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From: Alberto Carrion

Date: 10/11/23
Subject: How to wash clothes usability testing
Dear (Manager)

Good afternoon,
My team and I have conducted testing on the “How to wash clothes” instructions. Overall, the
feedback was positive but there were a few things that needed to be improved. Some of these
things are the document colors, some people had trouble reading it. Also adding images would
be more helpful and shortening some of the instructions to make them clearer and more
Some things that are successful are things like the format that it is easy to navigate, The
instructions are ordered well, and they are easy to follow. These are the things that need to be
changed and what needsneed to be kept. With that in mind, once I make these changes, I will
get in touch with you to move forward with the next steps.

Thank you,
Alberto Carrion
Date: 10/11/23
From: Alberto Carrion
Subject: How to wash clothes instructions results

I am reaching out to you to update you on the results for the instruction on how to wash clothes
that I wrote. I had a few people test them out and give me feedback and tell me what was good
and what should be changed. Overall, the feedback was good with a few changes that need to
be made. Once I make these changes, I hope to hear back from you so that we can move

Based on the test results the things that need to be were changed are the following. These are
things that the users agreed on that need to be changed to improve the instructions and make
them clearer to users.

 Finding 1: The document colors – The color of the background did not have enough
contrast with the text and some people had trouble reading it. Font colors and
background need to be changed so that they can be easier to see.
 Finding 2: Lack of images - : There were no images and adding some would be more
helpful for users when using the instructions. A few images added will make it easier to
follow and give the readers a visual of the instructions.
 Finding 3: Shortening sentences and being more specific - : shortening sentences would
make the instructions and being more specific and will make the instructions clearer.
Doing so will also make it easier for the reader to follow and get straight to the point.
Based on the test results the successful things that were kept are the following. These are things
that the users agreed on were successful and should be kept as is.

 The instructions are ordered well – The instructions are ordered well and easy to follow.
 The format – The instructions are formatted well and easy to navigate.

Users were asked to go over the instructions and use them as if they did not know how to wash
clothes and to report any successes and improvements that need to be made. The instructions
were tested by different individuals and this test was used to update them and improve them.
The changes that need to be made are: The font and background color, the addition of images,
and shortening and being more specific in sentences. We hope that making these changes will
make the final product more helpful and useful to users.

It is recommended that these changes are made to satisfy the reader and make it a easier when
reading instructions.

 Font colors
 Add images.
 Shorten sentences.

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