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DH43IBC01 31171024313 COCA-COLA

Học kỳ doanh nghiệp (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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Student: Dinh Ngoc Minh Chau

Major: International Business
Batch: 43
Instructor: MBA. Duong Ngoc Hong

Ho Chi Minh City, October 2020

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Student: Dinh Ngoc Minh Chau

Major: International Business
Batch: 43
Instructor: MBA. Duong Ngoc Hong

Ho Chi Minh City, October 2020

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I would like to thank the individuals and organizations that have supported me so that I
can complete this graduation thesis.

First of all, I would like to deliver my gratitude to Mrs. Duong Ngoc Hong, the instructor
guiding the graduation thesis implementation. Thank you for always enthusiastically
guiding, giving useful advice in the process of implementing the topic and helping me
learn more knowledge and skills needed.

Besides, I am also grateful to Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd, Commercial

Department, and particularly Routes to Market team for supporting me and creating
development opportunities. Here I have a chance to directly experience a professional
working environment, interact with talented and experienced people as well as have the
opportunity to apply the knowledge learned into practice. Thank you very much to Mr.
Ho Thanh Tinh- Head of Routes to Market team and Mrs. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa- Routes
to Market Executive for directly guiding and supporting me throughout my internship at

I wish you good health and success in life and wish CCBVL develop further shortly

Yours Faithfully,

Dinh Ngoc Minh Chau

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This graduation report was written by me and not copied from any articles of any other
organization or individual. I hereby certify that all data and research results mentioned in
this report are true. Any assistance in the implementation of this report has been gratefully
acknowledged and the information cited in the report has been traced and authorized for


Dinh Ngoc Minh Chau

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Recognizing the significance of customer satisfaction to every company, especially for
the FMCG field and the issue within CCBVL in the GT channel, the study is conducted in
the scope of Ho Chi Minh City to analyze the factors that affect the satisfaction of outlet
owners purchasing Coca- Cola products, as a result, brings out some recommendations for
the company.
After analyzing the SWOT of the company and based on the preliminary scale of previous
researchers, the quantitative methodology is used to figure out the relationship between
customer satisfaction and the listed factors. The data is collected from 137 retailers in Ho
Chi Minh City and is analyzed by SmartPLS 3.0. After using the Outer model to test the
reliability of our scale, the Inner model is used to test the relationship among hypotheses
and the proposed model. The outcome is that the Process, Information, Service, Perceived
Value have direct effects on Customer Satisfaction and Expectation also have indirect
influence through Perceived Value
The study also comes up with some recommendations for the company to enhance the
satisfaction of retailers- who are important links between the company and end-users. All
the recommendations are stated in practical ways and adjusted to be compatible with
CCBVL context. The author also points out the strategy for corporate in the next 2 years
in the potential region as Ho Chi Minh City

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT ................................................................................................................ii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ iii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................vii

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................... ix

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF COMPANY AND JOB ROLE ......................................... 4

1.1 Company Overview ................................................................................................ 4

1.1.1 History and development ................................................................................. 4 The Coca- Cola Company .............................................................................. 4 Bottling Investment Group ............................................................................. 4 Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited (CCBVL)........................................ 4

1.1.2 Mission, vision, and strategies of the company .................................................... 5

1.1.3 Core value and culture .......................................................................................... 6

1.1.4 Capabilities and advantages ............................................................................. 7 Outstanding marketing campaigns ................................................................. 7 Corporate Social Responsibility ..................................................................... 8

1.2 Organizational Structure ......................................................................................... 9

1.2.1 Business Performance ...................................................................................... 9 Revenue & Profit margin ............................................................................... 9

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lOMoARcPSD|12911359 Statistics throughout each region ................................................................. 10 General performance in 2020 ..................................................................... 11

1.2.2 Products and Services ......................................................................................... 11

1.2.3 Organizational Chart ........................................................................................... 14

1.3 Introduction of Internship Position ....................................................................... 14

1.3.1 Introduction of Commercial Department ....................................................... 14

1.3.2 Description of Internship Tasks ..................................................................... 15

CHAPTER 2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 17

2.1 SWOT ....................................................................................................................... 17

2.1.1 Strengths ............................................................................................................. 17

2.1.2 Weaknesses ......................................................................................................... 19

2.1.3 Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 20

2.1.4 Threats ................................................................................................................ 22

2.2 Research methodology .............................................................................................. 23

2.2.1 Purpose of study ................................................................................................. 23

2.2.2 Subjects of the study ........................................................................................... 23

2.2.3 Scope of the study ............................................................................................... 23

2.2.4 Research Process ................................................................................................ 23

2.3 Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 24

2.4 Quantitative Research Method .................................................................................. 26

2.4.1 Select Research Samples .................................................................................... 26

2.4.2 Methodology ....................................................................................................... 27

2.4.3 Data Analysis Method ........................................................................................ 27 Outer model .................................................................................................. 27

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vi Inner model................................................................................................... 28

2.5 Result of the study ..................................................................................................... 28

2.5.1 Sample description statistics ............................................................................... 30

2.5.2 Outer model ........................................................................................................ 31

2.5.3 Inner model ......................................................................................................... 34

2.5.4 Key findings ........................................................................................................ 37

CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................ 40

3.1 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 40

3.1.1 Reducing lead time ............................................................................................. 40

3.1.2 Increasing the quality and variety of products ............................................... 40

3.1.3 Enhancing the sales force ............................................................................... 41

3.1.4 Identifying target potential customers for giving promotions & improving the
process of giving promotion ........................................................................................ 42

3.1.5 Improving data management .......................................................................... 43

3.1.6 Improving professional working attitude of SR when doing business with

customers ..................................................................................................................... 44

3.2 Strategy for the company in the next 2 years........................................................ 44

3.3 Limitation of the study .......................................................................................... 45

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 46

REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................... 47

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Table 1. 1 CCBVL Internship Task .................................................................................... 15

Table 2. 1 Coding of variables ........................................................................................... 30

Table 2. 2 Research Description Statistics ......................................................................... 31
Table 2. 3 The analysis of reliability and convergent validity ........................................... 33
Table 2. 4 The analysis of correlation between research concepts .................................... 34
Table 2. 5 Direct Effect from Normal Path Bootstrapping ................................................ 35
Table 2. 6 Total Effect Analytical Bootstrapping .............................................................. 36

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Figure 1. 1 Some significant historical milestones............................................................... 5

Figure 1. 2 The most famous marketing campaigns ............................................................ 8
Figure 1. 3 Production Line of CCBVL ............................................................................... 9
Figure 1. 4 Business Results of Beverages Industry in Vietnam 2019 .............................. 10
Figure 1. 5 CCBVL Revenue & Position in each region in Vietnam 2019 ....................... 11
Figure 1. 6 CCBVL products.............................................................................................. 14
Figure 1. 7 Organizational chart ......................................................................................... 14
Figure 1. 8 Commercial Department Structure .................................................................. 15

Figure 2. 1 Largest Beverages brand portfolios ................................................................. 18

Figure 2. 2 Market share of Beverages Industry in Vietnam 2019 .................................... 22
Figure 2. 3 Research Process of the study .......................................................................... 24
Figure 2. 4 Proposed Framework of the factors affect the satisfaction of outlet owners
who are customers of Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited in The GT channel in Ho
Chi Minh City ..................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2. 5 Newly adjusted model ...................................................................................... 37

Figure 3. 1 Brand Recognizing of Top Beverages brands in Vietnam, 2019 .................... 41

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ASM: Area Sales Manager
AVE: Average Variance Extracted
CCBVL: Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited
CR: Composite Reliability
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
FMCG: Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
The GT channel: The General Trade Channel
MNC: Multinational Company
MT Channel: The Modern Trade Channel
PLS-SEM: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling
RCM: Regional Commercial Manager
SEM: Structural Equation Modeling
SmartPLS: Smart partial least squares
SR: Sale Representative
TSM: Territory Sales Manager

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Internship Background
FMCG is one of the biggest industries nowadays with undeniable growth and it is
considered to be a competitive field. The Coca- Cola Company appeared to be the top
MNC in the Beverage Industry all over the world, and in Vietnam as well which for years
it has occupied the top rank in compared with competitors. The Coca- Cola Company has
succeeded in gaining a huge market share, with impressive marketing campaigns and
effective business strategies. As a result, I9m honored to have a chance to be an intern in
Commercial Department- Routes to Market team, of Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam
Limited, which I believe that in the time here, I could achieve a load of experience and
knowledge of FMCG industry, specifically, in <Route to market= field- which would give
me a wider and deeper sight of the supply chain in The GT channel from the distributors
to consumers, and how to build and plan effective sale routes to create the benefits for the
company and the satisfaction of customers in of one of the most outstanding companies in
Beverages field. Besides, working under the culture of a leading MNC, I could build
myself a professional style and a good attitude in work, which definitely one of the
decisive factors in my career development in the future.
Reasons for choosing the topic
FMCG is usually unable to create sustainable loyalty. Recognizing one of the problems
that affect sale performance is the dissatisfaction of the customers, and the problems
staying in the selling operation and the route to market probably cause that, which leads to
their purchasing decision of switching to use products from competitors or another source
of suppliers.
Customer data is not updated continuously, a lot of data has not been checked and
updated for many years, leading to errors and the stagnancy in delivery time, or delivery
to wrong destinations. Inaccurate information also consumes resources of the company in
trade marketing programs, customer service, while some outlets have not received
appropriate promotions, which intensely affect to the satisfaction of customers

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Sale Representative (SR) mostly sells according to habit, many outlets, even though they
are on the route, are not visited and offered regularly, leading to their loss and
dissatisfaction, which is also one of the reasons for customers to switch to use products of
competitors or did not purchase directly from CCBVL distributors
Moreover, the rate of SR turnover is still quite high. When the old SR is off, the new SR
does not capture the entire sales route and the old SR's customers, which leads to a break
in continuing to do business with the customer, thereby losing a large number of
customers. This can lead to customers being able to switch to a competitor's products. Or
in some cases, for each customer, there will be a special note and unique service, when
the old SR - who knows how to best serve each customer quits his job, the practical
experiences from the old person has not passed on to the new one, leading to the
dissatisfaction of the outlet owners, or the frustration of having to work with a different
In general, the performance of some SRs are not totally good, although the company's
resources have poured down a lot, and always run continuously promotions and
marketing programs for customers, because SR does not offer and introduce, the company
does not collect results as desired. Some customers stated that they used their competitor's
products because they received a promotion program that benefited them, while the
programs of the company offered were not less competitive. The company also provides
goods such as umbrellas, tables, and chairs, ... but often the products that are used to serve
its customers are transferred or appear in outlets, businesses that do not use Coca- Cola
products, or become inventories, cannot be used, consumes company resources and does
not bring value as the company planned and implemented as originally planned.
Based on the reality above, which can be considered as significant issues of the
commercial department of CCBVL that since we could not fulfill the demand of the
customers, especially for The GT channel, and for years, it has brought serious damage to
the company, thesis analyzes in detail about the reality of the routes to market of CCBVL,
point of the problem existing and from that, bring out the effective solution to enhance the
satisfaction of the customers.

