Ultimate Time Management

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Workshop Title Ultimate Time Management

Workshop 2 Days

This module trains individuals to control and manage time excellently. This module will
discuss the timeline and its provisions based on the strengths and opportunities available
in an organization. Accurate planning based on an accurate timeline will help
participants to achieve the goals or objectives of the implementation more accurately
and according to schedule. The schedule construction process should be balanced not
only from the point of view of product quantity, but also pay attention to the quality of a
product produced.
This program founded by Dr Sufi has greatly helped individuals throughout Malaysia in
improving their quality of life and self. This module uses an interesting practical
approach and the latest technique which is NAC (SCIENCE OF NEURO
ASSOCIATIVE CONDITIONING) in addition to using NLP, Hypnosis, and Neo-
Motivation methods based on theories and models of Psychology and Counseling.
Who Should
 Staf korporat, kakitangan awam, kakitangan swasta, ibubapa, dan guru

 Assess your personal Time Management style

 Manage time conflicts
Workshop  Learn to make timely decisions and deal with procrastination
Learning  Managing Work-Life balance
Objectives  Recognize key components of effective goal setting through time management
 Learn to Prioritize – Prioritize – and… Prioritize better
 Identify ways to deal with non-valid tasks and eliminate distractions
Workshop  Achieve better results through effective planning and clarifying objectives
Learning  Spend more time working toward your high-value goals
Outcomes  Refuse unreasonable requests
 Understand the needs of different personality styles and how to work with them
 Keep things in perspective
 Handle paperwork effectively and discard much of what crosses your desk
 Gain a balance between professional goals and personal time
 Use time management tools more effectively
 Set goals and prioritize them to determine if activities are goal-directed
 Apply a critical-path network system to estimate time and activities required for
reaching objectives
 Become effective at delegating lower priority items
 Manage resources more efficiently

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Confidential. Champion Training & Consultancy Sdn Bhd

This document may not be reproduced without the express consent of Champion Training & Consultancy Sdn Bhd
Module 1: Introduction To Effective Time Management
Workshop • Ice Breaking
Outline • What is Effective Time Management
• Benefits and Advantages of Practicing Time Management

Module 2: Mind Set / Time Management Challenges and Issues

• Effective Time Management activities as a group / Self-assessment in the Team
• Involves the position of "Leader", Manager, and Staff
• Methods of delegating tasks and giving precise and clear instructions

Module 3: Effective Time Management Techniques

• Time Management Mind Techniques & Games
• Bringing Out the True Character of Individuals in Time Management
• 5 Time Management Techniques

Module 4: Time Tool - Time Management Tool

 3 Time Management Tool
• Build mutual understanding and act sensitively and quickly together in time
• Bringing together and forming consensus in action of time management

Module 5: Time Triangle Analysis

 the application of 3 basic elements namely Emotion, Mind & Manners/Attitude

Module 6: Time Task & Explore

• Bringing together and forming consensus in action of time management
 Priority Quadrant using Stephen Covey Method

Module 7: Summary and Closing

• Question and answer session & Self-reflection
• Participant Feedback Discussion
• Program Summary

Time Activity
8.30 – 9.00 am Pendaftaran
9.00 – 10.30 am Module 1: Introduction To Effective Time Management
10.30- 11.00 am Rest
11.00-1.00 pm Module 2: Mind Set / Time Management Challenges and Issues
1.00 – 2.00 pm Rest
2.00 – 5.00 pm Module 3: Effective Time Management Techniques
8.30 – 9.00 am Registration
9.00 – 10.30 am Module 4: Time Tool - Time Management Tool
10.30- 11.00 am Rest
11.00-1.00 pm Module 5: Time Triangle Analysis
1.00 – 2.00 pm Rehat, Solat & Makan Tengahhari
2.00 – 4.30 pm Module 6: Time Task & Explore
4.30 – 5.00 pm Module 7: Summary and Closing

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Confidential. Champion Training & Consultancy Sdn Bhd

This document may not be reproduced without the express consent of Champion Training & Consultancy Sdn Bhd
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Confidential. Champion Training & Consultancy Sdn Bhd

This document may not be reproduced without the express consent of Champion Training & Consultancy Sdn Bhd

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