAIE-HRM. in particular, have been supportive of our
career goals and have worked hard to give us with the protected academic time to pursue
those goals.

We are grateful to everyone we have had the pleasure of working with regarding
this and other similar initiatives.

Each member of our Research defense panel, Ruby DG. Elumbra, MAEd-HT,
Kristin Bernadette D. Callang, and Mildred V. Matulin, DHM has provided us with
considerable personal and professional assistance, as well as teaching us a great deal about
research journal and life in general.

We would like to thank our research adviser in particular for just being our
instructor and mentor. She/He has taught us more than we could ever give her credit for
here. Nobody has been more important to us in the pursuit of this mission than our family
members, for their unending support and encouragement in pursuing our studied. We'd
want to thank our parents for their love and advice in whatever we do. They are the ideal
role models; and finally

To our Almighty God, for making us strong during our research journey, for
guiding and protecting us


I sincerely dedicate this study to our parents, who have always supported us
financially, emotionally, spiritually, and as a source of inspiration. They have also given
us strength when we felt like giving up. To our classmates, friends, mentor, brothers,
sisters, and other family members who have offered guidance and motivation to complete
our study. Lastly, we thank the Almighty God for his direction, to whom we dedicate this
book. strength, mental fortitude, abilities, defense, and for providing us with a long and
healthy life. We offer you all of these.

Trisha Marie B. Arce

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been our
source of inspiration and strength throughout this research. Their continuous moral,
spiritual, emotional, and financial support to us has helped us finish this research. We also
dedicate this research to the Almighty God, for his guidance, power of mind, and protection
and for giving us a healthy life to be able to carry out this research. All of these, we offer
to you. And lastly, we dedicate this research to our research adviser, Mrs. Ruby Elumbra,
for her tremendous effort and patience to guide us throughout the research and helped us
to better understand the key points of this research. Furthermore, to our classmates who
shared their words of advice and encouragement that helped us be motivated to finish this

Jomarie B. Corpuz

My heartfelt dedication of my research paper is to my parents, who have been a

source of encouragement and inspiration for me during this study. They have stood by my
side the entire time, and when I felt like giving up, they offered me courage and hope. They
gave me a lot of motivation and persistence to keep on with this. It would never have been
able to conduct this research without their support and affection. In addition, I dedicate this
research paper to my family for their support, my friends who helped me complete this

project, who is always encouraging me to make this study even better. I truly value the
advice you have given me as well as the ongoing financial, emotional, and moral support.
Finally, I dedicate this study to the All-Powerful God who has given me the ability to think
clearly, strength, wisdom, competence, security, and good health throughout this process.
I offer you all of these.

Michael Angelo P. Dela Masa

I dedicate my dissertation work to my family and many friends. A special feeling

of gratitude to my loving parents, My mother Sandra Dumo and my father Ronald Dumo
whose words of encouragement, who support me mentally and financially from start , until
the end, I’m always bless , because they never doubt me for what can I do, I also dedicate
this dissertation to my many friends, A friend who have supported me throughout the
process. I will always appreciate all they have done, especially, in the hard times.

Angelo D. Dumo

This Research paper is sincerely dedicated to my very supportive parents who

encouraged and inspired me. They have never left my side throughout the process and gave
me strength and hope when i thought of giving this up. They provided me a great sense of
enthusiasm and perseverance in continuing this. Moreover, I dedicate this Research paper
to my teacher, Mrs. Ruby P. Elumbra, who constantly Guide and Teaching me to make this
study even better, to my family for cheering up for me and to my friends who helped me
to finish all of this. I really appreciate your words of advice and in continuously giving me
moral and financial support. And lastly, I dedicate this to Almighty God who gives me
strength, Wisdom, Guidance, Power of Thinking, Security, Competence, and giving me
Good Health while doing this, all of these, I offer to you.

Reynan Jake T. Labuton

First of all, we like to dedicate the success of our research to our parents for always
supporting us financially and emotionally, for not leaving our side whenever we face
hardships and when we feel like giving up, for giving us advice on what should we do,
each of our parents are part of the research success. Second, we also want to dedicate the
success of our research paper to the ISU Cauayan campus Students and CBM Faculty
members they are the respondents of the study, without their cooperation and support this
study will not be completed, they are the very important part of the research paper. With
their wise and honest insight, the data we’ve collected is enough to complete this research
Lastly we would like to dedicate the success of this research study to our Instructors/Prof,
for not giving up on cheering us and for encouraging us that we can do a lot. For always
giving us hope and for advising us that we should always think positive, to always think
that we can finish this research and could submit it in the set time.

Jelly Ann A. Matalang

I would like to dedicate our research to our Almighty God, for giving me strength
and compassion to pursue this kind of journey in my college life. To my beloved parents,
Mr. Noel L. Samson and Jovencia C. Samson, and my beloved family for their advice and
support in pursuing my studies. They are my inspiration and motivation in pursuing my
college degree. I also dedicate this research to our instructor Ms. Ruby DG. Elumbra,
MAEd-HT, and Kristin Bernadette D. Callang, who supported us by giving guidance, and
expertise throughout the research process. They have been really helpful and supportive,
always believing in our potentials and going above and beyond to make sure we achieve. I
eternally appreciative of their guidance.

Joshua C. Samson



TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………… iii

DEDICATION ……………………………………………… iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………… vii

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………… x

LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………… xi

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………… xii



ITS BACKGROUND ……………………………………………… 1
Introduction ……………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………… 4

Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………… 4

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………… 5

Time and Place of the Study ……………………………………………… 5

Scope and Delimitations ……………………………………………… 5

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………… 5


LITERATURE ……………………………………………… 7
PROCEDURES ……………………………………………… 14

Research Design ……………………………………………… 14
Research Locale ……………………………………………… 14
Participants of the Study ……………………………………………… 14
Materials and Procedures ……………………………………………… 15
Research Instrument ……………………………………………… 19
Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………………………… 20
Statistical Analysis ……………………………………………… 21
OF DATA ……………………………………………… 22
RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………………… 27
Summary of Findings ……………………………………………… 27
Conclusions ……………………………………………… 29
Recommendations ……………………………………………… 30

