Detailed Lesson Plan Softball

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Grade 8 Health

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding a guidelines and principles in
exercise program design to achieve fitness.
B. Performance Standard
The learner modifies a physical activity program for family/ school to
achieve fitness.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify and explain the basic skills of softball;
b. practice proper and acceptable behavior (e.g., fairness, respect for
authority) when participating softball; and
c. perform the skills involved in the sport. PE8GS-II-h-4

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Team sport
b. Subtopic: softball
c. References: Module in Physical Education Grade 8, pp. 72-74
d. Value Integration: Value sportsmanship
e. Materials: Powerpoint, Tv, crampled paper, ball, bases

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. preliminary Activities
A. Prayers
Everybody stand up and let us pray.
Jeny please lead the prayer.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your
name. Your kingdom come. Your will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. Amen.
B. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning, ma’am!

C. Checking the attendance

Frea please check the attendance.

Okay ma’am.
D. House rules
I will remind you our house rules.
Always remember my name
R- raise your hand if you want to
I – if you open it, close it
C- contribute to the discussion, and
H- help each other

Is that clear?

Yes ma’am.

B. Developmental Activities
A. Review
Last meeting, we discussed about
the history and background of
softball right. Who wants to
summarize about of it?
Yes, Johny.

Softball began in 1887 when George

Hancock called it out “play ball”
Very good, what else do you
Yes, Alexa
In 1895 Lewis Rober, Sr. of Minneapolis
organized outdoor games as exercise for fire
fighters, this game was known as kitten ball.


B. Motivation
Now, let’s play a game called “ play
ball” if you are familiar with the
game of egg toss. It’s just like this
game but our egg is crumpled paper.
For the mechanics of the game
James, please read.
1. Choose a partner
2. Form two (2) lines facing your
3. Each pair takes a crumpled paper
ball and stands a few feet apart
4. Wait for the signal “play ball”
before you throw
5. If you and your partner catch the
ball without dropping, the pairs
steps back, pass and catch the
ball again
6. The partner has to leave the
game if one drops the ball
7. The last with the ball wins the
Is it clear to you the mechanics?
Yes ma’am
Okay choose your partner
Let’s start!

C. Presentation
What skills were involved in your
activity a while ago?
Yes Mika
throwing ma’am

Very good, what else?

yes, Makoy

catching ma’am

right! What sport do you think

throwing and catching are used in?

(if no one answer)

Is it volleyball? is it basketball or is
it softball/ baseball?
baseball/ softball ma’am
Exactly! Are you familiar with this
yes ma’am
no ma’am
Some of you are familiar with it and
some are not.
D. Lesson proper
Now, let’s tackle about the basic
skills of softball. There are 5 basic
skills. These are throwing, catching,
pitching, batting and base running.
Let’s discussed first the throwing.
Kay can you please read the
throwing is most basic skills in softball/
baseball. It allows the team to prevent their
opponent from touching bases or even
earning points or runs.
Thank you. Skilled throwing is the
key for every position on defensive.
Having a strong arm is crucial to
making accurate long throws.
There are elements of throwing:
these are grip, wind- up delivery and
(demonstrate on this elements)
Everyone, please stand up and let’s
do the throwing.
Imagine that you hold the ball and
follow me.

(the learners follow me)

Did you get it?
yes ma’am.
Okay let’s proceed to pitching, Ella,
please read.
Pitching is a skill that puts the game to play.
It is performed by pitcher, one of the key
players in baseball/softball who stay at the
center of the playing field called diamond.
Thank you. Pitching is the most
important skill. It is different from
throwing because it is done in an
underhand motion. Like this
(demonstrate the pitching)

Please stand up and let’s do the

pitching. Imagine that you hold the
ball and follow me.
yes ma’am
Okay one more. (demonstrate)

(the learners follow)

