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Q:1 Why did the Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) abolish the tribal distinction in Madina?

A: The prophet Muhammad (SAW) wanted to create unity, harmony, and tolerance in
Madinaby abolishing Tribal distinction there.
Q:2 What did UN adopt unanimously?
A: The United Nation organizing unanimously adopted the universal declaration of human
Q:3 How do we know that Islam is the protector of human rights?
A: The incorporation of the Madina charter in the universal declaration of human Rights
show that Islam is the greatest protector of human rights.
Q:4 Define tolerance and give example from text?
A: Tolerance means that ability to endurance the opinion or behavior that one dislike. The
Prophet (SAW) grouped all the sections of people under are umbrella. In the universal
declaration of human rights all human are protected.
Q:5 We must always honour our word. Why?
A: Islam teaches us to keep our promises. We all are accountable for our promises on the
day of judgment.
Q:1 What are Nasiruddin stories for?
A: Because they deal with the experience of day to day life.
Q:2 Which anecdote from the lesson you liked the most, why?
A: Anecdote No#3 amusing because turban was considered as symbol of educate person.
Q:3 Explain the point of laughter in the last story?
A: Donkey brayed from the stable of Nasiruddin. But he was saying that he lend it to
Q:4 How were the thieves treated by Nasiruddin?
A: Nasiruddin hid himself in a cupboard said nothing worthy for you in his house.
Q:5 What was Nasiruddin explanation to the gardener?
A: He was blown by wind into the kitchen garden of gardener and was thinking about the
vegetables in sake.
Q:6 Have you ever come across humorous a person like Nasiruddin compare the character
of Nasiruddin with what real life person?
A: Yes. I met that funny person like Nasiruddin. He was amusing and experienced like
Q:7 Write a note in character of Nasiruddin using evidence from the lesson?
A: Nasiruddin was funny in his anecdote. These anecdotes were fully of experienced of
Q:1 Why did Hazrat Umar (R.Z) weep?
A: Hazrat Umar (R.Z) wept because of the good act of Hazrat Usman (R.Z) as generosity of
Q:2 Why did the Jew agree to Hazrat Usman (R.Z) offer?
A: The Jew agreed because he was expecting more profit after selling half of the share of
well to Hazrat Usman (R.Z).
Q:3 What simple steps can you incorporate into your life foster generosity?
A: Simple steps for generosity are to help pour and needy people and preference of other
needs to our own.
Q:4 How did the Jew learn a better lesson?
A: The Jew learnt better because his income decreased by selling half share to Hazrat
Usman (R.Z)
Q:5 What is the role of generosity is Islamic history?
A: Generosity played important role for preaching of Islam by helping to other human
Q:6 Service to humanity is like by Allah Elaborate?
A: Allah like the service to humanity this is thy Allah reward to such person who serve to
human for Allah more than seventy or even seven hundred times is response of each.
Q:7 What did Hazrat Usman (R.Z) do when the Holy Prophet (R.Z) said “Is there any one
here who would like purchase paradise for himself in return for Bair-e- Roma?
A: Hazrat Usman stood up and went to jew for purchase of well in medina and purchased
Q:8 Why did Hazrat Usman (R.Z) keep on rejecting the offer?
A: Because Hazrat Usman (R.Z) denoted all his stock in the name of Allah to the poor and
needy people of medina.
Q:1 Why is Zarin Gul different from other business men?
A: Zarin Gul was different from other because he expert in the work shoe making.
Q:2 How did the author come in touch with his Zarin Gul brother?
A: When authors father look him to Zarin Gul shop for ordering a pair of new shoe for
coming Eid.
Q:3 Describe the shoe maker and his shop?
A: Zarin Gul was expert in shoe making. He was man of fifty year. His shop was in busy
street of QissaKhawani Bazaar Peshawar. A big sized Peshawari chappal overhanging the
wooden door of his shop.
Q:4 What were Zarin Gul priorities in making shoes?
A: Zarin Gul is priorities in making shoe were fitness- in feet. Suitability to different people,
durability and high quality material.
Q:5 What is the story setting?
A: It is described about the shoe maker and his wonderful shop.
Q:6 What is the conflict about in the story?
A: It is conflict between shoe maker and over the shoe maker.
Q:7 What was the author’s opinion about Zarin Gul as a shoe maker?
A: Zarin Gul was a honest and straight forward person. He was expert shoe maker.
Q:8 Why did the author’s visit the shop after a long times?
A: Author was a broad for several year for studies. So he visited after long time.
Q:9 what was Zarin Gul’s complaint against “Big Firms”
A: Big firms work like machine and they do not have self respect.
Q:1 What is the role of technology in daily life?
A: From kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, to any other place of other home or office
technological equipment are present. So, the role of technology in our life is important.
Q:2 Discuss how you use technology at home in your personal life?
A: Technology is used in different fields of life as in communication, agriculture,
engineering and transportation.
Q:3 How does technology help transportation?
A: Time in precious so, for oroiding of wastage of time fast and difficult nears of
transportation as cars, trains and air planes are very important.
Q:4 What is the importance of technology in agriculture?
A: Technology made possible to grow crops in a desert by the use of biotechnology, plants
have been engineered to survive in drought conditions.
Q:5 What is the impact culture and society?
A: With the help of technology serious issues of health has been resolved. Serious disease
are cured before intensity.
Q:6 Does the technology impact culture and society? How?
A: With the help of internet cultural and social changes have come through video call
emails etc. Mobile phone is also the cause of social changes in society.
Q:1 What is first aid?
A: First aid is help given to sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.
Q:2 Discuss a situation in which you provided first aid to someone?
A: Once when I was at home, a person in our neighbor tried to suicide himself with fire. I
and my other neighbor reached there and provided him first aid by bandages on his
wounds and lastly he was brought on hospital nearby. So he was treated properly there.
Q:3 What will you do if someone cuts it his foot and it bleeding?
A: An first aid in case of cut on foot and bleeding a clean cloth should be put on wound and
apply pressure to stop bleeding.
Q:4 A passenger travelling a bus with you is complaining of breathiness and a tight pain in
the chest you suspect a heart attack you do?
A: In case of heart attack, case the strain on his heart and make him comfortable. He
should be in half sitting position with bent.
Q:5 You’re having lunch with a friend and he begins to choke on some foods, How can you
A: Confirmation about choking is important and then it. So, abdominal thrust is best option
for it.
Q:6 Does the technology impact culture and society? How?
A: With the help of internet cultural and social changes have come through video call
emails etc. Mobile phone is also the cause of social changes in society.
2023 Annual II Board paper MCQs
Write application to the Headmaster for arranging study tour for your class
The Headmaster
Respected Sir,
It is stated that our class wishes to go on a study tour next week. We have decided to go to
Taxila musuem. The reason we have selected this particular place is because it has been
discussed in our English and Pakistan studies books. Going to the meuseum will increase our
knowledge and provide refreseshment before upcoming exams.
It is therefore our humble request to allow us to go to Taxila museum. We will also need some
funds from school and two teachers to go along with us. We hope to get positive reply from
your kind office.
Your’s obediently
Students of Class 9th B
Dated 12-3-2023