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………… 31

APPENDICES ……………………………………………… X


WAIVER (IF APPLICABLE) ……………………………………………… X

SCORECARD FOR SENSORY ……………………………………………… X


ADDITIONAL PICTURES ……………………………………………… X


ISUCC FORM 1- Nomination ……………………………………………… X

Of Guidance Committee

ISUCC FORM 2- Title Approval ……………………………………………… X

ISUCC FORM 3- Thesis Outline

Approval ……………………………………………… X

ISUCC FORM 4- Permission to

Start/Conduct the Study ……………………………………………… X

ISUCC FORM 7- Application for

Thesis Defense ……………………………………………… X


BIODATA (Curriculum Vitae) ……………………………………………… X



1 Proportion of ingredients in
the preparation of Pancake Munggo …………………………………… 15
2 Mean and Interpretation of Scale on
the Development and Acceptability
of Pancake Munggo …………………………………… 19
3 Hedonic scale and Sensory
Characteristics indicating the degree
of liking and disliking product of
Pancake Munggo. …………………………………… 20
4 Development and Acceptability
of Pancake Munggo …………………………………… 23
5 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
on the Mean Evaluation …………………………………… 25
6 Summary of Cost and Analysis
of Pancake Munggo …………………………………… 25
7 Summary and Computation of
Return and Investment
of Pancake Munggo …………………………………… 26



1 Schematic diagram of
powdered munggo preparation …………………………………… 17
2 Schematic diagram of
pancake munggo preparation …………………………………… 18
3 Percentage distribution of
respondents according to gender …………………………………… 22
4 Percentage distribution of
respondents according to age …………………………………… 22

Mungo bean originated in India where it has been in cultivation from ancient times.
India is the 15th largest producer and consumer of mungo bean in the world. The most
suitable climate to cultivate mungo beans is 27–30 °C with heavy rainfall. Pancakes have
some nutrients that can benefit your health. Eating a plate of pancakes means getting plenty
of carbohydrates. And since carbs are your body's preferred source of fuel, that means
pancakes are also a great source of energy. Additionally, emphasizes that pancakes are
also a good source of iron. The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four
treatments was used in the study. The different treatments were designated as follows:
Treatment 1 (128 g All Purpose Flour), Treatment 2 (32 g Munggo and 96 grams All
Purpose Flour), Treatment 3 (64 g Munggo and 64 grams All Purpose Flour) and
Treatment 4 (96 g Munggo and 32 grams All Purpose Flour). Sensory characteristics of
pancake munggo were evaluated by 50 panelists comprising of college students of Isabela
State University - Cauayan Campus whose ages ranged from 18-24 years old. The quality
of the products was assessed using a hedonic scale and descriptive scorecards. The
percentage was used in the panelist profile to easily identify the total number in terms of
their age and gender classification. Mean was used in determining the level of sensory
acceptability of the product as to color, taste, texture and overall acceptability. ANOVA
was used to determine if there are significant differences among the treatment samples in
terms of taste, texture, odor and general acceptability of the Pancake Munggo. Based on
the data collected, the evaluators favored Treatment 2. The color of Treatment 2 was rated
“golden brown” by the panelists with a mean of 3.16, “just recognizable munggo taste”
with a mean of 3.3, “pronounced munggo taste” with a mean of 3.78, “pronounced
munggo odor” with a mean of 3.52 and has an overall acceptability mean of 7.66 with a
description of “Like Very Much”. There is a significant difference in the odor, texture and
overall acceptability. Treatment 1 has return on investment of 40% and Treatment 2-4 has
return on investment of 50%


In the Philippines, mung bean, locally known as “mongo,” is one of the crops
farmers grow along with rice. Mung bean production from July to September 2022 was
1.37 thousand metric tons. This was 0.7 percent higher than the 1.36 thousand metric tons
produced during the same period in 2021. With 0.57 thousand metric tons, Cagayan Valley
was the leading mung bean producer from June to September 2022, accounting for 41.5
percent of the country’s overall output. Davao Region came second with a 12.3 percent
share (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2023). The value of mung beans produced in the
Philippines in 2021 was estimated to be about 2.27 billion Philippine pesos. Since 2017,
the country's mung bean production value has been progressively expanding (Statista
Research Department, 2022b). Also, about 42,000 hectares of land in the Philippines were
utilized for mung bean farming in 2021. Except for modest drops in 2019 and 2021, the
country's mung bean production output has been steadily expanding over the last five years
(Statista Research Department, 2022).
Mung bean has been subjected to research (Dahiya et al., 2015), yet little of its
potential has been explored (Pataczek et al., 2018). Mung bean can be a valuable source of
extra revenue for farmers in the municipality of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. It is a common
legume planted by farmers in the municipality after the first cropping season in the region,
owing to its resistance to the dry season. Through a cost-return analysis, this research
illustrates the promising potential of this crop. Moreover, it highlights the production
challenges that confront mung bean farmers and recommends solutions to address these
concerns. Empirical knowledge of mung bean production is necessary to design
interventions to increase the volume of production (Assefa et al., 2022). Therefore, the
findings of this research may be utilized by government organizations to assist farmers in
increasing their harvest. The results of this research may also make mung bean farming
more appealing to farmers in other regions of the Philippines as a decent way to make
additional income.
Mung bean is a drought-resistant crop (Mota et al., 2021) that fits well as a
component of cropping patterns in dry areas with a short rainy season and a prolonged dry

season due to its superior characteristics, which include a short time to maturity and low
input and minimal care requirements (Rahmianna et al., 2021; Schreinemachers et al.,
2019). Mung bean is a significant leguminous crop, and its grain is one of the most nutrient-
dense foods (Astanakulov et al., 2022). For centuries, the therapeutic qualities of this plant
have been extensively recognized. The legume is a good source of protein for humans
(Pataczek et al., 2018) and has antihypertensive, anticancer, hypolipidemic, antibacterial,
antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties (Amaral et al., 2017).
Legumes, such as mung bean, are increasingly recognized as important components of
healthy diets, especially as a source of plantbased proteins that contribute to human health
and environmental sustainability (Farnworth et al., 2020). Mung bean also enhances soil
fertility (Rakhimov,, 2022) and reduces the demand for increasingly costly synthetic
nitrogen fertilizers because of its symbiotic nitrogen fixation (Mohammadzadeh et al.,
2022). It has also been noted that incorporating legumes in crop rotations reduces
greenhouse gas emissions (Farnworth et al., 2020).
Mungbean seeds are a source of protein, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and
minerals. The seeds contain about 20–30% protein and 60–70% carbohydrate. Mungbean
is an important protein source for people in cereal-based societies, especially in South Asia.
Mungbean seeds are cooked and consumed in a variety of ways, and mungbean flour is
used to prepare several kinds of food. The seeds are also processed into sprouts, snacks,
pastes, starches, noodles, protein isolates, and protein concentrates. There is a growing
interest in mungbean consumption and use because of its high protein content, high-quality
starch, and other nutritional contents. Mungbean seeds have become a major material used
in the production of plant-based protein foods, such as egg and meat substitutes.
Although official statistical data on the global production area and seed yield of
mungbean are not available, the production area is about 7.5–8.0 million ha, about 80–90%
of which is in Asia. Mungbean production areas outside Asia, including in Australia,
America, and Africa, are increasing. This is driven by increasing consumer demand for dry
legumes and plant-based protein foods. The biggest producer and consumer of mungbean
is India, with about 4.5 million ha cultivated and a total production of 2.5 million tons.
Myanmar is the second-highest producer and largest exporter, with about 1.2 million ha
cultivated and a total production of 1.5 million tons. Although mungbean production areas

