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My worst sport experience (Part 1)

TANIA: Junior wave.

JUNIOR: Hello Tania, how have you been? What happened?

TANIA: Very good junior, thank you, I wanted to ask you what was your worst sporting
experience that you have ever had.

JUNIOR: Sure, Tania, I'll tell you, I once remember participating in a sporting event to be part of
my school's soccer team, and guess what?

TANIA: What?

JUNIOR: I was not able to participate in that event, because they had replaced me with a
bigger, more robust companion. You don't know how embarrassed I felt, because I told my
parents and they were encouraged to go see me like game, but it didn't happen, so I didn't
know how to tell them and from that day on, I never decided to be part of a sports event again.
Because no one knows how much it hurt me to see that my parents were going to see me
participate and in the finals they were not given that opportunity.

JUNIOR: And your Tanya? What was your worst sports experience?

TANIA: Well junior, I experienced something very similar to yours since also in my secondary
school I remember having lived the worst experience of my life, because it was about
participating in gymnast and my classmates and I practiced a lot for the presentation date , and
guess what?

JUNIOR: What happened Tanya?

TANIA: We practiced so much, so that in the end I climbed the human pyramid, it turned out
that my partner's hand weakened and I ended up falling. I fell and everyone made fun of me
and I felt very embarrassed and from then on I never decided to participate in a similar event

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