Write application to the Principal asking him for school leaving certificate
The Headmaster
Respected Sir,
It is stated that I am studying in class 9th B. my father is a government employee and he
has been transferred to Peshawar. Our whole family is moving with him. I want to continue my
studies in a new school in Peshawar. For this purpose I need school leaving certificate from your
kind office.
It is therefore my humble request that kindly issue my school leaving certificate. I shall be very
thankful to you.
Your’s obediently
Class 9th
Roll No 00
Dated 12-3-2023
Write application to the Headmaster for granting computer lab access to your class
The Headmaster
Respected Sir,
It is stated that we are studying computer education as a complusory subject. To learn
computer, we need to work practically on computers. Our school has an excellent computer
lab. To use computer lab we need permission from your kind office.
It is therefore our humble request to you to allow our class to use computer lab 2 days in a
week. It will help us to understand the subject more clearly. We hope to get positive response
from you.
Your’s obediently
Students of Class 9th B
Dated 12-3-2023

Write application to the Principal asking him for leave to attend your brother’s marriage
The Headmaster
Respected Sir,
It is stated that the marriage of my brother has been fixed on 15th of this month. We will
be going to Lahore to attend the marriage. We will stay there for 3 days. Due to this, I shall not
be able to come to school.
It is therefore my humble request to grant me leave for 4 days. I shall be very thankful to you
for this act of kindness.
Your’s obediently
Class 9th
Roll No 00
Dated 12-3-2023
Comprehension paragraph 1

We should remember that a contented mind and healthy living can help to keep us free from
many diseases. In some ways, it is easier for the people in developing nations to achieve
positive health, because they have more close-knit social systems, with better communication
people, than do many people in wealthy and developed nations.
With very little by way of resources or sophisticated medical facilities we can achieve positive
health for the majority of individuals in our communities. This does not mean that we do not
need medical care. We definitely need proper medical care under certain Circumstances. We
need proper vaccination and immunization against infectious diseases proper treatment of
diseases by medical and surgical intervention required proper maternal care before and after
child birth and regular medical checks after the age of forty years.
Answer the following Questions:-
1.Why is it easier for the people in developing nations to achieve positive health?
2.What kind of medical care do we need?
3.What is necessary for a mother?
4.Why do we need proper vaccination?
5.What do we need after the age of forty years?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'the act of giving a vaccine by injection’.
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of paternal

