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Digital marketing is a buzzword nowadays in the field of business managment. Digital
advertising being indifferent part of it has become most widely talked and worked about
because of its cost effectiveness . In the electronic age the communication between the buyer
and the seller has taken a new aura. More and more people are becoming internet savvy
hence internet is emerging out as strong advertising media. In this paper an attempt has been
made to describe the effectiveness of digital advertising in terms of creating awareness,
interest and preference providing knowledge about the products and inducing the purchase.
The type of most preferred ads is also described. The study concludes that digital advertising
is perceived to be useful and entertaining for the consumers.

KEYWORDS: Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising, Awareness, Interest, Cost


attention of advertisers as a more attractive source to pursue consumers. This promotional
form uses the Internet and World Wide Web to deliver marketing messages to attract
customers. Internet advertising differs from conventional advertising n a manner tha5t
consumers can directly click on the ads and interact with sellers for their queries, more
information and even placing the order. Internet advertising also gives advertisers the benefit
to target the audience selectively and precisely. online advertising include contextual ads on
search engine results pages, banner ads, blogs, social network advertising, interstitial ads,
online classified advertising, and many more. Many of these types of ads are delivered by an
ad server. Internet advertising has very fast and is expected to take major chunk from
advertiser’s media budgets Online The internet has become effective tool of communication.
Its growth attracts the advertising has the benefits of Scalability, Better Demographics,
Targeted messages, Broad and flexible reach - Cost-effective Detailed tracking and
measurement – and last but not least is the creativity. This paper attempts to measure
effectiveness on online advertising.
Review of literature

Following literatures have been reviewed to fetch the relevant information and gain command
on the topic. DR Fortin, RR Dholakia Journal of Business Research, 2005 - article measures
the effects of various levels of interactivity and vividness of a message on attitudes and
behavioural intentions within a web-based advertisement. As a conceptual foundation, the
study introduces the multistep model of the impact of interactivity on advertising
effectiveness. The findings suggest that the effects, of interactivity reach a “plateau” at
medium and high levels, indicating a diminishing returns effect. . Novak and Hoffman (1996)
empirical evidence suggests that consumers respond to much of the advertising on the
Internet in the same ways as they respond to advertising in traditional media, at least with
respect to traditional measures of advertising effectiveness. Internet and other interactive
media like television have been morepowerful, responsive, and customizable than traditional
media. Port, (1999). Drèze and Hussherr (1999) found response to the advertising on the
internet to be similar to response to advertising in other media, except that advertising on the
internet appeared to be easier to ignore. Lynch and Ariely (2000) found that consumers are
less price sensitive when providers on the internet offer different rather than identical
products, a finding that directly parallels findings in more traditional retail settings. (Thomas,
1998). The multimedia aspect of the web could make the experience more fun and
stimulating, thus holding the attention of the online consumer longer (Ghose and Duo, 1998).
Consumers have direct control over web based advertisements on what ads, when, where, and
how long they would like to see them (Gallagher et. al. , 2001). Strangelove (1994)
documented several ad formats, including electronic mailing lists, usenet newsgroups,
signature files, free electronic newsletters, software samples, electronic brochures, and
storefronts on the web. Bush and Harris (1998) continue to show that the number one barrier
to online advertising continues to be no proof of ROI or other measure of effectiveness.
Palanisamy and Wong (2003) found a positive relationship between online consumer
expectations and web- based banner ad effectiveness. Online advertising can be an effective
branding vehicle that could provide marketers with powerful communication tools the web
can present information in numerous ways including text, images, videos, and sound and
therefore, is a flexible medium. The marketplace is changing and it has been shifting towards
online shopping, and virtual market businesses. Due to the changes in the environmental
trend, the online business has to focus more on web-based advertisements.Qimei Chen and
William D. Wells (1999) develop and present a reliable and valid scale that measures attitude
toward a website. They then develop and present additional scales that provide more detailed
information. Laurent Flores (2007), highlighted his findings in the light of internet
advertising consumer model to understand the value of different formats (such as banners,
banners with daughter window, shared real estates, and interstitials) of sponsorship and
broadband advertising. Briggs and Stipp (2000), shared learning accumulated on the
effectiveness of different types of ad formats. Internet advertising is a commercial
communication intended to generate a response over time. A better understanding of the
function of Internet advertising will not only help the development and use of various Internet
advertising formats but also assist the effective integration of both traditional and internet
advertising in marketing campaigns. Commercial communication can take different forms
that when advertisements placed within website content.

