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1. Mention in what consist the napoleonic wars and the territories that
Napoleon controled in that time

The Napoleonic Wars at the beginning

of the century established France as a
great power in Europe
France invaded various European
countries and occupied their
He gained control of most of Europe in
order to control Britain’s allies

2. Mention all the territories that Russia won and bought during the Tsar period
of Alexander II

In 1870, under the rule of Tsar

Alexander II, Russia expanded its
territory by obtaining Outer
Manchuria from China, though it sold
the territory of Alaska to the United
States of America.

3. Explain what was the event that finish the war between Mexico and USA in

4. Describe in what consist the Victorian era and the characteristics of this
5. Mention what was the event that iniciate the 1º and the 2º world war and the
countries that fight of each side
6. Explain what policiy used the the United States of America to stop the
spread of communism of Russia
7. Mention the difference between the theory of modernization, theory of
Dependency and the theory of world systems
8. Explain what is the difference between Purchasing Power Parity(PPP) and
the Poverty line
9. Mention the number of Sustainable Development Goals of the United
Nations and what is the objective to state this guidelines
10. Explain what diseases and conditions affect the world population and the
most affected continents in the world
11. Enumerates all the pandemics in the last 200 years and the most
representative characteristics of each one(year of appearance, spread of
disease, countries affected, etc)
12. Mention all the effects of climate change and the contributions of Alexander
von Humbolt, Joseph Fourier, John Tyndall and Svante Arrheinus did to the
study of this phenomena

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