Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography

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Chonnalogaapy ihcatty depenol

soluuhon on tw availahih
Hh Tuis gi
Qcoloumnpadangs nmall ueage paxhclo bge
to #he
a wwmum peak boaolimuna on hu Colovmn ouwng
aint Relahousep betuoeen tea heorehical plat hegat pasanetes,H
Onmo pachil s2e. Petbrmans auud Csomagvaply qralu
Cplot dolourmn paskmgs wit awesoge dllammels as as

0 um. ttouwunta , u L Kuauine uiaplesmae bystene o
OMgac 6oluenk auo a e gnerall inste to loiua lovo sanple

Loaongs. To prouide a biocwmpakiba Luglr Ausolub' sepuakio


biopdsymers, ucluolhing prokeiy, Fast Pota auuid Clonaoaph,

uoas atecd. FPLC pouides u pull Aauge q Caloakogaapl
mools Buch s ton xchoamge , luuomabfpuwng. al Peaahou
vphopik mtaachons auA ANeRse phase bageo ou pashces otp
aNcaage oomta sgu w asimnla rauge as kose used ph tPL


Baseol u e 7ropeub ne tosgel to 6epesalo pvcteins, FPLO
works on 6annt pncipes as 6i2eCrclusco toa - xebhange

an anty Chtoatoghaplhy Duwg ge exclusin, a colomn

2ge beads poRous glass gnanles altowek o eguelibriats
uwt a &olveb (soue) Butable fpr a moleules to be sepezated

Sutl au eapui wbratad Coloomn, ha lasgee moleuules pass aoug

d unaRBtal épacu betioau tha beads. Tuu us betause Hhe
Pokes q he gel haue bmalea diantee h a n Lokab w nakcl

h a lasge. roleuilu to eutr.

otans a aluo be 6eptaled b iou-Ccage hute
excamg MAVeRsib oth os elutstukicall bouol to inek
6uppoae mecium h govetmung ockos iu fon-exchauge itachous
t e etcto stake fos 9 atthackiw, uouie tun olepeds main
ou the Rulakiua. charge , he adiue q he uydiatiol ious auud the
dege non-bouong intetachons. Smu poteis ae Capobl
pobwng Dof pos+Ena amd ntgae Clargee they Can bind b bot
anien amo Caton excamges bouoevea thiy cam be maol to btaa
MMe neqakie Casgu by wnciasi he pt, o4 beaa posku
Catge b dutwg t pH. Foa exauple, the olsied qotins
maybe made o behae as a cahon by louoeuig t pH a d
Chromaographuo ow a caho extuonget voîuemoe ma
the amionie proteuw speues

Prvteks ,speuiallg egms bind. to ucepbas épuuipeally anmd tis

ropea a pe fity s wcd to 8epeaato potuns KOn

a xke pooteis Contamang he ngme b be pudhid alloved

fo percolake haoug &uch a column n y t h e duud uum,

uoniet ús Capabe g buoda 8 p c a y to tu immobiigec a a c ,
otu he etasdrd by the matrixAU othe moleuules , oue hau
no sptdflha foa + gaue l pas douou aud out the
Coloumn. 4te at tu undushel Componuuk hae ben usked out
n the uoasl bolutow altuas
4h coloomn , the ConolHns ase

6o Hhakr Ha u g a otissockats from th lzannd and ubs fom

h e Colovnm

to a HPLG, Ha base iubrumunkatn pr FPLC is
Stni lar
t H &me The majoa companeula neudd to peafm PPLC
) SAToNARY PHAs Tuoo mai forme mabi/stahiouay
phase mateual a cuailoke , based m a ad &old
Eoth foms mvolve opproxmalay sphurial paahiels
7a umomm ige
to minimuse space or oliuoa amd hca bomd
bioadutg lo
u. e an
mad witolly nmaolifieo sdlia o tysane
hesun Composed o- ked
agoto beads uo a a ustae
a)MOBLE PHASE - Mosty bufeas, ongame 8olventk aue used
as he mobile phase. s csubial thak tu mobile pBhase is

olgassed because gassung h eluunk Cam altea tw colovmn

Agolukion and wmtesfre oth Couaous mondhoa2 t eluab.

8)POMP- Constauk Conboled dlouo by petsbaltic pumps. Th

ouo 1alt vasie based on sal a pAparahoa e aalyheal
ot pAupatabiue kromagnaphy

) MIXGR St poLoeRed aud Conbrolltd by Hhe Pump

espeuallyPe vey importout uoheu toamuna anadieuti betuoem
bufa80uug Tu m Xea onsus hat h bufes sed axe i tu
CoAieu propoabiou Relahiue to eal othe duung Cowe the FPL

5)UNSECTLON VALUG The most Common metuod sampe

mbrodiuit u by the ue aLoop weute Ts Coa a mba
toop o émall volume that cam be leo uoit tta kane.T
eluewb from h
pump tn Canneled haoug hu oop y
meams a ola Buottelung &ysann and the sampe shuol o n

h Coovmn uoithoub teanuphiou loo q elueul

COLOMNL - Th materals, ulated to FPLC, wsd foa

seperati ae ticatiy nmade of wwest ptashc uinert Puuid

Sufaess k e Teplon , titnniwrm mnd glass. Coluns are pauked

w t bmall posticls0 gel beads uo a ollanater 3-78pp.

aud haut
hey a duignnd t operake at not mose thau S8opi
a Lasge t n a l oliamulie. Te cdumns ouls be shnk o4f
hauol 1 H20 ohn n o m

RACToN COLLELTDR - A Fed vouume g he elual s colleetad

frachous and s amayed o r th pusena g t h pnahd



back psAL o a
pAavet he oAnakiow n a-bubles, as use buhses hindea the
amalysit amd Chuales brood peaks.

DETeCTOR Vasable uoautluugli olteutass a bassd upou

vLvavcolut - visibe specbophotbrmebngihey haue a aleteuho 6uitiut
o k d e 6 xe m mo a ineas Komge Usually t e

pe deteuton method ued dpends ou the amakyto n inteees

Oto detehas dommonly used ae Conoluthius oletewn and
Rerac Suder Detecto


aPokw amaly
b) poprotuw 8cperato
PuAcaton amwal venonm
) Seperaton nplasma pmbens Daina anol Cuubrospinal u d

ButerA Buter B


loop insechin volve


Men tDy


Ssoloktou 9 pophobilnopn olanminaus po human utiiocy

Diago n B+alasaumia
Raps pualfcakon PNA
Analysus 9 ntrguous Conshituenla n beo

uot loo pmuns and th auailahil a oide nange tolumn

betauw n t h u e Lovo p i u u s h dustem o seperal protens uoit

aAnak souhon s Fasb Protem/Perfpmana Liauwd


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