Reflection Essay

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My writing has greatly improved this semester, especially in the areas of clarity,

organization, and incorporating criticism. My writing was uncoordinated at first,

and I had trouble explaining complicated concepts clearly. I have, nevertheless,
made great improvements as a result of the course assignments and feedback. The
iterative nature of the assignments was the main driver of the development. I was
able to improve my work with each round of feedback, concentrating on coherence
and clarity. For instance, I first found it difficult to strike a balance between
formality and clarity in the workplace correspondence assignment. I developed my
ability to find that mix between professionalism and readability via revisions and
feedback. Learning from professors' and peers’ criteria also made a big difference
in my development. Engaging with diverse perspectives helped me identify blind
spots in my writing and provided insights into alternative approaches. For instance,
in the memo assignment, incorporating suggestions regarding clearer section
transitions significantly enhanced the document's overall flow.
My goal for this course was to enhance my professional writing skills in workplace
communication. I believe I've met this goal to a considerable extent. The structured
assignments and detailed feedback were essential in honing my communication
skills. The iterative process allowed me to internalize feedback and apply it in
subsequent assignments. To better support students with similar goals, the course
could incorporate more real-world scenarios or simulations that simulate
workplace communication challenges. Providing opportunities for practical
application could further reinforce the concepts learned and offer a more
immersive learning experience. In addition to my primary goal of enhancing
professional writing skills in workplace communication, I also aimed to improve
my proficiency in adapting tone and style to diverse audiences. Moreover, I sought
to develop more polished proofreading and editing skills to ensure accuracy and
precision in all written communication. Understanding and implementing various
formatting styles for different documents, such as memos, emails, reports, and
proposals, was another goal. Furthermore, I aimed to refine my ability to
incorporate visual elements effectively to complement written content, adding
depth and clarity to workplace documents.
I am particularly proud of the workplace correspondence assignment where I had
to draft an email and a memo. It challenged me to produce information effectively,
balancing formality and clarity in workplace communication. The assignment's
real-world applicability made it a standout project. If I could add one more task to
this course, it would be a group project that would center on developing a
comprehensive workplace communication guide. Students would gather a variety
of workplace communication samples—such as emails, notes, reports, and
presentations—in groups for this assignment. Every group would select these
examples, emphasizing successful tactics, typical mistakes, and recommended
practices for diverse communication situations. This cooperative endeavor would
foster teamwork while offering a comprehensive grasp of workplace
communication. Regarding edits, I'd change the instructions for certain
assignments to ensure clearer expectations and criteria. Sometimes, providing more
precise instructions up front could reduce misunderstanding and guarantee that
students concentrate more on the subject matter than on interpreting the
assignment's requirements. Overall, while I've seen improvements in my writing, I
believe ongoing practice and exposure to diverse writing styles and contexts would
further enhance my skills. Integrating more practical, real-world scenarios into the
course would greatly benefit students aiming to strengthen their professional
communication abilities.

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