Practice Test Paper - I 23-24

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Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year 2023-2024

Practice Test-I
Sub: CGR (22318) Class: CO3I
Time: 2 .5 Hr. Mark : 70

Q. 1. Attempt any FIVE of the following 10M

i) Define: Pixel Frame Buffer
ii) State two line drawing algorithms.
iii) List various polygon filling algorithms
iv) List any four applications of computer graphics.
v) Write the transformation matrix for Scaling.
vi) List various character generation methods.
vii) Explain the need of homogeneous co-ordinates.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following 12 M

i) Write DDA line drawing algorithm.
ii) Write short note on: i) Augmented reality ii) Virtual reality.
iii) Consider the line from (0, 0) to (4, 6). Use the simple DDA algorithm to rasterize this line.
iv) Differentiate between raster & random scan?

Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following 12 M

i) Consider the line from (5,5) to (13,9). Use the Bresenham’s algorithm to rasterize the line.
ii) Explain 2D transformations with its types.
iii) Compare bitmap graphics & vector graphics
iv) Translate the polygon with co-ordinates A (3, 6), B (8, 11), & C (11, 3) by 2 units in X direction
and 3 units in Y direction.
Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M
i) Rotate a triangle defined by A (0, 0), B (6, 0), & C (3, 3) by 90 about origin in anti-clock wise
ii)Explain the inside-outside test for polygon
iii) Write the Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm?
iv) State the different character generation methods. Describe any one with diagram.

Q.5 Attempt any two of the following: 12 M

i) Derive the expression for decision parameter used in Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm
ii) Explain 3D transformation.
iii) Explain the scan line algorithm for polygon filling.

Q.6 Attempt any two of the following: 12 M

i) Find the transformation of triangle A (1, 0) B (0, 1) C (1, 1) by
a) Rotating 30° about origin.
b) Translating 1 unit in x & y direction & then rotate 45° about origin.
ii) Write C code for DDA Line drawing algorithm.
iii) Describe i) Boundary Fill ii) Flood fill method?

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