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Purpose of the study

Identifying the factors that affect customers satisfaction and bringing out the
recommendation for enhancing it and raise the business performance of Coca- Cola
Beverages Vietnam Limited
Subjects of the study
(i) The factors which have influences on customer satisfaction.
(ii) The strategies of improving the satisfaction of the customers
Scope of the study
The research is conducted in outlets of Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited in Ho Chi
Minh City
The author applied quantitative method for this study. Quantitative research is conducted
by survey techniques, which is built up in the form of a questionnaire. The
implementation of quantitative study aims at investigating whether customers perception
of Process, Information, Retailer Service, Retailer Expectation, Quality Perceived Value
which consecutively influence Customer Satisfaction
The survey was conducted offline which were distributed directly to outlet owners and
the questionnaire was developed via related studies with modifications to fit the subject
of the study and the scope of the study, specifically the beverage industry. Data was
collected from 137 people and later analyzed with SmartPLS 3.0.
Chapter 1: Overview of the company
Chapter 2: Problems Analysis
Chapter 3: Recommendation

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1.1 Company Overview
1.1.1 History and development The Coca- Cola Company
The Coca- Cola Company is the largest company in the beverages industry all over the
world, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands and nearly
3900 beverage choices. In 1886, at Jacobs9 Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta, Dr. John
Pemberton, who was the inventor of Coca- Cola original formula first sold a glass Coca-
Cola, that was when the history of Coca- Cola began. In 1888, Dr. Pemberton decided to
sell this secret formula to a businessman named Asa Candler, and then he established a
company to produce and distribute Coca- Cola. 1919, the Coca-Cola Company was
purchased by a team of investors led by Ernest Woodruff, and from now the history of
Coca- Cola gained a huge leap forward to be the first global brand under his leadership Bottling Investment Group
In January 2006, the company-owned bottling operations were brought together to form
the Bottling Investment Group or BIG. BIG was created to ensure those bottling
operations receive the appropriate investments and expertise to ensure their long-term
success. Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited (CCBVL)
In the Vietnam market, CCBVL has been through 23 years of development with several
important milestones in technology investing, expanding the scale of producing,
enhancing supply chain and distribution system, diversifying products, and creating
meaningful social activities with the purpose to bring values to the community.

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Figure 1. 1 Some significant historical milestones

Coca- Cola was first introduced in Vietnam in 1960; However not until February 1994
that Coca- Cola came back to Vietnam and started building permanent business. In
August 1995, Coca-Cola Indochina entered into a joint venture with Vinafimex, which
was an agricultural and produce corporate and built headquarter in the North of Vietnam.
However, then Vinafimex sold stock to Coca- Cola. In January 1998, the 2 joint ventures
which were Coca- Cola Non Nuoc and Coca- Cola Chuong Duong were established and
located in the Middle and the South of Vietnam respectively. From March to August
1999, the three Coca-Cola enterprises merged into and was managed and operated by
Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited, headquartered in Thu Duc district in Ho Chi
Minh City. Up till now, Coca- Cola has factories located in three main regions of
Vietnam, which are in Ho Chi Minh represented for the South, Da Nang for the Middle
and Hanoi for the North Side and has more than 3000 employees in which about 99% are
1.1.2 Mission, vision, and strategies of the company
Coca- Cola vision is to become a leading world-class company for drinks and to grow a
customer-driven, local, sustainable enterprise that makes a difference in the lives of our
individuals, societies, and our planet
Coca- Cola has gradually expanded its activities in Vietnam through its commitment to be
a sustainable investor. The estimated Coca- Cola capital in the Vietnam market is about 1

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billion USD, taking to account the establishment period to 2020. Coca- Cola always
strives to create positive differences on the path of growth, the real and lasting benefit for
both the nation and the civilians. The organization has continually invested in a high-tech
and environmentally sustainable manufacturing system since 2013. Coca- Cola is tightly
regulated at any point of development. Coca- Cola has launched the intelligent factory
model, in particular to apply the production approach in Industry 4.0. This is a business
breakthrough that marks environmental growth, increases the quality and efficacy of the
whole system, and leads to the conservation of the environment
Coca- Cola is constantly searching for, exploring, and innovating and introducing new
lines of high-quality drinks that meet desire, preferences, fitness, and varied customer
lifestyle, making them a beverage brand that can satisfy everybody. Convenient to
packaging and offering specific nutritional information, Coca-Cola uses to minimize
sugar in many items, launch new products with a high essential nutrient quality, which
lets consumers make appropriate purchase decisions
Building and preparation of qualified human capital are not considered one of Coca-
Cola's strategic priorities outside of the goal of improving socio-economic services in
Vietnam. The business spends 1.4 million USD per year to improve Vietnamese workers
while at the same time building an optimal environment for its employees
1.1.3 Core value and culture
The values of Coca- Cola are:

Leadership: Building a prosperous future for our company

Integrity: Being transparent, truthful, ethical, and mutually respectful

Authorization: Decisions are taken at the lowest appropriate stage

Responsibility: Acting on what we commit on and expect others to do the same

Passion: Achieving consistency, consumer, brands, and consumer

Teamwork: Working together to support one another and to motivate one another.

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A strong culture is a crucial element for MNC such as Coca-Cola not only to encourage
successful corporate growth but also to create a uniquely coordinating behavior for the
organization. On the market we are, and where we connect with our customers, "Either
we sell or assist in selling." We behave as owners: Keep an industry spirit; completely
comprehend the practice-related approach in our sector. We want to win and enjoy
together by incorporating 'playing together by hard work with a balance'

1.1.4 Capabilities and advantages Outstanding marketing campaigns
The Coca- Cola Company is not only widely-known for being the top global beverages
company, but it also impresses intensely consumers by the well-designed and unique
marketing campaigns, and it9s among very few companies that spent a huge amount of
money which was approximate the operating cost to polish their brand names from the
beginning of establishment. The strong confidence spirit is also one of the important
factors creating the brand name today, which can be seen clearly in the way Coca- Cola9s
messages and slogans of marketing campaigns are brought out throughout periods, for
example, <Santa Claus also drinks Cola= (1931), <I9d like to buy the world a coke= (1971)
and <Always Coca-Cola= (1993)… It all reflects the confidence and ambition of this
Coca- Cola always spends a large budget on the advertising campaign for the products. At
the retail store or supermarket, Coca- Cola9s products are put on the eye-catching shelves,
or right beside the counter that Coca- Cola always appears at a place in consumer9s sight.
To have this advantage, Coca- Cola has to pay such a huge amount of money
Especially, Coca- Cola attach its attention to media advertising, including mass media
such as TV, magazines, game shows, … According to TNS Vietnam media and market
research company, CCBVL pumped about 1.5 million USD in mass media advertising in
2010. The marketing campaigns of Coca- Cola are impressive and catch the attention of
many people with creative ideas for example building a billboard in Tran Huy Lieu-
Nguyen Van Troi four-way crossroad, which brought adorable and vivid image by Emoti-
Screen with a friendly and idyllic message and make 60-waiting-second became more

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likely and excited in a campaign <Share a Coke, share a feeling=

Figure 1. 2 The most famous marketing campaigns

Source: Commercial department CCBVL, 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility
Coca-Cola is a global organization that, in addition to the development sector, is
dedicated to sustainable development in its host countries. CCBVL cooperates with local
authorities, Non-Governmental organizations, and associations to undertake numerous
important social activities which bring positive change to the people of Vietnam.
Over the last 10 years, CCBVL has spent over 4 million USD in water management
sustainability initiatives such as <Clean Water for the community=, <Biodiversity
protection=, <Development of ecological spots and sustainable use of water resources in
Tram Chim National Park= or the <EKOCENTER=. EKOCENTER supported more than 3
million liters of water for 600 thousand people with realistic benefits from the beginning
of 2015 to the end of 2016 with an investment of 1.3 billion USD. In 2017, CCBVL
initiated the water quality management, living standards, and protection programs for the
Provinces of the Mekong Delta. React to government data on climate change impact.
Furthermore, CCBVL has cooperated with local institutions and organizations with the
goal of fostering the empowerment of women through many programs that encourage and
improve women's economic capacities by 2020. The organization spent 1.15 billion USD
in the "Mekong Fertility" initiative from 2013 to 2016, to ensure that 7,500 women in

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Vinh Long have the financial and economic opportunities. Duration. In EKOCENTERs
and in Northwestern provinces, the entrepreneurial training programs, specifically
targeted at local women, have been created
1.2 Organizational Structure
1.2.1 Business Performance

Figure 1. 3 Production Line of CCBVL

Source: Commercial department CCBVL, 2019 Revenue & Profit margin
Having been through a period of fierce competition, Vietnam's bottled beverages market
has shaped the group of enterprises that dominate the market, including 3 FDI enterprises:
Suntory Pepsi, Coca-Cola, URC, and 2 domestic enterprises Tan Hiep Phat and Masan.
In 2015 and 2016, CCBVL9s revenue was nearly 7,000 billion VND, with profit after tax
of about 500 billion VND per year. During these two years, each year CCBVL paid
corporate income tax of more than 120 billion VND. Compared to Tan Hiep Phat, CCBVL
's gross profit margin is equivalent to nearly 40%. However, the cost of sales per revenue
of this unit is 10% higher, on average for every 10 VND of revenue, CCBVL spends 2.3
VND in selling expenses and only about 6 VND for raw costs.

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With a diversified beverages structure from carbonated beverages, green tea, energy drinks,
purified water ... Suntory Pepsi has an outstanding revenue scale, reaching more than
18,300 billion VND in 2019 - an increase of 2,300 billion compared to the year before and
outstripped the two following businesses Coca-Cola (9,300 billion) and Tan Hiep Phat
(9,200 billion). In fourth place, representative from the Philippines also pursued fiercely
with more than 7,000 billion VND. There is no official statistic, but fifth place is likely to
belong to Masan Consumer. Masan Consumer's beverage segment revenue in 2019 reached
nearly VND 5,600 billion, of which VND 3,500 billion came from bottled beverages
(mineral water, energy drinks ...) and the rest came from instant coffee, cereals. Other large
beverage businesses generally have a much smaller scale such as La Vie (belonging to
Nestle) with 3,000 billion VND, Kirin Interfood reaching 1,600 billion, Red Bull reaching
1,000 billion…

Business Results of Beverages Industry in Vietnam 2019 Billion VND

20000 40%
18000 36%
12000 25%

10000 20%
8000 15%
15% 14%
11% 10%
2000 5%

0 0%
Suntory Pepsi Coca- Cola Tan Hiep Phat URC Masan Consumer

Revenue Earning before Interest & Tax (EBIT) Profit margin

Figure 1. 4 Business Results of Beverages Industry in Vietnam 2019

Source: CAFEF, VIRAC Statistics throughout each region
The chart illustrates that CCBVL is leading on the North Side of Vietnam in compared
with competitors. From the Middle Side to The Ho Chi Minh region, it can be seen clearly
that the company is facing harsh competition, since the Ho Chi Minh region contributes

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the largest revenue proportion to the total, it needs to be more efforts to occupy this
region. The statistics in Mekong Delta regions show that CCBVL is behind the
competitors, which should be taken into account to find a solution