are increasing, the yield is low, at only about 115 kg/ha and production is challenged by
insect pests, diseases, and unsuitable environments. Insects and diseases are mainly
controlled by applying pesticides, which increases production costs and is hazardous to
farmers, consumers, and the environment. There is a need to develop new mungbean
cultivars that fulfill the needs of farmers, consumers, and processors. (Nair and
Schreinemachers, 2020).
According to Shahrajabian,, (2019) Mung beans, also known as Lu Dou, are
one of the traditional soy foods consumed mainly in East Asia, especially by Chinese and
Japanese. Mung is a valuable plant for sustainable agriculture due to its ability to use
atmospheric nitrogen. Because of energy crises and high mineral fertilizer prices
cultivation of legumes become one of the most promising strategies for sustainable
agriculture. The factors determining the efficiency of symbiotic process are the genetic
constitution of the host plant and bacteria, environment, and technological inputs
(inoculums, fertilizers and pesticides). Inoculation of mung bean with Bradyrhizobium
enhanced nodulation, and results in increasing of shoot biomass and grain yield.
According to Yao, et. al., (2014). The effect of mung bean protein on the blood
cholesterol level and gene expression of cholesterol-regulating enzymes in Golden Syrian
hamsters maintained on a 0.1% cholesterol diet. Results showed that mung bean protein
(MBP) reduced plasma total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerols and non-high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL) concentrations as well as hepatic cholesterol
concentrations after 6-week treatment. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses
demonstrated mung bean protein could up-regulate the production of mRNA3-hydroxy-3-
methyl glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase (HMGR) and cholesterol-7α-
hydroxylase (CYP7A1) levels. The mechanisms underlying the cholesterol-lowering
activity of MBP were mediated most likely by increasing the sterol excretion and
decreasing the cholesterol absorption and synthesis. It is concluded that mung bean protein
possesses the decreases plasma cholesterol activity and can be further explored as a
functional food.

Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to determine the Sensory Characteristics and Overall
Acceptability of “Pancake Munggo” (Vigna radiata)
Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions.
1. What is the Sensory Characteristics of the developed product in terms of color,
taste/flavor, odor, texture and overall acceptability?
2. What is the overall acceptability of pancake Munggo in different proportions as
3.1 Treatment 1 (120 grams Pure Munggo),
3.2 Treatment 2 (32 grams munggo and 96 grams flour),
3.3 Treatment 3 (64 grams munggo and 64 grams flour), and
3.4 Treatment 4 (96 grams munggo and 32 grams flour)
3. What is the existence of significant differences on the Development and
Acceptability of Pancake Munggo (Vigna radiata) on the different treatments?
4. How much profit can be derived if the product is sold in the market?

Objectives of the Study

The study was conducted to:
1. Determine the sensory characteristics of the developed product in terms of
color, taste/flavor, odor, texture and over all acceptability.
2. Determine the overall acceptability of pancake munggo in different proportions
as follows:
3.1 Treatment 1 (120 grams pure munggo),
3.2 Treatment 2 (32 grams munggo and 96 grams flour),
3.3 Treatment 3 (64 grams munggo and 64 grams flour), and
3.4 Treatment 4 (96 grams munggo and 32 grams flour)
4. Determine the existence of significant differences on the Development and
Acceptability of Pancake Mungo (Vigna radiata) on the different treatments
5. Determine profit can be derived if the product is sold in the market

Significance of the Study
The role in the search on the Development and Acceptability of “Pancake Munggo”
(Vigna radiata).

Respondents. The respondents will be aware of the Development and Acceptability of

“Pancake Munggo” (Vigna radiata) based on its color, taste, texture, and odor.

Teachers/Mentors. The study's findings will assist instructors and mentors in providing
knowledge about living a better lifestyle and selecting a raw ingredient for Pancake Mungo.

Future Researchers. The study's findings will be used as a reference and a guide for future
researchers who want to undertake the same experimental study or any other study related
to the Development and Acceptability of “Pancake Munggo” (Vigna radiata).

Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted at Isabela State University - Cauayan Campus, San Fermin
Cauayan City, Isabela.

Scope and Delimitation

A. The general intent of this study is to know the Development and

Acceptability of “Pancake Munggo” (Vigna radiata).

B. The study will be conducted the sensory evaluation from 50 random student
of Isabela State University - Cauayan Campus.


Definition of terms
For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are operationally defined.
Acceptability – This is the quality of being received favorably or approved for general
Urad dal - is a popular name for black gram or Vigna munggo.

Crops - are plants or plant products that are grown and harvested for profit or subsistence.
Subtropics - the parts of the world that are immediately south or north of the tropics and
have very hot weather at some times of year.
Amino Acids - are the building blocks of polypeptides and proteins and play the important
roles in metabolic pathway, gene expression, and cell signal transduction regulation.
Legumes - a plant that has seeds in a pod, such as the bean or pea.
Agriculture - the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the
growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
Pancake - is a flat, round cake made of batter cooked on both sides in a frying pan or on a
Color - This term is one of the constituents into which white or pale light can be composed.
Odor – This refers to a distinctive smell, especially a pleasant one.


