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Experimental studies of charged dust particles 

Scott Robertson

Physics of Plasmas 2, 2200–2206 (1995)


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Experimental studies of charged dust particles*

Scott Robertson t
Department of Astrophysical. Planetary and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder,
Colorado 80309-0391
(Received 14 November 1994; accepted 7 February 1995)
Measurements of the charge on individual dust grains of glass and copper have been made in a
double plasma device with monoenergetic primary electrons and a tenuous plasma. In conditions
where the current collected by grains is dominated by the primary electrons, the grains charge to the
potential which repels the primary electrons. The charging potential is reduced from this value when
the fast electrons are sufficiently energetic to release a comparable current of secondary electrons.
In addition, confinement of charged dust has been investigated in evacuated electrostatic traps
consisting of a center electrode at high potential within a grounded enclosure. The confinement time
of particles orbiting the center conductor may be an hour or ~ 105 orbits. The orbits are visible and
the effects of perturbations have been videotaped. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.

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I. INTRODUCTION particles. In order to further exploit these techniques, con-
finement systems were constructed for dust particles alone
Plasmas in the laboratory and in space are often con- rather than for dust particles in plasma. Electrostatic traps
taminated with small solid particles usually called dust. Dust were constructed with cylindrical and spherical symmetry in
has been observed in industrial plasma processing l and in which dust particles are confined in stable orbits. 4 Orbital
astrophysical settings 2,3 such as cometary tails, planetary motion has played a fundamental role in the development of
rings, interstellar clouds, and protoplanetary disks. The loca- mechanics, yet there has been no laboratory apparatus for
tion of dust in a static or dynamic equilibrium in a laboratory studying orbital motion that is sufficiently free of dissipation
plasma is determined by the relative strengths of the forces to allow meaningful experiments, The confinement time of a
which include those due to gravity, electric fields, and gas- few dust particles in an electrostatic potential in a near-
dynamic drag. In space, the additional forces of Poynting- vacuum is limited primarily by gas-dynamic drag and it is
Robertson drag, plasma drag, and magnetic fields are also possible to observe ~ 105 orbits before particles are lost. This
important. The relative strengths of these forces depend upon makes possible experiments which investigate the slow loss
the charge-to-mass ratio, The size (and hence mass) may of an adiabatic invariant or the consequences of resonant
often be determined remotely from the magnitude and angu- perturbations. For example, perturbations of the orbits of as-
lar dependence of light scattering. The charge, however, teroids by Jupiter have cleared gaps in the asteroid belt at
must be calculated from theoretical models with measured rational fractions of the orbital period of Jupiter. 5 Similar
plasma parameters as inputs. In this work, measurements are structure exists in the rings of Saturn due to perturbations by
reported for the charge on dust grains which have passed the moon Mimas. 6 It has been shown that these perturbations
through a laboratory device with a controlled population of can lead to dynamical chaos,? Orbiting dust particles offer a
energetic electrons and a tenuous plasma. Dust grains are means for experimentally investigating these processes and
often composed of nonconducting materials which have a others which occur in celestial mechanics, The experiments
higher secondary emission coefficient than probe materials. reported here demonstrate precession and libration. An alter-
The measured charge is consistent with models developed nate confinement scheme applicable to particles at rest has
for describing the currents to Langmuir probes when the also been investigated. In this device, an electrostatic poten-
models are modified to include suprathermal electrons and tial sinusoidal in time and space is used to create a pondero-
secondary emission. An interesting consequence of second- motive force for leviating dust which may allow the confine-
ary emission is the possibility of more than one floating po- ment of a strongly coupled, one-component dust plasma.
A characteristic of dust that is especially useful for diag- II. DUST CHARGING
nostics is the relatively large cross section for light scatter-
ing. In the course of the dust charging experiments, tech- A. Theoretical models for dust charging
niques were developed for photographing particle In laboratory devices, there is usually a tenuous plasma
trajectories as weB as for creating streams of charged dust within an electron beam due to ionization of residual gas. A
complete description of the charging by such a beam requires
'Paper 6lBl, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39,1661 (1994). inclusion of the currents of thermal electrons and ions. The
'Invited speaker, theory for the charging of dust grains has been reviewed and

