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We use several theoretical backgrounds to base this project, namely:

Basic education curriculum design, implementation of the basic education curriculum, factors
influencing the implementation of the elementary education curriculum, principles in
implementing the elementary education curriculum, models of implementing the elementary
education curriculum, comparison of the implementation of the elementary education
curriculum in various countries and real problems in the field .
A. Basic Education Curriculum Design
Base exists design curriculum No Far from exists development era. Currently, all
curricula are expected to be one of the solutions preparation For face century 21. As for skills
that must owned on race young in century 21, that is become creative, communicate with OK,
literate in literacy And counting (numerization), solve problem, cooperate in team, own
perspective global, show initiative, Work in a way independent, become learner throughout life
(Male, 2012). With thereby, there is Skills Which set as key development design curriculum,
that is 1 ) investigate , 2) analyze and synthesis , 3) create and develop , 4) evaluate , and 5)
communicate (Male, 2012).
These five skills can be seen as a thought process and learning that is generally applied
in all fields of learning. Its use in a way simultaneously Because each other linkages (Aslan,
2022; Wexler, 2020). As example, analysis And synthesis can seen as part from investigation so
it would be difficult to do one without the other. This too applies to aspects of creating and
developing as well as evaluating and communicate Where If a number of Skills the will used so
aka tone the connection in a process learning.
Other skills that also have essence in designing a curriculum on century 21 is Skills base
literacy And numeracy. Where These skills will open up opportunities that are interrelated with
other fields that make it possible for students to live life they in a way effective (Alimi et al.,
2020; Awgichew, 2022). Matter This Also applies in information technology where these skills
will influence someone to adapt to the 21st century which will always be related to ICT skills
(Mazalah et al., 2016). ICT is considered important because it is capable providing changes to a
more sophisticated dynamic system of life (Hunduma & Mekuria, 2023). Naturally matter This
Also give Lots benefit to individual For reach something matter more widespread. Learning will
be fun if it is linked to ICT because it is capable give experience Which different (Teye & Duah,
B. Implementation of the Basic Education Curriculum
A number of method Which can done For success implementation
curriculum matter This Ornstein said and Hunkins (2018), as following.
1) Innovations designed to increase student achievement must
include: technical Which Good. Change must reflect meeting
study about what works and doesn't work not just design
2) Innovation Which succeed need change in structure
conventional learning. Ways of interaction between teachers
with student as well as its placement in in class must changed
in a way significant.
3) Innovation must can managed And held by Teacher on generally.
As example, a Teacher No can innovate in matter thinking critical
or solution problem If student No control matter basically.
4) Successful implementation of change efforts must be systemic not
bureaucratic. Bureaucratic approach with rules and supervision
Which tight and not conducive to change.
Avoid syndrome "do something, What just". A plan curriculum Which Certain
required For focus effort, time, And fund on content and activities Which rational.
C. Factors that Influence the Implementation of the Elementary
Education Curriculum
Educational services are provided in the most effective ways so that public feel
objective exists education That Alone. With reason certain, method delivery
education to public Can changed. This change requires an appropriate way of
implementing the curriculum The delivery of education in a new way can be
carried out well. The implementation of the curriculum (Chaudary, 2015) is
influenced by factor :
1. Teacher
Teacher is party Which touch with student in a way direct And
carrying out the learning process with students. Student
characteristics are necessary become the basis for teachers in
developing curriculum into tools learning in his class (Alticher in
Katuuk, 2014).
2. Student
Student will experience experience Study, Good That happen in in
nor outside load curriculum. The existence of this difference creates
a boundary between experiences support And hinder achievement
implementation goals curriculum.
3. Facilities and Facilities
Existence means And facility become Wrong One factor support.
Learning can become more meaningful and have a level of
awareness high if there are learning media, textbooks and other
4. School environment
Humans as a resource are related to the location of the school
environment, environment social, And economy. Environment the
Which will support process implementation curriculum.
5. Culture and Ideology
.Culture Society is a requirement in which students live. Proverb
which states that "where the sky is stepped on, there the sky is
upheld" is cultures Which comes first And customized with
curriculum to be able to strengthen culture in society.
D. Principles in Implementing the Elementary Education Curriculum
In implementation curriculum, there is a number of principle Which support
achieving success, that is :
1) Acquisition chance Which The same.
This principle prioritizes providing a place that empowers all students
democratically and fairly to acquire knowledge, Skills And attitude.
Entire student originate from various groups include economically and
socially disadvantaged groups who need special assistance.
2) Centered on child.
Efforts to make students independent to learn, collaborate and evaluate
self Alone very takes priority so that student capable build will,
understanding and knowledge.
3) Approach And partnership.
The entire learning experience is designed continuously, starting from
kindergarten to class I to class XII. That approach used in organizing
experience Study focused on students' needs vary and integrate
multiple disciplines knowledge. Successful achievement of learning
experiences requires partnership and shared responsibility of students,
teachers, schools, colleges, the world Work and industry, people old
people and society.
4) Unity in policy And diversity in implementation.
Standard competence arranged by center with method its implementation customized
with need And ability each – each area or school.
E. Elementary Education Curriculum Implementation Models
A number of model curriculum will discussed in a way detailed. Following are curriculum
implementation models that have been implemented in all over world.
1. Academic subject curriculum
2. Humanistic curriculum
3. Technology curriculum
4. Modernist model curriculum
5. Organizational development model
6. Concern based adoption model
7. System models
8. Postmodernist model
F. Comparison of the Implementation of Educational Curriculum in Various Countries
1. Indonesia
In journey history since year 1945, curriculum education has undergone changes, namely in 1947,
1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006 And Which Now curriculum 2013 Which although
it is not evenly implemented in education units throughout Indonesia. The following is an overview
of the journey of curriculum implementation in Indonesia:

Figure 1 Implementation of the Indonesian Curriculum

2. Malaysia
Country Malaysia tend more proceed in field education Because The curriculum used is standard
and there are not frequent changes to the curriculum. Different with Country Indonesia Which often
happen replacement policies and curriculum so that technical implementation in Indonesia is slow
For develop. Reason other Which influential in progress education in both countries is former from
different countries. Matter This at least affect the system education in second country.
3. Singapore
The progress of education in Singapore is supported by many factors. Among them that is exists
facility adequate. For example, every schools in Singapore have free internet access. Every school
too has a school website that is useful for connecting students, teachers, and parents. Apart from
that, in each class there is a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for the learning process. Other facilities are
available transportation system that has access to all schools in Singapore Which makes it easier
student For going to to his school. Factor cost Also greatly influences the quality of education.
Because if the school costs cheap, everyone in the country can get an education with easy. In
Singapore, cost education customized with people's abilities, plus scholarships for people who less
fortunate. Another factor that caused Singapore to become country with system education best in
ASEAN is factor educator.
4. PRC (People's Republic of China)
System education China is nature transcentralization, It means start from levels center, province,
kodiya, regency And including areas kodiya-level autonomy. As for who is responsible for
implementation education is committee education Country (state education commission) is a
professional government organization within field of educational development. Tuition fees are
available at government center And area with distribution, allocation from area specifically for
education Which managed by area whereas fund center For institution education Which is at in
6. South Korea
Educational curriculum reforms in Korea have been implemented since 1970 by coordinating
engineering learning in the classroom and The use of technology, as for what is done by teachers,
includes five steps, namely: teaching planning, student diagnosis, guiding students learn with
various programs, tests and assess learning outcomes. At school level intermediate No held test
enter matter This because There is policy equel accessibility or to middle school in the area.
7. Japan
Curriculum school determined by minister education Which later developed by district and city
boards of education. On all level education in Japan must go through various exam Which is a
requirement to advance to class or to obtain a diploma. For students whose attendance is less than
5% of the study year and exam results Bad so required For repeat on levels Which The same.
Curriculum arranged by A committee special under controls ministry of education (MEXT). The
curriculum commission consists of practitioners and education experts, industry representatives
and MEXT representatives. This commission is tasked with studying the existing goals of Japanese
education in fundamentals education law Then adapt with development Which happen Good in in
nor outside country. Update Japanese curriculum once every 10 years.
8. United States of America
Educational pathways in the United States are formal and informal. Education formal is such that
has explained in on, temporary education informal is homeschooling. According to
wikipedia.com/Education in United States, in 2007, there were approximately 1.5 million child
Which follow follow home schooling. There is various reason from homeschooling This. A number
of say so that they Can enter lesson religion on curriculum. Temporary Which other say For adapt
children on ability And its weakness. And Again a number of parent say For avoid children from
pressure negative schools, like drug- illegal drugs, violence and all related problems school. While
the type of education is general education and private.
9. Finland
