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Module 5 – Stress Management

Name: MARY JOICE M. SALLAO Date Taken:_______________

Course and Section: BSCE 3A Result:___________________


Answer the following questions. Each question will be given 5 points. The following rubrics
below will be the basis for assigning points.

Criteria Points
Excellent answer was supplied that provided in-depth description and cited 5
specific details.
Correct answers were provided and somewhat explained. 4
Correct answers were provided though lacking in details. 3
Answers were simple and did not focus on important and relevant aspect of 2
Answer is very simple and did not focus of the aspect of question. 1
Answer is not relevant to the question. 0

1. Discuss the benefits of knowing about stress.

- Stress is viewed as harmful in our culture as a whole. People lament their stress levels. But
we're seeing that stress, even modest doses of it, can be quite beneficial. The stress reaction
is intended to assist us in responding to and learning from potentially dangerous situations.
According to our research, mild, transient stress can enhance memory, alertness, and

2. Explain the Transactional Model of stress.

- A psychological theory called the "transactional model of stress and coping" focuses on
how people perceive their surroundings when they experience stress and make coping
decisions. The paradigm contends that interactions between people and their
environment, rather than an external event, are what cause stress.

3. Illustrate the optimal level of stress using graph.

4. Explain the behavioral coping strategies.
- Making the best of a bad circumstance, turning it around, and resisting the urge to get
sucked into events beyond my control. Using spiritual or religious practices to find solace
- Concentrating on improving the situation by taking action
5. Describe time management strategies and discuss if you have tried any of these and if they
were effective or not.
- One of the simplest and most efficient time management techniques is to just say "no."
We can accomplish more in less time if we tune out a lot of the daily buzz. Additionally,
there are various strategies to finish pressing work without being impolite, such as
avoiding multitasking.

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