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Allen Cognitive Levels

Level 1: Automatic Client may be bedridden, sits with support, or moves trunk / limbs only
Actions Activities should reduce the number of stimuli and provide only planned stimulation of sensory systems

Level 2: Postural Client stands, has righting actions, walks, names body parts, steps up / over, and pushes / pulls
Actions Activities should allow for planned gross motor actions

Level 3: Manual Client demonstrates grasp / release, repetitive actions, speaks in short phrases, looks at effects of actions and
Actions follows cues to complete the next step
Activities are simple with repetitive actions

Level 4: Goal-Directed Client is independent in doing routine activities, identifies and sustains goals for 1 hour, locates supplies, learns
Actions new structured procedure
Activities promote working with other patients to accomplish a shared goal

Level 5: Exploratory Clients discover how to improve actions through overt trial and error; however, demonstrate impulsivity and
Actions poor judgement
Activities permit variation and allows results to be easily seen and corrected

Level 6: Planned Client understands safety precautions, uses information gained by reading, and anticipates consequences
Actions Activities permit variation in the selection and planning of steps
Clients are encouraged to have choice to stimulate problem solving, sharing of plans, and working with others

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