Comprehension paragraph 2

There is a great deal of violence in the world. There is physical violence and also Inward
violence. Physical violence is to kill another, to hurt other people consciously, deliberately or
without thought, to say cruel things, full of antagonism and hate, and inwardly, inside the skin,
to dislike people, to hate people, to criticise people. Inwardly, we are always quarrelling,
battling, not only with others, but with ourselves. We want people to change; we want to force
them to our way of thinking.
The ultimate violence is war the killing for ideas, for so-called religious principles, for
nationalities, the killing to preserve a little piece of land. To do that, man will kill, destroy, maim
and also be killed himself. There is enormous violence in the world, the rich wanting to keep
people poor and the poor wanting to get rich and in the process hating the rich.
Answer the following Questions:-
1.Describe the types of violence briefly.
2.Which is the ultimate violence and what is its cause?
3.What do we always do inwardly?
4.How do we want to change people?
5.What do the rich want?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'behaviour which damages somebody
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of ‘outwardly’.

Comprehension paragraph 3

By instinct, most parents love and care for their children. Yet, very often, their expectations and
ambitions put too much pressure on the children. When Children cannot reach the level of their
parent’s ambition, they can suffer from tremendous frustration and stress. This may lead to
drug experimentation and other related behaviours as a way of avoiding the realities of the
From the beginning, children should be allowed to develop in their own natural, happy way
within the control of parental love, guidance and care and without too much pressure. A
change of some conventional parental attitudes may help to prevent many cases of drug
dependence and other adolescent problems.
We should also understand our parental responsibilities to the world environment. Remember
that the living space of this world is limited and we must have enough
space for our future generations to live happily.
Answer the following Questions:-
1.What is the basic nature of parents towards their children?
2.Why are the children under pressure due to parents?
3.What are the various problems children suffer from?
4.How should the children be developed from the beginning?
5.What should we remember as a parent?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means ‘starting’.
7.Give the word from the passage which is opposite of 'solutions'

Comprehension paragraph 4

One day a rich merchant was walking through the Mahendra Nagar Street of the town where
he lived; he was on his way to see his brother who lived at some distance from his house. He
paused to watch a man who was badly beating his donkey. The merchant said to him, "Why are
you doing that?" "To make the donkey go", replied the man. "Is it right to beat the poor animal
like that?" asked the merchant. "Certainly, it is", replied the man, "It is my donkey and I can do
what I like with what is mine." The merchant advised him to be kind to the animal but in vain.
The merchant thought for a minute and started beating the man with his stick. "Stop", cried the
man, "What have done to deserve this?" "Oh", replied the merchant, "This is my stick and I can
do what I like with what is mine."
Answer the following Questions:-
1.Where was the rich merchant going to?
2.Why did the merchant stop on his way?
3.Why was the man beating the donkey?
4.How did the man justify his act of beating the donkey?
5.Which line was spoken by both the owner of the donkey and the merchant?
6.Find out from the passage the word which means 'a person who buys and sells goods in large
7.Give from the passage the word which is opposite of 'wrong`.

Suggested answers of passage 1

1.People in the developing nations find it easier to achieve positive health because they have
more close-knit social systems, with better communication people, than do many people in
wealthy and developed nations.
2.We need proper vaccination and immunisation, treatment of diseases, proper maternal care
and regular medical checks after the age of forty.
3.A proper maternal care is necessary for a mother before and after child birth.
4.We need proper vaccination against certain infectious discuses.
5.We need regular medical checks after the age of forty years

Suggested answers of passage 2

1.There are two types of violence- physical violence and inward violence.
Physical violence is to kill or hurt another.
Inward violence is to hate people, criticise people by others cruel things.
2.The ultimate violence is war. There are wars for ideas, of land nationalities or for a piece.
3.We are always battling, quarrelling not only with
4.We want people to change by force to our way of thinking.
5.The rich want to keep people poor.

Suggested Answers to passage 3

1.The basic nature of parents is of love and care for their children.
2.The children are under pressure because of parents' expectation and ambitions. They can
suffer from tremendous frustration and stress when they can't reach the level of their parents'
3.Frustration, stress, drug experimentation and other related behaviors are the various
problems children suffer from.
4.From the beginning, the children should be allowed to develop in their own natural, happy
way within the control of parental love, guidance and care.
5.As a parent we should remember that the living space of this world is limited and we must
have enough space for our future generation to live happily.

