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Word Stress Rules in English

A few things to remember:

- A word can only have one stress. In a very long word you can have a secondary stress, but it is
always a much smaller stress.
- Only vowels are stressed, not consonants. The vowels in English are a, e, i, o, and u. The
consonants are all the other letters.

- There are many exceptions to the rules. The word stress rules in English are complicated.
Remember that there are exceptions to every rule. Use a dictionary to check the word stress of new
words. Soon, you will know English well enough to add word stress naturally.

- It is important that you stress the right syllables, so people can hear and understand your words.
Word stress rules
1. Two-Syllable nouns and adjectives

2. Two-Syllable verbs and prepositions

3. Three-Syllable words

4. Words ending in er, ly

5. Words ending in consonants and in y

6. Words with various endings

7. Words ending in ade, ee, ese, que, ette, oon

8. Stress on the second from the end syllable

9. Stress on the third from end syllable

10. Word stress for compound words

11. Proper nouns

12. Reflexive pronouns

13. Numbers

1. Two-Syllable nouns and adjectives

In most two syllable nouns and adjectives, the first syllable takes on the stress.


2. Two-Syllable verbs and prepositions
In most two syllable verbs and prepositions, the stress is on the second syllable.


More about word stress on two-syllable words
- About 80% of two-syllable words get their stress on the first syllable.
- There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but very few nouns and adjectives get stress on their
second syllable.
- Verbs and prepositions usually get stress placed on the second syllable, but there are exceptions to
this too.

There are many two-syllable words in English that can be pronounced in two different ways. The stress
change also changes the part of speech of the word.


PREsent = a gift (noun); non past or future (adjective)

preSENT = to give something to someone (verb)
OBject = something you can see and touch (noun)
obJECT = to disagree with something (verb)

3. Three-Syllable words
For three-syllable words, look at the word ending (the suffix), using the following as your guide:

4. Words ending in er, ly

For three-syllable words ending with the suffixes er or ly, the stress is placed on the first syllable.


5. Words ending in consonants and in y
If there is a word that ends in a consonant or in a y, then the first syllable usually gets the stress.


6. Words with various endings
Take a good look at the list of suffixes below (suffixes are word endings).

The stress is going to be on the syllable right before the suffix. This applies to words of all syllable


able: ADDable, DURable, LAUGHable

ial: differENTial, SOcial, fiNANcial
cian: muSIcian, phySIcian, cliNIcian
ery: BAkery, SCEnery
ian: coMEdian, ciVILian, techNIcian
ible: reSIstible, imPOSsible, TERRible
ic: arCHAic, plaTOnic, characteRIStic
ics: diaBEtics, paediAtrics, TOpics
ion: classifiCAtion, repoSItion, vegeTAtion
ia: MEdia, bacTERia, vicTORia
ient: inGREdient, PAtient, ANcient
ious: mySTERious, reLIgious, VARious
ish: SELfish, ENglish, PUnish
osis: hypNOsis, diagNOsis, osMOsis

7. Words ending in ade, ee, ese, que, ette, oon

Words that use the suffix ade, ee, ese, eer, que, ette, or oon have the primary stress actually placed on the

This applies to words of all syllable lengths.


ade: lemoNADE, cruSADE, arCADE

ee: aGREE, jamborEE, guaranTEE
eer: sightSEER, puppeTEER
ese: SiamESE, JapanESE, chEESE
ette: cassETTE, CorvETTE, towelETTE
que: unIQUE, physIQUE
oon: baLOON, afterNOON, carTOON
8. Stress on the second from the end syllable
You put stress on the second syllable from the end of the word with words ending in ic, sion, and tion.


Note: Native English speakers don't always agree on where to place the stress on a word. For example,
some people pronounce television as "TELevision" while others say "teleVIsion."
9. Stress on the third from end syllable
You put stress on the third from end syllable with words that end in cy, ty, phy, gy and al.