The main goals of Finland's education policy are all inhabitant get chance Which The same in matter
accept education, without take into account age, place stay, situation finances, gender or parents.
Education is considered as Wrong one right base all citizens country.
G. Real problems in the field
Analysis of PISA Journals that Influence Curriculum Implementation
throughout World, as follows.
Name Count Conti Res
Studies ry nent ults
Article This serve review literature about impact Program
Evaluation Student International (PISA) OECD to
educational governance and policy processes in countries
Which participate. Overview This apparently need
Because there has been a growing body of literature on
this topic since 2003, especially since 2010, because this
literature was not always known And Because discourse
about What Which called 'shock PISA' remains important,
although it is more of a metaphor rather than a concept
Xavier France Euro and may be partial in nature political. Article This utilise
Pons pe gathering data from 87 reference Which show that PISA
(2017) bring change major in educational governance throughout
the world. Pushed by strategy soft power And transfer
policy new, system manage This based on data And tool
measurement Which redefining the scale of education
policy. This too shows that PISA has a strong influence to
various reform national, like Which illustrated in many
case studies. However, this influence It really depends on
the domestic policy context researchers want to capture
through a theoretical framework different. Although
thereby, only A little Which propose
a comprehensive theory of the political significance of
PISA's impact to system manage education And process
policy. Article
This conclude with emphasize three challenge main For
further studies regarding this PISA effect:
conceptualize effects This with more Good
The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
has become Wrong One strength most influential in
education global. Increasing influence the accompanied
with increasing criticism. For almost two decades since the
round First PISA held on year 2000, program global
assessments have been thoroughly researched and
critiqued by educational researchers around the world.
But criticism Which the more increase apparently impact
small to influence PISA as proven with the more big
influence PISA in policy And practice education global.
Lack of impact critics No means the criticism is not valid or
PISA is making progress. This means that part big critics
has ignored. Lack of impact it's not reason For stop expose
PISA as a flawed business that has great power to
misleading education. Increased corporate influence PISA
makes it even more important for us to be critical to giant
Which There is moment This. Important Also For consider
a more effective and straightforward approach in
conveying criticism. The purpose of this article is to serve
summary critics Which reveal weakness most fundamental
PISA in Language non technical in One place. Specifically,
this article focuses on criticism of three weakness
fundamental PISA: view basically to
America education, implementation, And interpretation as well as
impact on education globally.

Zhao USA

Based on a number of exposure in on, so can concluded:
1. Implementing education is a joint task of all stakeholders academic
community, including school principals, teachers, students and
parents student. Cooperation between they very needed For
implement a superior curriculum and succeed in achieving
2. Curriculum models are very diverse. How is a Country can
implement their education with one or multiple models so that
educational goals are achieved with the curriculum that has been
designed like that appearance.
3. Indonesia and several other countries have an education system
and separate education management, how to take lessons so that
Indonesia not only develops but also can become Country
superpower with system education Which sturdy, strong And deep.
When education is seen as special and not dwarfed so will created
atmosphere education Which humanize man.
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