Suggested answers for passage 4

1.The rich merchant was going to his brother's house.
2.He stopped on his way to watch a man who was badly beating his donkey.
3.The man was beating the donkey to make it go.
4.The man justified his act by saying that he was free to do what he liked with what was his.
5.I can do what I like with what is mine." This line was spoken by both the owner of the donkey
and the merchant.

Important proverbs

‫چھوٹا منہ بڑی بات‬ To talk big without having a big position
‫اندھا کیا چاہے دوٓ انکھیں‬ A wish coming True.
‫جسے هللا رکھےُ اسے کون چکھے‬ If Allah wills not, no one can Harm.
‫کھسیانی بلی کھمبا نوچے‬ To show anger after getting embarrassed.
‫دور کے ڈھولُ سہانے‬ The grass is always greener on the other side
‫چور کی داڑھی میں تنکا‬ One is afraid of his/her crime
‫جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی‬ As you sow so shall you reap
‫دھوبی کا کتا نہ گھر کا نہ گھاٹ کا‬ A person try to be on two sides goes nowhere
‫انگور کھٹے ہیں‬ Grapes are sour
‫جلے پر نمک چھڑکنا‬ Rubbing salt on one’s wound
‫ناچ نہ جانےٓ انگھن ٹیڑھا‬ A poor worker blames his tools
‫انتھ بھال تو سب بھال‬ All’s well that ends well
‫جتنی چادر ہو اتنا پیر پھیالو‬ Cut your coat according to your cloth
‫تالی ایک ہاتھ سے نہیں بجتی‬ It takes two to quarrel
‫کھوٹا چھنا باجے گھنا‬ Empty vessels make more noise
‫ایک میان میں دو تلواریں نہیں سماتیں‬No man can serve two masters
‫جیسا دیس ویسا بھیس‬ In Rome do as the Romans do
‫چور چور مسیرے بھائی‬ Birds of same feather flock together
‫اپنے منہ میاں مٹھو‬ Fool to others to himself a sage
‫جو گرجتے ہیں وہ برستے نہیں‬ Barking dogs seldom bite
‫لوہے کے چنے چبانا‬ Hard nut to crack
‫ڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہارا‬ Drowning man catches at straw
‫جیسا راجا ویسی پرجا‬ As the King so are the subjects
‫سانچ کوٓ انچ نہیں‬ Pure gold does not fear the flame
‫اونچی دوکان پھیکا پکوان‬ Great cry little wool
‫بھینس کےٓ اگے بین بجانا‬ Crying in wilderness
‫چار دن کی چاندنی پھر اندھیری رات‬ A nine days wonder
‫اونٹ کے منہ میں زیرا‬ A drop in the Ocean
‫نیکی کر دریا میں ڈال‬ Do good & cast in to the river.
‫لوہا لوہے کو کاٹتا ہے‬ Diamonds cut diamonds
‫جان ہے تو جہان ہے‬ Only if you are alive, things matter
‫بغل میں چھری منہ پے رام رام‬ A wolf in lamb’s clothing
‫نیم حکیم خطرہ جان‬ A little Knowledge is a dangerous thing
‫لکیر کا فقیر‬ To go about the same old beaten path
‫ایک تیر سے دو شکار‬ To kill two birds with one stone.
‫بھاگتے چور کی لنگوٹی ہی سہی‬ Some thing is better than nothing.
‫دودھ کا دودھ پانی کا پانی‬ Milk of milk, Water of water
‫ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے‬ Necessity is a mother of invention
‫پھول میں کانٹا ہے‬ Honey is sweet but the bee stings
‫سیوا بن میوا کہاں‬ No pains no gains
‫اتفاق میں برکت ہے‬ Union is strength
‫جتنے منہ اتنی باتیں‬ More mouths will have more talks
‫مان نہ مان میں تیرا مہمان‬ Getting involved without having
‫اندھا کیا چاہے دوٓ انکھیں‬ A wish coming true
‫چور کی داڑھی میں تنکا‬ One is afraid of his/her crime
‫ہاتھ کنگن کوٓ ارسی کیا‬ Evidence does not need proof
‫جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی‬ As you sow so shall you reap
‫ جب چڑیاں چگ گئیں کھیت‬،‫اب پچھتائے کیا‬ No use crying over spilt milk.
‫جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی‬ As you sow so shall you reap
‫تالی ایک ہاتھ سے نہیں بجتی‬ It takes two to quarrel.
‫جہاں چاہ وہاں راہ‬ Where there’s a will, there’s a way
‫بندر کیا جانے ادرک کا سواد‬ Casting pearls before swine
‫دودھ کا جال چھاچھ بھی پھونک کر پیتا ہے‬ Once bitten twice shy.

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