Figure 1. 5 CCBVL Revenue & Position in each region in Vietnam 2019

Source: Commercial department CCBVL, 2019 General performance in 2020
In general, all enterprises not only in Vietnam but also all around to world are affected by
COVID 19, and the growth rate does not rise as expected. However, Coca- Cola is doing
well in controlling the cost and remaining the business, in the context many corporates
shut down or go to bankruptcy as the results of diseases. Coca- Cola has 134 years
existing and has been through several tough periods of the world such as World War,
World's economic crisis, etc… but it has still developed and grown until now. The
clearest evidence to reflect that CCBVL is managing well under this situation is that up
till now, CCBVL has not laid off any staff and non-stopping looking for new potential
1.2.2 Products and Services
To become a beverages company that can satisfy everyone, Coca- Cola always
researches, investigates, innovates, and launches new lines of products with high quality

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which can meet the demand, taste, nutrition, and the diverse lifestyle of consumers. In
practice, Coca- Cola proceeds to reduce sugar on many products, introduces new drinks
with high essential nutrients, convenient packaging, and provides clear nutritional
information which helps consumers easier to bring out an appropriate purchasing
decision. As an example, in March 2018, Coca- Cola launched a new product line: Coca-
Cola added pure coffee. In 100ml product capacity, 50% reduction in sugar and 30%
more caffeine than traditional Coca- Cola.
Established in 1994, CCBVL with its leading product is carbonated drinks, now
diversifies the products with different kinds of packaging, flavors, colors,… such as
Fanta, Sprite, Minute Maid, Nutriboost, Dasani, Fuze Tea, Aquarius, Samurai,… These
are all famous brand of Coca- Cola at more than 200 countries all over the world. On the
26 years journey of establishing and developing in Vietnam, CCBVL has aimed to
become a comprehensive beverages brand, not only focusing on carbonated beverages.
The company always strives to innovate traditional products to meet the demand and
suitable for the taste of Vietnamese, which can be seen in launching Fanta Lemon, Fanta
Strawberry, ... Coca- Cola always pays an attention to the diversity and nutrition in each
line of product. In 2016, Coca- Cola launched sugar-free Coca to compete directly with
Pepsi, at the same time responding to the increasing trend of consumers to use low-sugar
drinks to avoid obesity and sugar-related diseases. Up till 2020, the key products of Coca-
Cola in the Vietnam market can be considered are Coca- Cola, Dasani Water, and
Nutriboost Fruit Milk
- Coca-Cola: With 4 main products, such as Coca-Cola Original with original
flavors - was created and developed in 1886, Coca-Cola Light minimizes sugar,
Coca-Cola Zero has no sugar. To reduce conditions associated with obesity, Coca-
Cola Plus adds dietary fiber
- Dasani: Since its launch in Vietnam, all Dasani bottled water products are in a
recyclable PET plastic bottle. In addition to using recyclable and reusable
materials, Coca-Cola now continues to work to reduce waste by discarding PET
shrink film on Dasani bottled water. The removal of the plastic shrink film
completely does not affect the quality of Dasani bottled water products. Dasani's

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reliable design with a cap securely attached to the bottleneck ensures quality and
safety. Dasani bottled water products always comply with the strict Coca- Cola
standards of products and ingredients in general, as well as the quality of bottled
water in particular.
- Nutriboost: A product that always puts product quality and the health of the user
first. Each Nutriboost bottle, before being delivered to the consumer, is subjected
to a rigorous review process from raw material input, production to finished
product. In addition to the two main ingredients: New Zealand high-quality milk
and premium juice, no colorants, no preservatives, Nutriboost is also fortified with
essential micronutrients for the body such as vitamins B3, B6, E, Protein, Calcium,
and Zinc. Nutriboost used to struggle in the Vietnamese market in its early stages,
but by changing its unique strategy, now the Nutriboost brand has become one of
the three key products of CCBVL.

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Figure 1. 6 CCBVL products

1.2.3 Organizational Chart
With a professional orientation and high specialization, CCBVL9s organizational structure
is now divided into departments with separate functions and tasks and collaborate to bring
effective work efficiency for the company.

Figure 1. 7 Organizational chart

Source: HR Department CCBVL, 2019
1.3 Introduction of Internship Position
1.3.1 Introduction of Commercial Department
In Commercial Department, there are 7 separate teams with different tasks assigned
which are Routes to Market team, GT Channel Marketing team, MT Channel Marketing
team, Business Intelligent and Insight team, Revenue Growth team, National Chilling

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Solution team, National Commercial Transformation & Digital team. Each team has its
purpose and mission and cross- collaborates to enhance the performance of one of the
most important parts of the company- Commercial Department

Figure 1. 8 Commercial Department Structure

Source: HR Department CCBVL, 2019
1.3.2 Description of Internship Tasks
As a commercial internship and member of Route to Market (RTM) team, my tasks are
Tasks Detail

Collaborating with the Providing SR with technical support in the EDS project.
Sales team at Distributor
On-field checking the status of operation of the outlets and
taking notes of special cases

Paperwork Tracking the data surveying process, checking the primary

input data to ensure the accuracy

Conducting daily and monthly reports to the Sales team,

TSM, ASM, RCM of EDS processing work

Aggregating, classifying, and removing invalid data to

conduct final data files in input in the systems

Designing Optimal Sale Adopting assigned tasks related to review and align with
Routes regions for routes after route optimization in Ho Chi Minh

Table 1. 1 CCBVL Internship Task

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Conclusion of Chapter 1
This chapter analyzes the introduction of CCBVL and the Internship Position includes (1)
Overview of the company, (2) Organizational Structure, (3) Introduction of Internship
Position. Through this chapter, key information of The Coca- Cola Company and CCBVL
is summarized and the job description, as well as the internship department, is also

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2.1 SWOT
2.1.1 Strengths
Provided that the Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest non-alcoholic drink
company, CCBVL still holds a major market share in the beverages market in Vietnam.
The scale and market share of the non-alcoholic drink category can only be compared to
the PepsiCo. It has many benefits over local rivals to be massive and dominantly
- Economies of scale: The company is able to split the fixed costs over several
brands and millions of facilities, making any beverage as accessible as possible.
- Supplier market control: due to its size, CCBVL can assert market power over
suppliers by a lower price demand.
- Power over the buyers: As opposed to Chuong Duong or Tan Hiep Phat, brand
Coca-Cola and other iconic drinks are commonly recognized world-wide so that
businesses can manipulate purchasing decisions for customers
- Wide audience reach: The delivery network of CCBVL helps consumers to access
the chain faster than any of competitors could. The company states that it serves
about 6 million servings a day in Ho Chi Minh City. This vast scope of audiences
also promotes the launch of new goods easily.
The Coca-Cola Company owns and distributes over 500 different brands and 50 percent
of which are existing in the Vietnam market. CCBVL offers beverages for every taste in 5
categories: Sparkling soft drinks, Waters & Hydration. Juices, Dairy & Plant-Based,
Coffee & Tea.

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Number of brands

Figure 2. 1 Largest Beverage brand portfolios

Source: Companies’ financial reports and official websites
Coca-Cola is the most popular drink of the firm. About 40% of the company's gross
turnover is from Coca- Cola trademark (including Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola Plus, and
Coca-Cola Zero). Coca-Cola always tries to win the hearts of consumers. Coca-Cola aims
at people of all ages. This company's ad campaigns are still different and exclusive to
every other company. The promotions are regarded as the best in the world. Coca-Cola is
known to be a storyteller they have a bond with. This brand thus hits a milestone of
success with any advertising operation. Coca-Cola won the fifth biggest brand equity
award in 2019, according to Interband. Coca-Cola is one of the most expensive brands
globally with its massive market footprint and exclusive brand name. Coca-Cola is, in
comparison, one of the world's most precious businesses, worth nearly 84 billion USD in
2020. This assessment covers Coca-Cola's gross operating expense and profit, its various
production firms and properties scattered across the globe.
CCBVL uses a parallel distribution system, including the platform for the Modern Trade
(MT) and the General Trade (GT), as do most businesses wishing to implement consumer
coverage. CCBVL is directly distributed via the MT channel in wide areas of
consumption including supermarkets and Key Accounts (Key Accounts are road-side

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diners, restaurants, café, etc with large sales volume which buying directly from CCBVL
and sell to end-users). In addition, wholesalers and retailers are included in the GT
channel. The business has two types at the wholesale level: Exclusive Distributor and
Wholesales. Although wholesales are wholesalers who traded a wide variety of goods
including products from Coca-Cola competitors, in the Coca-Cola distribution channel,
the exclusive distribution system plays a crucial role because CCBVL is an instrument to
gain an advantage over Pepsi. CCBVL has 25 exclusive distributors all over Ho Chi Minh
city and neighbors including Bien Hoa and Binh Duong up until August 2020. Each
distributor takes charge of from 2000 to 4000 outlets depending on operation areas. The
Commercial Department is assigned the task of managing the distribution channel. To
accomplish this task, this department has established various teams to serve each type of
customer such as the Retail team, the Whole Sales team, the Supermarket team, and the
Key Accounts team. Currently, CCBVL has 3 million Sale Representatives in the whole
of Ho Chi Minh City.
During a year, approximately 50 compensation programs are run for customers. One of
the most significant programs that can be considered is <Loyalty Program= which will
award 4 Dasani Cases for retailers that meet the requirement of displaying and
purchasing. Moreover, Window programs will change from month to month which
provides customers with different awards based on the package they choose
2.1.2 Weaknesses
Carbonated drinks are one of the major sources of sugar intake. It results in two grave
health issues – obesity and diabetes. Coca-Cola is the biggest manufacturer of carbonated
beverages. Many health experts have prohibited the use of these soft drinks. It is a
controversial issue for the company. However, Coca-Cola has not devised any health
alternative or solution for this problem yet.
Negative publicity is also an issue of CCBVL, since, at the end of December 2019,
CCBVL had to receive an administrative penalty decision on tax through tax compliance
inspection with the total amount of more than 821.4 billion VND. The management
agency said that this enterprise had made false declarations, resulting in a lack of payable
tax amounts. Out of a total of 821.4 billion VND, 471 billion VND is in arrears.