2200 Phys. Plasmas 2 (6), June 1995 1070-664X195/2(6)/2200171$6 .00 © 1995 American Institute of Physics
is similar to the theories for Langmuir probes8 and for the 2
charging of spacecraft. 9 Dust grains may be nanometers or
micrometers in size and are usually much smaller than the 1.5
Debye length. The charge on a grain is determined by the I
U=60 48 1-
grain capacitance and the charging potential <I>. For isolated

AJ e
spherical grains, the charge is

Q= eel> = 4'7TEoa<I> , (1) !____.___ --+_---:="...-~=~s:~:;;,::::::::=l.~ 0

where e is the capacitance and a is the grain radius. There

are approximately 700 electrons for each volt of charge on a -80 -60 -40 -20 o
grain with a radius of 1 p.m.
Il) (volts)
The charging by energetic electrons can be complicated
by the induced emission of secondary electrons. The ratio of FIG. 1. A plot of Eq. (4), the current collected by a surface at potential <P,
secondary emission current to energetic primary current can for three energies of fast electrons (U=60, 48, and 30 eV). The assumed
be described by a coefficient 8 which is a function of the parameters are Jf=J e , E) =45 V, T;=T.= I eV, and the ion mass of argon.
The current density is normalized to If' Note the appearance of three Hoat-
energy of the primary electrons. In the case of monoenergetic ing potentials at U=60 eV. For <P< - Ule, only ion current is collected.
primaries, the net charging current, I, is lO

IIA = -ItC 1 + e<I>IU)(1- 8),

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"" -I.r< 1 +e<I>1 U)[ 1- (U + e<I»1 Ed, - U<e<I>,
~==-Ie exp(eT:)+Ii( 1- e:)-IA 1+ e:)
where A is the surface area of the grain, I I is the fast electron
current density to a surface at zero potential, e is the magni-
x( 1- (U:~<I»), -U<e<I><O. (4)

tude of the charge on an electron, U is the energy of the A similar model has been used to describe the current to
electrons, and 8 is the energy-dependent secondary emission Langmuir probes. IO Photoemission and secondary emission
coefficient. The first term multiplying II is due to the deflec- induced by the thermal particles are negligible. Secondary
tion of the trajectories of incident electrons by the grain po- emission is a more important issue for dust than for Lang-
tential. The formula is valid for negative potentials which are muir probes because the oxides and silicates found in many
not so large as to completely repel the fast electrons. For dusts 12 have a larger secondary emission coefficient than the
simplicity, we assume that {) varies linearly below the elec- refractory metals used for probes. 13
tron energy E I at which the coefficient is unity. The coeffi- A charging time, r, can be defined in terms of a char-
cient can then be written {)=-(U+ecJ»IE 1 where (U+ecJ» acteristic potential and a characteristic charging current. If
is the energy with which the fast electrons strike the surface. the potential is assumed to be - Ule and the charging cur-
For energies above E I' the grain would charge positively, rent density is assumed to be If' then
however, charging to a positive potential in most experimen-
tal devices will be prevented by the collection of thermal r*=UEoleIfa. (5)
electrons. The floating potential is approached asymptotically because
The incident current of thermal electrons and ions is de- the charging current decreases as the equilibrium potential is
termined by approached. For our experiment, the residence time of the
dust is long compared with r.
Plots of the charging current as a function of potential,
Eq. (4), are shown in Fig. 1 for monoenergetic fast electrons
where Ii=ne(T/2'7Tmi)1I2, Ie=ne(Ti2'7Tme)1I2, n is the with energies of 30, 48, or 60 e V. The assumed parameters of
density of electrons and of ions, mi and me are the ion and the thermal plasma are le=lf' Te=Ti= 1 V and the ion
electron masses, respectively, and Ti and Te are the ion and mass of argon. The collecting surface is a substance for
electron temperatures, respectively, in energy units. Within a which secondary emission is important at relatively low en-
plasma, <P is the grain potential relative to the plasma poten- ergy (E 1 =45 V). For a fast electron energy of 30 eV, the
tial. Ions are assumed to be singly charged. The algebraic secondary emission coefficient is below unity and there is
factor multiplying Ii arises from the deflection of ion trajec- one floating potential near - 30 V. For a fast electron energy
tories toward the negatively charged dust particles. Grains in of 60 e V, the secondary emission exceeds unity when <P is
plasma charge to the floating potential which is the point at less negative than -15 V, the net current due to fast electrons
which 1= O. The floating potential for a hydrogen plasma changes sign and the resulting curve shows three floating
with equal electron and ion temperatures 11 is - 2.5 1 Tel e. potentials. The transition from one to three floating potentials
The factor multiplying Tie varies logarithmically with occurs at an intermediate electron energy of 48 e V. The
plasma parameters and is usually between -1.5 and -4.5. middle of the three floating potentials is not stable because
The net charging current for both thermal particles and the current collected at points on either side lead to charging
fast electrons is then to the neighboring stable floating potential. A dust grain be-

Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No.6, June 1995 Scott Robertson 2201

Fast electron energy, U (eV)
FIG. 4. Photomicrographs of glass microballoons (leftl and of copper grains
FIG. 2. A plot of the floating potential nearest the origin (solid line), from (right). The samples have been sieved to select fractions with diameters in
Eq. (4), as a function of the fast electron energy for the parameters of Fig. I. the range 53-63 /Lm. The small divisions of the scale measure 10 /Lm.
The curve jumps discontinuously (arrow) at U=48 eV. The dotted line,
e<P= - U, is the potential at which the fast electrons are completely re-
pelled. Grains charge to a less negative potential due to the collection of nearly monoenergetic and can be accurately described by the
ions. delta function used in the derivation of Eq. (2). The chamber
is filled with 2X 10- 6 Torr of argon so that the composition

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of the plasma within the electron stream is known. The
ginning at zero potential will charge to the first floating po- plasma parameters are measured by a nickel wire probe
tential to the left of the axis. Figure 2 is a plot of the floating which may be scanned radially and axially. The probe char-
potential nearest the origin as a function of the energy of the acteristics are recorded by a digital data acquisition system
fast electrons. The floating potential jumps discontinuously and the density and temperature are determined by computer
at U = 4 8 eV because the minimum in the /- cI> curve no programs which determine the free parameters in Eq. (4).
longer passes below the axis. For conditions in which the fast The dusts that are used are hollow spherical microbal-
electrons are the dominant current, this jump occurs near E 1, loons of borosilicate glass or angular grains of copper (Fig.
the point at which the secondary emission coefficient ex- 4). Grains with a particular range of size are selected using
ceeds unity. At energies below E 1, the charging potential is screen mesh sieves. The fraction used in this study has di-
nearly independent of plasma parameters. Above E l ' how- ameters in the range 53-63 J.Lm.17 Photomicrographs of the
ever, a model which does not include the thermal plasma sieved micro balloons show small bits of broken spheres
does not correctly predict the floating potential. which cannot be entirely eliminated.
The dust is dropped into the device through a diagnostic
B. The dust charging experiment port at the top of the chamber and falls into a Faraday cup in
The apparatus for measuring the charge on dust is a DP a diagnostic arm below the chamber. 16 The dropper is a thin
(double plasma) device 14 which has previously been disk with a central hole. Dust drops through the hole when
described. 15 .16 In the present study, one chamber of the de- the disk is "kicked" by a pulse from an electromagnet pow-
vice (30 cm diameter X30 cm long) is used (Fig. 3). A ered by a pulse generator. The pulse repetition rate is ap-
stream of electrons is generated by a filament at the end wall. proximately 2 Hz and the amplitUde of the pulse is adjusted
This filament is 3 cm long, is operated at an emission of 2 so that grains drop on about one-fifth the pulses. Signals
mA, and has a voltage drop of only 2 V. The electrons are from multiple grains can be identified by their waveform and
are not used. The Faraday cup is connected to a charge-
sensitive amplifier and the height of the resulting pulse is a
Dust dropper measure of the charge on the grain.

