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Activity 8

Examine your social networking profile. In which sites are you active? Put a tick mark
(√) in the appropriate box.

Social Not at All Rarely Sometimes Most of the

Networking Time

Facebook √


Linked In

Google+ √

YouTube √


Instagram √





Can you think of possibilities for how you can use your social networking site as an
educational tool? Describe clearly how you can appropriately utilize it in your lesson.
Answer: As an education student, it is essential for me to explore various ways to use social
networking sites like Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and Instagram as educational tools to
enhance my teaching.

•For "Facebook" , I can create private Facebook groups for my students or classmates to
facilitate discussions, share educational resources, and post relevant content related to my
coursework. This can foster a sense of community and encourage peer-to-peer learning.

•In "YouTube", I can use YouTube to create and share educational videos or playlists.
Where I can curate existing videos that explain complex concepts or produce my own video
lessons to supplement my teaching. Encourage students to explore and comment on these
videos to promote discussion.

•For "Instagram", I can utilize Instagram to share visual content that complements my
lessons. Post images, diagrams, or infographics related to my subject matter. Encourage
students to follow my Instagram account for visual reinforcement of what they're learning in

•And for Google+, I can Set up Google+ communities where students can collaborate on
group projects or assignments. Google+ allows for seamless integration with Google Drive,
making it easy for students to share documents and collaborate on work.

When using social networking sites for educational purposes, we should always ensure to
maintain a professional and respectful tone, follow platform guidelines, and respect privacy
and copyright regulations.

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