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Specifically, the retrospective collection of value-added tax is over 60 billion VND,

corporate income tax is more than 359 billion VND, and tax paid on behalf of foreign
contractors is nearly 52 billion VND. Also, the tax agency requires this business to pay
288.6 billion VND of late payment (December 16, 2019). Besides, CCBVL was also
fined for an administrative violation of more than 61.6 billion VND. CCBVL is a strong
MNC that has been operating for a long time in the Vietnam market, but few people know
that since its operation in Vietnam, CCBVL has continuously reported losses. The source
of this incident is the use of preferential policies for foreign companies to attract
investment. Not only CCBVL, many foreign corporations blatantly operate and expand
market share in Vietnam, but always in a situation of heavy losses. The controversy from
tax evasion in the host country has created a wave of outrage that significantly affects
Coca-Cola's reputation and customer9s faith
Although CCBVL has several compensation programs running throughout the year, it is
undeniable that the conditions of participating in those programs are strict. For example
one of the most significant compensation programs is <The Loyalty Program=, which only
applied for gold customers, and requires the outlets to have the volume of 20 cases per
month for the on-trade distribution channels and 25 cases per month for off-trade
distribution channels. Nevertheless, the outlets need to meet the demand of display
requirements and other strict conditions to be qualified to join in this program. However,
it also includes the process of marking and verifying rigorously to identify compensated
customers. The procedure from the beginning of the program to when the compensations
are made usually takes 4 to 5 weeks. To conclude, there is evidence to say that the
obligations and the processing time of compensation programs of CCBVL somehow may
affect the satisfaction of the customers. Moreover, the intense competition of Pepsi in
compensating for customers also leads to the disadvantage of CCBVL when Pepsi
directly transfers money to outlet owners instead of rewarding by goods as CCBVL does.
2.1.3 Opportunities
Coca- Cola has the opportunity to launch new offerings that meet the preference of
several kinds of customers. Coca- Cola is doing well with shifting to be a Beverages
Company that can satisfy everyone with successful new lines of products which can meet

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the demand of flavors, health, nutrition, ... From these achievements, Coca- Cola can
continue to investigate and introduce more kinds of products, which contribute to their
total revenue and help them branch out from carbonated drinks.
Bring advanced supply chain systems – Coca- Cola9s business is entirely dependent upon
logistics and supply chain. Besides, investing and continuously updating tech as well as
enhancing using modern machines help Coca- Cola reduce significantly labor cost,
operating, and administration costs. Thus, coming up with some advanced and improved
systems for distribution can be an opportunity.
Coca- Cola has purchased several packaged drinking water brands, which give it a huge
advantage of deducting cost and being independent of third parties. Owning these
companies helps Coca- Cola expand the operation and avoid the risk and pressure from
third parties.
With the large market share, CCBVL is potential to investigate and invest more to expand
the market in different regions of Vietnam, especially in the Mekong Delta regions, where
Pepsi is the leading Beverages Company.
Coca- Cola also has the opportunity to advertise its less popular products. With a large
income, it has the available money to put some of these other beverages on the market.
This could be very beneficial to the company if they could start selling these other
products to the same extent that they do with their main products.
Another undeniable opportunity of Coca- Cola is its ability to purchase competitors9
companies, although this task is almost impossible with even large corporates. With the
financial potential and power in beverages fields, Coca- Cola has succeeded in buying
countless numbers of brands, and obviously, turning their profits into its profits and
reducing intense competition in the market. Brand awareness is a significant factor
affecting Coca- Cola competitive position. Despite the fact Coca Cola is already well-
known by 90% of the world population, it wants to get its brand name known even better
and possibly get closer and closer to 100%. As its plan occurs, Coca- Cola has an
opportunity to continue to widen the gap between them and their competitors.

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2.1.4 Threats
People have lately been more worried than ever with health, so it is no doubt that because
of the high sugar and calorie content they are beginning to decrease their intake of
carbonated drinks. This means that Coca-Cola must launch healthier product lines while
keeping the name from being ruined. Changing customer habits poses a disturbing
menace to Coca- Cola and other drinks business firms.
Although Coca- Cola is one of the leading companies in the beverages industry,
competition is intensely increasing, especially in the Vietnamese market, where the
annual beverages industry's growth rate is steadily increasing by 6-7% regularity. In
addition to the fierce competition with Pepsi, CCBVL has to be wary of two domestic
brands Chuong Duong Corp and Tan Hiep Phat Beverages Group because these two
companies have the advantage of understanding the market and taste Vietnam. In general,
the market share of CCBVL is relatively far behind Pepsi, and it also one of the biggest
threats of the competition of Coca- Cola in the Vietnam market

Market share of Beverages Industry in Vietnam 2019 % Percent


21 40


Suntory Pepsi Coca- Cola Tan Hiep Phat Difference

Figure 2. 2 Market share of Beverages Industry in Vietnam 2019

Source: Commercial Department CCBVL, 2019

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CCBVL is very strongly levied directly and implicitly on laws and taxes of the
Vietnamese government. Anti-currency conversion tools are legalized under legislation,
including tax administration principles for each form of company or profile transaction
value calculation, for the prevention of tax evasion by currency conversion over the past
years. The brand success and revenue sources can be profoundly influenced here.
It is necessary for the organization to manage its image by removing negative public
sentiment. With tax avoidance, when routinely reviewed and advertised by tax industries,
CCBVL is in danger of losing reputation in the Vietnamese economy. In comparison,
TVC and other media promotional material uses the term "Mo lon Vietnam" and causes
ferocious uproar as the sentence does not conform to fine customs in Vietnam.
2.2 Research methodology
2.2.1 Purpose of study
Identifying the factors that affect customer satisfaction and bringing out the
recommendations for enhancing the satisfaction of retailers of Coca- Cola Beverages
Vietnam Limited
2.2.2 Subjects of the study
(i) The factors which have influence on customer satisfaction.
(ii) The strategies of improving the satisfaction of the customer
2.2.3 Scope of the study
The research is conducted in outlets that are customers of Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam
Limited in Ho Chi Minh City
2.2.4 Research Process

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Figure 2. 3 Research Process of the study

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
2.3 Literature Review
In the past few decades, the concept that is considered to be one of the most important
ones is <Satisfaction=. Stated in the study of Fornell, 1992 of consumers in Sweden,
customer satisfaction and its quality are apparently important for all companies. In the
industrial environment, such as banks, insurance, mail order, and automobiles,
satisfaction achieves special importance. The satisfied customers have the intention to

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come back, on the other hand, when customers are dissatisfied, they are more likely to
find other options (Heskett et al., 1994; Strauss et al., 2001; Zairi, 2000). Stated by
Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Fornell, 1992; Rust et al., 2004; Shemwell et al., 1998 in
the literatures of customer satisfaction, service quality is perceived as important factor as
it is an antecedent of customer satisfaction. In addition, Boshoff and Tait, 1996 give the
opinion that examining the employee9s behavior is critical since the interaction between
customers and employees sharply affects customer satisfaction. Instead of being
theoretical, Gowing and Lindholm (2002) opined that it should be based on the
relationship of the prevailing culture of the organization. Gale and wood (1994) favored
customer value and the creation of such quality and service that customers can visualize
pay attention and see. Also, it was recommended to re-designing generic strategies to
improve the satisfaction of the customer. In a study conducted by Leeds (1992), in
businesses where the underlying products have become commodity-like, quality of
service depends strongly on the quality of its personnel. Documents conducted by
Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1993) illustrated SERVQUAL which delivers the basis
for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a service by using the gap between the
customer's expectation of performance and their perceived experience of performance.
This provides the researcher with a satisfaction "gap" which is semi-quantitative in nature.
Cronin and Taylor extended the disconfirmation theory by combining the "gap" described
by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry as two different measures (perception and
expectation) into a single measurement of performance relative to expectation.
Based on the research model of the study <Flexible approach to satisfaction index: an
Indian case study of health drink sector= (Sadia Samar Ali and Faizan Ahmad, 2010),
combining and adapting factors in accordance with the research environment in Vietnam,
the study has provided an initial research model for the study <The factors affect to the
satisfaction of outlet owners who are customers of Coca Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited
in The GT channel in Ho Chi Minh City= with 5 factors have influences on the
satisfaction of retailers purchasing Coca- Cola

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Figure 2. 4 Proposed Framework of the factors affect the satisfaction of outlet owners
who are customers of Coca- Cola Beverages Vietnam Limited in The GT channel in Ho
Chi Minh City
Source: Flexible approach to satisfaction index: an Indian case study of health drink
sector (Sadia Samar Ali and Faizan Ahmad, 2010)

2.4 Quantitative Research Method

2.4.1 Select Research Samples
Survey object: The correspondents chosen for the survey are outlet owners which
purchase Coca- Cola products. The research also limits participants whose outlets are
located in Ho Chi Minh City. In this study, author collects samples by convenient
sampling method with no probability. This means researchers may select correspondents
who are easily approached (Nguyen, D.T ,2011). This method brings such advantages as
saving time and budget and exceeding the possibilities to approach to subjects

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According to Hair et al. (2014), if apply Maximum Likelihood method, the minimum
sample size is from 100 to 150. Besides, the sample size adopted in the SEM model has 3
types, small size which is equal or lower than 100, the medium size is between 100 and
200 and large size is from 200 and above. In this study, the author chooses 137 as the
sample size of this research
2.4.2 Methodology
Step 1: The questionnaire was developed via some related studies with modifications to
fit the subject of the study and the scope of the study. All items in the questionnaire were
estimated on a 5‐point Likert scale with the "1: Strongly disagree" to "5: Strongly agree"
Step 2: Using preliminary questionnaires to interview 5 respondents to preliminarily
evaluate the scale and adjust the sentence to suit the research content to ensure that
respondents can understand and respond properly.
Step 3: After the test interview, the author corrects preliminary questionnaires to the
official questionnaires, which is used to collect research sample information.
2.4.3 Data Analysis Method
The method of Data Analysis used in research consists of Outer Model and Inner Model.
All collected data is processed by SmartPLS 3.0 software. Outer model
The standard of choosing scale is Cronbach9s Alpha from 0.6 or more. The reliability of
the observed variables must have the outer loading coefficient greater than or equal to 0.5
to meet the requirements for reliability and the composite reliability coefficient must be
greater than or equal to 0.7 to satisfy the requirement. (Hulland, 1999). Convergent
validity is used to assess the stability of a scale. According to Fornell and Larcker (1981),
AVE coefficient (average variance extracted) must be greater than or equal to 0.5 to
satisfy the requirement. The factor loading of each observed variable on the factor should
be higher than 0.5, and ideally, 0.7 or higher (Hair et al., 2014) and is meant as evidence
of the reliability of the scales. Discriminant validity measures discriminatory validity to
help ensure that there is no relation between the elements used to measure factors. To
measure the discriminant validity, the square root AVE of each measurement factor is

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greater than the latent variable correlations between that factor and other factors,
indicating the differentiation and reliability of the factors. (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Inner model
PLS-SEM relies on a nonparametric bootstrap procedure (Efron and Tibshirani, 1986;
(Buckland et al., 1998) to test the significance of estimated path coefficients in PLS-SEM.
This method uses a non-relational approach between variables and factors to predict the
accuracy of relationships in PLS. With the bootstrapping technique, the recovered sample
can be considered as a whole, the N subsamples in the population are formed by sampling
method with the change of observed values in the original sample size (N=137). After
that, the relationships begin to be predicted for each new pattern created. Distribute the
predictions from the sample M generated to calculate the t-value of the relationship.
2.5 Result of the study


Process 1. Coca- Cola has excellent product PC1

(H1) 2. Coca- Cola has excellent variety of products PC2

3. Coca- Cola products are among the best PC3

4. Distributor has enough employee to meet retailers need PC4

5. Coca- Cola has retailer friendly return exchange policy PC5

6. Distributor service is fast and saves time PC6

7. I find plenty of company competing Coca- Cola products PC7

Information8. Coca- Cola provide sample to test during launch IF1

9. I always find schemes/offers IF2

I can find the products advertised in newspaper/TV IF3

I can get good bargain with Coca- Cola IF4

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Prices are reasonable as compared to competitors IF5

