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Mackenzie Inman

Professor Furuness

219 Creative Writing

10 December 2023

Classroom Plan Reflection

Accountability Check: I did not attend any of the original events I had planned to attend.
I ended up attending the Visiting Writing Series of Lauren Redniss and Lydia Millet, as
well as attending LamarXStravinsky Uncharted Series at the Indiana Symphony

VWS: Larune Redniss

● What surprised you? What did you learn?
I was surprised by her creative works. I should say I'm mesmerized with
her artwork that she creates herself. I learned Laurnee does a lot of
environmental work, for prediction of the environment and its people. I
love learning about her writing process of collecting oral history
interviews. I connected this concept back to my GHS class where we
listened to an oral history podcast.

● What questions were answered? What new questions do you have?

One question I had was about her book she displayed of her work with the
consistent black and white pages. I was wondering why do this when so
clearly artistically talented? She answered this question by explaining the
drastic switch when the color finally appears connecting to the plot/drastic
change of the novel. One new question I have is if she will continue to do
her oral history works connected with art pieces like she did for the New
York Ballet?

● What will you do next? What do you need now?

Next I will attend another VWS series. What I need now is one of Laurn
Redniss' books.
Lamar Stravnisky Uncharted series:

● What surprised you? What did you learn?

I was surprised at the creation of the event itself. The connections between
Lamar’s Damn. album and Stravinsky's ballet. This experience was
beautiful and provoked me to want to write something real, something
people can relate to. I feel that the performers had the whole audience
connected to them that night. I learned of the meaning behind the album
and the ballet, it taught me to channel the personal experiences I do have
in a good light.

● What questions were answered? What new questions do you have?

A question answered for me was the meaning behind the selection of
Lamar’s album. A new question I have is how the Uncharted Series is
selected/ how do artists get selected? I see the common theme of more
activist selections, I just wonder how they decide?

● What will you do next? What do you need now?

Next I plan to attend another Uncharted Series, and have another life
changing experience.

VWS: Lydia Millet

● What surprised you? What did you learn?
I was surprised by the simplicity of Lydia Millet as a person. When I had
the honor of questioning her at the Q & A it felt as if I was speaking to a
friend, not a renowned author. I believe there is something special in that.
I learned a new routine to attempt my writing process and the concept of
balancing time.

● What questions were answered? What new questions do you have?

My question was specifically answered during the Q&A about ehr desire to write
in an environmentalist tone, standing up for environment work. A new question I
have is what creative direction does she prefer the most fiction or magazine
reviews in a nonfiction format?

● What will you do next? What do you need now?

Next, I would like to read The Children’s Bible. I enjoyed the snippet we
read for class. Now I just need to keep practicing my writing methods.

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