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Week 4 Assignment

Name: Arpan karki

1) A University contains many Faculties. The Faculties in turn are divided into
several Schools. Each School offers numerous programs and each
program contains many courses. Lecturers can teach many different
courses and even the same course numerous times. Courses can also be
taught by many lecturers. A student is enrolled in only one program but a
program can contain many students. Students can be enrolled in many
courses at the same time and the courses have many students enrolled.
2) Consider a bus ticketing system that records information about
the passenger, bus and route. Passenger is assigned to a bus that
travels to a route. A bus contains many passengers and a passenger
can be assigned into only one bus. Many busses travel in same route
but a bus can travel in only one route. The attributes of passenger are
pid(unique), gender and phone_no(multi-values). Similarly bus
contains regno(unique) and color and route contains rid(unique),
distance and rate.
3) A video store rents movies to members. Each movie in the store has a
title and is identified by a unique movie number. A movie can be in
VHS, VCD, or DVD format. Each movie belongs to one of a given set
of categories. The store has a name and a (unique) phone number for
each member. Each member may provide a favorite movie category
(used for marketing purposes).There are two types of members:
1. Golden Members:
Require their credit card and can rent more than one movie each time.
2. Bronze Members:
Don't require their credit card and can rent only.

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