According to Verma, et. al. (2023) Mung bean is a short-duration ancient legume
crop that can be grown as a sole or intercrop for grain and green manure in all three crop
seasons, including winter, summer and rainy in various regions of the country.
In the opinion of Shunwen, et. al. (2022) Mung bean starch (MBS) with high
amylose content is good for fabrication of edible films. To further improve the
hydrophilicity of MBS films, the effects of natural cross-linker citric acid (CA) used at the
level of 1. 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 10% and 15% (MBS) on the physiochemical and barrier
properties of MBS films were investigated. As compared with MBS film without CA, while
tensile strength, Young’s modulus and heat seal strength increased, water solubility,
transparency, water contact angle, break elongation, water vapor permeability and oxygen
permeability decreased when CA increased from 1% to 3%.

According to Elobuike, et. al. (2021) The nutritional value and functioning of grains
are improved by sprouting, but there is little information on the ideal sprouting period
needed to produce mung bean flour of the highest quality. In this study, the characteristics
of mung bean flour were assessed in relation to sprouting period. Mung bean seeds were
prepared by being washed, sorted, surface sterilized, rinsed, and sprouted for 24 to 120
hours at 28°C and 26% R.H. The flours made from sprouted seeds were examined for their
proximate composition, amino acids (AA), vitamins, minerals, anti-nutritional (phytate,
tannin, oxalate, trypsin inhibitor, raffinose, and stachyose), functional properties (viscosity,
bulk density, and swelling index), microbial quality (total plate and mould counts), and

As mentioned by Brishti, (2021) Mung beans are still underutilized despite being
an affordable and environmentally friendly source of plant protein because of how
challenging they are to prepare. This study aims to generate texturized mung bean protein
(TMBP) with desired physical qualities by optimizing the extrusion parameters, which
were established as follows: 49.33% feed moisture, 80.66 rpm screw speed, and 144.57 °C
barrel temperature. All physical characteristics, including expansion ratio, bulk density,

rehydration ratio, water absorption capacity, and degree of texturization, are
advantageously changed under these circumstances.

According to An, et al. (2020) One of the major crop plant families, legumes are
cultivated and consumed widely for their nutritional value. and financial advantages. A
legume crop called mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) includes a number of useful chemicals.
It is a food crop that is becoming more and more significant because of its potent
antioxidant capabilities. However, the majority of earlier investigations with mungbeans
have concentrated on their main metabolites. The composition and concentrations of
phenolic compounds, fatty acids, soyasapogenol, and tocopherol in mung beans grown in
various areas and at various sowing dates were examined in this study. The following
techniques were used for material analysis: LC-MS/MS, GC-FID, and HPLC-ELSD. A
total of 57 unique samples were examined. In mung beans, thirteen phenolic compounds
were found. The majority of these phenolic compounds, or around 99% of them, were
comprised of vitexin and isovitexin. According to the mung bean seeding dates, there was
no statistically significant difference in the phenol compounds. In Pyeongchang, beans had
the greatest overall fatty acid content.

As specified by Zhu, H.-G., (2020) To increase the purity and yield of mung bean
protein concentrates obtained by dry separation, the state of the powder was optimized
from the milling to air classification processes. These results provide insight into the
critical parameters affecting powder state, thus facilitating the development of a dry
separation method to fractionate mung bean protein.

As believed by Jian Zou, et. al. (2019) Mung beans are commonly planted in many
nations because they are thought of as a cheap and wholesome food source. It is a crucial
component of both savory and sweet Asian cuisines. Koreans frequently eat mung beans
in a variety of dishes, including pancakes, soup, flour paste, and sprouts. More than half of
the weight of mung beans is made up of starch, and roughly 40% of the starch is amylose.
Mung bean starch has a higher amylose concentration than other legume and grain starches.
Film-forming biopolymers and starch noodles now prefer high amylose mung bean starch.

The high amylose concentration of mung bean starch results in poor storage stability and
severe syneresis despite its good gelling and cohesiveness properties. Annealing is a crucial
physical modification method that can be used to modify the physicochemical
characteristics and in vitro digestibility of starch while preserving the integrity of the
granule structure. Starch is heated for a predetermined period of time that varies from 0.5
hours to 240 hours below the onset gelatinization temperature (To) within a constrained
range, often less than 5-15°C of To. In contrast to chemically or enzymatically changed
foods, annealed starches are substantial ingredients that can be added to food without any
quantitative constraints.

Referring to Attar, (2017) Mung bean having high food value and easily
digestible proteins, is one of the socioeconomically important crop of India. Among the
varied cultivars, Sona mung is having aroma and hence popularly cultivated in the pockets
of Ganga river basin at Bhutnir char village of Malda District in the West Bengal state. In
the present study, aroma volatiles with special reference to 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) were
analyzed using HS-SPME-GCMS from Sona mung bean and compared with non-scented
mung bean (PHULE M-9339). 26 volatiles in seeds of Sona mung and 20 in non-scented
mung bean were identified, in which 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenal, (2 E )-2-decen-1-ol, 2-ethyl-
1-dodecanol and 3,5,5- trimethyl-2-cyclohexene-1-one are first time reported. 0.19 ±Â
0.001Â ppm 2AP was recorded in Sona mung seeds whereas it was not detected in non-
scented mung bean. PCA analysis indicated that 2AP, octanal, 1 pentanol, decanal,
phenylmethanol and 2-nonen-1-ol were the major contributors in the aroma of Sona mung
bean. The significantly higher level proline, methylglyoxal and lower level of BADH2
transcript were detected in Sona mung than non- scented mung, suggesting similar 2AP
biosynthesis mechanism in Sona mung bean as reported in scented rice, sorghum and
soybean. ------Attar, U., Hinge, V., Zanan, R., Adhav, R., & Nadaf, A. (2017).
Identification of aroma volatiles and understanding 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline biosynthetic
mechanism in aromatic mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek).

Mung bean seeds and sprouts are widely consumed throughout Asia. The
prevention of degenerative illnesses has led to an increase in scientific interest in the

beneficial components found in mung beans, according to the evidence. Data from all mung
bean in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials Information on beans and their effect on human
health was gathered from a library database and an internet search. Information on botany,
phytochemistry, and pharmacology was gathered and organized. Studies have shown the
increase of metabolites in mung bean, which is remarkable. sprouting process, which has
several bioactive substances that are beneficial to health. Numerous studies have linked
these substances to due to their anti-inflammatory, anti- cancer, anti-tumor, anti-cancer,
anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, and hyperlipidemic effects together with anti-mutagenic
qualities. In this critical analysis, we sought to examine the nutritional makeup,
phytochemistry, and health-improving properties of mung beans and their sprouts. Mung
beans have a variety of therapeutic potential that has led to successful preclinical results in
the area. Mung bean is a superb nutritional legume that regulates or avoids chronic
diseases, and this review strongly suggests that it be used in the process of drug discovery.
Generative illnesses. Ganesan, et. al. (2017).

