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Started on Monday, 9 October 2023, 11:00 AM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 9 October 2023, 11:58 AM
Time taken 57 mins 50 secs
Marks 29.00/35.00
Grade 82.86 out of 100.00

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

If we go to the top, we will have a nice view of Jakarta.

This sentence means …..

a. We saw Jakarta last month

b. There isn't any possibility of seeing Jakarta from the top

c. We are now looking and having a nice of Jakarta

d. It is possible for us to see Jakarta from the top

e. We have already seen Jakarta from the top

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Citra : Ratri has recovered from her illness.

Rizka : That's a good idea.

a. She should feel better now.

b. We should go to the hospital.

c. She should go to school tomorrow.

d. How about paying her a visit?

e. What do you think we should do?

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

If you want to get fitter, sleep sounder, and have higher energy levels, then you need to get your feet, your legs, and actually,
your entire body wet. After just four weeks of swimming, subjects increased fitness levels by 1596, sleep quality by 4096, and
overall energy levels by 5196, according to Mindlab International. What's more, tie benefits weren't just physical: participants
reported a 33Y6 decrease in negative emotions and a 354 increase in feelings of positivity, suggesting that a regular swim is
one of the best things you can do to improve your physical
and mental health.

What is the text mostly about?

a. Research results on physical health

b. The participation in a research

c. The way to get fitter

d. The benefits of swimming

e. The way to swim

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Zidan : Have you made any programs for this Saturday evening?
Zanuar : No, not really, why?
Zidan : I am also free, is there any idea . What activity we can do?
Zanuar : We had better watch English spoken film. We can enjoy the film as well-as do the
assignment given by our teacher, making review of a film. What do you think?
Zidan : .......

What does Zidan mean by saying "I am also free, is there any idea what activity we can do?

a. He asks for Zanuar's suggestion about what to do on Saturday evening.

b. He is confused.

c. He refuses Zanuar's suggestion to watch English spoken film on Saturday evening.

d. He asks for Zanuar to watch English spoken film on Saturday evening.

e. He looks for friend to spend his Saturday evening.

Question 5


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Love is like a river,

A never ending stream
Love is shared by each other
To answer someone's dream.

"Love is like a river" is a/an ………

a. personification

b. paradox

c. irony
d. simile

e. metaphor

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Putra : Hey, Jihan, are you listening?

Jihan : Uh yeah. What?
Putra : Are you all right? You didn't pay attention at all.
Jihan : Sorry. I was thinking about my upcoming karate exam.
Putra : I see. You should be relaxed. It's not good to overthink about it. Just do your best.
Jihan : I know, but I just can't help worrying about it. I want to pass the exam so bad.
Putra : How about this? I will evaluate your training again tomorrow morning. See it as a mock exam.
Jihan : You will do that? Thanks.
Putra : All right. Let's go home and rest. We'll meet again at eight o clock tomorrow.
Jihan : Sure.

What can you tell about Putra?

a. He is generous.
b. He is strict.

c. He is supportive.
d. He is brave.

e. He is carefree.

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Nailah : How long has he been the principal of our school?

Sastra : Since I... this school.

a. entered

b. have entered

c. was entering
d. had been entering

e. had entered
Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

"If all the students pass their final examination, the teacher will give a party for them at his house."
This means that ……. at the teacher's house.

a. there was a party

b. there is no been party at all

c. there has been a party

d. there will possibly be a party

e. there has to be a party

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

If Susan eats a lot of fast food, she gets overweight.

This conditional sentence conveys the meaning of ….

a. rules

b. cause and effect

c. condition

d. scientific facts

e. routine

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I'm sorry I don't need a new shirt, but if I…..

a. need one I will contact you as soon as possible

b. needed one I would contact you as soon as possible

c. had needed one I contacted you as soon as possible

d. has one I would contact you as soon as possible

e. had needed one I would have contact you as soon as possible
Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Rizka : I was the first to submit my paper yesterday

Lenny : You're wrong, I ... mine before you did.

a. had submitted
b. submit

c. would submit
d. was submitting

e. have submitted

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

"Fajar started learning to play chess when he was only five years old and won his first national chess competition when he was
This means that Fajar ... to play chess very well by the time he was 10 years old.

a. would learn

b. has learned
c. was learning

d. will have learning

e. had learned

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Putra : Hey, Jihan, are you listening?

