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Class #: 7 (10:15-11:35 80 minutes) Course 3-4 math



• Students analyze and apply strategies for multiplication within 100 (grade 3)
• Students multiply natural numbers within 10 000. (grade 4

Students will:
1. Practice using the hand rule for 9s multiplication (3s and 4s)
2. Work on fluency with multiplication facts to 10 (4s)
• Versatiles
• Chrome books (IXL and reflex)
• Multiplication games
• Set out multiplication games and versatiles
• Highlight IXL topics
• Print out 9,8,7 game boards
Introduction (whole group) Time
1) Math mashup- which doesn’t belong.
-will be on the board as students transition into class. They will be
instructed to select which one doesn’t belong and go to the corresponding
corner to discuss with their peers (number talk).

2) Skipping to the 9s today because it has a very neat trick that we can
use our hands for instead of skip counting or equal grouping.

-draw hands on the board and label them 1-10. Does everyone see that we have
just given each finger a number?
20 min
-1st example: 2x9 Steps: find the second finger(underline the 2) and fold
it down. Then count how many fingers are on the left side of that finger=1
and how many are on the right side=8. When we put the left number and
the right number together, we get 18, which is our answer. Show students
with your hands and have then out down their second finger.

-2nd example: 3x9 steps: find the 3rd finger (underline the 3) and fold it
down. Count the fingers on the left of that folded finger and the right. Put
them together and get 27. Model with own hands.

-3rd example: 6x9 have students do it on their hands themselves and hold up
their hands when they have it.
-4th example: 8x9 have students do it on their hands and hold up their answers.
If there is any body who wants to go over a few more examples with me
before moving onto the individual versatiles,

Body Time
Station 1) Students will practice their 9 and 3 multiplication
Versatiles on pg.5, and continue to work through pages
(individual) 6,7,8 if/when they finish. Write these on the
board. 16 min
2) Instruct them to grab versatile booklet and box
row by row.

Multiplication 1) Review how the longest line game works:

Games (pairs) take turns with your partner, they colour in one
product/answer and a matching multiplication
statement. You complete the first game and then move
onto the second. If there is a disagreement over an
answer, discuss with your partner to check your work.
Have students write both names on the paper.
16 min
1) Students will practice their 9s multiplication in a
partner game where they take turns selecting the
multiplication statement and the product. They
will pair up with their desk partner.

2) If students finish the 9s, they can select the 7,8s

practice and work through this game.

IXL (individual)
1) Students will grab their chrome books from the
back counter and log into IXL-skill plan-

-grade 3s will start with the 9s facts and move onto

practicing other multiplication facts if/when they finish.

-grade 4s will start with multiplication facts up to 10 and 20 min

continue onto multiplication facts up to 10: find the
missing number. If they finish they can try the
highlighted division topics.

2) Students will return their chromebooks to the


3) If extra time, they can work on reflect math.

Conclusion Time
• Finish with another number talk-different format: 2 truths and a lie
Explain how the game works, silently think in their heads and then
5-10 min
do a poll for each possibly answer before revealing.

• Formative assessment while moving between stations and checking in with
students to determine their ability in using the 9s rule (hands).
• Formative assessment of IXL practice online for student fluency.

Additional Notes:

Station 1: Ernie-card reordering and matching. Nella: 2/3s practice

Station 3: Dice games: Nella is working on multiplying; Ernie is working on number recognition.
Station 2: Ernie & Nella IXL (multiplication with 2s and 3s)

While circulating have a checklist or notepad to keep track for each kid and ask them a 9 rule
question to see them demonstrate the strategy.

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