According to Kaur, et al, (2015) Mung bean was subjected to different processing
conditions (soaking, germination, cooking and autoclaving) and their textural, pasting and
in vitro starch digestibility characteristics were studied. A significant reduction in textural
properties (hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness) after cooking and
autoclaving treatment of mung bean was observed. Flours made from differently processed
mung bean showed significant differences (P0.05) in their pastin g characteristics. Peak
and final viscosity were the highest for flour from germinated mung bean whereas those
made from autoclaved mung bean showed the lowest value. in vitro starch digestibility of
mung bean flours was assessed enzymatically using modified Englyst method and the
parameters studied were readily digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS),
resistant starch (RS) and total starch (TS) content. Various processing treatments increased
the RDS contents of mung bean, while the SDS content was found to be the highest for
soaked and the lowest for the autoclaved sample. Germinated sample showed higher
amount of digestible starch (DS) as compared to raw and soaked samples. Flours from raw
and soaked samples showed significantly low starch hydrolysis rate at all the temperatures
with total hydrolysis of 29.9 and 31.2Â %, respectively at 180Â min whereas cooked and

autoclaved samples showed high hydrolysis rates with 50.2 and 53.8Â % of these
hydrolyzing within 30Â min of hydrolysis.

As determined by Onwurafor, et. al. (2014) Microbial analysis was done on mung
flours that had been fermented for 72 hours using spontaneous and backslopping
procedures. The samples were put through a series of routine procedures, including
biochemical testing, anti-nutrient analysis, and evaluation of the levels of certain minerals
and vitamins. After 72 hours, the pH gradually dropped from 6.24 for the unfermented
flour to 3.68 for spontaneous fermentation and 3.87 for backslopping fermentation. The
fermented sample had an increase in total titratable acidity from 0.0085% to 0.0105%. The
approaches had no significant impact on the increase's magnitude (p > 0.05). Back-slopping
fermentation resulted in flours with larger protein and ash increases (17.59% and 18.25%,
respectively) than spontaneous fermentation, which produced flours with 16.70% and
6.35%, respectively. For both calcium and iron, increases were seen that were similar.
Compared to back-slopping procedures, the spontaneous fermentation approach had a
greater drop in zinc level. Compared to spontaneously fermented samples, back-slopping
fermentation samples included higher levels of vitamin A and lower levels of phytate and

According to Yao, et. al. (2014) The results affirmed that supplementation of 1 or
2% mung bean could decrease plasma total cholesterol and triacylglycerol level. Mung
bean increased mRNA 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. Most
importantly, mung bean increased not only the protein level of cholesterol-7α-hydroxylase
(CYP7A1) but also mRNA CYP7A1. It was concluded that the hypocholesterolemic
activity of mung bean was most probable mediated by enhancement of bile acid excretion
and up-regulation of CYP7A1.

In the opinion of WN. Wamyera and H. Talwana (2014) In sub-tropical and tropical
regions, mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), a species of pulse, is widely farmed areas
of the globe. Unfortunately, Uganda's mungbean output is quite low, primarily because of
intrinsic problems. losses and genotyping failures brought on by pests and pathogens.

Collecting, analyzing, and evaluating germplasm is a prerequisite for finding genotypes
with the needed properties in order to increase production through breeding. This study's
goal was to outline the type and degree of genotypic diversity present in several mungbean
collections for a variety of parameters with potential agronomic and adaptive applications
in Uganda. A total of 35 accessions of mungbean were purchased, primarily from the
World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC) in Taiwan, two local a type of rice bean (Vigna
umbellata Thunb. Ohwi and Ohashi) and one blackgram genotype from the area (Vigna
mungo) At two different locations in Uganda, two cropping seasons were evaluated for a
variety of features. For all the characteristics, the genotype by environment interaction
(GEI) was significant (P 0.001), indicating that some genotypes performed inconsistently
across two sites and two seasons. While GGE bi-plot indicated the top genotypes in a
fictitious setting, AMMI bi-plot identified stable genotypes for grain yield. For the traits
tested, the broad sense heritability estimates (H) were often high in magnitude. However,
a single link dendogram and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the
mungbean collection had limited variety. In this subset of mungbean germplasm, there is a
positive correlation between seed size and yield that can be exploited in a breeding program
to potentially select large-seeded, high-yielding genotypes.

According to Dahiya, P. K., (2014) Mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) has
been intensively researched; scattered data are available on various properties. Data on
physical, chemical, food processing, and nutritional properties were collected for whole
mung bean grains and reviewed to assess the crop’s potential as food and to set research
priorities. Results show that mung bean is a rich source of protein (14.6–33.0 g/100 g) and
iron (5.9–7.6 mg/100 g). Grain color is correlated with compounds like polyphenols and
carotenoids, while grain hardness is associated with fiber content. Physical properties like
grain dimensions, sphericity, porosity, bulk, and true density are related to moisture
content. Anti-nutrients are phytic acid, tannins, hemagglutinins, and polyphenols. Reported
nutrient contents vary greatly, the causes of which are not well understood. Grain size and
color have been associated with different regions and were used by plant breeders for
selection purposes. Analytical methods require more accuracy and precision to distinguish
biological variation from analytical variation. Research on nutrient digestibility, food

processing properties, and bioavailability is needed. Furthermore, the effects of storage and
processing on nutrients and food processing properties are required to enable optimization
of processing steps, for better mung bean food quality and process efficiency.

This study of Domingo A. (2023) it explored the opportunities and

challenges of mung bean production as a source of livelihood among farmers in the
municipality of Cuyapo Nueva Ecija, where 223.4 hectares have been devoted to mung
bean farming. The study used a descriptive research design and surveyed 214 mung bean
farmers from 51 barangays in the municipality. The results of the study revealed that mung
bean production provides income to farmers, having a 116.81% return on investment as
shown in the cost and return analysis conducted. Mung bean production also provides
additional income to local households as many laborers are needed, particularly during the
harvesting period. However, mung bean farmers were challenged by the high cost of farm
inputs, the low farmgate price of their mung bean harvest, farm destruction caused by stray
farm animals, the threat of widespread pest infestation, and the low volume of production.
To support the farmers in coping with these challenges, national and local government
agencies might provide them with farm input subsidies, cash aid, marketing support, and
technical assistance regarding proper crop management.


