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Define cloud computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of computing resources, including
servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over
the Internet ("the cloud").

2. What is vendor lock-in in enterprise cloud computing

Vendor lock-in in enterprise cloud computing is a situation where a business is
dependent on a single cloud provider for its computing needs. This can make it
difficult or impossible for the business to switch to a different provider without
incurring significant costs or disruptions.

3. Compare OLAP and OLTP in enterprise cloud

4. OLAP and OLTP are two different types of data processing systems that are used in
enterprise cloud computing.

OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing. OLAP systems are designed for
complex data analysis and reporting. They are used to analyze large amounts of
historical data to identify trends and patterns. OLAP systems typically use a
multidimensional data model, which allows users to slice and dice the data in
different ways.

OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing. OLTP systems are designed for
processing real-time transactions. They are used to record and update data as it
happens. OLTP systems typically use a relational data model, which is optimized for
fast data entry and retrieval.

5. Give some examples of public cloud.

Amazon web services, Google cloud platform, Microsoft Azure, IBM cloud, Oracle

6. What is autonomic computing

Autonomic computing is a type of computing that is self-managing. This
means that the system can automatically configure, optimize, and protect itself
without human intervention.

four key aspects of autonomic computing are:

 Self-configuration: The system can automatically configure itself to meet
changing requirements.
 Self-optimization: The system can automatically optimize its performance to
maximize efficiency.
 Self-healing: The system can automatically detect and repair problems.
 Self-protection: The system can automatically protect itself from security
7. Define Jitterbit
Jitterbit is a low-code integration platform as a service (iPaaS) that enables
businesses to connect their applications and data together. Jitterbit's platform
is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical users.

8. State the role of hybrid cloud

It is a combination of public and private clouds. When private cloud capacity
increases then use of public cloud is done. They take shape when private
clouds are supplemented with capacity by public clouds.


1. What is the use of VMM. Give any two examples of VMM

A virtual machine monitor (VMM) is a software program that creates and manages
virtual machines (VMs) on a physical host computer. VMs are isolated operating
systems that run on top of the VMM. This allows multiple VMs to run on the same
physical hardware, each with its own operating system and applications.
Example: VMWare ESXi, XEN, KVM.

2. Distinguish between Cold and Hot Migration.

Cold migration is a type of migration where the VM is shut down before it is
moved. This means that the VM is not running during the migration process. Cold
migration is the simplest type of migration, but it can also be the most disruptive. This
is because the VM will be unavailable during the migration process.

Hot migration is a type of migration where the VM is running while it is

moved. This means that the VM will not be interrupted during the migration
process. Hot migration is more complex than cold migration, but it is also less
disruptive. This is because the VM will be available throughout the migration

3. What are challenges of SaaS Paradigm.

 Integration Conundrum
 APIs Insufficiency
 Data Transmission security
 The Impact of cloud

4. Mention any three Infrastructure Enabling Technologies.

 Eucalyptus
 OpenNebula
 Aneka
5. Describe the use of Virtualization
Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of a physical resource, such
as a server, storage device, or network. This allows multiple virtual machines to run
on the same physical hardware. Virtualization is a key technology in cloud
computing. It allows cloud providers to offer a wide range of services, such as IaaS,
PaaS, and SaaS.

6. Differentiate between private cloud and public cloud.

Private cloud: A private cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure that is operated

solely for a single organization. The cloud infrastructure is typically hosted on-
premises, but it can also be hosted in a third-party data center.

Public cloud: A public cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure that is made available
to the general public. The cloud infrastructure is owned and operated by a cloud
service provider, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google
Cloud Platform

7. Define Hypervisor. Give any 2 examples

Same as VMM (Q 1)

8. Describe the use of storage virtualization.

Virtualizing storage means abstracting logical storage from physical storage. It allows
creating virtual disks independent from device and location

9. Define Utility Computing.

Utility computing is a cloud computing model in which computing resources, such as
processing power, memory, and storage, are provisioned as a utility. This means that
users can pay for the resources they use, rather than having to purchase and
maintain their own hardware and software.

10. Mention the differences between PaaS and SaaS.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides a platform for developers to develop, deploy,

and manage applications. This includes the operating system, middleware, and
runtime environment.

Software as a Service (SaaS) provides applications that are hosted in the cloud and
made available to users over the internet. This includes email, office productivity
suites, and customer relationship management (CRM) applications.



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