~ To pump
r--H-"';/~ probe


~ •


1- Faraday cup

~ 30cm --7 -80 -60 -40 ·20 o
Probe potential relative to the wall (volts)
FIG. 3. A schematic diagram of the DP machine used for dust charge mea-
surements. The dust enters from the dropper at the top and falls into the FIG. 5. Langmuir probe characteristics at low fill pressure (2X 10- 6 Torr)
Faraday cup below. with 60 eV fast electrons. The floating potential is -56 V.

2202 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No.6, June 1995 Scott Robertson


Copper Grains
o o a

0 0 .5 •
a Glass Microballoons
o o
o 20 40 60 80 100
Fast electron energy, U (eV) CCD
FIG. 6. Measured charge on grains as a function of fast electron energy. The
data for copper are filled circles and the data for glass microballoons are Patch electrode Center rod
open squares. For clarity, only a few error bars are shown. The charge is in To pump electrode
units of the electron charge and each point is an average of 50 measure-
ments. The solid line is the charge expected if the grains charge to the
FIG. 7. Schematic diagram of the dust trapping experiment. Dust particles
filament potential.
are released from the dropper and are charged as they pass a filament emit-
ting electrons. The particles are detected by the image charge induced in a
c. Experimental data cylinder and fall into the trap where they are trapped by the increasing
potential on the center rod. A patch electrode (5 cm square) at the bottom of
The three floating potentials illustrated in Fig. 1 occur
the trap is used to apply sinusoidal perturbations.
when the fast electron energy is near Eland the fast electron

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current is not small when compared with the thermal electron
current (Ji;;;r.1 e ). The Langmuir probe trace for a -60 V coaxial central wire biased to a high potential (Fig. 7). The
filament bias, Fig. 5, shows a floating potential of - 56 V. trap has an inner diameter of 3 mrn, an outer diameter of 75
With higher pressure than 2X 10- 6 Torr of argon, the ion mrn, and is 57 mrn long. This type of trap was originally
current is sufficient to move the curve downward so that the developed for the spectroscopy of ions created in situ by an
floating potential is a few times - Tie. This shift to a less electron beam. In the case of dust, the particles are charged
negative floating potential also occurs when plasma genera- externally and are dropped into the trap by the mechanism
tion is increased by making the filament bias more negative developed for the dust charging experiments. The dropper is
than -60 V. The floating potential follows the filament po- displaced 1 cm laterally so that the dropped particles do not
tential for filament bias from -20 to -60 V. The charging hit the center rod. The initial downward velocity of the dust
model, Eq. (4), can be fit to the Langmuir probe data to find requires that the trap be oriented with the axis horizontal. A
that 1f =38. nNcm2 and that 1e= 14 nNcm2 • The charging positive potential is applied to the rod at the appropriate time
time ~ is 24 ms. The particles exit the device at 2 mls thus to trap the particles.
the charge on the particles is indicative of conditions in the Dust particles with negative charges have been stored in
last 4.8 cm of travel. In the tenuous plasma within the elec- Paul traps for months without any apparent loss of charge. 2o
tron stream, the Debye length is also approximately 5 cm. Glass microballoons are used because of their large light-
The charge on grains as a function of filament potential scattering cross section at a given charge-to-mass ratio. The
is shown in Fig. 6. The data are for glass microballoons micro balloons are charged by electrons from a short tungsten
which have relatively high secondary emission (E 1= 40 V) filament emitting approximately. 0.2 mAo The measured
and for copper dust (E 1= 200 V).13 The curve for glass has charge on the microballoons varies linearly with the filament
the characteristic shape shown in Fig. 2 for substances with potential down to -35 V. At potentials more negative, the
three floating potentials. Figures 2 and 6 are only approxi- charge is decreased by secondary emission. The largest size
mately analogous because the plasma density is held fixed in which can be used is determined by the available trapping
Fig. 2 but in the experiment the density increases with fila- potential which must offset the force of gravity. A convenient
ment potential. The copper and the glass charge nearly to the particle radius is 25 /-Lm which requires a trapping potential
potential of the filament for potentials less negative than of 5-10 kV. The trapped particles gain and lose energy from
about -40 V. At more negative potentials, the secondary gravity as they orbit the rod. To have this perturbation in
emission coefficient for glass exceeds unity and the charging energy at the 10% level, the dropping distance IS made ten
potential drops discontinuously. At the transition, the data times the desired orbit diameter of 2 cm. The dropping dis-
contain a wide range of values. The charge on copper grains tance of 20 cm determines the initial orbital velocity of 2
becomes less negative with increasing electron energy be- mls.
cause the ion current increases due to the increased ioniza- The orbiting dust can be seen, photographed, and video-
tion of gas by the higher energy primaries. taped when illuminated by a focused beam from a projection
III. ELECTROSTATIC AND PONDEROMOTIVE lamp. The orbital frequency, ~30 Hz for an orbit of 1 cm
CONFINEMENT radius, varies inversely with radius and is determined by the
trapping radius and the initial velocity. Particles have been
A. Kingdon trap
observed for up to an hour or about 105 orbits. The orbital
Dust confinement experiments are performed in a King- decay time is consistent with molecular drag at the pressure
don trap18,19 which is simply a grounded cylinder with a in the trap of 1 X 10- 6 Torr. The initially oval orbits 21 ,22 pre-

Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No.6, June 1995 Scott Robertson 2203

I ----·--~-I/ Outer c;,~:::tatiC
.---'--_--, / / ~ shields


. - a) Resistive voltage divider


, ..
~ .• ":," I.' J. :" -l .'J::
:,! "Ii' ....... '\[v-.; Vl~"{.


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b) t
FIG. 8. (a) A negative photograph of an orbiter in the cylindrical Kingdon
trap. The illumination is from the right and the shadow of the center rod
(obscured) is cast to the left. There are 10 orbits in this 0.2 s exposure. The FIG. 9. (al A "spherical" version of the Kingdon trap. The potential on the
precession per orbit is approximately 105°. The major axis is -I cm. (b) A rod supporting the sphere is graded by three coaxial electrostatic shields
streak photograph constructed from central scan lines taken from successive biased by a voltage divider of resistors with R = 20 MD. The cubical outer
video frames. The trap axis is at the bottom. The sinusoidal variation in the conductor has holes with mesh grids to allow the entry and exit of the dust.
orbital radius is due to a resonant perturbation applied by the sector elec- (b) A negati ve photograph of an orbiter in the spherical trap. The exposure
trode at the bottom of the trap. The mean radius is -I cm and the radial duration is one video frame (approximately 1130 s) which shows less than a
oscillation is at 4 Hz. The perturbation is removed just before the end of the complete orbit. The orbit is seen against a blackened viewing dump which
period shown. appears white. The supporting stalk and biased cylinders are visible at the
right side of the figure.

B. Spherical trap
cess in the approximately logarithmic potential of the trap
[Fig. 8(a)] and become circular in a time shorter than the A spherical version of the Kingdon trap is used to inves-
decay time. tigate motion in a potential which is approximately Keple-
A sinusoidal perturbation can be applied by a patch elec- rian [Fig. 9(a)]. The center rod is replaced with a 12.7 mm
trode (Fig. 7) at the outer wall of the trap. A perturbation of diameter sphere supported on a stalk. A constant potential
200 V applied at the orbital frequency causes the orbit to along the supporting stalk would perturb the spherical sym-
metry. To reduce this perturbation, the stalk is covered with
oscillate in radius [Fig. 8(b)]. A particle which is "cyclotron
concentric cylinders biased to approximately restore the 1/ r
heated" by a I: 1 resonant perturbation will move to a higher
dependence. The downward force of gravity causes orbits to
orbit which has a slightly lower frequency. The lower fre-
precess so that they intersect the stalk. The precession is
quency increases the relative phase between the perturbation
slowed by applying an upward electric force to approxi-
and the orbit so that the perturbation becomes decelerating.
mately cancel gravity. The application of this field is simpli-
The resulting motion is an oscillation (libration) around the fied by sacrificing complete spherical symmetry and making
resonant orbit. the outer conductor a cubical box with electrically isolated
The number of particles orbiting simultaneously can be sides. Static potentials of ±60 V are applied to the top and
increased by dropping more particles; however, only a small bottom. A preferred orbital plane perpendicular to the stalk is
fraction of the dropped particles are trapped. The largest defined by biasing two more sides of the cube with ±260 V
number of particles trapped to date is six.4 Electrostatic so that there is a field parallel to the stalk. This field causes
waves should be observable if the number of particles is the plane of the orbit to remain within a fixed angular dis-
increased to _10 3. At this point the plasma frequency be- tance from the preferred plane. The particles are observed to
comes comparable to the orbital frequency. The disk-like ge- initially precess slowly (a few precessions per second) and to
ometry of particles confined in the Kingdon trap is similar to circularize [Fig. 9(b)]. The ellipticity of orbits is detennined
that of galaxies and planetary rings and would offer the op- by the initial conditions and the precession rate in the pre-
portunity to examine the modes of oscillation and the insta- ferred plane is detennined by the deviation from a 1/ r po-
bilities predicted for these disk-like equiIibria. 23 tential. The observed confinement time (- 10 min) is shorter