A. Research Design
The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments were used in the
study. The different treatments will be designated as follows: Treatment 1- Control (120 g
All Purpose Flour), Treatment 2- (32 g Powdered Munggo and 96 g All Purpose Flour),
Treatment 3 (64 g Powdered Munggo and 64 g All Purpose Flour), Treatment 4 (96 g
Powdered Munggo and 32 g All Purpose Flour).

B. Research Locale
The study was conducted in the Isabela State University - Cauayan Campus located
in the province of Isabela, Philippines. Specifically, the research will be carried out in the
food laboratory of the University. During the sensory evaluation, the respondents were
asked to taste and evaluate the pancake munggo using a hedonic scale. The researchers
choose the locale because it will give relevant information needed for the study. The study
was conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023 and first semester
of the academic year 2023-202.

C. Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were college of business management faculty, staff
and students of hospitality management, tourism management and entrepreneur
management of Isabela State University - Cauayan Campus. All of the participants were
selected through random sampling. "The proposed method can achieve higher diversity
with good quality on most datasets" (Yang, F. et., al, 2014). The selected participants are
composed of fifty (50) respondents which are suitable for the study and whose ages ranges
from 18-50 years old

D. Materials and Procedure
I. Utensils
In preparing pancake munggo, the following tools, utensils and equipment used
were (non-stick pan, skillet, weighing scale, measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowl,
whisk and spatula).

II. Ingredients
Table 1 shows the ingredients and amounts to use in the preparation of Pancake
Munggo. The proportion of Pancake Munggo were used as the experimental factor in this

Purchase of Sample and Ingredients

The variety of Mungbean/ Munggo (Vigna radiata) which is Pag-asa 13 (PSB Mg
5) were purchased from a farmer of San Mateo, Isabela. All other ingredients such as all-
purpose flour, baking powder, vegetable oil, fresh milk, eggs, sugar, and salt were
purchased from a local supermarket of Cauayan City, Isabela.

Table 1. Proportion of ingredients in the preparation of Pancake Munggo

Ingredients Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Treatment 4
Powdered ¼ cup ½ cup ¾ cup
Munggo (32 grams) (64 grams) (96 grams)
All-Purpose 1 cup ¾ cup ½ cup ¼ cup
Flour (128 grams) (96 grams) (64 grams) (32 grams)
Baking 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp
Powder (10 grams) (10 grams) (10 grams) (10 grams)
Vegetable 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp
Oil (50 ml) (50 ml) (50 ml) (50 ml)
Fresh Milk/ 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup
Water (250 ml) (250 ml) (250 ml) (250 ml)
1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece
(50 grams) (50 grams) (50 grams) (50 grams)

5 tbsp 5 tbsp 5 tbsp 5 tbsp
(70.87 grams) (70.87 grams) (70.87 grams) (70.87 grams)
1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp
(7 grams) (7 grams) (7 grams) (7 grams)
Vanilla 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp
Extract (2.5 ml) (2.5 ml) (2.5 ml) (2.5 ml)

III. Procedure
1. Preparation of Powdered Munggo
Rinse the dried mung bean in water. Drain off the water as much as possible. Put the
beans on a dry large pan and stir fry over low heat, until completely dried. Let the beans
cool down completely. This is important so the mung bean won’t turn into paste when
you blend them into a powder/flour. Put the beans on a dry blender. Blend it on a high
speed for few seconds and then do it several times until they turn into a fine powder and
set aside. The schematic diagram of powdered munggo preparation is shown in Figure

2. Preparation of Pancake Munggo

In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients the munggo flour, all- purpose flour,
sugar, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat the egg and then whisk in the milk
and vanilla extract. Prepare the non-stick pan and put the vegetable oil in a large cast
iron skillet or griddle over medium heat. Combine the wet ingredients to the flour
mixture, and whisk util a thick batter is just formed. Keeping the skillet at medium heat,
ladle about small amount of batter onto the pan, to make pancake. Cook, until bubbles
break the surface of the pancakes, and the underside is golden brown, about 2 min. flip
with the spatula and cook about 1 min. more on the second side. Serve immediately or
transfer to a platter and cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining
batter, adding more vegetable oil to the pan a needed. The schematic diagram of pancake
munggo preparation is shown in Figure 2.






Set aside

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of powdered munggo preparation

Treatment 2 Treatment 3
32 grams 64 grams
Treatment 1 Treatment 4
Control 96 grams

Mise en Place






Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of pancake munggo preparation

E. Research Instrument
To determine the sensory quality and acceptability of the product, the following
options and verbal interpretation was used.

Table 2. Mean and Interpretation of Scale on the Development and Acceptability of

“Pancake Munggo” (Vigna radiata).
Scale Range Description

5 4.50-5.00 Dark Brown
4 3.50-4.49 Golden Brown
3 2.50-3.49 Light Brown
2 1.50-2.49 Brownish
1 1.00-1.49 Pale Brown

5 4.50-5.00 Very pronounced Munggo Taste
4 3.50-4.49 Pronounced Munggo Taste
3 2.50-3.49 Recognizable Munggo Taste
2 1.50-2.49 Slightly noticeable Munggo Taste
1 1.00-1.49 Not detectable Munggo Taste

5 4.50-5.00 Very Soft and Very Moist
4 3.50-4.49 Moderately Soft and Moderately Moist
3 2.50-3.49 Slightly Soft and Slightly Moist
2 1.50-2.49 Moderately Hard and Dry
1 1.00-1.49 Very Hard and Dry

5 4.50-5.00 Very pronounced Munggo Odor
4 3.50-4.49 Pronounced Munggo Odor
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Pronounced Munggo Odor
2 1.50-2.49 Slightly noticeable Munggo Odor
1 1.00-1.49 Not detectable Munggo Odor

Table 3. Hedonic scale and Sensory Characteristics indicating the degree of liking and
disliking product of Pancake Munggo.
Hedonic Scale