Coca- Cola has strong visibility in media IF6

Retailer I am satisfied with the distributor SV1

It is prestigious to deal with Coca- Cola distributor SV2
I feel safe in conducting business with distributor SV3

Distributor gives preferential treatment to some retailer SV4

Distributor do not force retailer into purchase SV5

Coca- Cola does display free samples SV6

Retailer I prefer those who provide various variety of products EP1

Free sample is important for me EP2
I expect distributor should provide free delivery EP3

Distributor should provide credit policy EP4

Distributor employee should not force retailers to purchase EP5

Company should have friendly return policy EP6

Perceived The brand/service of this firm is reasonably priced PV1

The brand/service of this firm offers value for money based on PV2
previous experiences

The brand/service of this firm would be economical PV3

The brand/service of this firm is a good product for the price PV4
deducted by discounts
The brand/service of this firm is value for money compared with PV5
that of major competitors

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The choice of transacting with the firm is a right decision when PV6
price and other expenses are considered
Customer The offerings always meet my expectation CS1
Taking my experience with other companies, I am satisfied with CS2
our offerings

The offerings always meet the desirable level CS3

Table 2. 1 Coding of variables

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
2.5.1 Sample description statistics
The research has a response mostly from outlets of Grocery Channel, which accounts for
39%, followed by the Drinking Channel at 31%. Among 137 retailers, 50% state that SR
visits them once a week, while the numbers of people choose <Twice a week= and <Once
two weeks= are approximately similar at 20% and 13% respectively. From the results, it
can be seen clearly that almost half of the surveyors have been doing business with
CCBVL for more than 5 years, and the number of <less than 1-year= option only accounts
for one-fifth of the total
Characteristics Quantity Percentage (%)

Eating channel 21 15

Drinking channel 42 31
Grocery Channel 54 39

Difference 0 0

Total 137 100

Twice a week 27 20
Once a week 68 50

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Once two weeks 18 13

Difference 11 8

Total 137 100

< 1 year
27 20

Time doing
1-3 years 23 17
business with Coca-
3-5 years 30 22
> 5 years
57 42

Total 137 100

Table 2. 2 Research Description Statistics

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
2.5.2 Outer model
The analysis illustrates that all the outer loading coefficient are greater than 0.6.
Besides, the coefficients of composite reliability (CR) of the components in the model
are fluctuated between 0.898 and 0.962 which satisfied the condition greater or equal to
0.7. The Cronbach9s alpha coefficients are above 0.7, it means that the scale is valid and
reliable. Average Variance Extracted (AVE) coefficients are bigger than 0.5, which the
smallest and largest value are 0.597 and 0.783 respectively, since then reach the
convergent validity (Table 2.3)

Outer loadings alpha CR AVE

Process 0.954 0.962 0.783

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PC1 0.890

PC2 0.902

PC3 0.893

PC4 0.883

PC5 0.856

PC6 0.886

PC7 0.885

Information 0.911 0.931 0.693

IF1 0.781

IF2 0.794

IF3 0.811

IF4 0.857

IF5 0.856

IF6 0.890

Retailer service 0.897 0.922 0.665

SV1 0.881

SV2 0.899

SV3 0.844

SV4 0.824

SV5 0.756

SV6 0.665

Retailer expectation 0.863 0.898 0.597

EP1 0.743

EP2 0.841

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EP3 0.807

EP4 0.770

EP5 0.648

EP6 0.810

Perceived value 0.938 0.951 0.764

PV1 0.837

PV2 0.933

PV3 0.865

PV4 0.891

PV5 0.851

PV6 0.863

Customer Satisfaction 0.930 0.955 0.877

CS1 0.930



Table 2. 3 The analysis of reliability and convergent validity

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
The result demonstrates that the square root of AVE of measurement component is
all greater than latent variable correlations. As a consequence, it reaches discriminant
CS 0.937
EP 0.574 0.772
IF 0.751 0.682 0.833

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PC 0.818 0.745 0.825 0.885

PV 0.822 0.701 0.819 0.824 0.874
SV 0.895 0.657 0.777 0.880 0.798 0.816

Table 2. 4 The analysis of correlation between research concepts

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
Note: The square root of AVE is on the main diagonal
2.5.3 Inner model
After running Bootstrapping analysis, the study comes up with these results
Direct Model Statistical Significance
In the Direct Model Statistical Analysis, the author analyzes the statistical relationship
between the factors in the original model, following the suggested model below.

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Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values

Sample Mean (M) Deviation (|O/STDEV|)

Expectation -> -0.004 -0.005 0.068 0.062 0.950


Expectation -> 0.140 0.142 0.070 1.994 0.046

Perceived Value

Information -> 0.370 0.368 0.077 4.810 0.000

Perceived Value

Process -> Perceived 0.204 0.206 0.102 1.999 0.046


Perceived Value -> 0.825 0.825 0.052 15.728 0.000


Service -> Perceived 0.239 0.238 0.095 2.498 0.013


Table 2. 5 Direct Effect from Normal Path Bootstrapping

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
After receiving the analysis result, the study further analyzes the Total Effect
Bootstrapping result to explore the indirect and cross-the-stage statistical significance. As
a mean to further the understanding whether each of these elements can result in the
Customer Satisfaction
Combined statistic significant

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Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values

Sample Mean (M) Deviation (|O/STDEV|)

Expectation -> 0.111 0.113 0.075 1.478 0.139


Expectation -> 0.140 0.142 0.070 1.994 0.046

Perceived Value

Information -> 0.306 0.303 0.061 4.979 0.000


Information -> 0.370 0.368 0.077 4.810 0.000

Perceived Value

Process -> Customer 0.168 0.169 0.083 2.022 0.043


Process -> Perceived 0.204 0.206 0.102 1.999 0.046


Perceived Value -> 0.825 0.825 0.052 15.728 0.000


Service -> Customer 0.197 0.199 0.085 2.305 0.021


Service -> Perceived 0.239 0.238 0.095 2.498 0.013


Table 2. 6 Total Effect Analytical Bootstrapping

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Source: Collective from the author, 2020

After running the analysis, the author adjusts the original model with the brown arrows
illustrate the effects that do not include in the original model

Figure 2. 5 Newly adjusted model

Source: Collective from the author, 2020
2.5.4 Key findings
Normal Path Results: Hypothesis Checked
Observing from this new model, from the normal path total effects, the analytical result
supports the H1 Process, H2 Information, H3 Service and H4 Expectation have positive
effect on The Perceived Value of Customers
Moreover, H5 Perceived Value is proved by the analytical result that the way customers
perceived probably has positive influence on their satisfaction index

Different Observation from Normal Path

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Stated from the results, Expectation of Retailers does not directly affect Customer
Satisfaction, but it has impacts on Customer Satisfaction through Perceived Value, which
means that Expectation influence the Perceived Value of customers, and Perceived Value
directly affect to Customer Satisfaction. The difference from the initial model could be
explained by that in the GT channel in Vietnam, retailers of CCBVL pay more attention
to the process of doing business, that whether they receive the excellence and variety
products, convenient, fast, friendly, and economical procedure from throughout the whole
process; clear and updated information about either product and the scheme, upcoming
programs of the company, and they recognize that the price they have to pay is reasonable
than what competitors offer; as well as the attitude of employees who are directly working
with them, who can brings them the prestige or not, and from that create their safety feels
when doing the business with CCBVL. In this particular context of The GT channel of
CCBVL, Expectation of outlet owners do not have impact on Satisfaction as the result of
research of the author in India; However, since Expectation can also have positive effect
on Perceived value of Customer, in order to increase Customer Satisfaction, the author
could also indirectly influence through improving Expectation of Customers.

From the table, the author extracts some of the observations that are not stated in
Process directly affects Customer Satisfaction
The retailer also needs to consider the preference of their customers, so the variety and the
quality of products also play important role in developing retailer satisfaction. Besides,
they also care about the policy of the company such as the friendly exchange policy for
inferior quality products, or the wasting time from ordering to receiving goods as well as
employees9 strength. These all affect directly to their business, as a result, Process can
directly drive Customer Satisfaction
Information directly affects Customer Satisfaction
Retailers are the intermediary bridges between the company and the end-users, the
outlets9 owners need to be well-informed about the products, service, and the programs of
the company. Companies can also take notice of retailers9 suggestions such as offer of

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scheme and bargains. Receiving offers/ schemes or samples for pre-launching can also
affect the satisfaction of the retailers, as well as when they know that the price they have
to afford is more reasonable in compared with the competitors9, they can be more
Service directly affects Customer Satisfaction
The prestige is essential in doing business, safety when conducting business with every
party is the top element that almost retailers consider. If the retailers perceive that they are
getting preferential treatment, and they satisfy with the deal, the satisfaction of them rises.

Conclusion of Chapter 2
This chapter analyzes the SWOT of CCBVL, as well as points out some problems of the
company. Based on some theoretical background, quantitative research is conducted with
137 samples with the subjects are outlet owners purchasing Coca- Cola products in Ho
Chi Minh City. From the results after running SmartPLS, the study comes up with some
key findings of the factors have impacts on Customer Satisfaction

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3.1 Recommendations
3.1.1 Reducing lead time
A small number of customers complained that delivery time is delayed, or interrupted due
to holidays, or Sunday, resulting in their business being affected, in which case they
switch to use goods from wholesalers to be more quick and convenient. It has become a
habit for a long time, and since then, they no longer buy products directly from the
company. It is essential for the company to control lead time from the order time,
confirmation to delivery times to be as fastest as possible and ensure that in the
refrigerator or on the shelves of customers Coca- Cola products always appear. Checking
customers refrigerators or shelves regularly during a visit ensures the control of
customers' inventory quantities so that there is a plan to prepare stocks and deliver on
time when the customer requires, on the other hand, increase brand awareness, and help
Coca-Cola's products catch the attention of customers, thereby indirectly selling more
3.1.2 Increasing the quality and variety of products
Retailers purchase goods based on the preference of their customers, when their
customers, who are end-users ask for another product because they feel that Coca-Cola's
product does not meet their needs, or it has not enough diversity, it also affects retailer
satisfaction that they cannot 100% meet their customers' requirements, and their revenue
drops. It is clear that the retailer is influenced and pressured by their customers, who
directly use the product, since then, it shows that increasing product quality, as well as
creating diversity in the products should be focused. In addition, there should be stronger
marketing strategies with other product lines of the company in order to compete with
competitors, rather than only focus on the key product of the company, which is Coca-
Cola. According to the figure, it can be demonstrated clearly that except for Coca- Cola,
other products of the company do not get the high brand recognizing of consumers.

