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Expérience : It Is the french for experience and we named our BYOB that. It is to symbolize what
we intend to provide and what our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) will be. (More details will
be provided later in the proposal)
BYOB this means “bring your own booze”. there are many restaurants in Gurgaon with the
same concept. This is about an area where people can bring their own alcohol and actually sit
there to chill and get an unforgettable “experience.” Our restaurant is a little different from the
typical BYOBs as we will not be providing alcohol but also, we won’t be providing food. Our
BYOB is not only BYOB, instead it is BYOFB.


Unlike other BYOBs in the market, we want to focus on the ambience or the atmosphere that
we provide to our customers. Our restaurant addresses the issue of hygiene, women safety and
also the area with an experiential environment.
What is an experiential environment? We will be keeping activities or different areas in our
restaurant so a customer can feel a particular kind of way.
Experiences provided:
1. Screening
2. Bonfire
3. DJ
4. Karaoke
5. Cup games

The experiences are not limited to just these. There will be more as we start initiating this
project. But our main focus is for the customers to have a good time.
We will also be tying up with Uber and Ola as we want to avoid any case of ‘drinking and
driving’. This will be a new concept as it hasn’t been introduced in the Restaurant industry.
We will also be collaborating with Zomato and Swiggy for customers to order food at the
restaurant and also they could have better deals with these.
We will be starting up an app by the name “Experience” so that people can pre-book and also
when people download this app, they can get discount codes on Zomato and swiggy.

The money that we will make will come mainly from people coming to experience what we are
providing. What we mean by this is that, we will have an entry fee on the basis of per hour per
person. This will be a nominal fee so that people don’t hesitate to pay and can also enjoy ong
hours at the BYOB.
Also, we will tie up with various mobile wallets such as Paytm, GooglePay and etc.

Our Unique Selling proposition is experience as that is what differentiates us from the rest in
the market. Also, our tagline is: “Drink… with experience”

Our team consists of two people: Simran and Bhavya.
Simran Is the creative mind of our team and therefore, will handle the marketing department.
She is also the people person and therefore, will handle the Human Resources department.
Bhavya is the logical and the responsible one and also, she is really good with numbers. so, she
will be handling the finance department and the operations department.
We will be hiring a professional manager with at least 5 years of experience working in a
Our team will be tying up with NGOs to hire employees so that we give them opportunity as
well. We will be providing adequate training to them to be able to serve or help the customers
in any way possible. We will also be hiring some professional servers at the start of term so that
people we actually hire can get proper on-the-job training from them.

Gurgaon consists of around 20 lakh people. We won’t be targeting any specific kind of group of
people as our target audience consists of everyone. We will have different activities for families,
groups of friends, couples, elderly, etc. So we won’t be targeting anyone specific but with the
research that we have conducted, we have found out that our potential customers will be 16+.
This means that anyone from the age of people who have entered high school will be our
potential customer.


š Affordable. (college students not earning, so should be affordable for them.)

š Located where there are colleges and working areas around.
š Where people from middle to higher class live
š Where there is a pleasant environment (outdoors)
š Leasing


š Experience

š SEO- search engine optimization
š SCO- Search Channel Optimization
š One tap
š Through social media (Instagram, Facebook, website )
š Distributing pamphlets in colleges
š Promotion in college events
š Sponsoring college events
š College ambassadors
š If pre-booking, get a free appetizer (Sales Promotion)
Note: we will be starting the promotion 6 months before the restaurant opens.

We won’t have any direct competitors in this field as no one is providing what we will be
providing. However, we do have indirect competitors such as:
š Terminal 1
š Machan
š Knight rider junction
š The friends republic
š Social chambers
These are the restaurants which hold the highest market share in the BYOB industry here in
Gurgaon. The advantage we have over them is our entire concept as customers who go here
kind of expect what we are providing so we’ll have the edge.
However, it will be difficult creating awareness and get customers to believe in what we are
providing. So, for that, we will be doing extensive marketing through advertising and other
methods that are mentioned above and we will be starting 6 months prior to the opening.

Our initial investment will include basic kitchen setting up costs and the interiors and
experience setting up costs.
These costs are divided and after intensive research and surveys, we found that the kitchen
costs will be around 10 to 15 lakhs which include Microwave, fridge, oven, freezers, basic sink
and basic kitchen equipment.
Now, as we are focusing on experience, most of the capital will be spent on décor, cutlery and
furniture. Experience stuff, which includes, cups, bonfire equipment, etc. This cost will be
around 40-50 lakhs.

As we won’t be serving any alcohol, we will not be required to obtain a liquor license which is a
very long and an expensive process. Instead, we will be required to obtain a liquor liability
insurance which secures us from any mis-happenings on our premises due to the consumption
of alcohol by any customer or if there is a raid and an underage customer is caught drinking
liquor. In such cases, we will be secure from any fees or penalties which will protect our
restaurant and also give us an advantage of alcohol consumption on premises at lower cost.


This will be somewhat what

our architectural plan will look
like. It includes an indoor
seating area, a patio with a
seating area, a kitchen and an
outdoor area as well.
According to some research,
we found out that inclusion of
a patio in a restaurant actually
increases the profits by 20%.
Patios generate additional
revenue in three keyways:
š Patios increase business
footprint (the amount
of space available for
serving customers)
š Patios increase visibility
and exposure (allows
people to see what's
inside your business
without ever having to
step a foot in the door)
š Patios increase customer satisfaction (accommodates customers that seek out
businesses with patios).
Therefore, we decided to add a patio to our architectural plan. We have also added an
outdoor area for bonfire and other outdoor activities.

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