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Nama : Lia Martha Uli Manurung

NPM : A1B021093
Class: 5C
Subject : Course Design
1. How could you make your learner's aware of the range of materials, techniques,
activities and test that they could choose for the course?
2. How could you gather your learner's opinions about which materials, techniques,
activities and test they would like to use in the course?
3. How could you arrange for continual feedback for everyone involved and for
adjustment the syllabus?
Answer :
1. To make learners aware of the range of material, techniques, activities, and tests that
they could choose for the course, you can follow these steps:
a. Provide an overview: At the beginning of the course, provide an overview of the
course content, including the range of materials, techniques, activities, and tests
that will be used throughout the course.
b. Use formative assessments: Use formative assessments throughout the course to
check for understanding and provide feedback to students. This will help them
understand which techniques and activities are most effective for their learning
c. Encourage self-reflection: Encourage learners to reflect on their learning and
identify which techniques and activities work best for them. This can be done
through journaling, group discussions, or individual reflection exercises
d. Provide options: Provide learners with options for materials, techniques,
activities, and tests. For example, you can offer different reading materials, group
work or individual work, and different types of assessments such as multiple-
choice or essay questions
e. Offer guidance: Offer guidance to learners on how to choose the most
appropriate materials, techniques, activities, and tests for their learning style. This
can be done through one-on-one meetings, group discussions, or online resources
2. There are many ways to gather feedback from learners about the materials,
techniques, activities, and tests they would like to use in a course. One approach is to
use classroom assessment techniques (CATs), which are simple, non-graded,
anonymous, in-class activities designed to give instructors and students useful
feedback on the teaching-learning process as it is happening. Some examples of CATs
include minute papers, background knowledge probes, and reading rating sheets.
Other methods include formative feedback, interview assessments, and self-
assessment. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to make it possible for
all students to contribute and to think carefully about how to respond to the feedback
students share.
3. Continuous feedback is a useful approach to gather feedback from everyone involved
in a course and adjust the syllabus accordingly. Continuous feedback is a dynamic
method of giving feedback on a regular basis to help improve work and grow. This
approach can help instructors know how their learners are doing and what they need
to improve on. There are many ways to collect feedback from learners, including
classroom assessment techniques (CATs), formative feedback, interview assessments,
and self-assessment. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to make it
possible for all learners to contribute and to think carefully about how to respond to
the feedback learners share . Continuous feedback can help instructors adjust the
syllabus based on the feedback received from learners. By understanding how learners
are experiencing the course, instructors can improve and make their teaching more

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