Excellent class!
Now let’s move on to catching.
Geter please read the definition of
This is a defensive skill used to receive a
thrown ball and hold a base runner or batter
from proceeding or preventing them from
earning a point or a run.
Thank you. Just like throwing,
catching is another crucial defensive
skill, no matter what position you
play on the field. In the outfield, you
have to be especially good at
catching high-fly ball. In the infield,
you have to be able to catch short
throws from another infielder’s
especially at first base. The position
where catching is most important is
aptly named catcher. There in a
squat, you have to catch fast pitch
from your pitcher.
Okay everyone stands up and let’s
do the catching.
Imagine that I hold a ball, I will be
going to throw and you need to
catch, okay. I count 1 to 3 and you
need to catch.
1 2 3 catches.
(the learner catch the ball)
Very good!
Lorna come in front and act as a
catcher and imagine that I throw the
ball to you.
(Lorna come and act as a catcher)
Okay 1,2,3 catch
(Lorna catch the ball)

Next is batting
Lovely please read.
This is an offensive skill used to strike the
pitched ball using a bat done to advance to
the bases and eventually leading to earning
a point or a run.
Thank you Lovely.
This skill is all about your ability to
make contact with the ball while
hitting. To hit the ball or to be a
consistently good hitter takes timing,
hand-eye coordination and
confidence before swing the bat.
I will demonstrate to you on how to
Imagine that you hold a bat
First position your feet should be 1-2
meters wide, bend your knees, grip
the bat position your hands into the
bat 1 o’clock, eyes on the ball, twist
your hip and swing. Okay
One more time (demonstrate)
Stand up and follow me
(learners follow me)
And last is base running or running.
Angelica please read.
This is a very important skill. You need to
master because it allows you to advance
from one base to the other with full speed
and agility safely.
Thank you, Angelica.
The last of the five is the simplest:
running, this applies to both offense
and defense, the only tool that does.
Running especially applies to
outfielders on defense, as they have
to cover more ground to get the
balls. It is especially important on
offense when running the base.
Being fast is a huge advantage,
leading to more hits and runs. I
know that all of you know how to
run. The important here is speed and
E. Generalization
Okay class what are the basic skills
involved in softball?
Yes, Jacky
Throwing, catching, pitching, base running
and batting ma’am
Why is throwing an important skill
in softball?
Throwing is an important skill in softball
because it allows players to make accurate
throws to their teammates and make defense
plays to get opposing player out.
How can you improve or increase
your speed and agility in softball?
By practicing drills that involve quick
footwork and reaction time as well as
maintaining a healthy and fit body
F. Application
Now, we are going to play kick ball
game. I will present to you the
mechanics of the game
Lorraine please read.

1. Divide players into two teams

2. Start the game by tossing a coin
3. There are 4 bases and 7 players
in the field who plays.
4. Choose 1 of your members to
roll the ball and 6 teammates to
catch the ball and tag the kickers
5. The out tries to catch the ball
and tag the kicker before they
reach a base
6. If the kicker reaches a base
safely, they can stay there or try
to advance to the next base when
the next kicker comes up.
7. The kicker has three strikes to
kick the ball. If they miss three
times they are out.
8. The out team can also get a
player out by catching a kicked
ball before it touches the ground
or by throwing the ball and
hitting the runner
9. Once three players are out, the
teams switch roles
10. The game played three times,
three times act and three times to
11. The team with the most runs
after times game wins the game.

Thank you. Now, I will divide you

into 2 teams count 1 starting to
All your members will play so they
can have an experience playing the
game okay.
Yes ma’am
Okay let’s start

IV. Evaluation
Bring out ½ sheet of paper and let’s have a quiz
1. What defensive used to receive a thrown ball and hold a base runner or batter to
prevent the opponent from earning point or a run?
a. Catching b. Batting c. Pitching d. Throwing
2. Which of the following is the fundamental skill in playing softball/baseball?
a. Blocking b. Serving c. Shooting d. Catching
3. Which of the following is the element of throwing?
a. Wind-up b. Catching c. Hitting d. Shooting
4. Which is not a basic skill of softball?
a. Strike out b. base running c. Catching d. Batting
5. What skills is performed by a pitcher who stays at the center of the playing field
called a diamond?
a. Catching b. Batting c. Pitching d. Running
6-10. Complete the I learned statement:
I learned that ___________, I was surprise that____________, and I realized

V. Assignment
Tomorrow wear your prescribed uniform and let’s apply what you have learned today
especially in batting.

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