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OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Victoria Police
VPS Application Form
Position Details

Position Title Administration Officer

Department/Command Forensic Services Department
Division Lab Operations – Biometric Services
DNA Management Unit (DNAMU), Biological Sciences Group Administration Unit (BSG
Admin) and Crimes Fingerprints Act (CFA)
Classification/Grade VPS-2
Employment Status Full-time – Ongoing and Fixed Term roles available
Position/Reference Number 20010488, 20034649, 20008999 and 20004187
Sergeant Simon Borg - DNA Management Unit
Position Contact Elyse Mehaffey - BSG Administration
Melissa Birkinhead – Crimes Fingerprint Act

Applicant Details

Surname Wu
First Name Jiabao
Contact Email
Contact Number 0434723876

Please note: You are only required to address the questions listed below. Individual responses to the selection criteria listed on the
Position Description (PD) are not required. Your application must not exceed 5 pages.

Please ensure you complete all questions below as well as the mandatory declaration questions.

General Question Based on Motivation Fit/Suitability

Question 1
What qualifications, experience, or technical skills do you have which would be advantageous in performing the administrative
My educational background includes a Bachelor of Biomedicine with a major in Human Structure and Function, along with
pathway study in Bioengineering. While these qualifications may not be associated with administrative roles, they have taught me
valuable skills that I can apply to effectively perform administrative duties within the department. For example, my academic
journey required my attention to detail and analytical thinking, both of which are essential for maintaining accurate reco rds and
handling administrative tasks with precision. I have a strong foundation in scientific research methodologies, data analysis, and
problem-solving, which are transferable skills that can be applied in administrative roles to troubleshoot issues. Furthermore, my
commitment to professionalism and ethical conduct, which I've learnt throughout my academic journey, align with the integrity
and confidentiality requirements often associated with administrative roles in sensitive departments such as Forensic Service s. I
also understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of sensitive information, which is essential in
forensic settings.

General Question Based on Capabilities/Role

Question 2
Please provide an example of a task you have worked on individually or as part of a team. What strategies did you use to mana ge
competing priorities and ensure a positive outcome?

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OFFICIAL: Sensitive

One project that I was part of during my academic studies involved research and making a poster to educate the public about
Ischemia. Our team had a mix of backgrounds, including biomedical engineering, physiology, and immunology. The challenge we
faced was balancing different responsibilities and meeting a tight deadline for the presentation.
To handle these competing priorities, we used a few key strategies:
- Team Meetings: We scheduled regular meetings to discuss our progress and challenges. This helped us stay on the
same page and address any issues promptly.
- Task Delegation: We divided the project into specific tasks based on each team member's strength s and knowledge.
This allowed everyone to contribute their expertise effectively.
- Adaptability: We remained open to adjustments and collaborated when any team member faced difficulties. This
flexibility allowed us to find solutions together.
- Progress Tracking: We frequently checked our progress and made necessary changes to stay on track.
Thanks to these strategies, we successfully completed the project on time.

Question 3
Please provide an example of when you have used administrative or technical/IT skills to improve or streamline administrative
In my previous role as a waiter at Dotonbori, I recognized a common challenge in our scheduling process: frequent shift conflicts
and scheduling errors. To address this issue, I suggested our manager to subscribe and use online scheduling software. The final
result has saved him a lot of time and refined our administrative procedures.

Question 4
Please provide an example of when you have used written or verbal skills to communicate with stakeholders. How did you ensure
that your communication was effective?
In my previous role as a waiter at Dotonbori, I regularly interacted with various stakeholders, including customers, colleagues, and
management. One particular scenario where effective communication was essential involved handling customer complaints.
To ensure my communication was effective in resolving customer complaints, I followed these steps:
- Active Listening: When a customer presented a complaint, I practiced active listening to fully understand their issue.
I let them express their concerns without interruption and asked clarifying questions when necessary.
- Empathy: I empathized with the customer's situation, acknowledging their frustration or inconvenience. Expressing
empathy helped build rapport and reassured the customer that their concern was being taken seriously.
- Clear Explanation: I provided a clear and concise explanation of the steps we would take to address their complaint.
This included outlining timelines for resolution, responsibilities, and any actions required from the customer.
- Follow-Up: After resolving the issue, I followed up with the customer to ensure they were satisfied with the
resolution and to gather feedback on their overall experience.
By consistently following these steps, I was able to effectively address customer complaints, resolve issues promptly, and
maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. It also contributed to a positive and supportive team environment, as colleagu es
could rely on clear communication when dealing with customer -related matters.

Declaration (mandatory)

Have you ever taken a Voluntary Departure Package (VDP) from the Victorian Public Service? Yes ☐ No ☒
If yes, on what date did you receive your VDP? Click here to enter date
NB. Recipients of VPS departure packages should note that re-employment restrictions may apply
Are you currently a Victorian Public Service Employee? Yes ☐ No ☒
Have you ever been employed by Victoria Police in any capacity? Yes ☐ No ☒
Are you available to work shift work? Yes ☒ No ☐

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OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Are there any matters of a criminal nature or otherwise that you are aware of that may
impact your application for employment by Victoria Police? Yes ☐ No ☒
If yes, please provide further detail below

I acknowledge that:
☒ Employment with Victoria Police will be subject to security checks, which may include fingerprinting.
☒ The successful candidate may be required to complete the appropriate Declaration Association Acknowledgement forms.
The successful candidate will be required to complete the appropriate Statutory Declaration and Consent Form for pre -

employment misconduct screening purposes.
Applicants must be an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or hold a valid work permit or visa. I confirm that I am

legally entitled to work in Australia.

Terms & Conditions

Please ensure that you read and fully understand each of the following statements
• Your employment with Victoria Police is pursuant to the Public Administration Act 2004 and the current Victorian
Public Service Agreement. A copy of the Victorian Public Service Agreement may be viewed on the Victoria Police
• This position may be attached to a specific work unit that may require you by direction to un dergo drug and alcohol
testing in accordance with the provisions of the VPMP Alcohol and Drug Policy; Workplace Responsibilities and
associated guidelines.
• By submitting this application I hereby consent to Victoria Police gaining access to, obtaining, usi ng or disclosing any
information relating to me including information of a personal nature for the purpose of processing my application
for appointment and to make an assessment of my suitability.
• By submitting this application I further consent to Victoria Police conducting checks of criminal or other records kept
by Victoria Police and/or other law enforcement agencies, whether State, Commonwealth or International. These
may include any convictions, findings of guilt without conviction, details of any matters found proven but adjourned
on a good behaviour bond, any matters or information still outstanding against my name and any other matters,
whether of a criminal nature or otherwise, which may be relevant in relation to my application.
• You will be able to make application for access to any information gathered by Victoria Police in the course of
processing your application. Should you wish to do so, please contact the local management representative upon
finalisation of the selection process
• The information obtained by Victoria Police will not be provided to any other person or organisation without your

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OFFICIAL: Sensitive

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