Jihan : Uh yeah. What?
Putra : Are you all right? You didn't pay attention at all.
Jihan : Sorry. I was thinking about my upcoming karate exam.
Putra : I see. You should be relaxed. It's not good to overthink about it. Just do your best.
Jihan : I know, but I just can't help worrying about it. I want to pass the exam so bad.
Putra : How about this? I will evaluate your training again tomorrow morning. See it as a mock exam.
Jihan : You will do that? Thanks.
Putra : All right. Let's go home and rest. We'll meet again at eight o clock tomorrow.
Jihan : Sure.

What does Putra suggest Jihan?

a. Show her performance to Putra

b. Participate in a karate exam

c. Practice harder with Putra

d. Postpone her karate exam

e. Test Putra's karate performance

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

"He put out the light. Then he locked the door."

The above sentences can be joined as follows:

a. He put out the light after he locked the door

b. He had put out the light before he locked the door

c. While he was locking the door he put out the light

d. When he locked the door, he put out he light

e. He would put out the light if he locked the door

Question 15


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

" ... be at home if I ... you tonight?"

a. Will you - visit

b. Are you going to - am visiting

c. Would you-visit

d. Would you-visited
e. Are you going to - visit

Question 16


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

If you have enough money in your account, …

a. you have paid special interest

b. the bank sends you a monthly statement.

c. you have a special voucher

d. you can withdraw your money to a cash dispenser

e. the type of card is acceptable

Question 17


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Putra : Hey, Jihan, are you listening?

Jihan : Uh yeah. What?
Putra : Are you all right? You didn't pay attention at all.
Jihan : Sorry. I was thinking about my upcoming karate exam.
Putra : I see. You should be relaxed. It's not good to overthink about it. Just do your best.
Jihan : I know, but I just can't help worrying about it. I want to pass the exam so bad.
Putra : How about this? I will evaluate your training again tomorrow morning. See it as a mock exam.
Jihan : You will do that? Thanks.
Putra : All right. Let's go home and rest. We'll meet again at eight o clock tomorrow.
Jihan : Sure.

How does Jihan feel at the moment?

a. Sad

b. Shy

c. Afraid
d. Anxious

e. Calm

Question 18


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

If you want to get fitter, sleep sounder, and have higher energy levels, then you need to get your feet, your legs, and actually,
your entire body wet. After just four weeks of swimming, subjects increased fitness levels by 1596, sleep quality by 4096, and
overall energy levels by 5196, according to Mindlab International. What's more, tie benefits weren't just physical: participants
reported a 33Y6 decrease in negative emotions and a 354 increase in feelings of positivity, suggesting that a regular swim is
one of the best things you can do to improve your physical
and mental health.

The text suggests the readers ……..

a. try swimming regularly

b. study the benefits of swimming

c. inform the benefits of swimming

d. recommend others to swim

e. improve their swimming skills
Question 19


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Unless it rains for a very long time, ...

a. the rivers flood

b. you get overweight

c. the plants fade and dry

d. you get a cold

e. the weather is snowy

Question 20


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I think that I never see

A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is priest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Whom intimately lives with rain
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

What is the figure of speech from the second stanza, line 1?

a. metaphor
b. simile.

c. paradox

d. irony
e. personification
Question 21


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I think that I never see

A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is priest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Whom intimately lives with rain
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

"Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree".
From the two sentences above we can conclude that...

a. God asks the writer to pray like that tree

b. the author admires God's creation very much

c. the author is too foolish to make a poem

d. God is clever enough to create a tree

e. the author is very foolish

Question 22


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

He'll get lost ... someone shows him the way.

a. unless
b. as

c. when
d. if

e. after
Question 23


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Love is all around you,

The moon and stars above
Love is a gift from God,
And God is a gift of ...

