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Discussion Results

I will explain to you how this happened and why this is the result. First, me and
my group mates did a pacing field research experiment where our team had to
measure the steps of everyone who had the meters that needed to be reached
from station A to stations B and C.

but before that, we prepared the tools that we will use: surveyor's tape and chalk.

The surveyor tape we use is 50m long; its purpose is to measure meters A, B, and
C and we know the steps we should go and stop at.

We also used cholk to stamp the number of each station we measured.

Since the preparation is complete, I started placing surveyor tape to measure the
start point from A to B, and it measures 80 m, and the one going to C is about
20m; in other words, from A to C, we have 100m in general, and this is also the
end point.

After that, we started walking individually and counting the number of our paces
going from A to B and returning to B to A until we did five trials, and the same
from station A to C and C to A until we got five numbers of paces.

Since I got my paces of number, I started to calculate my pacing using the formula
pace factor, taped distance, mean, and what I got from A to B was mean 108 and
the pace factor was 0.75, and from A to C, which I mean is 137.4, and the paced
distance I have here is 100.302, and after that, I immediately took relative
precision, and what came out was 333.12 RP, which is big and within my relative
precision of 1/200 to 1/500.

In my observation of what I did, I found out that I can find out how to get the size
of my step by walking in meters and also know how much pacing I can do in 80 to
100 meters of walking. I also found out how to use surveyor's tape by holding the
end of the string with the number 0 and aligning a straight line from the starting
point to the end point.

I recommended that before you do this, I found out that the straight line of your
surveyor's tape must be dead at the end point of your line so that you can
measure evenly and without error in your computation while walking, and also
that you must be a team when you do this because you need help here because it
can't be done by just one person, so it's really necessary to cooperate here so that
the project can be done well or so that there are no problems with your project.

Field 2
Discussion Results

I will explain to you how this happened and why this is the result. First, my group
mates and I did a taping experiment over smooth, level ground and Uneven sloping
ground where our team had to measure the level of the ground and the slope so we
could get the relative precision of these.

but before that, we prepared the materials we will use: surveyor's tape and chalk.

The surveyor tape we use is 50 meters long; its purpose is to measure meters A and B.

We also used chalk to mark the number of stations we measured.

We also use range poles to mark areas, set straight lines, and improve visibility by
attaching surveyor's tape to points requiring distance.

Since the preparation is complete, my team immediately did our job to measure A to B
by tapping over smooth level ground where we measured its ground level straight
horizontal from station A to B and B to C until we got its meters, and we computed,
and the result is that we have a mean of 116.745, our difference is 0.03, and relative
precision is 1/3891.5. I found out that ground level precision is greater than pacing,
but it is fine to exceed 1/1000, so we successfully did it.

then we made my uneven sloping ground, where its purpose is to measure up and
down the area or path, in other words, it is called slope, where we used a range pole
and through the breaking tape method for measuring and rows of poles until we
obtained our mean and yours is 37.005, its difference is 0.01, and its relative precision
is 3700.5, which corresponds to the correct size for this

In my observation of what I did, I found that I can figure out how to get a
semi-perimeter, corr, and adjusted angle where you can figure out the
adjacent angle with two angles that don't overlap but are adjacent. Adjacent
angles have a common vertex. and I also learned what a chord is, which
means a line segment joining two points on a curve or the circumference of
a circle of a chord. and I also learned to know how to get its area and how
much area I have

I recommend that while doing this, measure it properly, start by measuring

below ground level from the ground and not on the flat, and adjust the
measurement angle from the equivalent of the adjacent, hypothesized, and
opposite for the chord .

Doing all this, I am happy because by doing this, I am improving myself as an

engineer because of the importance of measuring the tape over smooth
level ground. Measure the road evenly or straight horizontally; its purpose is
to make the road equal to people or vehicles and also for everyone. The
same goes for uneven sloping ground; its purpose is to adjust the road from
above and down the road or wall of your house in the slope area with the
breaking tape method.
Field 3

Discussion Results

I will explain to you how this happened and why this is the result. First, my
group mates and I made a determination of the area of a rectangular field
with tape, where our team had to measure the level of the rectangular area
with a polygon shape, take or calculate the fixed angle , and calculate the
individual area of each triangle for this project.

But before that, we prepared the materials we were going to use: surveyor's
tape and chalk. The surveyor tape we use is 50 meters long; its purpose is to
measure meters A and B. We also used chalk to mark the number of stations
we measured. We also use range poles to mark areas, set straight lines, and
improve visibility by attaching surveyor's tape to points that require
distance. We also used a marking pin where it was intended to mark points
on the ground for reference. With the preparations done, my team
immediately did our work.

We started to measure from A to E station, where we measured and made a

polygon shape for the rectilinear area we had to build it, where it should be
measured to the ground level area at the marking pin and range pole. After
measuring that, we move on to get a triangle from ABO, BCO, CDO, DEO,
and AEO. We calculated it and got the chord, and the result is 1.95/2 =
0.975, which means its chord is a circle which means that the chord of a
circle can be defined as the line segment that joins any two points on the
circumference of the circle. and where Magnectic North is located from
station C to station D. and has a total area of 71.625 because when we put
everything together we got all the triangle area for its total rectilinear area

In my observation of what I did, I found that I can figure out how to get a
semi-perimeter, corr, and adjusted angle where you can figure out the
adjacent angle with two angles that don't overlap but are adjacent. Adjacent
angles have a common vertex. and I also learned what a chord is, which
means a line segment joining two points on a curve or the circumference of
a circle of a chord. and I also learned to know how to get its area and how
much area I have

I recommend that while doing this, measure it properly, start by measuring

below ground level from the ground and not on the flat, and adjust the
measurement angle from the equivalent of the adjacent, hypothesized, and
opposite for the chord .