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% Percent

Figure 3. 1 Brand Recognizing of Top Beverages brands in Vietnam, 2019

Source: MarketIntello
3.1.3 Enhancing the sales force
The Sales team has always been an important part of the company, as they are the ones
dealing directly with the customers and can have a direct effect on customer satisfaction
with Coca-Cola. According to the current operations of Coca-Cola, each SR will have his
or her own sale route, and he or she only takes care of customers on that route. However,
a problem not only for the Coca-Cola company but also for the whole FMCG industry
today is that the turnover rate is quite high, falling between 30-50% due to career
opportunities from other companies. This leads to an issue that when employees quit their
jobs, large customers on the route will not be cared for a time, and also, there will be
notes on individual customer requirements that new employees have not yet grasped.
Some customers complain that SR serving their outlets are being swapped too often, and
their own rules and cautions are not being followed by the next employee. It also causes
inconvenience for them to work with the new one again, especially when a customer
needs visiting 4-8 times to create trust among them and new employees. In addition, the
un-smoothness at the period that new-employed SR handles the work also affects their
business and trading.
Under this situation, it is necessary to have control from the sale management department,
the handover should be done strictly, in addition, the new SR needs to be trained quickly
in advance, and within the first week of receiving the job. about basic skills such as sales

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process, sales skills, communication skills with customers, ... to be able to undertake the
job quickly, ensuring the Sales team is always capable to meet the needs of customers. In
addition, with large outlets that need special and thorough care (outlets that have revenue
accounting for 70% of the total revenue of the route), there should be supervision from
the direct superior (TSM), the close monitoring of superior management helps the
business process with customers not be interrupted, the business becomes more
convenient and supportive for customers. TSM can also arrange suitable staff for the sale
route, SR can help each other and cross-work in necessary cases under the direction of
3.1.4 Identifying target potential customers for giving promotions & improving the
process of giving promotions
The recording and estimating the sales volume of each outlet, as well as the quantity and
volume of their orders every month is also important in identifying key customers and
potential customers to have favorable policies, special service to maintain relationships
with customers. Based on the exact number that SR input into the system, the company
can identify key customers, loyal customers with Coca-Cola to take special care of them.
The survey results on 137 elective samples showed that 42% of customers have been
doing business with Coca-Cola for more than 5 years, it's obvious that if the company
brings good cares to them, their satisfaction can turn to the loyalty with the brand, as a
result, thereby increasing sales and profits for Coca-Cola. In addition, the appropriate
assessment of where are the profitable fields also helps Coca-Cola to bring out potential
customers and has a strategy to compete directly with competitors by offering marketing
programs, promotions, and the price that customer perceived that is more reasonable than
competitors offer, from that increasing the market share of CCBVL at Ho Chi Minh City
It is obvious that receiving incentives, promotions also greatly affect customer
satisfaction, but the process of receiving incentives, paying bonuses, or issuing company
items needs to be convenient, time-saving, and simple for customers. One year, Coca-
Cola runs nearly 50 programs, including large and small ones for customers, including
bonus programs, discounts, Loyalty programs, ... but some customers complain that they
are often paid for a long time, or even not paid, since the company works with the

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customers through SR, who is the one that directly works with retailers, it needs to be
more strict in the process of giving promotion and paying bonuses for customers. Some
other programs of the company which are free providing and installing refrigerators,
gifting display items to the store including banners, eating utensils, shelves, ... should
avoid complicated and unnecessary procedures to increase the comfort of customers, to
avoid the annoyance result in negative consequences, even though giving them a
3.1.5 Improving data management
Data should be constantly updated to ensure accuracy, information about key customers,
important customers, and considerations when working with them should be recorded on
the system. Working with customers, especially important customers by manually way
needs avoiding, instead, the process should be managed by the system, since the
partnership and relationship between the company and customers which are based solely
on the SR have high risks, especially with the high turnover rate at FMCG. This will help
the company to manage better, and rebuilding the sale routes, changing the routes for
employees do not face too much dissatisfaction and discomfort from customers.
Currently, the company has implemented many projects to survey and rebuild customer
information, but to ensure information and data are constantly updated, the company
should have regular data purification and has close supervision. Improving customer data
also helps the company to come up with after-sales programs, better policies to increase
customer satisfaction, thus their purchase intention. Besides, building an updated sales
system helps the company improve its effectiveness and efficiency in the sales process.
Applying the point of sale coordinate positioning helps SR to determine the correct
location of the store, as well as fast accurate delivery, and adjust the appropriate cost-
profit design. As a result, it not only brings the outcomes which are the satisfaction of
customers but also reduce costs and increase efficiency for businesses
In addition, the confidentiality of customer information is also extremely important, this
not only affects the company's reputation and the prestige toward customers but also
seriously affects the interests of the company. The process of controlling authorized
employees to access the customer information system on the portal should be strictly

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implemented to ensure that only those with relevant and authorized duties can access it.
Besides, they also have to ensure certain security conditions. The data management
system should also be maintained and upgraded regularly to avoid virus or malicious
3.1.6 Improving professional working attitude of SR when doing business with
The improvement of SR's working attitude also greatly affects the reliability and
satisfaction of customers. The SR training is done very professionally in the CCBVL by
the Sale Trainers team. SR will be trained from the beginning of adopting the job, and the
training contents will be enhanced over time such as Negotiation skills, Overcome
objection skills, ... Every once or twice a month, training occurs, training sessions should
be realistic, outcomes from training programs are that SR has skills to build trust in
customers, calm negotiating ability, professional attitude and create satisfaction from
retailers. A company's service is always important for customers to continue using the
product for a long time, especially in the FMCG sector where brands are easily replaced
when product quality is equivalent to the same standard, so building a good Customer
Service is a must in all businesses, especially when a retailer is a bridge between the
company and consumers.
3.2 Strategy for the company in the next 2 years
Up till now, CCBVL has 16 years of development in Vietnam and has gained several
achievements. However, FMCG is a competitive field, especially in the beverages
industry in Vietnam with the biggest competitor is Suntory Pepsi and the local competitor
is Tan Hiep Phat. The company's upcoming development strategies need to be
groundbreaking but sustainable.
Development goals for the next 2 years
Increasing the revenue in Ho Chi Minh City. Although Ho Chi Minh City region
contributes to the largest revenue of the total revenue all over the country, the potential
here has not been fully exploited, in the near future, CCBVL can still develop strongly in
Ho Chi Minh City.

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Expanding the market share in Ho Chi Minh City to narrow the gap with the biggest
competitor, which is Suntory Pepsi, until 2019, the market share of CCBVL is far behind
Suntory Pepsi. Ho Chi Minh City is a dynamic city, with economic potential as well as an
advantage to develop a business, CCBVL has not made much effort to regain market
share in this area, evidence shows that CCBVL lost a lot of exclusive contracts from big
customers to Suntory Pepsi.
Managing the cost to increase the net revenue. Currently, the sales process is still in the
procedure of improvement and modification to be both cost-effective and efficient, the
project to rebuild the sales routes has been built many times in the previous years but not
yet successful, the goal in the next 2 years is accomplishing it and creating the
effectiveness in doing business
Maintaining and increasing the company9s brand name and reputation, the company needs
to constantly innovate and increase the quality of services provided. Also, CSR is one of
the important things since ensuring the responsibility with the community is a key factor
to grow sustainably in a country
3.3 Limitation of the study
As a result of time limitation, the research was only conducted in some districts in Ho Chi
Minh City, which could not bring to a general view of Ho Chi Minh City market as the
purpose of research.
Some errors in the data as well as the limitations of the total sample's surveying capacity
(random sampling method) can cause the survey results to deviate from reality.

Conclusion of Chapter 3
This chapter proposed recommendations of improving customers satisfaction of CCBVL
include: (1) Reducing lead time, (2) Increasing the quality and variety of products, (3)
Enhancing the sales force, (4) Identifying target potential customer for giving promotions
& improving the process of giving promotions, (5) Improving data management, (6)
Improving professional working attitude of SR when doing business with customers. This
also analyzes some strategies for the company in the next 2 years, and limitations of the

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Realizing the importance of the satisfaction of customers within every corporate,
especially with the context of CCBVL in the GT channel in Ho Chi Minh City, the study
was conducted to investigates the factors that affect the satisfaction of outlet owners who
are purchasing products from CCBVL. The results from data analysis show that the
satisfaction of customers is influenced directly by the process of doing business, the
information customers receive, the service that the company brings to them, the perceived
value of quality of the company, and the expectation of customer also can impact
indirectly on the satisfaction through its effect on perceived value. From the problems
stated and the result of the analysis, the study comes up with some recommendations that
are practical and most compatible with CCBVL to enhance the satisfaction index of
retailers and points out the strategies of the company in the next 2 years to achieve the
growth in business in Ho Chi Minh City.
Throughout the analysis of SWOT of CCBVL and data analysis, the recommendation of
this study hopefully brings out some solution that can enhance the satisfaction of outlets
owners that are partners of CCBVL, as well as utilize the potential opportunity to achieve
the competitive advantages in this tough industry. The study is conducted within the
period the author is working in CCBVL as a Commercial Intern, it is evitable that there
are still some shortcomings in research interpreting and recommending, the author hopes
that this study could be the premise for other researches and be improved completely in
the future

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Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (



Time Tasks Achievements Lessons Learned

(knowledge, skill,

Week 1: from 03.08 to 07.08

Monday Attending a training Widely understanding about The general

section of the established and developed knowledge about the
introducing the journey as well as the culture, company and
company and the structure of the company. establish a personal
internship position goal in the time
Getting a needed preparation
working at Coca-
for following tasks and
Cola as well as the
understand well about the
goal of the whole
project and its value to the
Team-work skill,
Having a chance to cooperate
presentation skill
with team members, creating
a teamwork spirit and sharing Adopting the sharing
attitude as exactly same with and supporting
the core culture of Coca- attitude under any
Cola circumstances to
enhance the

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


performance of the
whole team

Conducting market Catching the reality of Brief knowledge of

research in the field activated outlets and The GT channel
of 30 outlets verifying the accuracy of market
customers data
The skill of
communicating to
summarizing, and
quickly responding

Friendly attitude,
being polite and soft
to all customers

Tuesday Conducting market Catching the reality of Brief knowledge of

research in the field activated outlets and The GT channel
of 40 outlets verifying the accuracy of market
customers data
Skill of
communicating to
summarizing, and
quickly responding

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Friendly attitude,
being polite and soft
to all customers

Preparing a report Completing a report and Skills of synthesizing

of 70 outlets getting ready for the the information,
researched presentation the following clearly and concisely
day presenting a huge
load of information

Presenting to the Accomplishing the Improving the skill of

Wednesday supervisor about the presentation, raising some public presentation,
process and result issue, and getting feedbacks using both gesture
of market from the supervisors and co- and verbal
researching and workers communicating
pointing out some methods
general views
Enhancing the
confidence and
professional attitude
while presenting

Thursday Attending a meeting Understanding the meeting Adopting more Sale

of The Sales team process monthly of The Sales Terms and widening
and Territory Sales team and listening to the sale the knowledge in the
Manager (TSM), performance of Ho Chi Minh field of Sale
Area Sales Manager City region
(ASM), Regional

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Commercial Briefly understanding

Manager (RCM) of of how to read
presenting the sale monthly sale report
performance of the
Ho Chi Minh region Learning presentation

in last month and and orientation skills

introducing EDS of managers

project which
conducted in
following weeks

Visiting randomly Completing the visiting to Observing how a

Coca- Cola distributor house, getting to distributor house
Distributor houses, know how the Sales team operates and learn
attending training work together, and attending how TSM manage the
section about the the EDS training with SRs Sales team
EDS project to Sale