2204 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No.6, June 1995 Scott Robertson

are grounded. The resulting electric field 25 generates a pon-
deromotive potential26 which decreases exponentially with
distance from the grid. In the far field, the ponderomotive
equipotentials are nearly planar. A 10 cm square prototype
A.C. was constructed on standard printed circuit board with wire

High Voltage spacing of 5.1 mm. The AC voltage is limited to 1000 V by

a) breakdown. There being no need to avoid atmospheric drag,
the experiments are performed in air with microballoons in-
jected from above by a syringe and charged by friction. 2o
Atmospheric drag is used to damp the initial velocity of the
dust which would prevent trapping by the weak ponderomo-

". .
........ _4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tive force. Dust particles are observed to levitate approxi-
mately one wire spacing above the grid [Fig. lO(b)]. This
being the near field, the dust density is modulated with
maxima occurring above wires. The high pressure needed for
trapping by drag is inconsistent with charging by electrons
FIG. 10. (a) A planar trap for generating an upward ponderomotive force to from a filament which would give the desired narrow range
cancel gravity. The horizontal plane of the wires may be made slightly of charge-to-mass ratio. Further research is aimed at finding
concave to provide radial confinement. (b) A group of levitated charged dust
particles. The view is parallel to the planar grid and perpendicular to the a combination of electrostatic and ponderomotive forces
wires. A 1 mm thick vertical sheet of laser light illuminates a row of par- which will allowtrapping iIi vacuum in the far field.

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ticles suspended above a single grid wire. The region shown is approxi-
mately 2 cm wide. The lack of close spacing is due to Coulomb repulsion.


than in the cylindrical Kingdon trap for reasons which are The charging of dust grains has been measured in an
not yet fully understood. Continuing experiments are aimed environment of fast electrons and tenuous thermal plasma.
at lengthening the confinement time and at understanding the The charging of glass and copper dust particles with diam-
mechanism for circularization. eters in the range 53 to 63 /Lm is consistent with a model
based upon Langmuir probe theory for plasma with energetic
C. Planar trap electrons. For primary electrons of energy U with a current
density exceeding that of the thermal electrons, the grains
A confining electrostatic potential requires a conductor charge to the potential - U/e, unless the electrons are suffi-
internal to the trap as a consequence of Laplace's equation. ciently energetic to create a comparable current of secondar-
Particles must have sufficient angular velocity if they are not ies. The floating potential is decreased from this value when
to hit the central conductor. The radial shear in angular ve- the energy of the fast electrons is made greater than the en-
locity prevents the appearance of any crystal-like structure ergy at which the secondary emission coefficient exceeds
which may arise from the Coulomb interaction. Confinement unity. Similar behavior has been seen in the floating potential
without a central conductor or velocity shear can be achieved of Langmuir probes in plasmas with primary electrons suffi-
by the use of the ponderomotive force. Confinement of dust ciently energetic (~300 e V) to cause significant secondary
particles by the radially inward ponderomotive force of a emission from probe materials. IO
Paul trap was demonstrated 40 years ago and crystal-like The visibility of dust particles makes possible interesting
arravs were observed.24 The coupling is described by the demonstrations of particle confinement and of orbital me-
par~meter r= Q2/47TE OdT, where Q is the charge on a par- chanics. Dust particles have been confined in orbits in cylin-
ticle, T is the temperature in energy units, and d is the mean drically and spherically symmetric electrostatic potentials
particle spacing. The charge which can be put on macro- and have been confined at rest by ponderomotive potentials.
scopic particles, typically about 10- 13 C, results in coupling Videotapes have been made of phenomena from celestial me-
which is about 12 orders of magnitude larger than that for chanics such as precession and libration. Problems in few-
singly charged ions with the same temperature and spacing. body mechanics are easily addressed by computational tech-
For example, at room temperature with a charge of 106 elec- niques, thus the application of these confinement systems to
trons and a spacing of 1 ern, one finds r=106 . The large research will be in areas such as non-neutral and strongly
value of Q for dust also increases the effectiveness of the coupled plasmas where the long range of the Coulomb force
ponderomotive force which scales as Q2. A disadvantage in makes analytical and computational work difficult.
using charged dust to investigate strong coupling has been
the lack of control over the charge-to-mass ratio. This objec-
tion may be overcome through the use of improved tech-
niques for charging dust.
A two-dimensional configuration for confining dust with These experiments were made possible by several col-
the ponderomotive force is the picket fence arrangement laborators. Mihaly Horanyi suggested the initial experiments
shown in Fig. lO(a). The odd-numbered wires in a parallel and provided theoretical support. Bob Walch carried out the
grid are connected to an AC source and the remaining wires dust charging experiments in plasma with support from the

Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No.6, June 1995 Scott Robertson 2205

Joint Venture Program of the National Aeronautics and Space ilL. Spitzer, Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium (Wiley, New
Administration. Ted Biewer and Greg Newton carried out the York, 1978).
trapping experiments with support from the Research Expe- 12E. E. Salpeter, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 15,267 (1977).
13D. J. Gibbons, in Handbook of Vacuum Physics, edited by A. H. Beck
riences for Undergraduates Program of the National Science
(Pergamon, Oxford, 1966), Vol. 2, Part 3, p. 301.
Foundation. Bob Walch and David Alexander provided di- 14R. J. Taylor. K. R. Mackenzie, and H. Ikezi. Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 43, 1675
rection and guidance for the student projects. Scott Kittleman (1972).
developed the software for generating the streak photographs 15H. lkezi. R. P. H. Chang. and R. Stern. Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 1047 (1976),
from the videotapes. 16B. Walch, M. Honmyi and S. Robertson, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. PS-22,
97 (1994).
17 Asymmetric copper grains, in contrast to spherical grains, can pass
IG. S. Selwyn, J. Singh, and R. S. Bennett, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 7,2758
(1989). through the sieves by turning so that the smallest cross section is in the
2C. K. Goertz, Rev. Geophys. 27, 271 (1989). desired range. The longest dimension of the grain may be larger. The
3D. A. Mendis and M. Rosenberg, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 32, 419 slightly larger mean size of copper grains results in a slightly larger mean
(1994). charge in the charging data.
4T. Biewer, D. Alexander. S. Robertson. and B. Walch, Am. J. Phys. 62. 821 18K. H. Kingdon, Phys. Rev. 21, 408 (1923).
(1994). 19R. D. Knight, Appl. Phys. Lett. 38, 221 (1981) and references therein.
5G. 1. Sussman and J. Wisdom. Science 257, 56 (1992). 2oH. Winter and H. W. Ortjohann. Am. J. Phys. 59, 807 (1991).
6F. Franklin. M. Lecar. and W. Wiesel, in Planetary Rings, edited by R. 21R. H. Hooverman, J. App!. Phys. 14,3505 (1963).
Greenberg and A. Brahic (University of Arizona Press. Tucson. 1984). pp.
22R. R. Lewis, J. App!. Phys. 53, 3975 (1982).
23S. Robertson and D. Alexander, Phys. Plasmas 2,3 (1995).
7J. Wisdom, Icarus 72. 241 (1987).
8See, for example, N. Hershkowitz. in Plasma Diagnostics. edited by O. 24R. F. Wuerker, H. Shelton. and R. V. Langmuir, J. App!. Phys. 30, 342
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2206 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No.6, June 1995 Scott Robertson

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