By doing all this, I am happy because, by doing it, I am improving myself as

an engineer because of the importance of measuring the determining area
of a rectilinear field with tape. because its purpose is to determine the
direction and distance between two points. The area of a rectilinear field
can be determined by dividing it into smaller rectangles and triangles,
measuring their individual areas, summing their areas, and measuring their
total area.

Field 4
Discussion Results

I will explain to you how this happened and why this is the result. First, my
colleagues and I made a group on measuring horizontal angles by compass
using tape, where our team had to measure a horizontal angle that can be
measured using a magnetic compass with an external graduation ring that
measures degrees from 0 to 360 on a circle and calculate each station area
for this project.

But before that, we prepared the materials we were going to use: surveyor's
tape and chalk. The surveyor tape we use is 50 meters long; its purpose is to
measure meters A and B. We also use range poles to mark areas, set straight
lines, and improve visibility by attaching surveyor's tape to points that
require distance. We also used a tripod this is a device used to support and
stabilize our theodolite instrument. We also used a theodolite for measuring
angles both horizontally and vertically.

We started measuring from A to C station, where we intended tape

measuring at A, B, and C, where we measured and placed the range pole,
and we also used a theodolite to find out and measure the horizontal angle
if we see equal sight of our line at each station of its range pole, and here
we also used a portable compass to find out its horinzal sight and tapping
each station counterclockwise. After we started to compute, we took the
measure value, correlation, and adjusted value, and where it comes out
when we compute the correct process, where we got 360 degrees angle per

In my observation of what I did, I found out that I can find out how it was
done: measuring horizontal angle by compass, where we are not only using
tape measuring and a range pole, and where we have used a tripod here
and how to use and place it on the ground as an equal for the theodolite,
and where we also observe the use of the theodolite and how it is used and
held as a measurement of the horizontal line of my angle. I also observed
how a portable compass is used, where it is held, used, and measured, and
moving counterclockwise as a circle.

I recommend to you the use of a tripod; every foot of it must be equal, and
when using the theodolite, it must be handled correctly and properly so as
not to damage or destroy some parts of it and every type of it because it will
damage your horizontal angle measurement work, and likewise for the
compass. Be careful here too.

By doing all this, I am happy because, by doing it, I am improving myself as

an engineer because the importance of horizontal angle measurement by
compass is mapping and determining the position and alignment of points
or elements on the surface of the earth. It is also used to measure horizontal
angles in projects such as construction to ensure proper alignment, leveling,
and construction of structures.

Field 5
Discussion Results

The experiment we are doing is focused on leveling the difference. We use a

dumpy level to determine the height difference between benchmarks 1 and
2, which are located in front of the IS building and entrance gate of Neu,
respectively. With the help of the plumb bob, we make sure that the leveling
rod is both vertically and horizontally steady because even a millimeter or an
inch of tilt will affect the relative error. Additionally, to make sure that the
measurement we will make is accurate or correct, we make sure that the
bubble of the dumpy level is in the middle. Because it's so far away, we have
two turning points. and computing it ELEV + BS and = HI - IFS = ELEV and HI -
FS = ELEV + BS = HI - IFS = ELEV and total BS with positive and Total of FS
with negative and next is Arimetric computation for checking Elevation ELEV
for BM1 first point + total of BS, - total of FS.

There are no onlookers present as the theodolite experiment, a precision

optical experiment, is being carried out. Use of clear signage, verbal
communication, and safety obstacles should all be done to ensure accuracy
and eliminate distractions. Experiments should be scheduled when there is
little activity or foot traffic, and designated employees should resolve any
issues. Public announcements should be issued to the neighborhood via
official channels to prevent disruptions and guarantee the experiment's
success and accuracy.

The things that I will recommend to you should be fixed first by assembling
your dumply level in the correct way from the triagle and tripad adjustment
after that the bubble of the dumply level is fixed so that there is no mistake
in your use of the dumply level and also in the acquisitions of backsight and

By doing all this, I am happy because, by doing it, I am improving myself as

an engineer. The importance of differential leveling is the operation of
determining the elevations of points some distance apart. This is the
method used in highway surveying to establish the necessary vertical control
for construction. Usually, this method is done by direct leveling.

Field 6
Discussion Results

Profile leveling is the process of leveling a fixed line to determine the heights
of the ground surface along the line where we measured bm1 from the
unlad post and will go bm2 to the guard post. The process begins by setting
up the theodolite and leveling rod instruments on the benchmark and
recording their elevation. Then, the Theodelite instrument is moved along
the desired path, and readings are taken at designated intervals, usually
every few meters or as required by project specifications. A leveling rod is
positioned at each point, and the instrument is used to measure the
difference in height between the benchmark and the point being tested.

My observation is the condition of the leveling equipment. It is essential to

regularly check and maintain the instruments used for profile leveling
because any damage or misalignment can affect the accuracy of the

My recommendation is that taking multiple readings at each point along the

profile can help reduce errors and increase the reliability of the
measurements. Averaging the readings or using statistical techniques can
further enhance accuracy.

As an engineer, I am happy I did this because the importance of studying

profile leveling is to determine the differences in elevation along a fixed line
at designed short measurement intervals, or, in other words, to measure the
elevation of points on a specific line or route.

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