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Beatitudes Google Slides Presentation (Religion 4C-E-F)

Names: __________________________________________________ /35

5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is accurate Content is accurate Content is accurate Content is Content is inaccurate.
and all required but some required but some required questionable. Information is not
information is information is information is Information is not presented in a logical
presented in a missing and/or not missing and/or not presented in a logical order, making it
logical order. presented in a presented in a order, making it difficult to follow.
logical order. Still, logical order, difficult to follow.
generally easy to making it difficult
follow. to follow.
Organization/ Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation is Presentation has no
Consistency well and logically. well. Tools are well. Some tools are disorganized. Tools flow. No tools used.
Presentation used correctly. used to show are not used in a Font size is extremely
reflects extensive Overall acceptable relevant manner. inconsistent.
use of tools in a presentation is understanding. Font Font size is
creative way. Font interesting. Font size is satisfactory. inconsistent.
size consistent. size relatively
Pope Francis Contains Contains accurate Contains adequate Contains minimal Pope Francis’
and impressive/thought understanding of understanding of and/or poor understanding and
ful understanding Pope Francis and Pope Francis and understanding of scriptural passage(s)
Scriptural of Pope Francis scriptural passage scriptural passage Pope Francis and are non-existent.
Passage(s) and scriptural (s). (s). scriptural passage (s).
passage (s).
General General message General message General message General message and General message and
Message and and summary are and summary are and summary are summary are summary are
very clear and clear and complete. accurate but only included but included but are
Summary thorough. adequately incomplete, missing largely inaccurate or
presented. some important missing significant
details. detail.
Ethical Chosen ethical Chosen ethical Chosen ethical Chosen ethical Minimal or complete
Scenario scenario is scenario is well scenario is scenario is poor lack of understanding
thoughtful and done. satisfactory but and/or shown in ethical
well-developed. superficial. underdeveloped. scenario.
Mechanics No spelling errors. Few spelling Some spelling Some spelling errors. Many spelling and/or
No grammar errors. Few errors. Some Some grammar grammar errors. Text
errors. Text is in grammar errors. grammar errors. errors. Most of text is is largely copied.
authors’ own Text is in authors’ Text is in authors’ in authors’ own
words. own words. own words. words.
Presentation Well-rehearsed. General level of Acceptable level of Minimal level of No rehearsal
Skills No pronunciation rehearsal. Few rehearsal. Some rehearsal. Numerous indicated. Too many
errors or other pronunciation pronunciation errors pronunciation errors pronunciation errors
mistakes. errors or other or other mistakes. or other mistakes. or other mistakes.

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