Lesson Plan 5

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Lesson Plan 5: Grain Elevators


Grade(s): 1/2

Subject(s): Fine Arts and Social Studies

Long-Term Sequencing Long-Term Sequencing

and Scaffolding: - Students will further develop art skills
- Students will gain a deeper understanding of agriculture in

- Students have learned that personal stories can relate to the
experiences of others (in earlier times).
- Students have learned how communities change overtime.
- Students have explored and represented ideas in and through
visual arts.


Curricular Expectations: Fine Arts Grade 1:

Organizing Idea: Creating and Presenting: Ideas can be represented

through artworks that draw upon foundational visual arts knowledge.

Guiding Question: How can ideas be expressed in and through visual


Learning Outcome: Students construct an idea visually using the

elements of art.

- Inspiration for an idea in visual arts can come from other artists
and artworks, stories, imagination, the environment
- An artistic idea is expressed through the elements of visual arts.
Skills and procedures:
- Create artworks based on a variety of inspirations. Experiment
with artistic choices when representing ideas through visual art.

Social Studies Grade 2:

Organizing Idea: Understanding the history of our province, nation,
and world and developing cultural literacy allow us to appreciate the
varied richness of our shared human inheritance of original writings,
artifacts, stories, beliefs, ideas and great cultural and artistic
achievements from different times and places. Lessons of the past and
knowledge of diverse experiences help us overcome ignorance and
prejudice and recognize our common humanity and dignity.

Guiding Question: What aspects of past civilizations continue to

influence the way we live?

Learning Outcome:Students analyze some major contributions of

ancient Western and Eastern civilizations to life and society today.

Implicit Learning: - Cultural heritage: students will gain an implicit understanding

about local culture and heritage in Alberta
- Historical context: students will absorb historical elements
embedded in the art of past farming practices
- Interconnectedness of communities: students will learn how
communities share resources and support


- GoCanada- Grain Elevator: https://youtu.be/B-UF49v1J-8

- Powerpoint slides with examples of grain elevator factors
- Students need visual journals and blue sketch journals
- Markers and good copy paper


- Watch GoCanada- Grain Elevator

- Powerpoint slides that provide students with examples of grain elevator factors to draw
- Drawing / labeling for grain elevators
- Art exemplar for grain elevators
- Students do art for grain elevators

- Specific students may need to sit closer to the board if they get distracted easily. Make sure
Stella is sitting on the ball.
- Visuals are included in the video and on the powerpoint of what the different machinery
looks like to differentiate for learning styles/ accommodations.
- Pick students to repeat instructions.
- Circulate tables to assist with coloring/ drawing..
Students will consider the importance of the historical grain elevators common in Alberta. They
will demonstrate their understanding through drawing the different factors and machinery. They
will take their learning further through using creativity when drawing their own grain elevator.



Introduction / Hook (3 - Get the class to gather on the carpet/ in chairs

mins) - Use hands on top strategy to get their attention
- Explain to the class that they will be watching a video about
grain elevators, and the importance they play in Alberta’s
- Ask the class if anyone knows what a grain elevator is
- A grain elevator is a tall structure used for the storage
and handling of grain (collection, storage,

Activity 1: - Watch GoCanada- Grain Elevators

GoCanada-Grain - Ask the class about some machinery that they noticed in the
Elevators (5 minutes) video
- Ask the class if grain elevators are taller or shorter than most
- IF TIME: Pair share with students to share what their favorite
part of the grain elevator is

Activity 2: Drawing/ - Tell the students now they are going to look at photos of
labeling grain elevators different types of machinery needed in grain elevators
(15 minutes) - Ask the students if they know what each thing is for (train-
transportation, grain elevator- store grain, conveyor belt- bring
grain up into different bins for processing)
- Tell them they will be drawing each of the different types of
machines and labeling it
- Give out worksheets for grain elevator drawings and give them
time to complete it
- Ask a student to repeat what they will be doing (drawing
different machinery and labeling it)
- Set the timer for the rest of class
- Circulate around the class

Activity 3: Art Exemplar - Nicole will demonstrate art for the students
with Nicole (x rest of - Rough copy drawing/ coloring with pencil crayon grain
class) elevators in blue sketch journals
- Once rough copy is done, good copy can be created using paper
handed out and markers

Conclusion / - Share a student exemplar

Wrap up (x 3 mins) - Ask the class to repeat what a grain elevator is for


1. Formative Assessment: Students will be formatively assessed during the grain elevator art.
This piece will demonstrate their creativity, time and effort. It will also connect students to
a historical part of agriculture in Canada.

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