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Nama : Yunita Maria Lourdes

Nim : 042323618

Mata kuliah : HKUM4101 Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum

1. a. Susunlah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan istilah Presumption of Innocence?
Jawab : The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle of the common law. The UN Human Rights
Committee has stated that the presumption of innocence imposes on the prosecution the burden of proving
the charge and guarantees that no guilt can be presumed until the charge has been proved beyond reasonable
doubt. The Committee has also stated that public authorities should refrain from prejudging the outcome of a
trial by making public statements affirming the guilt of the accused, and that the media should avoid news
coverage undermining the presumption of innocence. Finally, the Committee has stated that defendants
should normally not be shackled or confined in an enclosure during trials or otherwise presented to the court
in a manner indicating that they may be dangerous criminals. Some laws, commonly called reverse onus
provisions, shift the burden of proof to the accused or apply a presumption of fact or law operating against
the accused.

2. b. Susunlah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan jenis kata kerja perfect continuous tense dan
istilah Justice Collaborator?
Jawb : Justice collaborator is criminal who are willing to cooperate with law enforcement officials to uncover
cases of certain organized crimes that pose serious threats. Certain criminal acts are referred to as corruption,
terrorism, narcotics, money laundering, trafficking in persons, and other organized criminal acts. Bharada
Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu have been appointed as a justice collaborator related to the alleged murder
of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. Witness perpetrators who cooperate will receive
legal protection as regulated by Law (UU) Number 31 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 13 of
2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims. Article 10 paragraph 1 of the a quo Law reads:
Witnesses, victims, perpetrators' witnesses, and/or the complainant cannot be prosecuted, both criminally and
civilly, for the testimony and/or report that will be, is being, or has been given, except for the said testimony
or report. given not in good faith.
3. c. Susunlah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan perubahan kata kerja (past perfect tense dengan
simple past tense) dan istilah Contempt of Court?
Jawab : Contempt of court is any act, behavior, attitude and/or speech that can demean and undermine the
authority, dignity and honor of the judiciary. Rules relating to contempt of court already exist in the current
Criminal Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure Code.
The term contempt of court was first found in the general explanation of Law no. 14 of 1985 concerning the
Supreme Court, item 4, paragraph 4, which reads:
"Furthermore, to be able to better ensure the creation of the best possible atmosphere for the administration
of justice in order to enforce law and justice that regulates the action, behavior, attitude and/or speech that
can demean and undermine the authority, dignity and honor of the judicial body known as Contempt of
Court. Along with the introduction of the terminology, a definition is also given.” In practice, threats are
not only against the panel of judges who preside over the trial. The inactive prosecutor of the Cibonong
District Attorney who is a defendant at the Bandung Corruption Court, Sistoyo, was stabbed in the
courtroom in the forehead by a court visitor.

4. d. Susunlah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan unsur pembentuk kalimatnya dengan
menggunakan istilah Legal Standing?
Jawab: Regarding Legal Standing or also known as legal standing, Harjono in the book Constitution as the
House of the Nation (p. 176), explains that legal standing is a condition in which a person or a party is
determined to meet the requirements and therefore has the right to apply for dispute resolution or disputes
or cases before the Constitutional Court (“MK”). The Constitution in Questions and Answers (pp. 43-44),
also explains the same thing, that by referring to Article 51 of Law 24/2003, the Constitutional Court in
several of its decisions has formulated criteria so that a person or a party has legal standing. With the
fulfillment of the requirements regarding the qualifications of legal subjects and the requirements for losses
mentioned above, the applicant has legal standing. provisions regarding legal standing, means that not all
people or parties have the right to submit an application to the Constitutional Court. Only those who really
have a legal interest may become applicants.

5. e. Susunlah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan adverb dan istilah Shifting burden of proof?
Jawab: He materials in this book are taken from web site, foreign textbooks, Constitution of Indonesia
(UUD 1945), Encyclopedia, Indonesian textbooks, others, and intended to give certain of law students a
strong foundation in reading law texts in English. Therefore, vocabulary items are particularly those often
met in texts about law. T Given the limited hours for studying English law in most law departments in
Indonesia, so it is advisable to those students to still continue studying English after completing this book.
Further, to encouraged them to do additional work at home. This book offers a general view of English law
reading materials and a brief guide to correct English usage, which are expected to be of use of law students
and non-law students as well. Furthermore, this book consists of Six Chapters i.e: Chapter ONE about
Introduction dealing with the legal history; Chapter TWO is about What Is Law; (vary law systems);
Chapter THREE is relates to The History and Legal System of Law of Indonesia, describes about some of
legal sources applied in Indonesia; Chapter FOUR is about Contract Law; Chapter FIVE is dealing with
Sample of Contract and the last; Chapter SIX is about LawTerm – Glosary of Legal Term and Meaning.
Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those and specially my wife Erlida
Hanum, S. H., and children: Nur Aisyah Thalib, Iqbal Salim Thalib and, Farhan Thalib, who gave me moral
support and encouragement for publishing this book.

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