Objective of the study

1. To ascertain the importance of online advertising as a promotional tool.

2. To assess the effectiveness of online advertising on purchasing behavior.

3. To ascertain which type of online advertising is preferred by consumers.


This is a descriptive research. Convenience sampling method is used to draw a sample of 113
respondents: Primary data has been collected with the help of a structured questionnaire,
which includes close ended questions only. The sources of The Secondary Data collection are
Internet Websites, Literature review, Previous Researches etc.


Measuring the Effectiveness of Digital Marketing

Most entrepreneurs think of marketing of superstition, rather than a science. That’s why they
constantly battle on whether to spend money on marketing efforts or not. To justify your
marketing budget, and turn marketing from superstition into a science, you need ways to
measure these efforts. With the ability to measure marketing campaigns, you have evidence
on what works as well as where you need to focus your attention and resources. Here are 5
metrics you can measure in your digital marketing efforts.

Return on Investment

The return on investment (ROI) is perhaps the most important measurement in your digital
marketing campaign. It answers the question of whether your digital promotion efforts are
working. By measuring ROI, you get to know whether new leads gained through digital
marketing lead to new sales. In the strictness of sense, ROI as a Key Performance Indicator
(KPI) helps attribute increased sales to digital marketing efforts. If your ROI indicates there’s
a direct correlation of new sales to online marketing efforts, you know your efforts are paying
off. To calculate your digital marketing ROI, divide your total revenue realized from digital
marketing and divide it with the total cost of your digital marketing expenditure. The
resulting figure should help focus your marketing team and avoid any unnecessary conflicts.

Conversion Rate

Another KPI you want to track is the conversion rate of your various channels. The
conversion rate is an indicator of the percentage of people completing the desired action on a
digital advertisement or call to action. For instance, an action in a search engine
advertisement would be the user entering their email address in a website form. Another
action can be clicking on the purchase button on a website. Tracking conversion rates help
you get a sense of the performance of your marketing campaign. You get to evaluate how
effective your digital marketing campaign is in making viewers complete an action. For
instance, your conversion rate tells you how well your display advertisement is working. If
you it gets a thousand visits, but only two of the visitors complete the action, you’ll know
there’s something wrong with the advertisement. You can then take steps to change various
elements to see if the conversion rate goes up. While most people tend to give a lot of
attention to the conversion rate of their websites, it is equally important to monitor and
measure the conversion rates of other mediums as well. That is, measuring the conversion
rate on your display advertisement, social media campaigns, and email marketing efforts push
your digital marketing success significantly further. It is only by measuring conversion rates
across your digital marketing mediums that you are able to tweak each to get the desired
result, which then leads to greater sales.


New Sessions

Tracking new sessions on your website is another metric that greatly impacts on your digital
marketing campaign. While you can track new sessions using proprietary platforms such as
Google Analytics currently, tracking this metric gives you a rough idea of how well your
digital asset does in retaining retain customers and attracting new customers.

Google Analytics is free for website owners, and it offers considerable more data apart from
new session information. The information to be gained on the Google Analytics dashboard is
so robust that websites such as EduBirdie use it for measuring digital marketing metrics that
help it deliver the best technological innovations for college students.
Tracking new sessions is an extremely important KPI in your digital marketing campaign
because it gives insight into how advertisements on social media, search engines, email, and
other platforms are able to attract new customers. It also tracks repeat customers which gives
you a sense of how well those advertisements influenced your targeted consumer’s behavior
and preferences.With such insight, you can then restructure your website to fit the behavior
and preference of your targeted consumers to increase your sales revenue.

When you measure new sessions, you also gain the ability to determine which website layout
maintains a healthy balance of new visitors and returning visitors. Therefore, you are better
able to determine what content resonates with both new and returning visitors which greatly
improves your digital marketing efforts down the line.

Limitations of the research

Sample size is limited to 113 Internet users hence the result of the study cannot be taken as
universal. Findings of the survey are based on the assumption that the respondents have given
correct information. Since the respondents have to fill the questionnaire while busy with their
hectic schedule, many people will reluctant to answer. . The study is conducted only in Indore
City and therefore, several other potential samples outside the city were neglected.