10. Word stress for compound words

A. Compound noun
A compound noun is a noun made out of two nouns that form one word. In a compound noun, the most
stress is on the stressed syllable of the first word.


SEAfood (sea + food)

ICEland (ice + land)
TOOTHpaste (tooth + paste)
FOOTball (foot + ball)
BAsketball (basket + ball)
B. Compound adjectives
A compound adjective is an adjective made of at least two words.

Often, hyphens are used in compound adjectives. In compound adjectives, the most stress is placed in the
stressed syllable of the second word.


C. Compound verbs
A compound verb is when a subject has two or more verbs. The stress is on the second or on the last part.


Matilda loves bread but deTESTS butter.

Sarah baked cookies and ATE them up.
Dogs love to eat bones and love to DRINK water.

D. Noun + compound nouns

Noun + compound Nouns are two word compound nouns. In noun + compound noun, the stress is on the
first word.


AIRplane mechanic
PROject manager
BOARD member

11. Proper nouns

Proper nouns are specific names of people, places or things. For example: Jeniffer, Spain, Google.

The second word is always the one that takes the stress



12. Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns show that the action affects the person who performs the action. For example: I
hit myself.

The second syllable usually takes the stress.



13. Numbers
If the number is a multiple of ten, the stress is placed on the first syllable.

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others
1. a. generous b. suspicious c. constancy d. sympathy
2. a. acquaintance b. unselfish c. attraction d. humorous
3. a. loyalty b. success c. incapable d. sincere
4. a. carefully b. correctly c. seriously d. personally
5. a. excited b. interested c. confident d. memorable
6. a. organise b. decorate c. divorce d. promise
7. a. refreshment b. horrible c. exciting d. intention
8. a. knowledge b. maximum c. athletics d. marathon
9. a. difficult b. relevant c. volunteer d. interesting
10. a. confidence b. supportive c. solution d. obedient
11. a. whenever b. mischievous c. hospital d. separate
12. a. introduce b. delegate c. marvelous d. currency
13. a. develop b. conduction c. partnership d. majority
14. a. counterpart b. measurement c. romantic d attractive
15. a. government b. technical c. parallel d. understand
16. a. Pyramid b. Egyptian c. belongs d. century
17. a. construction b. suggestion c. accurate d. hi-jacket
18. a. dedicate b. impressive c. reminder d. descendant
19. a. remember b. company c. technical d. interview
20. a. electric b. computer c. fascinate d. fantastic
21. a. domestic b. investment c. substantial d. undergo
22. a. confident b. influence c. computer d. remember
23. a. optimist b. powerful c. terrorist d. contrary
24. a. government b. destruction c. contribute d. depression
25. a. institute b. consumption c. specific d. encounter
26. a. tableland b. apparent c. atmosphere d. applicant
27. a. vulnerable b. satelite c. eleven d. element
28. a. arrival b. technical c. proposal d. approval
29. a. empire b. employer c. conductor d. transitor
30. a. celebrate b. fascinating c. survive d. elephant
31. a. habitat b. generate c. canoe d. penalty
32. a. expression b. decisive c. dependent d. independence
33. a. decision b. reference c. refusal d. important
34. a. cooperate b. permanent c. recognise d. industry
35. a. attractive b. sociable c. dynamic d. conservative
36. a. entertain b. enjoyable c. anniversary d. introduce
37. a. approval b. attractive c. sacrifice d. romantic
38. a. conical b. ancestor c. ceremony d. traditional
39. a. romantic b. following c. sumary d. physical
40. a. maintenance b. appearace c. develop d. different
41. a. contactual b. significant c. Asia d. demanding