Scale Range Description

1 1.00-1.49 Dislike Extremely
2 1.5-2.49 Dislike Very Much
3 2.5-3.49 Dislike Moderately
4 3.5-4.49 Dislike Slightly
5 4.5-5.49 Neither Like or Dislike
6 5.5-6.49 Like Slightly
7 6.5-7.49 Like Moderately
8 7.5-8.49 Like Very Much
9 8.5-9.00 Like Extremely

F. Data Gathering Procedure

Sensory characteristics of pancake munggo were evaluated by 50 panelists
comprising of college students, staff and faculty members of Isabela State University
Cauayan Campus whose ages ranges from 18-50 years old.
The procedures and precaution involved in proper sensory evaluation as suggested
by Gatchalian (1989) and Mabesa (1986) were followed in the study. Panelists were briefed

on the proper conduct of sensory evaluation. Equal amount of samples from each
treatment were presented in identical containers, coded with 3-digit random numbers and
presented in a randomized order. Water was provided to the panelists for rinsing their
mouths between sample tastings. Scorecards (Appendix A) was used in the evaluation.
Each panel member independently evaluated the samples for color, odor, taste, texture and
over-all acceptability, using a nine-point hedonic scale to determine the general
acceptability of the finished products (1: dislike extremely, 2: dislike very much, 3: dislike
moderately, 4: dislike slightly, 5: acceptable, 6: like slightly, 7: like moderately, 8: like
very much, 9: like extremely and descriptive scorecards was used to evaluate the quality
of the products.

G. Statistical Analysis
Percentage was used in the panelist profile to easy identify the total number in terms
of their age and gender classification.
Mean was used in determining the level of sensory acceptability of the product as
to color, odor, taste/flavor, and texture and over all acceptability.
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if there are
significant differences among the treatment samples in terms of color, odor, taste/flavor,
and texture and over all acceptability.


This chapter consists of presentation, analysis and interpretation of the gathered data by
the researchers Chapter 1.

(17) Male (33) Female



Figure 3. Percentage distribution of respondents according to gender.

Percentage distribution of respondents according to age shows the demographic
prole of the respondents according to their gender. 66% of the participants are female.

less than 20 21-30 31-40 41-50


Figure 4. Percentage distribution of respondents according to age.

Figure 4 shows the demographic profile of the respondents according to their age.
This study has a total of 50 participants. Majority 52% of the participants are 21-30 years
of age, while the rest are less than 20, 31-40 and 41-50 years of age.

Table 4. Results on the Sensory Evaluation of “Pancake Munggo” (Vigna Radiata)

Table 4 above shows the summary of the results of the sensory evaluation of “Pancake
Munggo” (Vigna radiata)

Treatment 1 (Control).
As shown in Table 4, the color of Treatment 1 was rated “Light Brown” by the
panelists with a mean of 2.94, “Slightly Noticeable Munggo Taste” with a mean of 2.26,
“Moderately Soft and Moderately Moist” with a mean of 4.30, “Moderately Pronounced
Munggo Odor” with a mean of 2.44.

Treatment 2 (32 grams Munggo Powder, 96 grams All Purpose Flour).

The color of Treatment 2 was rated “Light Brown” by the panelists with a mean of
3.16, “Recognizable Munggo Taste” with a mean of 3.30, “Moderately Soft and
Moderately Moist” with a mean of 3.78, “Very Pronounced Munggo Odor” with a mean
of 3.52.

Treatment 3 (64 grams Munggo Powder, 64 grams All Purpose Flour).

The color of Treatment 3 was rated “Light Brown” by the panelists with a mean of
3.12, “Pronounced Munggo Taste” with a mean of 3.52, “Moderately Soft and Moderately
Moist” with a mean of 3.86, “Moderately Pronounced Munggo Odor” with a mean of 3.68.

Treatment 4 (96 grams Munggo Powder, 32 grams All Purpose Flour).

The color of Treatment 4 was rated “Golden Brown” by the panelists with a mean
of 3.90, “Pronounced Munggo Taste” with a mean of 4.06, “Moderately Soft and
Moderately Moist” with a mean of 3.60, “Moderately Pronounced Munggo Odor” with a
mean of 4.16.

General Acceptability.
For general acceptability, Treatment 4, Treatment 3 and Treatment 1 was rated
“Liked Moderately” by the panelist with a mean score of 7.20, 7.24 and 7.36 respectively,
while Treatment 2 was rated “Like Moderately” with a mean of 7.66. The Table further
revealed that the most Acceptable Preparation of Pancake Munggo was Treatment 2.

Table 5. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Mean Evaluation.
F df p
COLOR 5.63 3,196 0.001
FLAVOR/TASTE 18.497 3,196 <.001
TEXTURE 4.142 3,196 0.007
ODOR 18.044 3,196 <.001
HEDONIC 0.987 3,196 0.4

Analysis of variance was performed to see if there is any significant difference

between and within groups. Table 5 shows that there is significant difference on the Color,
Flavor/taste, Texture, and Odor perceived for Pancake Munggo within and between groups
among treatments with f-computed value of 5.63, 18.497, and 18.044 at a P-value of 0.001,
<.001, and <.001. This implies that Odor and Texture perceived by the panelists for
Pancake Munggo prepared from different proportions of munggo varies significantly
between different treatments.
Table 6. Summary of Cost and Analysis of Pancake Munggo Total Cost
1 2 3 4
Powdered Munggo 30 60 90
All-Purpose Flour 70 50 35 20
Baking Powder 15 15 15 15
Vegetable Oil 15 15 15 15
Fresh Milk/ Water 45 45 45 45
Eggs 10 10 10 10
Sugar 20 20 20 20
Salt 5 5 5 5
Vanilla Extract 13 13 13 13
TOTAL COST Php. 193 Php. 203 Php. 218 Php. 233

The Table 6, shows that the Summary of Cost and Analysis Pancake Munggo
(Vigna radiata) in per treatment has a similarity. In Treatment 1 shows that the total cost
is 193 Pesos. In treatment 2 shows that the total cost is 203 Pesos. In treatment 3 shows the
total cost is 218 Pesos. In treatment 4 shows the total cost is 233 Pesos.

Table 7. Summary and Computation of Return and Investment of Pancake Munggo.