Suggestions and recommendations

As we have seen the potential for banner and Internet ads, informative and creative ads are
also preferred therefore hot new designs and innovative sales concepts should be developed.
Videos are a great way to do that. - Interactive banner designs can be used wherein the client
can print out a product sheet from the banner itself, order a product through a secured order
form on the banner itself, click which button he prefer and be directed to a specialized
product marketing page. The word free is just as effective in advertising online as it is offline.
By sponsoring a freebie, a simple name submission drawing can also get viewers to go
through ads in the process they become aware of the advertisement. Social Networking Sites
are very good source for placing of advertisements as they have the maximum attention and
usage these days. The business sites should not contain advertisements in the form of pop ups
and banner as people uses such sites don’t pay any attention to themTarget Audience –
Keeping target audience in mind. Business people aren't going to have the time or inclination
to participate in game-type ads. On the other hand, teenagers love them. If the target group is
younger people, games might be the thing. Design ad to meet the preferences of target
customer. Online advertising is really helpful and a great opportunity provider for new
entrants and marketer. Sounds and music attached with the ads have more recall value.
consideration the factors like –speed of download,ease of navigation,, domain name,
publicity & advertising activities which building traffic, If all such parameters are considered
while selecting the web sites for online advertising, the impact of such advertising will
definitely be felt. Online advertising is one medium, which helps to generate awareness about
the brand being advertised, it can help in creating an image, it helps in educating the audience
and also builds interactivity & direct response. No other conventional media has the ability to
give all of this.


I believe that digital marketing is extremely effective for advertising and promoting existing
or new brands or products, this is because, there are over 3 billion social media users
worldwide so therefore companies using digital marketing campaigns are almost definitely
going to be able to locate and audience when using a digital marketing campaigns. Some of
the benefits of an effective digital marketing campaign include; an increase in brand visibility
as due to the fact there are over 3 billion social media users as long as you have a good digital
marketing campaign it will get views therefore increasing the brand visibility.

Another reason that digital marketing is effective is due to the fact that it gives companies the
ability to socialize with their target audience, this is good for companies as it gives them a
friendly image towards their consumers, making people more willing to spend their money
with the company, also unlike traditional marketing it allows companies to encourage their
customers to buy their products and give them information on the products.

Digital marketing is also effective due to the fact that it increases the amount of loyalty the
audience has to the product or service, this is because if a company has a good digital
marketing campaign it will be fresh in the public heads because of this they will continue to
use the product or service due to the fact that it is fresh in their head and it is popular among
the public. A good digital marketing campaign can also increase brand credibility and build
brand credibility, as if a company has a good digital marketing campaign it will make their
company become more mainstream meaning that their company will have a larger number of
consumers therefore making the company more credible and attracting a larger number of

Thanks to the Merciful Lord for all the countless gifts that you have offered me, and thanks to
my family for the love and support .
Secondly, I would like to thank “THAKUR SHYAMNARAYAN DEGREE COLLEGE” for
giving me this opportunity to create this research paper. This is something that has been done
by me on a practical basis. I've utilized the knowledge that is provided to us and made this
project. This has been a practical experience for me in relation to the knowledge that is taken
from books.
In making the Research Paper a lot of people have contributed by giving me the required
knowledge and time.
I would like to thank all of them. It is my great pleasure to acknowledge my deepest thanks
to them.
I also wish to extend my appreciation to the management and staff of my college, especially
our principal
“Dr Sharad Phulari”, for his kind coordination and support .
My special thanks to my lovely Parents for their unconditional love and support. It is because
of their assistance and competence that I have reached this milestone and most important
thanks to our BAMMC Course “Co-ordinator Asst. Prof. Chaturthi Apte” for all the help and
I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my Research paper Mentor “Asst.
Prof Shubhangi Ghoshal” for instilling confidence in me to carry out this study and extending
valuable guidance and encouragement from time to time , without which it would not have
been possible to undertake and complete this research .
I would also like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference books
and magazines related to my research paper.
Last but not the least my peers and friends for their valuable comments and suggestions for
making this a cherish able experience for me.


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