The correct word to complete the poem above is .............

a. fairness

b. faithfulness

c. honesty
d. bless

e. love

Question 24


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Afin : You look so unhappy, Anton. What's the matter?

Anton : My father ... his job."

a. is losing

b. has been losing

c. losing

d. has just lost

e. loses
Question 25


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I think that I never see

A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is priest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Whom intimately lives with rain
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

The text tells us.....

a. why the writer is surprised at the tree

b. why God creates a tree

c. how tree looks at its God

d. how perfect and beautiful a tree with all its functions is

e. how a tree is grateful to God

Question 26


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Dahlia : I'm really worried about his health as his next semester starts two weeks from now.
Wulan : Let's just hope that by that time he ....

a. will be recovering
b. has recovered

c. is recovering
d. is going to recover

e. will have recovered

Question 27


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Choiron : Tiara, …………..

Tiara : I think you'd better stay and work in your hometown.

a. Do you think I can move to Jakarta for vacation?

b. Do you reckon I should go to Jakarta for finding jobs?

c. Could you get a better job for me in Jakarta ?

d. Do you prohibit me to work in Jakarta?

e. Could you tell me how to find jobs in Jakarta?

Question 28


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Arju : Can I see you tomorrow about the seminar ?

Mrs. Lastri : All right. Come at 10 o'clock, and I ... teaching by then.

a. will have finished

b. have finished

c. am finishing
d. will be finishing

e. will have been finishing

Question 29


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

.……. before going out if it snows.

a. Wear your T-shirt

b. Put on your slippers

c. Put off your jacket

d. Wear your coat

e. Put on your watch

Question 30


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Andi : Did Febrina decide to buy the car?

Farrel : Yes, after she ... her brother."

a. had consulted
b. has consultant

c. consults

d. was consulting
e. is consulting
Question 31


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Fino : Do you often go to restaurants?

Brian : No, it ... quite a long time since I went to restaurant with my friends.

a. had been
b. is being

c. was
d. has been

e. would be

Question 32


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Dea : I'm sure he will be successful in his job.

Lenny : Yes, ……

a. if he works hard enough

b. if he work hard enough

c. if he had worked hard enough

d. if he worked hard enough

e. if he should work hard enough.

Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Putra : Hey, Jihan, are you listening?

Jihan : Uh yeah. What?
Putra : Are you all right? You didn't pay attention at all.
Jihan : Sorry. I was thinking about my upcoming karate exam.
Putra : I see. You should be relaxed. It's not good to overthink about it. Just do your best.
Jihan : I know, but I just can't help worrying about it. I want to pass the exam so bad.
Putra : How about this? I will evaluate your training again tomorrow morning. See it as a mock exam.
Jihan : You will do that? Thanks.
Putra : All right. Let's go home and rest. We'll meet again at eight o clock tomorrow.
Jihan : Sure.

What can we infer from the dialog?

a. Putra will help Jihan wither test.

b. Jihan only has one day to prepare for her exam.

c. Putra will judge Jihan on her karate exam

d. Putra recommends Jihan stay cool about the exam.

e. Jihan is confident with her ability to pass the karate exam.

Question 34


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Zidan : Have you made any programs for this Saturday evening?
Zanuar : No, not really, why?
Zidan : I am also free, is there any idea . What activity we can do?
Zanuar : We had better watch English spoken film. We can enjoy the film as well-as do the
assignment given by our teacher, making review of a film. What do you think?
Zidan : .......

If Zidan disagrees with Zanuar's suggestion, how will he say politely?

a. Thank you, that sounds great but I would rather not.

b. Thank you, it is very kind of you to suggest me.

c. No, your idea is not good, thank you.

d. Thank you, yes it is really great idea.

e. Thank you, but it is not good idea.

Question 35


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

"Aisya had just watered the flowers when Rizki came."

From this sentence we may conclude that ....

a. Rizki had come before Aisya watered the flowers

b. Rizki didn't see Aisya watering the flowers

c. Rizki came at the time Aisya was watering the flowers

d. Rizki would come when Aisya finished watering the flower

e. Rizki was watching Aisya watering the flowers

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