Friday Attending training Occupying the method of Optimizing Excel

section of EDS creating the daily report and skills of using Excel
report building for utilizing Excel Function Function into
each the Sales team conducting the daily
for each day report

Receiving the
allocated list of

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distributors that
each individual is in
charge of

Week 2: from 10.08 to 14.08

Monday Contacting TSMs of Receive the confirmations of The skill of arranging

each the Sales team TSM about the appointments appointments
to arrange

Preparing training Getting ready for the training The skill of

materials for SRs for SRs the following day orientating work and
about the process of managing work time
Completing working plans
EDS surveying.
Arrange the
schedule in the next
few days at
distributor houses

Tuesday Going to the All SRs who are trained Communication skills
Distributor house 1 deeply know about the EDS and presentation skill
to train SRs about project and exactly the
Having a humble,
doing EDS process of conducting every
conscientious, and
professional attitude

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Getting to the field Understanding well about the Learning about how
with TSM and SRs region that in charge of and to communicate and
to conduct research collecting particular deal with the
experience when working on customer in each
the field case, how to handle
each situation when
customers have
dissatisfactions about
our products and

Wednesday Going to the All SRs who are trained Communication

Distributor center 1 deeply know about the EDS skills and
to train SRs about project and exactly the presentation skill
doing EDS process of conducting every
Having a humble,
conscientious, and
professional attitude

Getting to the field Understanding well about the Learning about how
with TSM and SRs region that in charge of and to communicate and
to conduct research collecting particular deal with the
experience when working on customer in each
the field case, how to handle
each situation when
customers have
dissatisfactions about

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


our products and


Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Thursday Sending EDS report TSMs can follow the process

of the process of of the Sales teams and catch
surveying to each the performance of each SR
Sales team at the to manage them
beginning of the
day before the Sales
team daily meeting
in the morning

Getting to the field Helping SRs to be more Learning about how

to support SRs competent with EDS to communicate and
applications and run the deal with the
conducting survey smoothly customer in each
case, how to handle
each situation when
customers have

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


dissatisfactions about
our products and

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Summarizing data Completing report with the Skills of synthesizing

and establishing main points about the the information,
report for RCM performance of the project clearly and concisely
about the EDS presenting a huge
project process in load of information
the first week in the
following morning

Friday Sending EDS daily TSMs can follow the process

report to the Sales of the Sales teams and catch
teams of each the performance of each SR
distributors house at to manage them

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


the beginning of the

working day

Attending the Listening to the report and Learning the way

meeting of The the orientation that RCM how RCM orients
Sales team with points out in the meeting work and deliver to
TSM, ASM, RCM the employees
about the EDS
performance in the
first week

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Week 3: from 17.08 to 21.08

Monday Sending EDS daily TSMs can follow the process

report to the Sales of the Sales teams and catch
teams of each

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


distributors house at the performance of each SR

the beginning of the to manage them
working day

Report to the Completing the report, Recognizing the

supervisor of raising some issue, and appropriate problems
personal getting feedbacks from the and asking for advice
performance in the supervisor
first week of EDS

Participating in the Receiving verifying data Optimizing in using

training section of techniques and some notice Excel functions that
verifying data when doing the work support verifying data
technique such as VLOOKUP,

Skill of how to use

laptop keyboard
shortcuts for faster

Verifying 120 data Getting done data and taking How to filter data in a
downloaded from note of unreasonable errors logical order to get
the portal for confrontation with SRs rid of erroneous data

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Being hard-working,
careful, and precise
when doing with data
and numbers

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Tuesday Sending EDS daily TSMs can follow the process

report to the Sales of the Sales teams and catch
teams of each the performance of each SR
distributors house at to manage them
the beginning of the
working day

Verifying 380 data Getting done data and taking Being hard-working,
downloaded from note of unreasonable errors careful, and precise
the portal for confrontation with SRs when doing with data
and numbers

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


collecting process Being hard-working,

from EDS of each careful, and precise
Sales team of each when doing with data
distributor at the and numbers
end of the day

Wednesday Sending EDS daily TSMs can follow the process

report to the Sales of the Sales teams and catch
teams of each the performance of each SR
distributors house at to manage them
the beginning of the
working day

Verifying 400 data Getting done data and taking Being hard-working,
downloaded from note of unreasonable errors careful, and precise
the portal for confrontation with SRs when doing with data
and numbers

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Thursday Sending EDS daily TSMs can follow the process

report to the Sales of the Sales teams and catch

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


teams of each the performance of each SR

distributors house at to manage them
the beginning of the
working day

Going to the Completing the presentation Self-learning the

distributor house to for TSM and SRs method of
meet with The Sales interpreting
Supporting SRs
team to present to deal with other
about common people without giving
inaccuracies and needless offense
supporting SRs on
Skills of
the field
communicating to
elder co-workers to
deliver work for them

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Friday Sending EDS daily TSMs can follow the process

report to the Sales of the Sales teams and catch
teams of each

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


distributors house at the performance of each SR

the beginning of the to manage them
working day

Going to the Completing the presentation Self-learning the

distributor house to for TSM and SRs method of
meet with The Sales interpreting
Supporting SRs
team to present to deal with other
about common people without giving
inaccuracies and needless offense
supporting SRs on
Skills of
the field
communicating to
elder co-workers to
deliver work for them

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Week 4: from 24.08 to 28.08

Monday Reporting the error Reporting to direct supervisor When problems occur
of the system to find a Solution that lack of capability

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to solve, promptly
report and contact to
direct mentor and the

Contacting the IT The IT department and the

department and the vendor receive the report
vendor to fix the
error of the system

Verifying 420 data Getting done data and taking Being hard-working,
downloaded from note of unreasonable errors careful, and precise
the portal for confrontation with SRs when doing with data
and numbers

Tuesday Participating in The Attending the Sales team

Sales team meeting meeting, announcing about
in distributor house the temporary error of the

Field check data Directly checking data in the The skill of

field to verify exactly the communicating to
information customers,
summarizing, and
quickly responding

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Friendly attitude,
being polite and soft
to all customers

Taking note all the

information for
further confrontation
with The Sales team

Going to the IT Solving some problems Contacting to the

department in relating to IT appropriate
Headquarter at department for being
Coca- Cola Factory helped, not lasting the
Thu Duc issue for too long that
can affect to the work

Meeting with EDS Reporting the individual Team-work skills.

teams to present the performance Having a final
performance of the viewpoint and
Getting to the final solution
previous week, solution to observe
of the issue of the system
reviewing the error and deal with the
of system, and problems
orientating the

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Recognizing that Response delivered to the Always carefully

the system remains vendor double-checking the
some minor error work and quickly
and promptly contact to the
responding to the department that takes
vendor responsibility to fix
the problems

Wednesday Receiving the Response received and

response from continuing to consider the
Indian vendor about next step of dealing with the
the system lock problem
time for

Guiding SRs to All the data are uploaded and

fully upload the ready for the maintenance
data before the lock
system maintenance

Verifying 450 data Getting done data and taking Being hard-working,
downloaded from note of unreasonable errors careful, and precise
the portal for confrontation with SRs when doing with data
and numbers

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Meeting of EDS Pointing out some significant Team-work skills.

team on system errors and the dealing way Having a final
maintenance viewpoint and
process and solution to observe
presenting errors of and deal with the
device- system of problems
special cases

Thursday Conducting Accomplishing cumulative Enhancing Excel

cumulative report report Skills
about data
Being hard-working,
collecting process
careful, and precise
from EDS of each
when doing with data
Sales team of each
and numbers

Sending EDS report The Sales team can check the

to the Sales teams results from the portal and the
of each distributors result from their device to
house raise the problem if it occurs

Getting feedback on The issue is raised to the Always double-

the discrepancy supervisor to find a solution checking to make
recorded on the sure it runs smoothly
device of the SR and accurately in the
and the report from whole procedure and
the system and if the errors happen,

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contacting the always having prompt

supervisor for action and contacting
resolution directly to the
department that takes
responsibility and
authority to solve the

Meeting of EDS Immediately receiving the Skills of orientating

team about the directions from managers, and arranging work
direction of the catching, and understanding
Adopting promptly to
managers of the problems facing
the situation and have
verifying all the
a quick response
outlets are in the
about the problems
state of cessation of
business when it
appears to be too
much compared to
the number verified
in the latest quarter

Friday Conducting market Completing the tasks Getting more

research, verifying knowledge about the
the operational market
status of 50 outlets
in route

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Contacting SRs Getting the confirmation and Always considering

about unreasonable explanation of SRs things in many sides
the operational to understand
status of outlets completely
between data SRs
reported and in

Conducting daily Accomplishing daily report Enhancing Excel

report about data Skills
collecting process
Being hard-working,
from EDS of each
careful, and precise
Sales team of each
when doing with data
distributor at the
and numbers
end of the day

Week 5: from 31.08 to 04.09

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
The Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Conducting market
Getting more
research, verifying the
Completing the tasks knowledge about
operational status of 45
the market
outlets in route

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Contacting SRs about
unreasonable the
Getting the confirmation and things in many
operational status of
explanation of SRs sides to
outlets between data SRs
reported and in practice

Skills of
conducting a
Conducting a report to
the direct manager about Completing the report
and stressing
the researches
only key points
of a load of

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
The Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Being hard-
Verifying 520 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Wednesday National Holiday off

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
The Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 387 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

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Skill of
to customers,
and quickly

Friendly attitude,
Directly check data in the
being polite and
Field check data field to verify exactly the
soft to all

Taking note all

the inappropriate
information for
with The Sales

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Verifying 538 data Getting done data and taking Being hard-
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors working, careful,
portal for confrontation with SRs and precise when
doing with data
and numbers

Conducting daily report

Enhancing Excel
about data collecting
process from EDS of
each Sales team of each Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
distributor at the end of working, careful,
the day and precise when
doing with data
and numbers

Week 6: from 07.09 to 11.09

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Announcing the updated

access ID of EDS project Completing the task
for each SR

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Going to the distributor

house to meet with The Skills of
Sales team to present Completing the presentation communicate to
about common for TSM and SRs elder co-workers
inaccuracies and to deliver work
Supporting SRs
supporting SRs on the for them

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 545 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each the Sales team of working, careful,
each distributor at the and precise when
end of the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 453 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Meeting with RCM to Skills of

report the data verified Attending the meeting summarizing and
status presenting

Conducting daily report

about data collecting Enhancing Excel

process from EDS of Skills

Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each Being hard-
distributor at the end of working, careful,
the day and precise when

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


doing with data

and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Meeting with EDS team Well-planned

about randomly field and oriented
Participating in the meeting,
checking process with work before
raising some recent issue
TSM and SRs in getting to the
following days fields

Being hard-
Verifying 503 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being careful
and meticulous

Randomly checking the

Catching the reality of the
operational status of 30
market and sale routes as Always doubling
outlets in sale routes of
well as ensuring the check (on data &
SR with SR & TSM of
accuracy of data on the field) to
Sale team 1
ensure the
accuracy as
much as possible

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Week 7: from 11.09 to 18.09

Sending EDS report to The Sales team can check

the Sales teams of each the results from the portal
distributors house and the result from their

