Hiring Agency - Consulants - Adithya

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Hiring Agency / Consultants

Guide lines

1. Know your Numbers.

a. How much are you willing to spend on the Agency/consultant (Max)?

b. And your Economics and stuff

c. Are you open to test things for the first couple of months and lose money on it?

2. When someone replies to your message or get referrals. Don’t do the long intro call.
Instead send them a message asking

a. Have you worked with atleast 3 similar companies and got them results?

b. Ask them to send over track-records?

c. Are they open to provide references that i can talk to after our call?

Message Template:
”I'm talking to multiple guys right now. It's been hard to keep up haha.
So, i got few questions just filter out few guys before hoping on a call.

1. Have you worked with at least 3 similar companies and got them results? If
yes, can you send over some details / Case-studies you got.

2. Are you open to provide 2-5 Client references that i can talk to after our

Thanks :) “

1. Finding Agencies/Consultants:

1. Make a list of your competitors that you would like to be like in next 3-5 years?

a. Figure out the agencies, team, Consultants they use.

Hiring Agency / Consultants 1

i. Send them an Email asking if they are interested in doing a Paid
consultation for just 1 hour.

ii. Now, Ask bunch of questions in that call (You are basically qualifying them
indirectly) and at the end you are pitching them to come work for you

iii. If you don’t feel like they know more than you then don’t hire them.

b. Use your connections to get more Agency/Consultant referrals.

2. Evaluation & Vetting:

1. Research:

a. Are they are doing themselves for they are trying to do? (Eg: If they are
providing ads services then check if they are running ad themselves)

b. Industry Specialisation

2. Intro Call:

a. Casual Conversation to know about the person/team better.

b. Industry : Ask “if they have worked in the same industry as your business
and got results you are expecting with at least 3 different Companies”,
Collect more details & Track-records.


c. P&L Test: Provide details about your business / Problem and ask them how
they would solve it.

i. Listen to them Closely

ii. If you feel like you know more than them then don’t hire that person or

iii. Their answers should make sense.

If they do a free report then have them do it.

Hiring Agency / Consultants 2

d. Agency questions

i. What’s the highest results they are getting for their clients? (Like adspend,
revenue etc)

ii. If they have in-house employees or have hire contractors?

iii. What their Communication & reporting systems looks like?

iv. What their Compensation looks like? (Make sure their incentive is
connected with the results you want)

e. Expectations

i. Talk about your expectations

ii. Based on the details you’ve provided. Ask them what to expect in 90 days
Test Period.

iii. Get a Roadmap report and the things they would and stuff. How much $$
it’s gonna cost us, KPI’s etc.

f. Track-records & Reference checks

i. Don’t believe the screenshots. See some live accounts.

ii. Ask for at least 2-5 references and also ask if they are cool if we do some
other reference & Background checks.

1. His Linkedin connections —> Send them 1 line Email.

a. Email: “Hey, I’m thinking about hiring this person. I just wanted to
get a reference. Would you work with them again? If you don’t
respond, I’ll consider that a No”

b. Then ask:

What was their Experience working with them?

What was their Relationships like?

How Responsive they were and the results they generated?

3. Post Call:
1. Ask yourself this:

Hiring Agency / Consultants 3

a. Would you let them babysit your kid? (Trust)

b. Do you walk away energised?

c. Do you feel like they understand things better than you?

If the answer is no, then don’t hire them.

4. Test Period (90 days):

1. Don’t interfere and let them take charge

2. Let them do their thing but stay closely and monitor progress

5. Review to Determine Success:

1. Asses after 3 Months of working with them.

a. See if they have hit all the KPI’s

b. How was your experience working with them.

c. Communication etc

If you don’t like them, then focus on hiring an other agency instead of jumping in

If you like them then just go ahead as usual.

Hiring Agency / Consultants 4

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