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Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.

Earth and Life Science

Prepared by: Mathryn Obligado

The Cell and It’s Energy

Bioenergetics - it is the concept of energy flow within living systems through

a subfield.
- it deals with the intake, processing, and expenditure of energy within the
Metabolism - is the chemical reactions in the body's cells that change food
into energy.

Food Chain:

Photosynthesis - solar energy is captured by plant leaves to convert water

and carbon dioxide to sugar and oxygen.
Producers - plant (Autotrophs), they take water and minerals from the soil
and carbon dioxide from the air.
Consumers ( heterotrophs) - they eat plants and animals.
Cellular Respiration - the process by which organisms combine oxygen
with foodstuff molecules, diverting the chemical energy. It is a metabolic
pathway that break down glucose and produces ATP.
Decomposers - act as recyclers of soil nutrients that plants can use up
again, ensuring the cycle of matter in the ecosystems.


Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration:

Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
Earth and Life Science
Prepared by: Mathryn Obligado

Photoautotrophs - Autotrophs that use sunlight and carbon from carbon

dioxide to synthesize chemical energy in form of carbohydrates.

Mitochondria - are small, specialized cellular organelles that produce energy

from food by breaking down carbon - containing molecules and releasing
energy packets in the form of ATP. Popularly known as “Powerhouses of the

Lysosomes - digestive system of the cell.

Prokaryotic cells - without nucleus
Eukaryotic cells - has nucleus, contains chromosomes.

Structural features of a mitochondrion:

Chloroplast - the , which is responsible for

trapping light energy in a chemical form.
Chlorophyll - green pigment of chloroplasts in their innermost

- the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

Glucose - a component for energy production releasd by plants, known as


Plant Cell Layers :

Mesophyll - middle layer that contains tiny openings called stomata.
Thylakoids - are tiny, disc - shaped structures stacked on top of each other.
Granum - A stack of thykaloids which surrounded by a space known as
Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
Earth and Life Science
Prepared by: Mathryn Obligado

Two Stages of Photosynthesis:

Light - dependent stage - occurs in the thykaloid membrane of chloroplast,

where the chlorophyll piment absorbs the light energy from the sun and
converts it into chemical energy together with water.

Photosystem - group of pigments and proteins. They are located in the

membranes of the thylakoids.

In eukaryotes and some prokaryotes, photosystems exist as photosystem II

and photosystem I.

Photon - pigment molecule absorbs a single packet of light.

Electron transport chain - photosystem Ii transfers the free electrons along
a series of protein.
Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
Earth and Life Science
Prepared by: Mathryn Obligado

Chemiosmosis - The movement of hydrogen ions through ATP synthase.

Light - Independent Stage - also known as Calvin - Benson Cycle.

RuBisCO - bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, an enzyme catalyzes the
reaction and combines carbon dioxide with a five - carbon sugar molecule
called ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP).
Carbon fixation - the process by which inorganic carbon from the
atmosphere is assimilated into living organisms and converted into organic


Aerobic Pathway - also known as cellular respiration.

Three Stages of Aerobic Pathway:
1. Glycolysis
2. Krebs Cycle
3. Electron Transport Chain
Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
Earth and Life Science
Prepared by: Mathryn Obligado

1. Glycolysis - is the process in which glucose is broken down to produce

Pyruvate - (ionized pyruvic acid) two 3 - C compound, which results in the
release of two ATP molecules. It is the end product of glycolysis.
NAD+ - Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide,is a central signaling molecule
involved in cellular processes implicated in age-related diseases and
NADH - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + hydrogen (H).
Electron transport system - Series of electron transfer reactions.
Generalized Chemical reaction of Glycolysis:
Glucose + 2 ATP + 2 NAD+ 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 pyruvate

2. Krebs Cycle - also known as Citric Acid Cycle.

The Krebs cycle itself actually begins when acetyl-CoA combines with a
four-carbon molecule called OAA (oxaloacetate) This produces citric acid,
which has six carbonatoms. This is why the Krebs cycle is also called the
citric acid cycle.
ADP -Adenosine diphosphate
FAD -Flavin adenine dinucleotide
ATP - Adenosine triphosphate

The general equation of Krebs Cycle:

Pyruvic acid + ADP + ���+ + FAD 3 ��2 + 4 ���� +
����2 + ���
Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
Earth and Life Science
Prepared by: Mathryn Obligado

3. Electron Transport chain - involves a series of enzyme - controlled

reactions that convert the kenetic energy present in hydrogen electrons into
Cytochrome - iron - containing enzyme molecules in the mitachondrial
32 ATP molecules are formed when a single glucose molecule is broken in
Aerobic Cellular Respiration.

Anaerobic Pathway - used to supply body cells with immediate energy

source. The first stage of anaerobic pathway is similar to the aerobic pathway
in that they begin with glycolysis.

Fermentation - recycles materials materials needed for glycolysis to continue

but does not release any useful energy. It is a process in which sugars are
transformed into a new product through chemical reactions carred
out by microorganisms.

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