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


device to raise the problem if

it occurs

Being careful
and meticulous

Randomly checking the

Catching the reality of the
operational status of 30
market and sale routes as Always doubling
outlets in sale routes of
well as ensuring the check (on data &
SR with SR & TSM of
accuracy of data on the field) to
Sale team 2
ensure the
accuracy as
much as possible

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Skills of
synthesizing the
Conducting and sending information,
a report of operational clearly and
Accomplishing a report
status randomly field concisely
check result to RCM presenting a
huge load of

Being hard-
Verifying 546 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Being hard-
Verifying 555 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 524 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Conducting daily report Enhancing Excel

about data collecting Skills
Accomplishing daily report
process from EDS of
Being hard-
each Sales team of each
working, careful,

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


distributor at the end of and precise when

the day doing with data
and numbers

The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 516 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Week 8: from 21.09 to 25.09

Monday Sending EDS report to The Sales team can check

the Sales teams of each the results from the portal
distributors house and the result from their

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


device to raise the problem if

it occurs

Always being
Reporting the checking data
well-planed and
Meeting with EDS team process
oriented the
about the checking data
work, especially
process and announcing
in the final stage
the upcoming plan for Being well-prepared about
when workload
the last survey week the plan and the work for the
is extremely
last week of phase 1

Being hard-
Verifying 503 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Boosting the Sales team Communication

finish the task in the last skill and
Accomplishing the task
2 days of EDS project encouraging skill
phase 1 in a team

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Tuesday The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 511 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Contacting the Sales

team to remind redoing Skills of
the invalid and Finishing reminding for The communicate to
inaccurate data by the Sales team at 2 distributor elder co-workers
end of the week or else houses and negotiation
delete the data out of skill
Sale routes

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Wednesday Sending EDS report to The Sales team can check

the Sales teams of each the results from the portal
distributors house and the result from their

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


device to raise the problem if

it occurs

Being hard-
Verifying 402 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Always promptly
reporting to the
direct the
supervisor of the

Contacting TSM via employee when

email to report the keeping

performance of SRs who negotiating for

continuously violate in many times and

processing data and the staff still

announcing the invalid shows an

data list which will be uncooperative

removed by the end of attitude that can

phase 1 affect negatively

to the
performance of a

Receiving, and Always being

confirming the email well-prepared
Replying the email to TSM
response from TSM to the documents
attend The Sales team and presentation

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


meeting in the following before cross-

morning to present and examination
deal with the problems meeting

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Thursday The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Presenting the
precisely and
clearly to the
Presenting at the meeting
Accomplishing the work manager to get
of The Sales team
the real situation

skills and critical

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Being hard-
Verifying 415 data Getting done data and taking working, careful,
downloaded from the note of unreasonable errors and precise when
portal for confrontation with SRs doing with data
and numbers

Enhancing Excel
Conducting daily report
about data collecting
process from EDS of Being hard-
Accomplishing daily report
each Sales team of each working, careful,
distributor at the end of and precise when
the day doing with data
and numbers

Friday The Sales team can check

Sending EDS report to the results from the portal
the Sales teams of each and the result from their
distributors house device to raise the problem if
it occurs

Being polite and

gratitude with
the Co-workers
Contacting the Sales team to
and still keeping
Announcing the Sales announce that phase 1 of the
team of ending phase 1 project is about to end and
of EDS Project deliver thanks for the well-
with them to
cooperated time
collaborate in

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The important
project requires
from many
Sending the data which
stages at any
has been checked to the The data is sent to the
step, as a result,
supervisor for randomly supervisor for re-checking
always being
careful, precise,
and honest in

Week 9: from 28.09 to 02.10

Monday Synthesizing
Getting the key points and
Meeting with the EDS they key points,
the lesson learned through
team to summarize the the drawbacks as
phase 1 of the project
process, results, and well the
lessons of EDS project advantages
phase 1 and training the during the
Learning the method of
method of aggregating project for
aggregating and classifying
and classifying data further

Being hard-
working, careful,
Aggregating all the data, and precise when
Accomplishing partly the
classifying, and doing with data
whole task
removing the invalid data and numbers

exactly the status

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


of each data to
classify or

intensely Excel

Being supportive
and always
willing to help
the teammates to
Supporting checking 230 Getting done the data and
enhance the
data for partner sending back to the partner
achieve the goal
of the whole

Tuesday Being hard-

working, careful,
and precise when
doing with data

Continuing aggregating Accomplishing partly the and numbers

and classifying data whole task Recognizing

exactly the status
of each data to
classify or

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


intensely Excel

Always double-
checking the
work of myself,
Receiving the feedback
Getting feedback from the fixing the
of re-checking data from
supervisor and promptly mistakes
the supervisor and
have action on the work occurred, and
making accountability
accountability if
it is necessary

Being supportive
and always
willing to help
the teammates to
Supporting checking 210 Getting done the data and
enhance the
data for partner sending back to the partner
achieve the goal
of the whole

Wednesday Being hard-

working, careful,
Continuing aggregating Accomplishing partly the
and precise when
and classifying data whole task
doing with data
and numbers

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


exactly the status
of each data to
classify or

intensely Excel

Being supportive
and always
willing to help
the teammates to
Supporting checking 250 Getting done the data and
enhance the
data for partner sending back to the partner
achieve the goal
of the whole

Always reporting
Reporting the process the work process
and the number of to the supervisor
The data is sent to the
aggregated data and the so that he/she
supervisor before the
status of classified data can keep track,
which have already been and give advice
done to the supervisor and feedback for
timely fixing

Thursday Continuing aggregating Getting work done to meet Being hard-

and classifying data the deadline working, careful,
and precise when

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


doing with data

and numbers

exactly the status
of each data to
classify or

intensely Excel

Being supportive
and always
willing to help
the teammates to
Supporting checking 260 Getting done the data and
enhance the
data for partner sending back to the partner
achieve the goal
of the whole

Always being

After getting done careful, and

aggregating and classifying precise and

Accomplishing the final
data, fairly adjusting and patient when
data file
formatting to get the final working with

data file data

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Friday Always double

checking before
getting the final
file sent to the
Re-checking the number
of data in the final data
file in compared with
data in the report to The
Accomplishing the work Being clear and
Sales team whether the
precise to avoid
difference occurs and
give accountability if it is
points between
parties at the
next phase of the

Meeting the
Sending total aggregating The data is sent to the
deadline under
data with classifying supervisor before the
status to the supervisor deadline

Week 10: from 05.10 to 09.10

Monday Skill of
Attending the training of designing the
the technique of re- Understanding the process of optimal sale
arrange the routes for how to design sale routes routes that save
The Sales team resources of the

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Experience of
utilizing the tool

Using the tool to run the to design sale

Starting the work of
optimal routes routes
designing sale routes
arrangement Non-hesitate of
asking to execute
the work well

Tuesday Off- sick (Tasks are supported by partners)

Wednesday Experience of
utilizing the tool
Continuing designing
to design sale
and mapping the sale
routes under the Accomplishing the tasks
Enhancing the
supervision of the
skills of utilizing
Software and

Friday Attending the training of Participating in the training Knowledge of

building professional and receiving huge building myself
working skill and attitude knowledge from mentors and to be a factor
at the Headquarter veteran employees, that the
managers of CCBVL recruiters are
looking for and
building a
working style in

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My best regards to all!
I am currently student of International Business- Marketing Faculty of University of
Economics Ho Chi Minh City. I am now conducting research on the topic: <The factors
affect to the satisfaction of outlet owners of Coca- Cola Beverage Vietnam in The GT
channel at Ho Chi Minh City= I would be grateful if you spare a moment to answer the
following questions, from your personal point of view. I ensure that all your information
collected from this survey is only use for the purpose of doing study.

Part 1: Personal Information:

1. What is the outlet9s address?
2. Channel of the outlet:
 Eating channel
 Drinking channel
 Grocery Channel
 Difference: …….…….…….
3. How often does the Sale Representative of Coca- Cola (Sale Rep) visit the outlet?
 Twice a week
 Once a week
 Once 2 weeks
4. How long have you been doing business with Coca- Cola
 < 1 year
 1-3 years
 3-5 years
 > 5 years

Part 2: Survey

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


(Please indicate your level of agreement on the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5,

with the "1: Strongly disagree" to "5: Strongly agree" by marking in one circle for each
1 2 3 4 5

Process 5. Coca- Cola has excellent product     

6. Coca- Cola has excellent variety of products     

7. Coca- Cola products are among the best     

8. Distributor has enough employee to meet

    
retailers need
9. Coca- Cola has retailer friendly return
    
exchange policy

10. Distributor service is fast and saves time     

11. I find plenty of company competing Coca-

    
Cola products
12. Coca- Cola provide sample to test during
    

13. I always find schemes/offers     

14. I can find the products advertised in

    

15. I can get good bargain with Coca- Cola     

16. Prices are reasonable as compared to

    

17. Coca- Cola has strong visibility in media     

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Retailer 
18. I am satisfied with the distributor    
19. It is prestigious to deal with Coca- Cola
    
20. I feel safe in conducting business with
    
21. Distributor gives preferential treatment to
    
some retailer

22. Distributor do not force retailer into purchase     

23. Coca- Cola does display free samples     

Retailer 24. I prefer those who provide various variety of

    
expectation products

25. Free sample is important for me     

26. I expect distributor should provide free

    

27. Distributor should provide credit policy     

28. Distributor employee should not force

    
retailers to purchase

29. Company should have friendly return policy     

Perceived 30. The brand/service of this firm is reasonably

    
value priced
31. The brand/service of this firm offers value for
    
money based on previous experiences
32. The brand/service of this firm would be
    

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


33. The brand/service of this firm is a good

    
product for the price deducted by discounts
34. The brand/service of this firm is value for
money compared with that of major     

35. The choice of transacting with the firm is a
right decision when price and other expenses     

are considered
Customer 
36. The offerings always meet my expectation    
37. Taking my experience with other companies,
    
I am satisfied with our offerings

38. The offerings always meet the desirable level     

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


Construct Reliability and Validity
Cronbach's rho_A Composite AVE
Alpha Reliability

Customer 0.930 0.932 0.955 0.877


Expectation 0.863 0.866 0.898 0.597

Information 0.911 0.920 0.931 0.693

Perceived value 0.938 0.941 0.951 0.764

Process 0.954 0.955 0.962 0.783

Service 0.897 0.907 0.922 0.665

Outer loading
Customer Expectation Information Perceived Process Service
Satisfaction value

CS1 0.930

CS2 0.937

CS3 0.943

EP1 0.743

EP2 0.841

EP3 0.807

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


EP4 0.770

EP5 0.648

EP6 0.810

IF1 0.781

IF2 0.794

IF3 0.811

IF4 0.857

IF5 0.856

IF6 0.890

PC1 0.890

PC2 0.902

PC3 0.893

PC4 0.883

PC5 0.856

PC6 0.886

PC7 0.885

PV1 0.837

PV2 0.934

PV3 0.866

PV4 0.892

PV5 0.851

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (


PV6 0.862

CS1 0.881

CS2 0.899

CS3 0.844

CS4 0.826

CS5 0.756

CS6 0.664

Downloaded by Tr?n Ng?c Vân Anh (

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