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Saving the Roses

By: Presley Rodriguez

Table of contents

Executive summary………………………………………………..3

Factors contributing to endangerment………………...………..4

Rose canker……………………………………………….……..….5
Rose rosette……………………………………………………...….5

Ways to protect roses……………………………….……………...6


Table of Figures
Figure 1………………………………………………………………..3
Figures 2, 3, & 4……………………………………………………….4
Figures 5 & 6………………………………………………………….5
Figure 7………………………………………………………………..6
Figure 8……………………………………………………………….7

Executive summary
Rosa, also known as Rose, is a flower found in mainly parts of the northern hemisphere due to

the weather. Many roses are admired for their beautiful, vibrant colors and the smells that they

produce. Roses produce yellow, white, pink, red,

and dark crimson. The fragrances produced by roses

vary depending on the temperature of their

environment. Most of the species are native to Asia,

but they have migrated to North America, Europe,

and northwest Africa over the years. Roses are a

flower used worldwide for weddings, anniversaries,

special occasions, holidays, etc.; However, roses

have been used for various special occasions; they

are also at significant risk and endangered due to

certain elements that are in their environment. Bugs,

animals, and different fungi harm the plants and

render them.

Figure 1: Bouquet of roses

Factors contributing
Wildlife is one of the most prominent contributing factors to roses becoming endangered. Deer

and many insects eat away at roses. Deer love to eat roses and will eat all the parts of them,

including the thorns, even if it hurts them.

Japanese beetles are little bugs that live in the

soil and feed on the tender roots of

vegetables, lawn grass, and other plants.

Adult beetles will group on one rose and eat

away at the petals, leaves, and foliage

between the veins, giving the flowers a lace-

Figure 2: beetles grouping on a rose
like look. Japanese beetles are very attracted

to roses because they prefer plants that are directly in the sun rather than the ones that are in

shaded areas. Lastly are spider mites, tiny spiders that feed on the underside of the leaves. It

removes chlorophyll and causes the roses to brown. Heavily infested roses will turn brown, curl

up, and drop off the stem.

Figure 3: spider mites all over a rose

Rose canker
Figure 4: deer eating from rose bush

Rose canker is a disease or infection of many plants' stems and roots, specifically affecting roses.

It happens when there are open wounds and open cuts on the stem; it allows an opening for fungi

to come in and spread to the bud of the rose; it can cause a significant amount of damage if not

taken care of in the proper ways. Roses get open

wounds if the owner does not care for them properly

and uses dirty tools. If tools are not disinfected after

each use, it cuts the stem and open the fungi to

spread to the bud of the rose. Cankers can also form

on leaf and thorn injuries, allowing fungi to

colonize. As stated by the University of Illinois,

100% of the vegetation in the area will be affected if

affected by canker.

Rose rosette Figure 5: Rose canker

Rose rosette is a virus or virus-like disease that is spread by microscopic eriophyid mites. When

developing, it will be grouped and have a bright red

color. A nickname given to it is called a witch’s broom

because when grown out and clumped together, it

looks like the bristles of a broom. Plants with RRD are

under a lot more stress and become weaker than all the

other plants, and they become a target for more

diseases and fungi to affect and kill them. Some

Figure 6: Rose Rosette and what to look for symptoms of RRD are elongated shoots, red and

yellow leaf mold, excessive thorns, branch dieback, etc.

Ways to protect roses.
Proper care
Although roses and many other plants are prone to getting diseases, there are ways to help, and

that's ensuring that they get the proper care they need. Roses are delicate flowers, but the best

way to ensure your rose bush will be healthy and fungi-free is to ensure your soil is always

beneficial. Next, when going to plant your roses, you want to make sure they are produced in a

spot that allows them to get sunlight because

they need about 5-6 hours daily. Ensure they

get enough water daily, soaking the soil so

the flowers have enough water throughout

the day before evaporating by the sun.

Pruning is also vital because it ensures that

Figure 7: proper ways to take care of your roses
the rose's growth rate will fasten with time,

but also ensures all tools are cleaned every day; if not deep cleaned, it will lead to the disease of

the roses and kill the bush in months.


Solutions and tips to ensure your roses grow beautifully are not only

making sure they are getting the proper care necessary but also

buying necessary products to help fight off any insects, and diseases

that might be attracted to roses. Although roses need to be in the

sunlight and given water daily, never water them at night because it

puts them at higher risk of catching a fungus because they are

attracted to distilled water. Keeping a tidy garden and making sure

Figure 8: rose product
that any dead vegetation is cleared out and is a big attraction for

little critters. To help ensure that no bugs will be eating away at your beautiful roses, you can

invest in products such as eco-friendly products such as botanicals, microbials, minerals soaps,

and oils for disease and pest management. For diseases products that can be used are natural

fungicides such as potassium bicarbonate products.

In conclusion, many factors affect the health and development of roses, but with proper care,

they can live a longer healthier life. The diseases that are found in roses are very uncommon

amongst other plants but can still be an issue to vegetation in the surrounding area because it can

still attract other fungi and bugs. As for the bugs, with the right pesticides and ensuring that the

roses’ environment stays healthy the bugs will not go anywhere near it. Roses play a big role in

our ecosystem because they are very healthy for us and contain a lot of nutrients. Taking the right

precautions will allow us to embrace the roses and keep them around for much longer.


Olson, J., Rebek, E., & Schnelle, M. (2023, July 28). Rose Rosette Disease. Oklahoma State


Rose Cankers. (n.d.).

Team, E. (2023, August 2). What is Rose Canker. Heirloom Roses.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998, July 20). Gloxinia | Indoor care, growing tips

& Propagation. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Rose Care | Chicago Botanic Garden. (n.d.).

Rose problems. (n.d.).





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