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Workplace Correspondence: Memo and Email

Haley Abbott

Date: October 12th, 2023

To: Content Director
From: Haley Abbott
Subject: Diapering Usability Test
Action Required: View updated Diapering webpagewebpage.
Distribution List: Content Director, Online Content Team

Hi there, I am writing to inform you of the results of our usability testing for the,the “How to
Change a Diaper” webpage. We were able to test the webpage on Tuesday, the 3rd with three
users. This gave us new information on how to improve the artist experience. The participants
did not give much criticism to the instructions but rather much praise. Test subjects spoke about
how they enjoyed the website's overall look and feel. Participants also complemented the colors,
visuals and simplicity of the instructions.


Users were overall pleased with the webpage so, there were only a few slight changes made in
the mock upmockup. Users noted that they would like to see the images placed underneath their
steps. Users would like us to avoid formatting that looks like links. Users also stated that we
should clarify if these steps work for a cloth diaper as well. Lastly, our team observed that users
were in need of extra direction under step numbers eight. We have made some recommendations
to modify the website to suit all of these observations.


User Observation & Changes

Our usability testers agreed that the images were understandable, as well as necessary in our
website. They also concluded that the steps were in the correct order, tips were helpful and that
design choices, such as colors and fonts, were appropriate. However, one user noted that the title
“How to Properly Change a Diaper” appears to look like a hyperlink. This should be avoided, as
it can confuse readers.


In conclusion, we have taken the results of our usability testing and used them to update The
New Parent Prescription: How to Properly Change a Diaper webpage. This included providing
more information as well as editing the basic format. We hope that these changes provide a more
enjoyable experience for users.

We recommend the following changes, reflected in website:
1. Change formatting to avoid looking like a hyperlink.
2. Rearrange the photos to fit underneath the corresponding step.
3. Move the “note” section so that it does not interrupt the flow of the steps.
4. Reflect more upon step number eight.
5. Check the spacing on step number ten.


Dear Supervisor of Outside Magazine,

My BlippAR project covers the topic of overfishing, andoverfishing and explains to listeners
how choosing locally sourced seafood can help to combat the overfishing crisis. The main
difficulty I faced during this project was trying to maneuver through the BlippAR app. There
were many instances where my project was not saved properly, so I had to redo it multiple

After viewing my page, I hope readers of our magazine learn the importance of shopping for
locally sourced seafood!


Ms. Haley Abbott | She/Her

(555) 555-5555

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