1 2 3 4
Total Production cost Php. 193 203 218 233
Unit cost = Total Production 3.86 4.06 4.36 4.66
No. of Packs
Selling Price = Unit Cost x 50% + Unit 5.79 6.09 6.54 6.99
Total sale =Selling Price x No. of Packs 289.5 304.5 327 349.5

Income= Total Sale – Total Production 96.5 101.5 109 116.5

ROI= Income x 100 50% 50% 50% 50%
Total Production Cost

The Summary and Computation of return and Investment of Pancake Munggo was
computed and summarized and show in the Table 7. The table shows that all treatment has
return on investment of 50%.


This chapter presents the summarized result of findings, conclusion and

recommendations based on the collected facts from the respondents about the
“Development and Acceptability of Pancake Munggo (Vigna radiata)”

The study on the development and acceptability of pancake munggo (Vigna
radiata) was a comprehensive and detailed research project conducted by a select group of
researchers and evaluators. The evaluators were a diverse group, ranging from young adults
aged 17-24 who are students at Isabela State University, Cauayan campus, to more mature
individuals aged 31-48. This wide age range ensured a broad perspective and a variety of
opinions on the subject matter. The research was meticulously designed and executed,
employing both the semantic scale and the hedonic scale as the foundational basis for
determining the sensory attributes of the product. These attributes included color, texture,
odor, and taste, all of which are critical factors in the overall sensory experience of a

The data collected from the evaluators was carefully analyzed using a weighted
mean. This statistical method provided verbal interpretations of the different attributes
based on the semantic and hedonic scales. This approach allowed for a nuanced
understanding of the evaluators' perceptions and preferences. In addition to the weighted
mean, a one-way ANOVA was used to test the significant differences among the attributes.
This statistical test provided further insights into the evaluators' preferences and
highlighted any significant variations in their responses.

The Pancake Munggo result on the sensory evaluation in terms of color treatment
1 rated “Light Brown” with a mean of 2.94. In terms of color treatment 2 rated “Light
Brown” with a mean of 3.16. In terms of color treatment 3 rated “Light Brown” with a
mean of 3.12. And lastly in terms of color treatment 4 rated “Golden Brown” with a mean
of 3.90. As for the flavor/taste, treatment 1 rated “Slightly Noticeable Munggo Taste” with

a mean of 2.26. In terms of flavor/taste, treatment 2 rated “Recognizable Munggo Taste”
with a mean of 3.30. In terms of flavor/taste, treatment 3 rated “Pronounced Munggo Taste”
with a mean of 3.52. Lastly, in terms of flavor/taste, treatment 4 rated “Pronounced
Munggo Taste” with a mean of 4.06. As for the texture, treatment 1 rated “Moderately Soft
and Moderately Moist” with a mean of 4.30. In terms of texture, treatment 2 rated
“Moderately Soft and Moderately Moist” with a mean of 3.78. In terms of texture,
treatment 3 rated “Moderately Soft and Moderately Moist” with a mean of 3.86. lastly, In
terms of texture, treatment 4 rated “Moderately Soft and Moderately Moist” with a mean
of 3.60. As for the odor, treatment 1 rated “Moderately Pronounced Munggo Odor” with a
mean of 2.44. In terms of odor, treatment 2 rated “Very Pronounced Munggo Odor” with
a mean of 3.52. In terms of odor, treatment 3 rated “Moderately Pronounced Munggo
Odor” with a mean of 3.68. Lastly, In terms of odor, treatment 4 rated “Moderately
Pronounced Munggo Odor” with a mean of 4.16.

The results of the study were quite revealing. The most preferred treatment based
on the collection of data and survey the treatment 2 is the most preferred by respondents,
which involved the use of Munggo Powder, was very well received by the respondents. It
achieved the highest mean score of 7.66, indicating a strong preference among the
evaluators. There is a significant difference between and within the groups. On the Color,
Flavor/taste, Texture, and Odor perceived for Pancake Munggo within and between groups
among treatments with f-computed value of 5.63, 18.497, 4.142 and 18.044 at a P-value of
0.001, <.001, 0.007, and <.001. Treatment 2 is the most viable for commercial production
as per the cost analysis.

This high score suggests that the pancake munggo was the most acceptable among
the evaluators, implying a high level of sensory acceptability. In conclusion, this study
provided valuable insights into the sensory acceptability of using munggo beans. The
rigorous methodology and comprehensive analysis of the data have contributed to a deeper
understanding of the subject. The findings of this study could have significant implications
for the use of munggo beans in various applications, opening up new possibilities for this
often-discarded resource.


The “Development and Acceptability of Pancake Munggo (Vigna radiata)” was

evaluated by random Isabela State University Cauayan Campus respondents. The
researchers used a sensory evaluation to determine the sensory characteristics in terms of
color, aroma, taste, and texture, as well as the hedonic scale to determine the overall level
of acceptability of Pancake Munggo. Based on the findings, the respondents evaluated and
described the product as light brown in terms of color. On Odor, the respondents described
the product to have a very pronounced munggo odor. On the taste, the respondents
described the product to have a recognizable munggo taste. On the texture, the respondents
described the product to have a moderately soft and moderately moist texture. On the
overall acceptability the respondents rated the treatment 2 as they "like very much"

Base on the result of the study, it can be concluded that the sensory characteristics
of pancake munggo (Vigna radiata) are the following: in terms of color, it’s identified as
Light Brown, in terms of taste it’s identified as recognizable munggo taste, moderately soft
and moderately moist for the texture, and in terms of odor it’s moderately pronounced
munggo odor. When in terms of the overall acceptability of pancake munggo was like
moderately. The most preferred treatment based on the collection of data and survey was
treatment 2 base on the result of sensory evaluation of Pancake Munggo (Vigna radiata).

The analysis of variance was used to see if there were any significant differences
between the sensory qualities. In terms of color, flavor/taste, texture, and odor there is a
significant difference to other sensory attributes. However, there is no significant
difference in the hedonic preferences.

In summary of cost and analysis of pancake Munggo (Vigna radiata), they don’t
have the same total cost because every treatment has different measurements as well as the
return of investment (ROI) which shows that all treatment has return on investment of 50%.

Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations are given:
1. Since, only the treatment 2 of Pancake Munggo resulted to Like Moderately, future
researchers should continuously develop this product.
2. Researches also encourage entrepreneurs to use this idea for innovation and
introduce something new to the market.
3. The future researchers conducting the similar study should provide water to 50
respondents to find out the different variety of munggo.
4. Further research is advised to be conducted on the utilization of munggo.
5. Future researchers with the same topic should conduct a further experimental study
in order to determine the exact nutritive value within the pancake munggo.


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