42. a. appearance b. measurement c. counterpart d. cultural
43. a. majority b. minority c. partnership d. enjoyable
44. a. marvelous b. argument c. apoplectic d. maximum
45. a. departure b. separate c. neccessary d. wrongdoing
46. a. attention b. approriate c. terrible d. non-verbal
47. according b. informality c. expensive d. acceptable
48. a. assistance b. consider c. politely d. compliment
49. a. mischievous b. family c. supportive d. suitable
50. a. memory b. typical c. reward d. marketing
51. a. stimulate b. generate c. secure d. estimate
52. a. politic b. historic c. electric d. specific
53. a. reference b. accident c. coincide d. formulate
54. a. deposit b. dramatist c. register d. community
55. a. earthquake b. transaction c. applicant d. patriot
56. a. degree b. virtually c. assembly d. synthetic
57. a. coincide b. community c. conception d. committee
58. a. envelop b. astronaut c. tuberculosis d. poverty
59. a. altitude b. recover c. comedy d. library
60. a. demonstrate b. beatify c successful d. comfortable
61. a. aacountant b. discover c. meessenger d. unlucky
62. a. marathon b. advertise c. industry d. conclusion
63. a. subsequent b. undergo c. government d. enterprise
64. a. chaotic b. proposal c. occupy d. production
65. a. piano b. policeman c. museum d. souvenir
66. a. guarantee b. recommend c. represent d. illustrate
67. a. agency b. memory c. encounter d. influence
68. a. well-being b. reality c. Internet d. demanding
69. a. encourage b. determine c. emphasize d. maintenance
70. a. understand b. grandparents c. family d. wonderf
71. a. essential b. furniture c. opposite d. fortunate
72. a. crocodile b. corridor c. enormous d. northerly
73. a. habitat b. pollution c. construction d. extinction
74. classify b. biologist c. benefit d. serious
75. a. endangered b. survival c. commercial d. industry
76. a. mosquito b. animal c. crocodile d. buffalo
77. a. unnoticed b. reunited c. incredible d. survival
78. a. imagine b. opinion c. incredible d. wilderness
79. a. recommend b. thoroughly c. travelling d. fascinate
80. a. character b. publisher c. wonderful d. understand
81. a. dependable b. reliable c. remarkable d. knowledgeable
82. a. detective b. romantic c. history d. adventure
83. a. biography b. historic c. discover d. authorship
84. a. imaginary b. scientific c. advantage d. reviewer
85. a. regulator b. personal c. referee d. dangerous
86. a. procedure b. indicate c. forefinger d. enemy
87. a. opponent b. penalize c. overtime d. synchronized
88. a. windsurfing b. equipment c. amatuer d. national
89. a. position b. fingertip c. athletic d. requirement
90. a. interesting b. surprising c. amusing d. successful
91. a. understand b. engineer c. benefit d. Vietnamese
92. a. applicant b. uniform c. yesterday d. employment
93. a. dangerous b. parachute c. popular d. magazine
94. a. comfortable b. employment c. important d. surprising
95. a. elegant b. regional c. musical d. important
96. a. difference b. surbaban c. Internet d. character
97. a. beautiful b. effective c. favourite d. popular
98. a. attraction b. goverment c. borrowing d. visitor
99. difficult b. individual c. population d. unemployment
100. a. capital b. tradition c. different d. oper
1b, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10a,
11a, 12a, 13c, 14c, 15d, 16c, 17d, 18a, 19a, 20c,
21d, 22c, 23d, 24a, 25b, 26b, 27c, 28b, 29a, 30c,
31c, 32d, 33b, 34a, 35b, 36b, 37c, 38d, 39a, 40d,
41c, 42a, 43c, 44d, 45d, 46c, 47b, 48a, 49c, 50c,

51c, 52a, 53c, 54a, 55b, 56b, 57a, 58c, 59d, 60c,
61c, 62d, 63b, 64c, 65d, 66d, 67c, 68c, 69c, 70c,
71a, 72c, 73a, 74b, 75d, 76a, 77b, 78, 79a, 80d,
81, 82c, 83d, 84b, 85c, 86a, 87a, 88b, 89b, 90a,
91c, 92d, 93d, 94a, 95d, 96b, 97b, 98a, 99a, 100b

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